Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set Page 91

by Lauren Wood

  “That phone call was my Commander. I have failed to fulfill the details of my mission. We cannot stay here any longer, we have to go.” Zig grabbed for Kayla’s arm. This was urgent. Kayla pulled away from his reach.

  “No.” She planted her feet firm to the linoleum floor. “I am not going anywhere until you tell me what the mission was.”

  “Kayla it is confidential information. All I can divulge is that this planet is no longer safe for us. We need to leave. Now.”

  “Whoa. What do you mean this planet is no longer safe? Zig what did you do?”

  “Kayla, my mission was to eradicate Earth. I proposed different action however the Higher Order is not interested in hearing one warrior’s opinion. They have terminated my employment. I presume matters will be taken into their own hands now.” Zig continued packing the duffle bag.

  “It will take them days before they arrive in our galaxy. We have time to warn everyone!” Kayla ran for the door.

  “Our transportation is much more efficient than that of Earth. They will be here in minutes. We must leave now.”

  “But where will we go?” Kayla was terrified.

  “We cannot return to Mamugnar. If I was to step foot on Mamugnar I would be eliminated.” Zig’s mind spun searching for resolution. “We will have to seek refuge in a neighboring galaxy. I am truly sorry Kayla. I never intended for this to happen.”

  Kayla could sense the sincerity in Zig’s voice. Without hesitation she began gathering her belongings and prepared to leave this life behind.

  “What about Lonnie and Rin? We can’t just leave them behind!” The sudden realization of her best friends’ safety struck her.

  “Kayla, we are running out of time.” Zig stopped and caught the tortured look in Kayla’s eyes.

  “They would never leave me behind.” Kayla headed toward the door. “I am not leaving them to die.”

  Furiously, Zig followed. Their window for escape was coming to a close. He understood Kayla’s love for her friends but in a situation like this, such a sacrifice could leave them all covered in ash.

  “We must move quickly.” Zig ushered Kayla out the door.

  Outside, people carried on their daily lives. Mothers pushed their babies in strollers and children ran through parks. Construction sites buzzed with activity and taxis were available for hire.

  From a distance, Zig could hear the hum of Mamugnar drones nearing. The sound was all too familiar. After piloting the drones since childhood, he could identify their constant hum in his sleep. However out of sight, the drones sounded as though there were merely five minutes away. They would have to act quickly.

  Lonnie and Rin’s was only a two-minute walk from Kayla and Zig’s apartment. Kayla pounded incessantly on the painted green door.

  “Lonnie!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Rin! Open up the door! Hurry, please!”

  Inside there was shuffling and stifled laughter. “Kay, baby girl. What is the hurry?” Lonnie greeted them at the door.

  Exasperated, Kayla fell into the apartment. She hadn’t realized that she had been leaning on the door this entire time. Scrambling to her feet Kayla blurted “No time to explain. Go pack a bag. We need to leave. Now.”

  “Sweet girl, what has gotten into you?” Lonnie’s voice was fearful. Rin remained silent, weary.

  “I think we need to listen to her.” Rin fished a backpack out of the closet.

  Zig made his way across the apartment to the window overlooking the kitchen sink. Overhead, clouds were forming as Mamugnar drones were nearing. “They are almost here.” Zig narrated.

  “We will explain later.” Kayla helped Rin gather a few choice belongings. Lonnie’s feet remained intact with the floor.

  “They’re here.” Zig pressed his nose against the window.

  Three large drones had arrived. Each was grey and could span the length of a dozen football fields. They hovered over the city casting shadows masking the appearance of daylight and bringing night up them. The darkness had returned to Kayla’s life.

  The largest drone readied its weaponry and unleashed a powerful blast toward the Earth. Zig was certain there would be thousands of casualties from this one blow. Unlike his encountered previous warfare, Zig noticed the orb ricochet off the ground and shoot back in the direction of the drones wavering above them.

  “Has Earth ever seen such an attack?” Zig’s voice held calm as he turned toward Kayla.

  “Of course not!” Kayla shrieked. “Let’s go!” The three were gathered at the door waiting for Zig to join them.

  “Come here for a minute. I need you to see something.” Zig turned back toward the window. Rin was the first and only to join him. Another blast impaled the Earth’s surface and ricocheted out of sight.

  “I saw it.” Rin concluded. “The energy contained in the Earth’s core is unparalleled to any other planet rendering the attacks ultimately useless. The drones do not possess enough power because they have simply never required it.”

  “Precisely. As Earth has never been exposed to intergalactic warfare the energy has been contained. It has been expanding and intensifying for eons. With each blow to the surface, the energy is agitated and the gunfire rebounds.”

  No later than the words escaped Zig’s mouth, a blow rebounded back making direct contact with the wing of the largest drone. It spiraled uncontrollably until it made contact with the ocean hundreds of miles away. Zig and Rin watched in amazement.

  “The drones are ultimately taking themselves down with each shot.” Rin smiled and turned back toward Lonnie and Kayla cowering together against the door.

  “In English please.” Lonnie was choking back tears.

  “I think they are trying to tell us that Earth, as a planet, has built up its own defense mechanism.” Kayla gathered. She was growing accustom to deciphering Zig’s robotic rants.

  “With all of the unused energy Earth has ultimately created a force field to protect itself from encounters such as this one.” Zig expanded. His mind was churning.

  “The drones are retreating. Do you think they are planning to return with more force?” Rin’s wary expression awaited response from Zig.

  “Mamugnar warriors never flee from combat.” Zig watched the two drones disappear along the horizon.

  “If they never flee, where are they going now?” Kayla coaxed herself across the room and slid under Zig’s arm. “What is going on?”

  Silence filled the room. Kayla could swear she could feel it weighing heavy on her small shoulders. Zig hugged her closely and Rin waited impatiently with his eyes glued to the window.

  “It means they have surrendered.” Zig grinned but sadness flooded his mind bringing back memories of the past. Only once had he heard of similar events surpassing.. When Zig and his father had fought side by side along with the Mamugnar warriors, one planet had stumped them causing the Higher Order to question their action and reason for combat. Before irreversible damage was caused, the Mamugnar warriors retreated. From their surrender the Higher Order was later able to secure a truce with Yeba. They Yebans respected Mamugnar for acknowledging their mistake and joined in unity to strengthen ties between the galaxies. After this event, Zig never saw his father again.

  “Why would they surrender?” Lonnie remained in a pile on the floor. He hugged his body close to the door, trembling. “Am I the only one still freaking out over here?”

  Rim smiled from the sight outside of the window. He understood what Zig was saying. “They know they will only inflict danger upon themselves if they continued their attack. They are accepting defeat Lonnie. They are returning to Mamugnar. Earth is no longer unsafe.” Rin walked across the living room over to Lonnie. He crouched down onto the floor draping his arm over Lonnie’s shoulder in attempt to console him.

  “Is this true?” Kayla clarified, looking up into Zig’s eyes. Kayla could feel the darkness lifting. Maybe this time the darkness was gone for good.

  Zig gazed deep into Kayla’s green eyes. They we
re sparkling with hope. He reached down and brought his lips to hers. When the kiss broke, Zig rested his forehead against hers. “You are completely safe my love. I promise you this now and forever. I will never put you in harms way ever again.” He whispered into her ear shooting chills down her spine.


  Kayla, Zig, Lonnie, and Rin cautiously ventured their way outside to assess the damage. The drones had managed to fire half a dozen shots before retreating. There was certain to be casualties. Zig felt personally responsible and inclined to help.

  The sun had resettled back into its position overhead. The sky shone sapphire blue as though these events hadn’t just transpired. In the distance, smoke bubbled amidst the forest. It appeared that the majority of the enemy fire landed in remote areas, miles away from civilization. Relief washed over Zig’s conscience.

  To the contrary of the groups’ calmness, outside others were panicked. Cars had crashed into fire hydrants. Babies cried along with their mothers. In every direction, people were attempting to flee the planet. This was the first time that Earth had been exposed to such devastation. Confusion of the unknown was causing the habitants of Earth to engage their fight of flight instincts.

  “Zig, we have to do something. We have to tell these people that everything is alright!” Kayla begged her boyfriend. If something wasn’t done, poor human reaction may be the cause of Earth’s demise.

  Zig’s mind soared. “How will I engage so many people at once?” He thought aloud. Rhetorical question. His cognitive gears spun trying to fabricate a plan. Zig surveyed his surroundings. In the distance a tattered radio tower cast a shadow over them making the light shine brighter in his mind. “I have an idea.” He started walking toward the tower.

  Kayla, Lonnie and Rin struggled to match his pace. “What is your idea? Where are we going?” Kayla managed to catch up with Zig.

  “Does Earth still harness the use of radio signal?” Zig’s eyes were focused forward. “It is prehistoric technology in Mamugnar however it is timeless. Radio transmission are frequently intercepted by the agency and translated for service announcements. Such old technology has aided in our avoidance of unnecessary warfare.”

  “If you’re asking if we still listen to the radio on Earth, the answer is yes.” Sometimes Zig’s robotic ranting soared way over her head.

  “Then this plan may work.”

  “Now you’re talking!” Kayla bounced excitedly beside Zig.

  The tower was decrepit however Zig was able to pick up frequency. With what little resources and supplies he had on hand, Zig rigged up a device to tap into the radio waves. It is amazing what can be accomplished with copper wire and duct tape.

  “Attention.” Zig began, the kickback soured his ears and the sound rang through his body. When it settled he adjusted the wire and spoke softly, “Attention all inhabitants of Earth. Attention.” He paused, envisioning the human race reaching for their radios to increase the volume. When he was certain he had gained attention he continued. “My name is Zig and I have arrived on Earth from Mamugnar. I am a peacekeeping warrior in my home planet. Please, remain calm. Earth is no longer in harm’s way. I repeat, Earth is no longer in harm’s way. The enemy has retreated and your families are safe.” Zig hoped that someone, anyone was listening. “Mamugnar warriors have offered surrender and have peacefully retreated. Please, continue with your day. Your homes are safe another day.” Zig stepped away from the tower and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Kayla slipped her hand into Zig’s and squeezed it reassuringly. “Let’s go home Zig.” She smiled up at him.

  They directed themselves back toward the town with the radio tower still looming overhead. Already a sense of tranquility had fallen over the townspeople. Eagerly they buzzed, sharing the news with their neighbors. Spreading the word that Earth was no longer under attack.

  Across the street couples continued strolling through the parks hand in hand. Cars were no longer fleeing and racing down the roads. Things seemed to be falling back into stride.

  Zig was thrilled with the response. He felt personally accountable. This planet had become a second home to him and he found himself willing to do anything to protect Earth and all of its inhabitants. Zig realized that the previous events could certainly be used as evidence to support his proposal of unification between Earth and Mamugnar. His ties with this planet were embedded in his heart and soul. Maybe now the Higher Order would see that Earth was not a defenseless planet. It was a planet full of potential and opportunity. The people on Earth are closely unified showing sign of promise. So badly Zig wanted to contact the agency to share his experience but who would listen if he tried? To the people of Mamugnar, Zig was as good as dead. But ultimately, he felt as though had nothing to lose. He stepped aside leaving Kayla, Lonnie, and Rin to collect themselves. With a nervous hand, Zig brought the phone to his ear.

  “Commander, patch me through to the Higher Order.” Zig demanded.

  “Private, attempted communication as such bodes against the charges of treason. I am denying your access.”

  “Wait.” Zig begged. “As you are obviously aware, one of your drones has been compromised. I witnessed the event and I believe the Higher Order would be interested in hearing what I have to say.”

  Silence echoed.

  “Private, this is the Higher Order. You have my attention.”

  “I am not new to this variety of combat and I understand your reasoning for retreat. Immediately after losing a drone, your men were called back to safety. You have lost one ship and you were not prepared to lose another. Your mission to incinerate Earth is without resource. You have calculated the probability of succeeding in this mission and you surrendered.” Zig explained.


  “I have been on the ground and in the air as a warrior. I know all of the ins and outs of the agency. I am your best hope. So now, I propose unification between Mamugnar and Earth. The people of Earth mean us no harm. They have resided peacefully for thousands of years prior to any foreign contact. We have much knowledge to absorb from there kind. Not to mention the power of their planet is unlike anything I have ever seen before.”

  “Intriguing. Go on, Private.”

  “For eons, Earth has existed without intergalactic conflict and warfare allowing it to build immunity. The planet has withheld all energy within its core. It has strengthened and intensified this unused energy which in turn has expelled a field-like force deflecting all incoming attacks.” Zig smiled to himself. “Your drones have zero effect on its stability.”

  “Why was this not brought to my attention earlier?”

  “I would be lying if I did not say that I tried. I was denied privilege and exiled from Mamugnar as result of treason.” Admitting this fact didn’t make swallowing the information much easier. He had spent the entirety of his life living on Mamugnar. The inability to ever return weighed heavy on his heart. As much as he had fallen in love with his life on Earth, he would be lying if he didn’t admit his dreams of taking his future children to Mamugnar. To show them the place that he so recently called his home.

  “I will personally see to it that the charges are expunged. Your proposal will be processed and discussed. We will need ground intelligence for this unification. Continue your observations, Private.”

  Zig cautiously brought the phone down to its cradle. He was still trying to process it all. This was an information and sensory overload.

  “Is everything alright?” Kayla approached Zig from across the room.

  He kept his eyes glued to the ground, daylight was pouring out around him. He felt as though he was radiating but did his best to contain this newfound sensation of excitement.

  “I just spoke to the Higher Order.” Zig was in shock. Privates were never granted access to directly speak to the Higher Order unless it was through punishment. When he was in military school in Mamugnar, Zig had heard war stories about warriors entering the office of the Higher Order and never returning. Seldom would a posit
ive story arise regarding the Higher Order back home. Until now, he had his own story to share.

  “You did? What did they say?” Kayla couldn’t hold back as much as she tried.

  “Well,” Zig paused, still processing the previous events, “they have agreed to review my proposal to unify Earth and Mamugnar.” He was evidently still in shock.

  “Does that mean you will be staying here? On Earth?” Kayla attempted to contain her excitement but her heart was overflowing with joy. She bounced up and down in amusement at the news.

  “For now at least. I have been asked to gain further intelligence on ground. I believe that means that I have been reinstated through the agency in Mamugnar.” Zig scanned the ground in front of him.

  Kayla threw herself into his arms with no intention of letting go. For the first time, in both of their lives, their future was bright. They had found one another and in each other’s arms, they had found home. The dust had finally settled.



  Chapter 1

  “I can’t believe that I’m left holding the bag and my sister has decided to wash her hands of the entire ordeal. Louise can be a bit of a handful, but at least I always knew that she had my back. I guess I didn’t know much about her relationship with our father. They apparently never saw eye to eye on anything, especially her mixed marriage with Thomas.” This was not the highlight of Vanessa’s week and their father had not been in the grave more than two months. She knew that this would be something that she would have to contend with eventually, but she really did think that her sister Louise would be standing right by her side.

  “I’m sorry, Vanessa, but this is something that you’re going to have to deal with on your own and I just can’t stand being in that house any longer than necessary. I think it’s a good idea that we get rid of it, as soon as possible. You can even have the profits from it. I want nothing to do with it and having him out of my life has given me a sense of freedom that I’ve never had before.” Vanessa could hear the relief in her sister’s voice and she had a momentary attack of the conscience. If their relationship was that bad, then she had no choice, but to allow her sister to walk away cleanly.


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