Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set Page 111

by Lauren Wood

  “Being my daughter, I would think that you had more sense than to believe whatever came out of his mouth. I do believe that he can be of some help. I can use him as bait to lure the others closer, so that I can use a special weapon that will hopefully turn the tables. If worse comes to worst, I can try to trade his life for them leaving us in peace. I will only use that as a last resort.” Catherine didn’t know what she was going to do with her daughter, but for the time being she was better off being heard and not seen. “Both of you are going to come with me. I’m going to put an end to this invasion.”

  “I know that you’re probably not going to believe this, but I might be able to help you. You have no reason to see me as an ally. I do think that you would be foolish not to take any advice that might get you out of this in one piece. Let me talk to them on your behalf. In the meantime, I suggest that you take these directions to heart. I’m going to write down exactly what you will need to turn the tide of this battle in your favor. I don’t think that you have a weapon that will kill them and if you think that you do, then you are about to find out how wrong you really are. There has been nothing in this universe that has been able to stand up to the likes of us.” Marcel was trying his best to see past his disgust, but it wasn’t easy with that woman holding him hostage. Without those wires stuck in his arms, he could easily overpower her, but he was only going to do that if absolutely necessary.

  “I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn, mother. Your ego is the only thing that is keeping you from seeing the truth right in front of your face.” This was getting them nowhere and her mind had already been made up. Natalie glanced over her shoulder and didn’t even have to say one word. It was the expression and the way that her eyes pleaded with him that made it easier for both of them to convey what was on their minds without saying anything at all.

  “I’ve heard just about… ARGHHHHHHH.” It was like she had been attacked by the wind itself. Catherine was lifted off the ground with this creature holding her in the air like she weighed nothing. His other hand was crushing the gun and her hand at the same time. She tried to scream, but there was nothing there. He dropped her crumpled form and she was on her knees looking at her hand and feeling the pain radiating through her limb like that of a white hot poker.

  "I didn’t kill her, but I wanted to with every fiber of my being. I didn’t do that for you and I hope that it doesn’t come back and bite me. I wasn’t lying when I said that I could try to make this world inhospitable. They only came here because they think that this world will be easily inhabitable by their kind. I can show them that being here anymore than necessary is detrimental to their health. What you need to do is follow my directions to the letter. We have some time and this first attack was only to determine your defenses. They will retreat, until the crack of dawn. They will come in force and that is when we are going to have to work together.” Marcel had this need to join his brothers and having them this close had made that pull even that much harder to resist.

  “I’m looking at these directions and they don’t seem to make much sense. I’m going on faith that you know what you’re doing. I can have all of these components loaded onto a scud missile. We’ve made an enemy out of my mother and I don’t think that she’s going to surrender easily. Waving the white flag has never been something that she was good at. She would rather go down in a blaze of Glory than to have to face any kind of tribunal.” “I’ve lived each day to the fullest, or at least I convinced myself that I was. I had let my mother dictate the terms of my life for long enough. I thought that I needed her approval, but I didn’t really need anything from her.” “I have a way to make them back down and give them something else to chew on for a while.” She played with the computer and all the cells opened up to reveal those that had been here one month or almost three years. None of them were very happy, but their freedom was not going to be easy.

  They surrounded her and she noticed that they didn’t look like monsters anymore. They showed their pain and made no mistake about how they felt about being imprisoned. These were humans that had found a way to live with their mutations. They didn’t want to be brought into the light. It was that fear that made them hide what they were and what they were capable of. There were only a few bad apples and those that considered themselves superior turned out to be the worst of the lot.

  “You don’t have any reason to believe me, but this is your way out.” She manipulated the controls of the elevator, so that the doors were the only things that opened. “You can climb the ladder to freedom. You will come across resistance and I expect that not all of you will survive.” “I shouldn’t be using them like this, but it’s the only way. They all have ways to defend themselves and they wouldn’t be here if my mother didn’t consider them to be problematic.”

  All of them looked at her and considered hurting her, but then decided that discretion was a better part of valor. They knew that she was the commander’s daughter and doing anything that would even harm a hair on her head would’ve been tantamount to suicide. They were hesitant to climb the ladder, but when one started the others followed the leader. The one with the bull horns on his head had courage and strength and was willing to share with anybody that was going to follow him into battle. He had a remarkable gift of transferring his emotions to others, especially anger and that was something that he was going to use to his advantage.

  “While they are busy with them, I suggest that you and I find someplace to hold up for the evening. Everything hinges on being ready for when they come back in the morning. They have already left and they do know that I’m here. They will not come for me, until they are sure that they can get to me without any of their kind falling victim.” They both began to climb, but it was very slow going.

  “This level will be deserted. It’s only used for when the big wigs come to town for very secretive meetings. I don’t see them having any reason to come here. They will try to distance themselves and use my mother, as some sort of scapegoat. All this will land on her shoulders unless of course she has her own patsy that she can call on to take the responsibility. I wouldn’t put that past her. She has always been a woman that was out for herself.” “I want to believe that my mother can change, but there’s no way that I can possibly take that chance. Breaking her hand will only make her come after us with a vengeance. The pain will be a reminder and will fuel her need to destroy the dragons. She’ll most likely target that rage at the enemy. She will have no idea that the dragons are more than capable of handling just about anything that is thrown at them.”

  “I’m having a little bit of a problem navigating the ladder, Natalie. Having my brethren this close has forced me to concentrate to keep my natural tendencies from reaching its peak. I feel this overwhelming need to lash out and destroy the humans that have caused me such grief. This is not me talking and this is the dragon that needs its pound of flesh for being detained like that. It’s also making it difficult, because my hands continually change from human to dragon. I’m doing my best, but I need something to take off the edge I have no idea how I’m going to keep myself from causing mayhem.” Marcel did have one idea, but he wasn’t sure how to bring up the topic without sounding like a dirty old man. His age was not in his forties and his true age was over 200 years by human standards.

  “I’m way ahead of you. I know exactly what you’re thinking. Are you sure that’s not going to do more harm than good. I don’t want to do anything that’s going to cause you to become a threat to yourself and others.” “I don’t know why I’m trying to talk him out of it. The excitement and that adrenaline that’s pushing through my veins are causing me to want to succumb to his animal instincts. I can’t help it and being a woman with needs comes with it a fire that cannot be suppressed.” “I’m sure that we would have a great time. If that one time was any indication, then I would have to be a damn fool to turn you down.” “I had to constantly reach down and help him move his hand one after the other up the awkward ladder. Th
e door down below is closed and that avenue of escape is gone.

  “I’m not just saying this to get in your pants. I need this and I know that sounds selfish, but you saw how it helped me to calm the beast. There are times that I feel like there are two sides fighting constantly for control. I wish that wasn’t true, but I know that I have this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of thing going on for me. I just know that what you do for me is better than any drugs that I have taken in the past. It’s taken a bit of trial by error, but I’ve found a concoction that gave me a chance at a normal life.” Marcel was bitterly aware that falling from this height would most likely hurt him. It wouldn’t kill him, but being injured on the cusp of his brothers about to attack was not a good idea.

  “There’s only one more rung and then we are safely on the other side. I won’t be able to help you all the way up. You’re gonna have to do that on your own. I just don’t have the upper body strength to take the brunt of your weight.” “Being away from him has made me feel lonely and having these feelings for him was not what I was expecting. I need to show him that I’m not just paying lip service. I want him to know that losing him is not an option.”

  Marcel was shaking. Afraid of falling was a little unreasonable considering that he had the ability to fly. It was just that he was in this enclosed space and there was no way to expand his wings in the way that he was used to. He pulled himself up and lay there on the floor of the hallway feeling like his heart was going to jump out of his chest.

  “I know that I shouldn’t use you like this, but I have no choice. I’m sure that you’re going to get something out of it yourself. I’m not the kind of guy that would only be out for my own pleasure. That would be selfish and maybe on some small level it still is regardless of any way you slice it.” Marcel got on his feet and he knew that he was never going to be able to keep his libido in check. He was more than happy to give in to those feelings. That body of hers was a living sin. It was made to feel things.

  Chapter 7

  They took a moment to look at each other and it was that devoid of noise that made them think that they were going to get out of this. It was as if time stood still and their bodies were craving to touch one another. Any lingering doubts were extinguished with that first kiss and how he lifted her onto the conference room table with the windows overlooking the courtyard.

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that they would do something like this.” They stopped with their hands pulling at each other’s clothes to witness the devastation that had been leveled on the building and the surrounding structures. There were craters in the earth left behind by the bombardment of fireballs. Those that had been caught within the blast had instantly died without the ability to scream. “I’d forgotten what they were like and I’m not exactly innocent in all of this. I’ve stood by them and was a scout for a long time before I finally had enough. I would lead them to a world that they could conquer.” He felt ashamed of himself and wanted to make amends. He had a lot to make up for. This was their nature and going against it took a lot of effort on his part.

  She walked up behind him and moved her hands around his body. It was a comforting gesture, but also allowed her to feel that blinding heat coming off of him. “I know that you can’t forgive yourself, but let me be the first one to tell you that it wasn’t your fault. They were eventually going to come here anyway. If anybody is to blame, it’s my mother for pointing me towards you like a weapon.” “I have to see his body again and I’m not going to let anything stand in my way. His loins are bursting and I can see the outline of his package trying to rupture through the material of that orange onesy. I know that I’m the cause for his condition and it kind of makes me proud that my overdeveloped body has that effect on him. I know that it’s also fear making him this randy and out of control.”

  Marcel could feel her fingers moving down into the material. Once her hand gripped him tightly, he knew that he was never going to leave the room without bringing things to a boil. “I know that this is the wrong time, but I don’t see any time getting any better. I can’t be trusted when they come back. The drugs will help me, but being satisfied by you will only make it easier.” He watched her drop to her knees with her hands now frantically pulling at that jumpsuit. It fell around his ankles and revealed that he was ready for just about anything. “I know that I’m putting you in a tough spot, but I don’t think that it’s any place that you don’t wanna be.” The first touch of her tongue made his hips push forward, until her mouth was engulfing the product of his arousal.

  Natalie had always wanted a lover that was responsive and caring. She thought that if she waited long enough that the guy would present himself. It did happen, but not in precisely the same way that she thought. “I can’t seem to get enough. His creamy tonic is squirting intermittently across my tongue like that of a paintbrush. I know that I’m probably going to go to hell for doing this and I should be thinking ahead to the attack.” She felt the whole thing lodge in her throat and she tried not to panic, but it was a little hard to do with that feeling of being choked like that of a horse.

  Natalie allowed him to take what he wanted and she could feel the balloon shape of his knob getting ready to go off. She thought that this was what he wanted, but then was surprised to see that this was only the start of something bigger. He was able to pull away from her suction. She looked up and saw those same red flecks swirling around in his eyeballs. “I don’t think that I will ever get used to seeing something like that. I will always be amazed that he has this hidden side that he only allows a select few to see. I never told him how I felt, but I think that he can see it for himself. I have my hand underneath my skirt with my panties pulled to the side. I need to lure my excitement to the surface and I don’t want to go all the way, but I do think that I need this to keep things simmering on a low heat. I have to allow him to set the pace and this is obviously more for keeping him from becoming the enemy than anything else.”

  “I can’t believe that I fell for you. After all the things that we’ve been through, I would think that this would change what we feel for each other.” He had to grip the table to stop himself from taking things into his own hands. He needed a moment to catch his breath and then he easily lifted her with a girlish glee coming from her lips. He pushed her onto the table, letting her legs dangle over the side with her skirt over her hips to give him easy access.

  “I think that I would miss everything about you. I’m not delusional into thinking that you can stay here after everything is said and done. I want to make this moment count for something. I want to have this to remind me of what I can never have again.” Natalie reached for him and found that their hands were touching on the hot shaft that was now ready to give in to that natural urge. “I don’t think that I could ever want for anything else. I’ve been one step away from happiness and I didn’t even know it. How many nights does it take for a woman like me to know that she’s in love? I feel that pain of the day that he has to fly away and out of my arms. To see him leave would break my heart, but I would know that he was safe from persecution and ridicule for being different.

  He lifted her legs onto his shoulders and was using that same agile tongue to slick along the surface of her inner thighs. He saw her skin quiver to his touch. He didn’t wait this time and with one hard motion of his hips, he was buried all the way in. He looked down and was amazed to see that that tiny little hole was able to accommodate something of his specimen. “I think that I am pretty certain that this is…this is…better than I could imagine. I have you to thank for showing me what it was like to be with a human female. You certainly do…go the extra mile.” Marcel climbed up on the table and followed her prone body like a heat seeking missile.

  “I know that it’s too late to tell you that I’m sorry. I was responsible for this and I may blame my mother, but I know the truth. You’re not the only one that has to ask for forgiveness.” She was enjoying the slow buildup and each time that his shaft rubbed against h
er clit it was like a fire that couldn’t be consumed. It was only that brief touch that caused her to fly off the handle. “I think…NO…I know that I’m cumming. I am fucking so hot for you that it doesn’t even make sense to me… AHHHHHHHH.” Her orgasm was one that lit the fuse and burned along the surface of his shaft. Her juices were coating the entire thing and she was lying there in this state of euphoria. There was no way that she was gonna be able to move after something like that. She would need time to regain her faculties. She didn’t have much time, as she fully realized that this wasn’t over by a long shot.

  “I don’t think that’s the only one that you’re going to have, Natalie. If I have anything to say about it, I’m sure that I can bring out a few more. You see what I can do with my tongue. Let’s see if I can’t duplicate that very same thing with this tool that I have come to love using on you.” He was getting the hang of what it was like to be with her, but he knew that it was an addiction that he didn’t want to get rid of. He had no reason to doubt that her big body was something of an acquired taste. To him it was her sense of confidence and sense of self that allowed him to live in her eyes. “Let me be the strength and you can hold onto me for a change.” Marcel gave her the power and let her feel what it was like to be taken like a real woman.

  “I can’t breathe… I can’t fucking…BREATHE.” That moment squeezed the living daylights out of her. She had no idea how much more she could take. They went through several positions and it appeared that he was more partial to the one that had her on her hands and knees on top of the table.


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