* From the work of the renowned family therapist Paul Watzlawick.
* These “irrationalities” were first codified by Albert Ellis, founder of rational-emotive therapy.
* Agoraphobia refers to the persistent fear of leaving one’s home.
* Self-efficacy is a concept developed by Albert Bandura, a well-known psychologist at Stanford University.
* Marlatt and Gordon term this phenomenon the Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE).
* Marlatt and Gordon call them Apparently Irrelevant Decisions.
* Gurin et al., 1960
† Veroff et al., 1981
* Mellinger et al., 1978.
* If your score is high on three or more of these scales, then we recommend that you consult a mental health professional, after reading the section in Chapter 9 about finding a good psychotherapist. In addition, go to your physician for a checkup to rule out diseases such as anemia, diabetes, thyroid condition, and mitral valve prolapse, all of which may cause or mimic the distress syndrome.
Changing for Good Page 30