The Rising Moon

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The Rising Moon Page 16

by Nilsa Rodriguez

  Adam swiftly leaped to his feet, wrapped his fingers around Ryan’s neck and pinned him against a tree. “I did protect her.”

  But Ryan wasn’t buying it. He kicked Adam in the stomach and when he was down, he kicked him once again, but this time, on the side of his face.

  “Stop it!” I shrieked. My vision was still foggy when I felt the gentle stare of Adam’s eyes on me. Look at me, they said. I pushed myself to where he was, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I reached for his hand, but he snatched it away. Adam was weak and my blood was tempting. Ryan bent over him with glowing eyes, “If you love her and really want to protect her then you would leave. Can’t you see you can’t tame your hunger?”

  “Please, don’t go.” I breathed out desperately. “I love you.” His dark eyes were filled with hunger and sorrow as he slowly stood on his feet.

  Tears streamed down my face when I realized that he wasn’t going to stay. Ryan helped me to my feet, still blinded and weak I tried to reach for him, but he vanished taking my heart with him.

  My knees gave way. Ryan caught me before I could fall.

  “It’s ok. I’m here,” he said.

  My body went into shock, perhaps from the loss of blood, or from losing the man I loved. I felt dizzy, sweaty… “Hang on,” Ryan begged as my body convulsed. “Please!” He popped open his shirt and began to rip it. He wrapped my neck and wrist with the shredded fabric to keep me from bleeding to death.


  I awoke to the gentle sounds of rain drops outside the window. I tried to sit up, but my head hurt so bad I couldn’t move. I could hear someone snoring from somewhere in the room. I carefully pulled myself up and instantly Kima opened her eyes.

  “You’re awake,” she said as she flew to my side.

  “Where am I?” I mouthed slowly.

  “You’re at Ani’s house.” She helped me back down.

  On the side of the bed was a wooden table with some medical supplies. Kima lifted my right arm and peeled a bandage crusted with dried blood. She gently wiped it with an ointment and replaced the bandage. She did the same to my neck.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Try not to think about that right now. What’s important is that we bring down your fever.” She replied ignoring my question. She carefully pulled the blanket up to my chin, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to tell Ani you’re awake.”

  I closed my eyes trying to see if I could somehow channel some kind of memory of what had happened. But my mind was blurred mess. All I saw was a flash of images that terrified me. Claws, fangs and blood---lots of blood. I forced my eyes open.

  Ani walked into the room with a smile as bright as the moon on a dark spring night. “How are you sweetie?”

  I gave her a faint smile. She placed her hand on my forehead.

  “Your fever’s still high.” She handed me two tiny pills and a cup of water, “this’ll help bring it down.”

  “What happened to me? Why am I here?” I asked handing her the empty cup.

  “You don’t remember?” Ani asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Three days ago, you, Adam and Ryan went to the Ulric ranch to rescue John from Emi and her brother,” she replied.

  “How’s John? Is he safe now?”

  She pulled the covers up to my chin and tucked the blanket tightly around my body, “Yes, so try not to worry yourself about him. He’s in great hands and will be good as new in no time.” She turned to Kima, “I promised Peggy I would stop by to check on John after work tonight so do you mind staying with Lia another night?”

  “No problem.” She replied with a smile.

  “I really appreciate it. You’ve been a great help.”

  “Thank you,” Kima’s eyes beamed.

  After Ani left, Kima pulled the curtains together and once again got comfortable on the chair that stood in the corner of the room.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “Where’s Adam? Why isn’t he here?”

  “Adam?” she asked with a blank look on her face.

  “Yes, Adam. Don’t you remember meeting him the other night?”

  She cleared her throat, “I remember.”

  “Well? Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did something happen to him?”

  “You should really get some rest, Lia.” She sat beside me on the bed.

  “Please Kima. Tell me. Did something happen to him?”

  “I---,” she paused for a moment. “I don’t know how to tell you this…”

  I quickly sat up despite the piercing pain that rushed through my body with the sudden movement, “what is it?”

  “We don’t know where he is. No one’s seen him since the night you all went to the Ulric Ranch,” She replied.


  “We don’t know where he is,” she repeated. “All we know is, if Ryan didn’t get back there when he did,” she paused, “you would be dead.”

  I was speechless. Confused.

  A bad feeling rushed over me. Something was wrong. I knew deep in my heart that Adam wouldn’t have left me alone. Something must’ve gone terribly wrong that night at the ranch. My head hurt so bad I couldn’t remember.

  That night as I slept, I returned to Sinks Canyon.

  “Adam!” My desperate cry bounced against the tall sandstone cliffs and rippled across the calm waters of the River. I climbed on a boulder and waited. The desperation of not knowing if he was alive slowly ate me inside. I wanted to see him so bad that it was sickening.

  I hugged my knees and stared at the wall of trees across the canyon when suddenly, the branches shifted and a dark shadow appeared beside them. Without a thought, I leaped across the river and pushed my way through the branches and bushes. Exhausted and out of breath, I stood there looking into the eye of a bighorn sheep. I rolled my eyes at the stupid animal and hissed at it. He must’ve sensed the beast inside me because he quickly disappeared to where he came from.

  ∞ chapter 27 ∞

  I SLEPT THROUGH THE NEXT couple of days. I refused to eat or talk. Adam once told me I called out to him in a dream, so all I wanted to do was sleep and call him once again. Sometimes Ryan would come in and sit beside me. He’d stroke my hair and watch me sleep.

  Today he walked into the room bringing with him the scent of rain. He pulled a chair beside the bed and whispered, “Lia.”

  I didn’t want to talk. I squeezed my eyes closed and pretended to sleep.

  “Wake up.” He gently ran his fingers down my face. “I’ve got some good news for you.” My eyes flew open. Ryan smiled at me. “It’s good to finally see those pretty blue eyes.” He said.

  I rolled them and shut them closed again.

  “Can you stop being such a baby?”

  “Can you leave me alone?” I replied.

  He untied his wet hair and shook his head sending drops of water everywhere.

  “You’re such a dog!” I shouted as I wiped my face with the blanket.

  “Look who’s talking,” he teased.

  “Whatever! Get out or tell me the news you have to tell me.”

  “It’s about John.”

  “What about him?” I quickly asked.

  “He’s finally able to talk and he’s asking for you.”

  “Really?” This has been the best news I’ve heard in days. I wanted to jump out of bed and go see him right away. “Can I go see him now? Let me get up and put my boots on and we can go.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to see you like this.” He waved his hand in disgust.

  I took a look at myself. He was right. I looked like crap. I must’ve been wearing the same T-shirt and sweats for days and I couldn’t remember the last time I passed a comb through my hair.

  “You’re right.” I said with a half smile.

  “Your life would be a lot easier once you accept that I’m always right,” he said
with a big cheesy smile.

  I threw a pillow at him. Unfortunately, he caught it and began to charge me with it. The door opened and Kima stood there holding a tray of food. “What are you doing?”

  Ryan stiffened, wide-eyed like a deer staring unto coming head lights.

  “I was only trying to make her comfortable,” he said, fluffing up the pillow and placing it under my head.

  “You’re too kind.” I said sarcastically.

  Kima tapped Ryan on the shoulder as she walked past him and placed the tray on the side table. She wasn’t easily fooled. “I’m sure Ryan has already told you about John’s recovery.”

  “How is he though?” I asked.

  Kima looked over at Ryan with an expression that did not sit well in my stomach.

  “Is there something I should know that you two are not telling me?”

  “Eat, freshen up and I promise to take you to see him tomorrow morning,” Ryan replied.

  “I made this pumpkin soup for you.” Kima said pointing to the tray.

  Ryan wrapped his arms around her, “My girl can cook.” Kima’s eyes blazed at the compliment, and her cheeks were flushed with color.

  “Thank you Kima.” I grabbed the bowl of soup and began to eat.

  I decided to climb out of bed early the next morning and take a much needed shower. I stayed awake most of the night trying to remember what happened the night we confronted Lyle and Emi. I remembered going to the ranch. Emi toying with John and sending him crashing to the ground face first. I also remembered seeing Lyle bite John on the neck and then everything goes blank from there.

  I rushed to the closet, pulled out a white blouse, jeans and quickly got dressed.

  “Lia honey, are you awake?”

  My left boot dropped to floor as I stared at who I believed to be John. I recognized his voice---but his face. Oh God, his face.

  He took off his hat and stepped closer.

  His once sun kissed face was pale and scarred with a patchwork of jagged scars. The right side of his lip hung low revealing teeth and gums.

  “John!” I cried out. “I’m so sorry for what happened to you.”

  “I’m fine, honey,” he said. “Soon the scars will heal and I will be the same good looking guy I was before.” He cracked a smile. But I didn’t smile back.

  I ran my fingers along the side of his face. I wanted to believe his face would one day look the same as before, but by the depth of the scars I really doubted it. There was no way John could have recovered so quickly from his injuries. Ani said a human seldom survived a bite from a Lobison. Something wasn’t making any sense. I looked into his eyes and suddenly it all made sense to me now. If Lyle bit John and John survived, that can only mean one thing. He was one of us now---a werewolf.

  “Do you know what they’ve done to you?” I asked.

  He nodded and cleared his throat. Why didn’t Ryan tell me? “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Tears rolled down my face.

  “What’s done is done and you need to stop blaming yourself.” He held me in his arms as I cried.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” said John.

  Ani glanced over at John and then to me, “morning.”

  John shook his head. “Morning.”

  “I suppose she already knows?” She asked John.

  “Yes.” I sniffed.

  “If it wasn’t for the wolf’s blood, he wouldn’t have made it.” She pointed out as if it would make me feel better.

  “I’m just happy to be alive,” John said with a smile.

  Ani placed a medical bag on the bed and pulled out a pair of scissors, “what do you say we remove the bandage?”I nodded mutely. Ani brushed my hair to the side and gently clipped the bandages on my neck. Although the wound sealed, my skin bore the marks of a bite. I ran my fingers over the little wounds on the side of my neck and a vision flashed through my mind. I saw myself as a raging wolf tearing at Emi’s neck. In my ear I heard Lyle’s voice whisper, ‘we could never escape our destiny,’ before he pulled me off his sister with his teeth.

  “Are you alright?” asked Ani.

  I swallowed, “yeah. I’m fine.”

  Next, she reached for my wrist and began to unroll the bandage. Instantly I saw what happened next. Adam, with his fangs completely out took a bite of Lyle’s neck and pulled him off of me before collapsing to the ground.

  I blinked and the vision was gone. I didn’t want to see any more. I now knew what happened to Adam. He was poisoned by Lyle’s blood and he died saving my life.

  ∞ Chapter 28 ∞

  JOHN’S BEEN CLEAN for three months now. He’s even begun dating, Peggy Whitedeer, a native woman he’s met at the AA meetings he faithfully attends three times a week. Peggy was different, but different in a cool way. she’s a woman who’s not afraid of getting dirty---a sort of tomboy. A tomboy who also was a heck of a great cook too. She can cook a hell of a spring lamb soup and chokecherry pudding…my favorite.

  John and Peggy had a lot in common. She too was a widower and understood John’s struggle with alcohol because she was a recovering alcoholic herself, now clean for nine years. She was also a shifter and helped John cope with his new “gift.”

  She brought out the best in John as Veena once did. I was glad to have the old John back. Seeing him happy made me happy. We were a family again and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Graduation was coming up and with much persuasion from my guidance counselor, Mr. Kelvin I planned to attend college. Although John and Peggy suggested I apply to a college near home, I had my heart set on attending the University of Louisiana. I wanted to return to my birth state. John and Ryan have tried talking me out of going so far, but my mind was made up and there was no going back now.

  My acceptance letter arrived last week and I’ve been keeping myself busy packing and preparing for the long drive south. I placed a sealed box labeled BOOKS on the floor when Ryan walked into my room holding a white envelope in his hand.

  “Hey, what you been up to? Kima said she called you earlier but you didn’t answer your phone.”

  “She did? ” I usually listen to music when I cleaned my room. I walked over to the desk and turned off the radio. “I’ve been home all day packing.”

  He took a look at the boxes on the floor, “when you’re leaving?”

  “The day after graduation,” I replied.

  “Why so soon, doesn’t school begin in September? What do you plan to do for two months before then?”

  “I haven’t really thought about it. I guess I can look for a job, an apartment…something. What’s your plan for after graduation?”

  “Kima and I are going to California to spend a few days with mom.” He said as he helped me seal another box. “Kima and I both applied at C.W.C and classes start in the fall, so we just plan to stick around till then.”

  I smiled. “Sounds like you have it all figured out. I wish I did. All I know is that I’m going to U.L., but I don’t even have a major or any clue of what I want to do with the rest of my life.”

  “You should study to be a veterinarian. You’ve always been good with animals.”

  “True, maybe I should look into that.” I sealed another box.

  “You see? What are you going to do without me? Why don’t you stay and apply to C.W.C with us.” His voice sounded hopeful.

  “Let’s not go over this again. You know why I’m going to Louisiana. I need a fresh start.” He frowned at my words. “Relax, it’s not like I’m moving to another planet! I’m going to miss everyone, but please understand that this is something I have to do. It’s time I’ve learned to stand on my own two feet for once. And besides, Lyle and Emi are gone. If they were still around plotting to hurt me, they would have tried to do so by now. We haven’t seen or heard from them in three months. Your duties as “protector” have expired. All I need now is a friend that will stand by me no matter what. Rise or fall, I need to know that you will always be there.” />
  He took a deep breath, “I see there’s no changing your mind. And as far as my protector duties expiring---I don’t think so. You mean a lot to both me and my family and I will always be there for you through thick and thin. You can count on that. And if you ever decide to come back, you know I will be the first to spread my arms open wide to welcome you.”

  I smiled a big smile and gave him a tight hug, “thank you.”

  “Oh, before I forget, Ani asked me to give you this.”

  He handed me the envelope. I opened it and pulled out a white and green card.

  “It’s an invitation.” I said.

  “Yea, my aunt throws a party every year for the graduates. It’s a big deal at the Rez, since so many of us never make it to graduation.”

  “Tell her it’s sweet of her to invite me to the party, but I don’t know if I’ll make it.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know if you’ll make it?”

  “I plan to drive to Louisiana the morning after graduation, so I don’t think…”

  “You better not leave without spending graduation night with your friends,” he interrupted. “Don’t make me and the guys come and drag you to the party.” He warned.

  I rolled my eyes in defeat, “Okay, okay. Relax I’ll go.”

  I pinned the invitation on a cork board near the door when suddenly Ryan’s cell phone rang. I continued to sort through the clothes hanging in the closet. There would be no need for winter sweaters or heavy coats in Louisiana so I placed them in a box I reserved for donations.

  “Hello hun…at Lia’s,” Ryan said as he conversed with the person on the other line. “…where? Sinks Canyon?” My heart skipped a beat at the words Sinks Canyon.

  “Yeah, see you in bit. I love you,” he said before he closed his phone.

  “Kima?” I asked.

  “Yeah, she says hello, by the way. She’s with Denise and Kevin. A group of us are going hiking at Sinks Canyon.” A sudden coldness hit me to the core when he mouthed the words Sinks Canyon again, but I guess he didn’t notice. “Why don’t you take a break from packing and come with us?”


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