Kiss Me Twice Part 1

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Kiss Me Twice Part 1 Page 9

by Lauren Hawkeye

  My mouth moved as I took in his words. When I finally found the sound, it was loud. Very loud.

  “You arrogant ass.” I squirmed, but he held tight. “Do you really think so little of me? That I’d ask for trouble? Is that what you think happened before?”

  “What?” Mal roared, and I knew I’d struck a sore spot. Well, fuck that—so had he.

  “Put. Me. Down.” I bit the words out from between my teeth. “I’m going.”

  Slowly, his eyes on mine, Mal set me back on my feet. I jerked away, turned my back, and reached for a T-shirt.

  “Adele. You know that’s not what I meant.” Part of me did know that, but I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly. And, like Meg’s mom, my anger needed a target.

  “It doesn’t matter what you meant.” My words were deathly calm. “But I am going to the hospital, and then to the shop. I am not going to hide.”

  “Why don’t you want me to come with you?” Mal’s frustration is evident on his face. I see it, but it doesn’t get past the barrier that my psyche is rapidly throwing up around me.

  I looked at Mal, and shook my head. He wouldn’t understand.

  “I need to do this by myself.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, I quickly laced up my sneakers.

  Mal crosses the room, planting himself directly in front of me. His expression is thunderous. “Dorian would agree with me. You’re not going. Don’t make me call him.”

  I hissed with disgust. “How old do you think I am? Five?” The nasty part of me that was bubbling dangerously close to the surface wanted to lash out, to remind him that I’d gotten through just fine on my own last time.

  But some things could never be taken back, and though the words were on the tip of my tongue, the faintest edge of sanity kept them from spilling over.

  “Adele.” There was warning in Mal’s voice. There was going to be a consequence for leaving things like this, but at the moment I didn’t care.

  Silently I pushed past him, down the stairs and out the door.

  He didn’t follow.

  Hours later, I stumbled home, exhausted.

  I would never forget the way Meg looked in that hospital bed, barely recognizable around all the bruises on her face.

  Her ex had cracked her ribs, broken her jaw, and she couldn’t currently see out of her left eye. The only reason that he hadn’t managed to rape her as well was because of the taser that she’d told me she was buying.

  Meg didn’t blame me, but she was so high on morphine that it was hard to judge what her real feelings were. Her mother had stayed silent throughout my visit, glaring pointedly until I left.

  I’d thrown myself into the shift at the coffee shop, trying to drown my feelings in lemon poppy seed muffins and almond biscotti. The entire day I’d felt prickles on the back of my neck, as though I was being watched, and the sensation caused me to think about my argument with Mal.

  What would I have done if Meg’s ex had come to the shop?

  I knew that Mal had been right. But at the same time, I just could not get over the fact that he had bodily picked me up and told me what to do.

  Submitting during sex was one thing entirely. Trying to bend my will outside of it crossed so many boundaries I didn’t even know where to start.

  I wasn’t surprised to find Mal sitting on the couch when I entered the condo. I was a little startled to find him wearing his shoes and a coat, alone in the dark.

  “Hi.” I said cautiously, testing the air between us. It rippled with tension.

  Oh yeah, he was pissed.

  But I was, too.

  “Going somewhere?” My words were clipped as I gestured to his shoes. My stomach flipped at the absolute stillness with which he regarded me.

  “I went somewhere, actually.” He barely moved, his jaw tense.

  Crossing my arms in front of me, I hold his stare. “Oh?”

  “Yes. I followed you to the hospital, to make sure you were safe. Then I hung out outside the coffee shop all day, doing the same. I was hassled by the police for loitering, propositioned by a hooker, and missed all of my classes.”


  “Don’t you blame me for any of that. You didn’t have to do that.” Though it explained the sensation I’d had of being watched. “I’m a big girl.”

  “Yes. You can take care of yourself just fine. You don’t need, or want, any help.” Something in Mal’s voice made me pause, uneasy.

  “That’s not it,” I replied slowly. Damn it—this. This was why I’d been so hesitant to tell Mal and Dorian of the way my fears still lingered, and my need to confront them myself. “I just... I needed to confront this, Mal, by myself.”

  “I understand that.” His voice was controlled—too controlled. The unease in my gut started a slow roll. “But did you ever think that maybe, given our history, I needed a chance to be there for you?”

  My mouth fell open.

  Then closed.

  I started to speak.

  And then I stopped.

  “No. Clearly that didn’t occur to you.” Shaking his head with apparent disgust, Mal stood, making panic flare.

  “Why are you still holding on to that, Mal? You know I never blamed you.” There was no way that Mal could have known that our breakup so long ago would send me into unknown circumstances.

  “No, you didn’t. Just like Meg’s mom doesn’t blame you, not really. And yet today you still felt the need to make amends.” Zipping up his coat, he started for the front door.

  My heart stopped. I swear it did.

  “You’re—you’re leaving?” Here it was, then... that crushing pain that I’d been expecting.

  “I won’t be far.” His eyes scan my face. I search for warmth, just a hint of warmth, but there’s nothing there.

  “But I’m not staying here.”

  Chapter Seven


  “Fuck yeah!”

  Wyatt, Pax, Levi and I stumbled off the stage in a tangle of adrenaline and sound. We landed in a pile that wasn’t unlike the way we’d wrestled around each other’s backyards when we were just little ankle biters.

  My three mates were high on life. This was our second show, and we’d rocked it. Absolutely nailed it.

  But this one didn’t hold nearly the same thrill for me that the first one had. Why?

  Because of the fucking stunt that Adele had pulled that morning.

  Anger and worry were an all consuming mass in my gut as I extricated myself from the celebration. Stalking a few yards away, I pulled my phone from my pocket and again try to call Adele.

  Nothing. She’s not answering.

  I knew Mal was going to keep her safe. But after hearing about this morning, and then this lack of communication?

  Next time I saw that girl, I was going to spank her until she couldn’t sit for a week.

  “Adele, pet, pick up the fucking phone. We need to talk.” Leaving my fifth voice mail of the night, I turn back and focus on my band, just to keep myself from losing it with worry.

  Birds were already surrounding them. A tall one with blue streaks in her hair and a nose ring edged in close to Levi, her breasts barely concealed by the sheer, cropped tank she wore. Out of nowhere Mercedes leaped into her man’s arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, claiming his lips with her own, and leaving no doubt whatsoever as to her claim.

  Most would have missed it, but I caught the way her hand snuck down in between them, the way she caught at Levi’s nipple ring and pulled. His response was to carry her to the nearest couch and devour her.

  The blue haired girl pouted until Pax grinned in her direction. Just like that, she changed gears, and within moments her tongue was halfway down his throat. Wyatt found himself in the middle of a sisterly looking sandwich, two nearly identical, petite brunettes rubbing up on him from both the front and the back.

  A sultry looking blond in a barely there red dress tried to catch my eye. So did a redhead in booty shorts.

  The shorts just reminded me of Adele,
of Mal.

  Of what a fucking mess the two of them had created while I was away. And I was pissed, so fucking pissed, that they were there and I was here and nothing could be done.

  “You look like you could use this.” A cold bottle of beer was pressed into my hand. I looked over and find Chris, his own beer in hand. Tonight he was dressed in tight leather pants and a sheer black T-shirt that pulled tightly over impressive muscles.

  There was an edge in his expression, looking like I felt, and I was drawn to it.

  “Thanks, mate.” Lifting the bottle to my lips, I chugged half the beer away, then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. A nice buzz started in, because of how fast I’d drunk the beer, but I welcomed the relief. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” he echoed, again with that little half smile that told me he was amused by me. And unlike the rest of the tour so far, when he’d been nothing but professional, tonight...

  Tonight it would be hard to miss the hunger in his eyes.

  “What’s got you so tense? That was a hell of a show.” He sipped at his own beer, then gestured across the room to where an orgy looked to be breaking out. “That redhead over there? And the blonde? They’re just looking for you to be the filling in their sandwich.”

  “Not interested.” Slamming back the rest of my drink, I reached for the warmth of the alcohol.

  “Girl problems?” Chris closed the space between us, and with the buzz I had going, I found that I didn’t want to move away. “Or maybe boy problems?”

  There was no ignoring the meaning in his words. He wanted to know what team I played on.

  And I knew the question was a loaded one.

  “Something like that.” Handing off my empty bottle to a passing stage hand, I let myself look into Chris’ eyes. Damn, but he had nice ones, green with flecks of gold.

  This thing with Mal and Adele had me all messed in the head. Our goodbye had left me feeling on top of the world. But it was so fucking frustrating to be here while they were there, while they’d had a big fight and Adele was going off the deep end.

  I cared. Of course I cared. But... I was also just really fucking tired. One night. I just wanted one night to forget about the intense strangeness that was our relationship.

  Chris was standing awfully close to me, his eyes watchful. I wasn’t an idiot—I knew when someone was attracted to me. And while I’d never thought of myself as bi, though I’d always been pretty chill about sexuality. But while I was absolutely wild about Adele, I had some pretty big feelings for Mal too.

  And with the anger, the beer, the distance between us, those feelings felt like a bit of a dream.

  Besides... looking was okay, right? So long as you didn’t touch?

  “Poor Dorian. All that available pussy and he still hasn’t got what he wants.” Chris smirked, a sexy kind of grin, and handed off his bottle, too. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he just looked at me.

  The air pulsed between us. Not with the intensity that ran between me and Mal and Adele. But the attraction hanging heavy was seductive regardless.

  He offered a respite. Just a bit of time in which I didn’t have to think about all of the shit I’d left at home.

  “Want to go for a drink and talk about it?” Rocking back on his heels, Chris gave me plenty of time to make my choice.

  I wasn’t an asshole. I wasn’t a cheat. But...

  I didn’t need the time.

  I wanted... needed... to let go.

  “Yeah, mate.” I didn’t give the band a backward glance. “Yeah, I reckon I do.”

  That’s it? What? But what happens next???

  Well, I did warn you there was a cliffhanger...

  Find out the rest of Adele, Mal and Dorian’s story in Kiss Me Twice Part 2,

  available September 30!

  Sign up for Lauren’s newsletter to receive new release alerts!

  Other books by Lauren Hawkeye

  New adult romance

  One Wild Ride (A Three Little Words novella)

  A Bride for a Billionaire

  Three Little Words

  Spring Fling (with Julia Kent, Sara Fawkes and Cathryn Fox)

  Love Me For Me

  Love Me If You Dare

  Contemporary BDSM romance




  Surrender to Temptation

  Fling (With Sara Fawkes and Cathryn Fox)

  Historical romance

  Seduced by the Gladiator

  My Wicked Gladiators

  See her websites for complete booklists!

  About the Author

  Lauren Hawkeye/ Lauren Jameson never imagined that she’d wind up telling stories for a living... though when she looks back, it’s easy to see that she’s the only one who is surprised. Always “the kid who read all the time”, Lauren made up stories about her favorite characters once she’d finished a book... and once spent an entire year narrating her own life internally. No, really. But where she was just plain odd before publication, now she can at least claim to have an artistic temperament.

  Lauren lives in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada with her husband, toddler, pit bull and idiot cat, though they do not live in an igloo, nor do they drive a dogsled. In her nonexistent spare time Lauren can be found knitting (her husband claims that her snobby yarn collection is exorbitant), reading anything she can get her hands on, or sweating her way through spin class. She loves to hear from her readers!

  Visit Lauren:

  twitter: @LaurenHJameson


  Interested in exclusive excerpts, cover reveals, prizes, man candy and more?

  Come join Lauren’s Lovelies, my Facebook reader group!

  Read on for an excerpt from Linger, the new novel

  from Lauren Hawkeye (writing as Lauren Jameson). Available now

  from Signet Eclipse, a division of Penguin Random House.

  Linger Excerpt

  Copyright 2014 by Lauren Hawkeye

  RT Book Reviews gave Lauren Jameson’s September book Linger a 4.5 star review, saying “Jameson’s third In Vino Veritas book is the kind of searing, emotionally wrenching story that fans have come to crave. She fearlessly explores every type of desire, as well as the deep scars and fears that drive her characters. Her honesty makes this story compelling on a number of levels. Not for the faint of heart, the journey of this submissive alpha and his wonderfully strong, devoted dominant- and their incredibly complex, redemptive bond- is one that readers will not soon forget.”

  “Steamy and daring with a sexy alpha hero to swoon over.”

  -New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Roni Loren

  “Lauren Jameson’s Linger teases and sizzles... [a] deeply satisfying read!”

  -New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Eden Bradley

  From the author of Breathe and Blush comes a blisteringly hot new novel about baring it all....

  On her last night in Nevada before embarking on a yearlong veterinary internship, Scarlett Malone is celebrating—and looking for one night of incredible pleasure. But the man who draws her eye is not her usual type: He’s a cowboy whose alpha-male tendencies tempt her beyond belief. Scarlett can’t understand why she wants this man and no one else, but she’s determined to entice him to submit....

  Dr. Logan Brody lives an isolated life in rural Montana, running a ranch and suppressing his submissive tendencies. Only on his occasional trips does he give into his hidden urges. He can’t deny his scorching attraction to Scarlett or that she makes him want more, but he never lets anyone break him down fully. He’s hers for one night and one night only.

  But when Scarlett shows up at Logan’s door as his intern for the year, he realizes that the walls around his heart are about to crumble—and that this sexy dominant woman has no intenti
on of letting him keep control....


  Logan felt a wicked surge of excitement as the small Mistress planted herself in front of him, hands on her hips. Very sexy hips, he noted yet again, ones that flowed into a slender waist and the curves of full breasts. He’d felt a deep sense of satisfaction to find that she appeared every bit as interested in him as he was in her.

  Something in him again warned him to find a different partner for the evening, one who would be satisfied with administering a flogging, then sharing hard, impersonal sex.

  Every other part of him wanted the woman currently standing in front of him, though he knew somehow that she was going to push him further than he was comfortable. Just having met her had thinned the barriers he always kept in place.

  He hadn’t been in the club for very long, but he was already feeling the pain from being trapped in the crush of people. A scary looking Mistress—or Master, he wasn’t quite sure—had started bearing down on him at the same time as the tasty treat in front of him, and he’d felt as if the walls had been closing in on him, stealing away his air.

  But it was different with this one...

  An experienced submissive, he could tell that she was a fairly new Mistress. The nerves were there, in her eyes, around the corners of her mouth. Still, despite the sweet features of her face, dominance seemed to seep out of her very pores, an exotic perfume that caught his attention like a dog with a steak.

  And then there was that strange pull between them, the one that had snapped into place the second his arms had wrapped around her outside. The one that made every other dominant woman in the room seem dull and unappealing.

  It was an irresistible combination for a man who ran the show everywhere besides the bedroom.

  And he couldn’t ignore the fact that, since she’d introduced herself and glared at him with that bitchy expression that made his cock hard, he’d found it a little easier to breathe.


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