The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 4

by Brad Carr


  When Mona returned to her small bamboo hut a few hours later, the nurses helped her to bed, leaving her to rest. But she couldn’t rest. Clark was no longer beside her. All the affection he showered her, the warmth of his lips, his funny laugh, his loving embrace; all gone in one pounce of a gristol paw. Mona’s eyes couldn’t produce any more water for tears. Clark’s scent remained on his pillow, she breathed him in.

  Grunting in agony, she sat up in bed, swinging her feet over the edge. Standing and pacing the one room bamboo hut, she sifted through Clark’s belongings. She held up one of his shirts to her nose, to smell his unique aroma again.

  Mona noticed Clark’s electronic tablet beneath a nightstand. The screen blinked. Picking it up, she scrolled through the files. On a file marked simply as “Mona,” it contained her birth certificate only naming her mother. She read over her record at the orphanage, and her marriage file to Clark. But another file caught her attention, it was marked, “Brakion Vol.” It was dated two days before Clark died.

  The file read:


  I thought I could surprise you with some information regarding your father as an anniversary gift from me to you. When I traveled to Barston in the Neutral Zone a few months back, I tracked down your mother’s previous address. I asked the neighbors if they ever knew her. None of them did. It wasn’t until I started leaving, that an old woman stopped me and asked me why I was looking for a woman long dead. Apparently she was very curious and heard my questions for the neighbors.

  When I told this woman your mother’s name, her eyes lit up with excitement. She told me to find Brakion Vol. She also mentioned that only he would know how to find your father. I tried to ask the lady more questions, but when I turned my head for just a moment, she was nowhere to be seen. I’m not going to lie, it freaked me out a little.

  I have no clue why the most despised man in the Scarlet Republic would know anything. But I love you so much, and I want to make sure this question is answered for you. I am writing this letter just in case I don’t make it back from the trip to Satellite Island in the Capital Kingdom next week. I don’t even know if I will be able to get a passport. But I’m going to try.

  I will leave this on the tablet just in case. If I make it back, then I will tell you the whole story in person.



  Mona turned off the tablet button. She gingerly seated herself down on the bed in wonderment. Questions flooded her mind. “What does Brakion Vol have to do with this? Did he kill my father or mother? Did he know them personally? How the hell do I get to even talk to the King of the Capital Kingdom?”

  Although she had more questions than answers, she was happy Clark’s tablet was there. Pictures of him were stored onto it. Her husband Clark also gave her one last gift in the form of a new clue, a new goal. She was going to find out who her father was. But first, she must heal, and mourn.

  Chapter 5

  Papier’s previous memory was lying inside a stasis pod, shortly after leaving the Milt Docks. Like the blink of an eye, her scenery changed. The stasis pod door was ajar. The sun blazed above her. Sounds of squawking seagulls penetrated the air.

  She grunted when crawling out. Dropping down on rocky sand of a shoreline; Papier felt dried blood on her face. Stinging sensations permeated in her left eye. The sand was cool against her skin, signaling morning. Papier rose to her knees.

  “We took it out,” a man’s modulated voice spoke.

  Papier, still groggy, glanced up see a man standing in front of her. He was a thin caucasian male wearing ragged brown clothing. His gray hair trimmed short to his scalp, and his unkept beard was matted and long. The man’s eyes resembled the hue of galvanized steel and specks of green.

  “Took what out?” she asked.

  “The tracking device in your eye of course. Sorry I didn’t have time to get you to a table or use any drugs. I had to destroy that device before you got rescued.”

  “What the fuck is going on? Where am I?” she asked in a panic.

  “Calm down my dear,” the man said. “There is nothing to worry about. You are safe for now. Your stasis pod washed ashore.” He paused, “I watch the shoreline constantly. Hoping one day to get off this island. But of course, you can only leave if they want you to.”

  Controlling her emotions and calming down, Papier asked the man. “What island is this?”

  “I will get to your question soon, my dear. But first, we need to get somewhere safe before the guards come. We have been digging under the fence for a while now, out of sight of the guards. Can’t have you giving away our position can I?”

  “Where are we?”

  “No time, we must depart.”

  “I’m not going anywhere till I find out where the fu….” Papier felt a strike to the back of her head. Her sight faded in and out. Papier’s head wobbled like gelatin. She could hear still hear the muted voices.

  “Goddamn it! Raphael, I didn’t order you to hit her. I hope you didn’t kill her,” the man complained.

  “I’m sorry Kurtis, I didn’t want her to scream.”

  The conversation lowered further. Sounds became void. Papier faded to a state of unconsciousness.


  “Wake up pretty lady,” Raphael said with a child like tone.

  Raphael was a gigantic bald man with olive skin. Towering over her, he gestured to give her his canteen of water. Ducking his head, so it wouldn’t bump the ceiling; his face seemed almost baby-like, smooth, innocent, and clean shaven. His neck fit through a hole cut into a yellow flannel blanket, to cover his massive body. The blanket reached down to his upper thigh; resembling a dress. Sandals were constructed from pieces of driftwood and hemp straps. The giant had thick, hairy arms exposed from his flannel attire.

  With an aching head and a parched throat, Papier snatched the canteen. Hastily she gulped the water down her throat until the canteen was emptied. Moisture relieved her sun-cracked lips.

  “We’re sorry about that my dear. My dimwitted oversized friend here doesn’t know his own strength. His little slaps probably feels like a concrete brick.”

  “No kidding,” she said with a scowl. “Now, please tell me where I am and what’s going on?”

  “Let me introduce myself. My name is Kurtis Saint. I am the only doctor on this island. My big mammoth friend over there is Raphael Venti. We just call him ‘Rap’. Right now you are in our humble abode. Small, yet it’s comfy.”

  Their hut was formed from red clay. A pot of boiling fish soup sat upon clay stove in the corner of the room; giving a tasty aroma in the air. Papier rested on a thin cot constructed from tree branches and sticks. Lacking a mattress, it felt uncomfortable to what she was used to.

  “You still haven’t answered my question Kurtis.,” she responded.

  “There’s good news and bad news. You are still in the Capital Kingdom Territory. Unfortunately you are residing on Prison Island.”

  “Prison Island?” she exclaimed.

  “Shhhh….Keep your voice down. We don’t want the guards coming down from the tower to investigate. Rap carried you through our secret tunnel under our floor. Nobody has any clue that you are present. And believe me, you don’t want anyone to know you are here. But I’ve digressed from my manners, I don’t want to be rude. What name do you wish me to call you?”

  “My name is Jane Smith.”

  “Now Dearie, the world is filled with quite enough sarcasm, don’t you agree? Your patch has the name ‘Papier’ on your shirt. We wouldn’t want to start our introductions off with fabrications would we?”

  “It’s Rosalie Papier,” she confessed.

  “Splendid! I will call you Rose. Now that we are formally acquainted, allow me to fill you in on the situation. Now, I don’t know what ship you came from, but I know you are part of the Exploration Force for Mitton. Judging by your uniform of course. I’m guessing a soldier? You see, we were supposed to be sent to Mitton, on work release to p
ay off our transgressions. Our mandatory sentences have expired. But, after King Brakion’s rule came to an end, the new king didn’t keep his law. Of course this is a violation by King Lucian, but no one has paid attention to this agreement since colonization is at an incline. And Brakion isn’t around to keep these laws in check. The Capital Kingdom wishes to sweep the dirt under the rug.“

  “Brakion is a true asshole,” scowled Rose. “That stupid lottery made me leave my two children and my husband.”

  “Why didn’t your husband volunteer to go with you?”

  “None of your business old man.”

  “Obviously, I insulted you. That wasn’t my intention. My sympathies on your plight. I’m not eager to be sent to a crazy wasteland. You know the leading cause of death is being devoured. Then again, I don’t actually have correct data to back that up. It’s just a guess. Although, I think it is more favorable than living here. If you take away the emotion of his plan, I can see Brakion’s line of thinking.”

  “I don’t need your opinion on that. I have every right to hate Brakion Vol.”

  “Of course you do. Rightfully so! I’m not here to argue Rose. Hate can be a good motivator. Gives strength, produces a purpose. Goals if you will it. Your disdain of Brakion Vol can be healthy.”

  “Let’s get down to business Kurtis. What do you want?”

  “Oh I do enjoy your blunt statements Rose,” Kurtis grinned, feeling amused. “We need to escape this island with the prisoners here.”

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “You are our anomaly. The timing is impeccable.”

  Rose’s expression changed to show interest. “Tell me more.”

  “About ten others here have agreed to a plan. No guard would think that Rap and I would be a threat. Rap is in here for destruction of government property. I’m just an old man who made a simple blunder. But that story is immaterial. Our goal is to travel outside the gate, climb up the outside towers, and subdue or kill the guards. An outside source is sending boats to get us off the island. But first, we must secure it. We can’t have guards shooting at us while we are boarding. It must be quiet and efficient.”

  “So why haven’t you done that yet?”

  “The quandary we find ourselves in is our micro chips, embedded in our heads. Its function is quite different from the one I removed from you. These cannot be removed. The implants have rested inside our skulls too long. Your implant happened to be new, making it easier for removal. Guards use our chips to track our movements. Plus, the chips will explode if we get off the island. Personally, I enjoy having my head attached. In their possession is a computer that shuts down the micro chips. Then and only then can we be rescued off this prison.”

  “So this is why you called me an anomaly. I don't have a chip to be tracked. They wouldn’t see me coming.”

  “Very good Miss Rose, I discern that you are an intelligent woman. You perceive things quickly.”

  “But what weapons could you have in a place like this? Obviously we can’t go killing guards with rocks when they have guns.”

  “We have bows. When a person has too much time on their hands, they become crafty.”

  Rose paused for a moment and asked,” What if I said no, then scream to the guards. I bet they would hear me?” She was proud of her question, trying to usurp Kurtis’ authority over her. “You said so yourself, you’re just an old man. So why should I fear you?”

  “That’s a great question Rose, let me explain.” Kurtis leaned in closer. A shadow covered his face when bending towards her. “Prison can morph men and women to their true nature. We can be animals Rose. But you are correct in assuming I wouldn’t kill you. Well, not personally anyway. Being the only doctor in this prison, I am a very valuable commodity. People do what I say. There are plenty of prisoners here, who don’t have the civil nature that I possess. Bad things happen all the time. The guards don’t come down here often, they watch us from the towers on the cliff. By the time they get here, you may be dead.”

  It was then, that Rose knew that the good doctor, wasn’t a good man at all. But she wasn’t fearful of him. Kurtis happened to be the perfect partner for her new goal. She leaned closer within inches of his face.

  “Kurtis do not threaten me. I’ve lost everything, and I don’t fear death.”

  “Death would be a mercy for you if the general population knew you were here.”

  Nodding, she agreed and began to strike a bargain, “No need to convince me Kurtis. I will do this on one condition.”

  “And what is this condition you seek, Rose?” Kurtis said cheerfully changing his dark demeanor, sitting back in his chair, giving her more space.

  “When we get out of here, I want to travel to Mitton. And when I do, I want your help to kill Brakion Vol.”

  Kurtis smiled with approval, nodding in agreement. “There are many here that want him dead. Not an easy task. But I will make sure you get to him first. Do we have an accord?”

  Rose shook his hand. “It is a deal.”

  “Splendid!” Kurtis said with excitement.

  “When do we do this?”

  “We’ll need time to observe a little longer. Make sure the guard patterns are stable. We only have one shot at this.”

  Chapter 6

  Angus and Reeves slept on the bridge of the ship. Reeves’ head drooped forward sitting up in Magnus’ chair. Angus rested on his stomach, sprawled out on the floor. A loud beeping sound came from the speaker console. The voice was unfamiliar.

  “By order of the Capital Kingdom Navy, we command you to open up!”

  Angus held his laser pistol. His uniform was covered in a crusty film of dried lobster guts. Reeves motioned to Angus to put the laser on the floor before he opened the hatch, so he wouldn’t be accidentally shot by the Navy. Angus, placed the pistol on a chair and traveled over to a hatch on top of the ceiling, located in the middle of the bridge. Turning the cold steel wheel, it opened.

  The naval officer stepped down inside on the ladder. His boots made a loud ping on the floor. A black metal helmet fit securely over his head. The face was void of any features of a nose, eyes, or mouth. The soldier’s armor was a darkened blue color, with a white Capital Kingdom Navy insignia on the front left breast. The symbol was the image of an ancient anchor, trapped inside a circle. Touching the side of his helmet, the officer’s mask rolled down to his neck and shoulders. His was a caucasian skinned man with brown eyes, salt and pepper hair, and a neatly trimmed goatee. Small ivory colored scars stretched down over his lips. Without hesitation, the officer began asking questions as five more of his crew dropped down inside the cockpit, and closed the hatch.

  “Are there any other survivors?”

  “I’m not sure,” spoke Angus.

  “What happened to most of the ship?”

  “Sea creatures attacked the ship while we slept in stasis. They tore through most of those on board. We fought them for as long as we could, but we had to seal off the rest of the ship and detach. Helga was full of massive holes, and the weight from the incoming water was dragging us under. Detachment was our only choice. The engines stopped working. Our only option was to wait for the distress signal to reach you.”

  “Well, what did the holes look like?”

  “In my opinion, it looks like we were attacked by another force, then left to sink. But I don’t truly know, I woke from stasis after the damage was done.”

  “You chose the correct part of the ship. This bridge is the only part that can be separated. You are either a smart son of a bitch, or the luckiest. Otherwise, you would be shit floating away from a fish’s asshole. What is your name citizen?”

  “My name is Angus Vol, my friend over there is Cornwallace Reeves.” Reeves waved silently; never bothering to get out of his seat.

  “I am Colonel Kerr. AG Vol will be happy to hear of his nephew’s safety.” Looking over to one of his crew, Kerr commanded,“Get these men on board, and hit the stasis pod retract signal. If an
y are still alive, bring them on and wake them up.” Pointing his finger to another soldier he ordered,”Retrieve the logs from Captain Magnus’ computer here in the cockpit. Something caused this ship to sink, and we need to know his last transmissions. Then I want you to attach explosives to what’s left of this vessel. I will detonate it when we get far enough away. We don’t need our technology getting into pirate hands.”

  “Yessir,” confirmed the soldiers.

  Returning his attention, he commanded, “Vol and Reeves get to the ship. No talking till you get on.” Kerr gave Reeves a harsh stare. “Not even a fucking whisper. You look like the chatty type. We need to be quiet just in case we have anything lurking nearby.”


  About two hours later, after the bridge of Helga sank below the Canadian Sea; Colonel Kerr arrived to the living quarters to speak to Angus and Reeves. By now, they had showered, and their uniforms were cleaned in the laundry room.

  Kerr began, “Only seven people survived the attack. The rest were either dead or floated out too far in the capsule and are likely dead. Most of the capsules had broken pieces floating on the sea.”

  “Did you find a woman named Papier?” asked Reeves.

  “Since you are not soldiers yet, I will grant you forgiveness for your ignorance. You will be calling me sir, from now on. Goddammit! This is the military! Do I make myself clear gentlemen?”

  “Yessir,” confirmed Reeves.

  “Good, you’re a fast learner,” he said in a sarcastic tone. “Her capsule signal went ghost a few hours earlier. I’m sure she’s dead.”

  Angus and Reeves looked solemnly at each other. Their compassion for human life was divergent from Kerr’s apathetic demeanor. This infuriated the harsh colonel exponentially.

  “What? You need a fucking hug or something? This is the new world you will be living in. Get used to it!” Kerr’s short fused temper was halted by a few deep breaths. Clearing his throat, he commanded,”Get some sleep, you still have a few hours till we get to Mitton.”


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