The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 15

by Brad Carr

  “I would like that. Thanks Brakion.”

  “Good luck out there.” Brakion stood and passed by his desk and Bittersmith, opening his door. “Dismissed soldier.”

  Chapter 14

  In the Genesis District of Mitton, was a tavern called “The Respite.” It was one of the founding commercial buildings erected when the exploration began decades earlier. Located on a hill overlooking the village, it stood alone, the only structure in that area. Once a thriving business in Mitton, it was a stomping ground for the original Capital Kingdom explorers. Hard working men and women would raise their spirits with ale and fellowship. The tavern’s building materials consisted of lacquered oak, a strong stone foundation, and a tiled solar roof. At one time, it was bright, clean, and comfortable for its patrons.

  In this age, it was transformed negatively. Now, other buildings of commerce surrounded it. New structures were constructed from marble, steel, and spotless glass. Towering many stories above it, The Respite paled in comparison. Disrepair prematurely aged the once popular hangout. Most of the solar tiles had been blown away by weather, and the oak walls were gray and cracked.

  A few years ago, The Respite was an abandoned building. The MCA wished to demolish the bar to suit the more modern surroundings. Protestors led by a local businessman named Adrian LeFleur, intervened in The Respite’s behalf. Using a legal loophole, he labeled The Respite as a “historic building”. The MCA conceded, allowing the Respite to stay in the district on the condition that it would be purchased by a private owner, and re-open its doors.

  The dilapidated tavern was resurrected, but only the minimal remodeling standards were applied. Adrian LeFleur purchased it, leaving the deed under a false name. In the public eye, LeFleur was a businessman. But in reality, he was working for the organized crime family of Albert.

  Illegal drugs were formulated, manufactured, and shipped from a concealed basement of The Respite. The bar was open to the public. If patrons were not drinking booze, they frequented the establishment for the heroin patch or spiker. For those who wanted to board a room, after a drug induced trip, or to have sex with a prostitute; it was provided with a steep cost.

  Floor boards creaked around the bar. A large layer of dust, mud, and dirt from booted footprints lined the cracked wood floors. Spots on the floor were recently mopped, but it was only to disguise blood from a bar fight.

  Kansas Sparks leaned back in the most suitable chair he could locate. He plopped his ale mug on the rickety rounded table in front of him. His matted beard was now shaved off. A smoother appearance changed his profile to disguise the “WANTED” holograms around town. Hairs on his head were dyed chestnut brown. Sunglasses covered his eyes to cover his missing eye. He held a blind man’s walking stick.

  “Looking for some company tonight honey,” asked a lanky male prostitute.

  “No thank you dearie,” he responded in a polite manner.

  “Well, if you change your mind,” the prostitute paused, “just call out my name and I’ll come to you. My name is Davet.”

  “Thank you Davet. But I think you’ll get a better customer somewhere else.”

  “Your loss honey,” replied Davet, strutting off to another table.

  Scarla approached Kurtis’ table and took a seat across from him. She was dressed in a loose fitting green cloak which covered her strong female figure. Beneath the hood was a slight hint of her mahogany colored hair.

  “Kurtis..I,” she began to explain her tardiness.

  “No need to explain Scarla. It’s been a while since you’ve had the company of another. I know you were in one of the back rooms. Have a good time? I hope you used protection.”

  “Of course I do, wait, this is none of your business, let’s change the subject,” she embarrassingly responded.

  “Scarla, I do not care what you do on your own time. As long as it does not interfere with our purpose here.” Kurtis leaned in closer, “But if I catch you going back to that shit that got you into trouble before, I will have to kill you. I have no need for drug addicts. Besides, you’re an upstanding soldier. It would be a huge loss.”

  “No, Kurtis I promise. I won’t be going back to that lifestyle again.”

  “Good! You’re probably wondering why I wanted you to meet me in this fine establishment.”

  “Fine establishment?”

  “Yes of course. You see, this place is the example of how humanity truly is. This district has tried to advance to perfection. They want you to believe that they don’t have any flaws. But this tavern is an example of a missing front tooth on an attractive face. A face can be an object of beauty. It could have luscious lips, a proportioned nose, and pleasing eyes. Intelligent or poetic words can protrude from its lips. But if there is a huge gap in the smile, you cannot avert your sight. Am I correct?”

  “Well, yeah I guess so.”

  “You must understand my dear Scarla that I find pleasure in the image of a missing tooth. It mirrors neglect, or possibly a violent occurrence. A testament of the human condition. We all have flaws. Might as well embrace it!”

  “I believe I understand that, but why are we here? Why do we take chances in a place where we can be recognized?”

  “Do you mean this tavern? The Genesis District?”

  “The Genesis District.”

  “There is a reason it is called the Genesis District. It was the first one. Which is why we are here?”

  “I thought we were going to take over a weaker district first. Like the Tyra District where your enemy resides.”

  “Of course. But you’re missing the point Scarla. We won’t be taking over the Genesis District. We are going knock out a tooth. And when we do, it will be the focus of Mitton’s attention. A distraction if you will.”

  “I see. But Kurtis, this is a huge district. It is heavily guarded. How would we escape after we lay a wrecking to it?”

  “The Respite is our means of escape.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “This tavern was the first one of this territory. Tunnels connect to all the other districts. “

  “Tunnels? There are tunnels connecting from this bar.”

  “Yes, this is why you are going to work here.”

  “Here? I’m going to work here? But Kurtis, what will I be doing?”

  “I have made arrangements with the manager here. To the rest of the employees, you will pose as my daughter, trying to support her dear old daddy. Everyone here thinks I am blind. People have empathy for the disabled and their families. You will be employed here for one month while you find a way to open the cave tunnel entrance.”

  “I won’t be a prostitute Kurtis. If that’s what you mean my working, you can forget it.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to do that. You will be working below, manufacturing heroin patches and spiker. Let’s just say, I persuaded the manager to allow you to be the chemist.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “Well, the head chemist, how should I put this? He didn’t show up for work for the last couple of days. Seems he’s on a permanent vacation. And, the manager and I, came to an agreement.”

  Understanding Kurtis’ meaning, Scarla knew the chemist was murdered and the manager was blackmailed. “I’m guessing you want something unique?”

  “You, my dear, are very perceptive. I don’t want the spiker to be diluted. It needs to be pure.”

  “But Kurtis, that will cause violent insanity.” Fear and anguish covered Scarla’s face like a veil. Placing her elbows on the table, she dropped her head, sighed heavy, and looked back up to him.“But, I am an addict. I…it is too much temptation. Heroin patches are just…I can’t spend that much time around it.”

  “No!” He leaned in closer to her face and whispered softly. “I am commanding you to stop being a slave to that shit. You have been clean for years. I got you off that island. You, owe, me. If a normal life is what you seek, after the plan has been successful, I will release you from my service. Seems fair doesn’t
it? You will have one month to process as much spiker as possible. During that time, you will unseal the tunnel entrance. After that, the rest of the work will be the responsibility of our new friends. When the time comes, we strike hard and retreat. Mitton won’t know our whereabouts.”

  “I still don’t understand this plan. It doesn’t make sense. They’ll just rebuild what we destroyed. We’ll barely put a dent in it.”

  Pointing his first finger to his head, Kansas replied, “I know more details about the ultimate goal. You do not. But it is necessary I assure you. The less you know, the better.”

  “What about this district forces? They have more numbers and they are advanced.”

  Leaning back in his chair he responded,“Yes but they are soft; living with easy conveniences, decades after Brakion made it civilized. But just look at The Respite, it is anything but civil. This district is full of vices. Some of the police get a cut of the action. The Albert organization owns most of the politicians, who allow the peddling of junk.”

  “What about the Albert family? I’m sure they won’t appreciate us causing chaos in their district.”

  “I have a strategy. I will arrange a meeting with their patriarch, Enzo Albert.”

  “But sir, with all due respect, why would we want them involved? We are a threat to their power.”

  “There is a long game here Scarla. We are the Knight pieces on the chessboard. The rest are pawns. ”

  “What is my role in this Kurtis?”

  “I will return every week at this time to check on your progress. Once you secure the entrance location, I will have a battle plan in place. Any questions? I may require your assistance for another matter, but I’ll let you know.”

  “Of course Kurtis, whatever you need,” Scarla conceded.

  “Thank you my dear.” Standing up from his chair as it slid out from under him, he concluded, “Good luck Scarla, be on the lookout for me next week.”

  Kansas waved his stick around, approaching the exit. Keeping his head high, he acted out the best impression of a blind man that he could muster. He exited the tavern.


  Weeks passed. Carriage sleds mushed through the icy streets, pulled by gargantuan wolf-husky hybrids; without heavy traffic to impede their destinations. During the winter months, most citizens of the Genesis District remained inside their homes during the late hours. Upon nightfall, the weather was known to drop down and spike between temperatures of negative five to minus twenty degrees celsius. The pattern was too random to predict. When the temperature drop occurred, those brave souls wandering the streets would drift towards the heated street lamps.

  A man wore an expensive albino gristol fur coat; making his appearance seem larger than it truly was. His spectacles were fogged from the warmth of his breath. Salt and peppered hair matched his thick mustache. Rosy cheeks from the frigid temperatures mixed with his pale complexion. Typing a code into a console outside of a red bricked building; he locked the red entrance door.

  Grasping behind his head and finding the fur hood, he pulled it over to block the gusts of wind from hitting his face. Glass lenses completely steamed, he carefully removed it from his face. Wiping it clean with a handkerchief located in his coat pocket, he slipped the spectacles back over nose.

  Three giant wolf hybrids pulled up near the curb pulling a sleek black carriage. Square shaped, metal tracks were located on the bottom to slice through the snow. The driver was unfamiliar to the man. Wearing a multi colored feline parka, she shivered.

  “Where is Simon?” the man asked.

  The female driver responded in a muffled scarf covering her mouth and nose. Goggles covered her eyes for protection. “He is unwell! I was sent to pick you up.”

  “Next time I should be informed ahead of time. Fine, take me home.”

  The woman didn’t respond, staring toward the front. Upon opening the door to the carriage he was greeted by a pistol barrel. Holding the laser was Kansas Sparks.

  “Mister Adrian LeFleur I presume?”

  “Ye…Yes. Look I have money. Just take it!” Adrian replied in a hurried, and annoyed tone of voice.

  “Adrian, Adrian, Adrian, my good sir, I do not want your money. Only your time and information is requested. Please by all means, come in. It’s cold out there.”

  Climbing inside, sitting opposite of Kansas on a red velvet bench seat, Adrian reached over and closed the door. “What do you want?”

  “Straight to business then, I like that,” he paused. “So I am here to offer a proposal to your boss, Enzo Albert.”

  “Sorry but you are asking the wrong guy. I’m just a simple entrepreneur.”

  Putting the laser away in his leather holster near his left rib, Kansas spoke in a calm manner. “I am not a savage. I put my gun away in good faith so we can speak as equals. Man to man, as the saying goes. No doubt you are an entrepreneur, but you are so much more than that aren’t you?”

  “Listen, I don’t know who you really think I am but…”

  “Let me interrupt you for a moment.” Kansas pulled out a small metal box and opened it to reveal a human pinky finger.

  “What the fuck!”

  “This is a souvenir I took from your driver Simon. He didn’t want to give up this carriage. So, I had to persuade him.”

  “Is he…is he?”

  “Dead? Heavens no! I have no reason to kill him. He is resting comfortably in a place of my choosing. Well, comfortability is relative. He’s alive, and he will return to his duties when you take me to Enzo.”

  “Please,” Adrian pleaded. “Don’t hurt him.”

  “Well, this is inconvenient. It appears I already did. Oh dear…He is more than a driver to you isn’t he? More like a lover I would say. I’m certain your husband wouldn’t appreciate that.” Kansas grinned. “Your secret is safe with me. Wouldn’t want to break up a marriage with three children now would we?”

  Adrian responded. “If I tell you where his location is, he will kill us all, my children too. Don’t you see? I can’t tell you.”

  “Oh, he will be grateful you did introduce us. Like I said, I have a proposal for him. But I am a reasonable man. You will contact him and make an appointment for me to see him. Does that sound fair?”

  “Who are you?”

  “Tell him Kansas Sparks wishes to speak with him.”

  “You’re Kansas Sparks? That’s impossible. But, you do look like him,” Adrian thought for a moment then agreed. “Shit. Okay I will ask him. But what if he refuses?”

  “Then I kill Simon and your husband. I will turn your children into orphans after I feed your remains to the creatures of the ocean depths. Now let’s see how good of a salesman you are?”

  “I..I will get it done.”

  “Good!” Kansas patted Adrian on his shoulder, “We have a deal. You have twenty-four hours. I will meet you back here at that time. After you set up the meeting, I will set Simon free. Oh, you’ll need a new ride too. This one is mine now. Hire another carriage service.”


  “This conversation is done.”


  Twenty-four hours later, Kansas stood alone in front of the same building he met Adrian the night before. He was greeted by two hefty men who worked for Enzo Albert. Shortly thereafter, Kansas was blindfolded and directed into a carriage, arm in arm with one of the men. Seventeen minutes later, they arrived to a secret location.

  Removing his blindfold, Kansas stood in full view of an overweight man with a smoking cigar between wide, plumped, and scarlet lips. Enzo Albert’s rosy coppered skin had a plethora of brown freckles. He wore an expensive green and yellow patterned coat made from boa cobra hide. Sitting behind a marble desk in the back of a large open room, Enzo was surrounded by two henchmen on both sides of him.

  Florescent illumination directed downward from the ceiling, giving him deep shadows over his eyes. Track lighting lined two horizontal ceiling sections of the room. Painted walls of dark blue-grey, silvery metal
chair railing lined the contrasted interior. Black glossed marble tiles caused reflections on the floor.

  “So, you are Kansas Sparks? I was under the impression you were near Phantom Island by now. That was the rumor anyhow. Now the nation knows that Brakion Vol failed to kill you. Wasn’t a smart move on his part. You do resemble the reward holograms a little bit. I must admit, I was expecting a more stronger looking man. You have my attention, but you only have a few minutes.”

  “I have come to offer a proposal. But I will need the use of your sugar manufacturing businesses.”

  “Now, why would I allow someone like you to interfere with my lucrative profits?”

  “Oh, it’s for a common cause I can assure you.”

  Enzo laughed heartily, “Really? Do tell. I run half this city due to the rum sales alone. Sugar shipments keep the fortune flowing. I only care about one cause, my credits.”

  “Noted, of course profit is important to success, but I’m talking long term power for your legacy. How would you like to own the entire district? You could route out those do-gooders that try to have you persecuted with the power I am offering?”

  “How would that come about?”

  “It’s a secret Mr. Albert. But I can tell you this, by the end of the plan, you will be backed by the Capital Kingdom itself. No more concealment of drug trafficking.”

  “Kansas, illegal drugs get higher mark up. That would take away power. Power is produced by credits.”

  “Mr. Albert, this is not a negotiation. It’s going to happen.”

  Enzo’s amusement disappeared, his temper began to boil over. “Why you smug little shit!This is my district! I am the fucking king around here! Why would I kiss the ass of some loser who couldn’t even lead a successful revolt against Brakion Vol?”

  “I do not doubt your power Mister Albert. I offer an expansion of your empire into the other districts after I accomplish my goal. You will have the backing of the Capital Kingdom. I prefer this district to survive the upcoming insurrection. I do not wish to cause too much instability. I will ensure that your businesses remain standing, while others don’t.”


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