The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 29

by Brad Carr

  “There is no way he will make it back alive,” Rose challenged. “He is far outmanned at that fort.”

  “No Rose, he obviously survived,” pointing at Yu’s body, “because she came here for a reason, to transfer me to another location.”

  “Why would he do that?” Loft asked.

  “If I know Brakion, he kept a survivor from the Meeshu Disciples. He conducted an interrogation.”

  “Wait, that means, he may have suspicions that I’m the Headmaster?” asked Loft.

  “No, he couldn’t know that. But he definitely doesn’t trust you fully, or else he would have sent you to transfer me, instead of her.”

  “Maybe I should go with you. This plan has backfired. I’m sure he will know who I am now.”

  “Oh no, General Loft, it worked out better than expected. What was this lady’s first name again?”

  “It was Rebecca,” Loft answered softly.

  “Well, Rebecca looks like the spy now. All the weight has shifted to her. The story will look like she assisted in my escape. The guards became suspicious. She stabbed one of them. The other shot her, but she also fired back. All the witnesses are dead. Rose and I will be long gone, working on our plans for the takeover of the Genesis District. King Lucian will no doubt see this as a major blunder. Brakion will be removed as Alpha General for his failure to send resources to the Genesis District. Also, he let the most wanted criminal get away. It’s too perfect,” Kansas said gleefully.

  “You really are a sneaky son of a bitch Kansas,” Rose commented.

  “Let’s not forget Loft, you will now be the Alpha General of the Tyra District. You will serve Meeshu’s purpose. Just like you wanted.”

  “I hate to say it, but it’s a good plan Kansas,” Loft admitted.

  “Of course it is old friend. Mitton should have been ours long ago. Brakion ruined our plans by squashing the rebellion so many years ago. Justice is served. Well, time to get the hell out of here. Goodbye Loft, we’ll keep in touch. Rose, time to depart.”

  “Not yet,” she shook her head.

  “You rescued me. I’m grateful. Now our time here is over.”

  “I need my revenge on Brakion.”

  “Dearie, that is your old life. You’ve been reborn. Let that life go,” softly holding her arm Kansas said, ”We have a new purpose now.”


  Loft gazed at Kansas, wondering what he was going to do. “Loft, my friend, do you mind leaving us, while we have a private conversation?”


  Rose and Kansas’ gaze followed Loft’s departure out the front entrance. Politely, but with much difficulty in keeping his temper; Kansas asked her, “Okay Rose. Why aren’t we leaving?”

  “You promised me.”

  “Please, refresh my memory Rose, what did I promise you?”

  “You said that I get to kill Brakion Vol. He ripped me away from my family, because of that damned lottery.”

  “Rose, with all due respect, you died. You aren’t a part of that life anymore. Meeshu is your purpose now. Or am I missing something?”

  “But I remember my old life Kansas. I won’t rest until I see Brakion’s head.”

  “Listen, I understand that. But he isn’t here. He won’t be here till tomorrow. We have the advantage here. Loft relieved the guard duty at the cargo tunnels. We are free to clean up the Genesis District, after all the lunatics kill one another. We can make it in our image. Our desires.”

  “No, you mean your desires Kurtis, Kansas, whatever the fuck you call yourself now.”

  “Guilty as charged, but you made a promise to Augustus, to Meeshu. This is part of her plan.”

  “I am owed this Kansas! You promised!” she screamed in a hot temper.

  “Shh….keep it down. Ok, fine. What are we going to do? Like I said, Brakion isn’t here.”

  “I want Brakion dead. I will hide in the district until I have an opportunity. My image is not connected to you. No one knows I exist.”

  “Killing him won’t do any good Rose. He’ll just rise again. He is the Knight of the Chosen. He doesn’t even require an amulet anymore.”

  “He must still suffer a death for this lifetime of pain he caused me.”

  “Rose, my dear, that is only your desires. Do not twist Meeshu’s words with your own.”

  “I would never,” she gasped.

  “Good, then let’s go,” Kansas finalized the debate, turning his back to her.

  Removing her pistol from the holster, she pointed the barrel in the direction of his back. Sensing danger, Kansas held up his hands in a caution.

  “I’m sorry Kurtis. I have to do this,” she apologized. “I am grateful for the amulet, I really am. But I can’t go into the next life without my revenge. You know time is running out for you to leave through the cargo tunnel. You should go. I will stay until Brakion’s blood is staining the floor. Then I will leave.”

  “I can’t talk you out of this can I?”

  “No, I’m afraid not.”

  Without any further debate Kansas gave in and said,”Okay Rose. It’s your decision. But Mona and Leah are not to be harmed. Understand?”

  “Who are they to you?”

  “Mona is my daughter, Leah is my granddaughter. Mona is in a relationship with Brakion. That is your only way to find him when he returns. But, if you harm a hair on their heads, I will kill you, slowly. Are we clear?”

  “I won’t harm them.”

  “Their last names are Transmith. Wait until he leaves their home before you kill him.”

  “He’ll never know what hit him. See you in the Genesis District.”


  Tyra’s Keep was eerily silent. Merchants and citizens were instructed to remain in their homes for safety. The tunnel entrance was murky, only a few bulbs lit the path to reach the door.

  Kansas approached the door. The handle was locked. The power was still on, locking the door. “Damn Loft, he was supposed to…gug….guck…”

  Kansas felt a stabbing pain in his lower back. He lashed out his sword, swinging frantically around him, hitting nothing. Was he alone? He couldn’t see anyone, but somehow he was wounded. Running his hand to his back, he felt liquid pouring out. A jagged blade appeared in front of his gaze. The blade ripped across his neck, severing his carotid artery. Copious amounts of blood sprayed outward like pressure from a water hose. Dropping to his knees, he slumped over to his right side, wallowing in a pool of red. Desperately, he grasped his neck, trying to close his neck wound, but it was futile.

  Lisa Albert appeared in his view, wearing the cloaking suit. Kneeling over him, she whispered in his ear, “You killed my son, my little boy,” she stated with a look of disgust. Her voice faltered, her lips quivered. “You deserve worse than death!” Lisa exclaimed, spitting saliva on his cheek.

  The cold stygian look of death revealed itself. The beating of Kansas’ heart stopped. Lisa picked up his katana sword. Weeping and wailing, she began hacking his body. Over and over again, blood splashed upward like a foot stomping in a mud puddle. Blood slinging upon the surface of the walls, resembled paint splatter. Lisa lunged the katana into his body, leaving it, erected like statue pierced in his flesh. Pushing the button of her cloaking suit, rendering herself invisible, she escaped the murder scene.

  Radiant light made an aura-like appearance on his body. Floating away from his corpse, the ghostly illumination compressed into an orb, bolting through the cave ceiling.


  The ghostly figure of Kyle Sharo slumbered on a gurney inside the abandoned Base Ninety-Five. An Elisha Amulet materialized around the transparent neck. Kyle’s new bone foundation, slowly began its fresh growth.


  Morning arrived. Tyra’s Keep was permitted to resume its usual activities. However, the entire district was still placed on alert, until Brakion lifted the curfew. April Millworth was the first to arrive. He was typically the earliest to set up his stand. April was a full hour early, before the rest
of business owners trekked in. Rose had waited the entire night in a dark corner. She approached April.

  “Do you know a Mona Transmith by any chance?” Rose asked the vendor.

  “Wow, I never see anyone here this early. But yeah, I know her. She’s in charge of the agricultural training around here, “April replied. “Treentos have saved us from hungry nights. Why do you ask? Did that daughter of her’s mess up something again? I swear, that girl is always bothering everyone in the district.”

  “No, I’m a…family member.”

  “What kind of family member are you?” he interrogated.

  “Well, if you must know, I’m her cousin,” she said sarcastically.

  “I meant no offense Ma’am. Just being cautious since we’re still on alert. She lives in a home above the marketplace,” pointing in a Northern direction. “It’s the first one to my left.”

  “Thank you,” she said walking off.

  “No problem, come back later when the store’s open huh? Got some good merchandise,” he raised his voice for her to hear. Then he mumbled to himself, “Well that was rude. I was still talking to her.”


  Joel answered Mona’s door when Rose knocked. “Hello. May I help you?” he asked politely while resting his hand on the handle of the sword strapped to his hip.

  “Why goodness yes,” she gave Joel a fake friendly smile, “I’m from the science department. I need to speak with the agricultural trainer, Mona Transmith?”

  “Well, she is still asleep for the moment. May I take a message for her?”

  “Sure, do you know where she works. Maybe I can meet her there later. When she’s awake?”

  “Oh,” Joel paused for a moment for the information to register to his brain. “Yes, you go down the West Corridor, make a right at the first hallway, then a left at the second? No! Third hallway, I meant. She works in the experimental greenhouses.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you have a name that I can give her?”

  “Oh no, that’s fine. I will introduce myself to her and her colleagues. How many does she employ?”

  “Just Mona, and her assistant, Edward, do you want me to escort you? I can walk with you after Leah goes to school.”

  “No thank you, I have some errands to run first; good day to you sir.”


  Mona trudged reluctantly through the corridors of Tyra’s Keep, approaching the experimental greenhouses. Brakion’s well-being consumed her thoughts. She hoped for the chance at love again for so long. Now that she had it, Mona felt she may have lost it. The news of Brakion's return hadn’t reached her.

  The greenhouse lights brightly illuminated the darkness. Pressing her hand against the scan panel to unlock the door, the green light appeared confirming her identity. Shutting the door behind, it was unusually silent. Her assistant Edward, typically played soothing music over the intercoms. Mona believed it assisted plant growth.

  “Edward!” Mona called out. “Must be late,” she muttered.

  Strolling down a row of treento plants and tomatoes, it gave her peaceful thoughts. Soothing scents from the plants, and the dense moisture in the air; occupied her mind of troubles. Stopping to feel the texture of the leaves, she inspected a few stalks for any signs of disease, or pests. A small thump landed a few meters from her feet.

  “Edward, do we have any,” Mona halted her question. Her heartbeat sped up. Lying on the ground, was a severed hand. Jolting back from fright, her gaze moved upward, onto a strange woman holding a short sword. Mona began to reverse slowly, opening her hands away from her hips, she asked Rose, “Who are you? What do you want?” Rose remained silent. “Please, is Edward alive?” Mona inquired hesitantly.

  “No, but he gave me a little bit of struggle. Have to give him credit. Instead of cooperating, he chose to fight me instead. More than one way to get those prints,” Rose said in flat tone.

  “Why are you here?” Mona asked. Her hands shook. Mona was defenseless. She didn’t carry a weapon to work.

  “I can make this easy on you. Or, I can make this hard.”

  “I have a young daughter,” Mona pleaded. “I am all that she has. I won’t say anything, I promise. Just let me go.”

  “Children grow up without parents all the time. My family may be grown, but they are still my children. Kansas asked me not to harm you. Of course I lied to him. No better way to make Brakion suffer, than to take someone important away from him. Killing Brakion will do nothing for me. But making his life a living hell is a more torturous option.”

  “But we did nothing to you,” Mona said in a wobbly voice. “My daughter deserves a mother.”

  “Should have thought of that before you got involved with a mad man like Brakion.”

  Mona sprinted for the back door. Rose’s footsteps quickly trailed behind her. Swinging the door open, she plunged to the ground outside the greenhouse. A sharp pain near the middle right section of her back took her by surprise, knocking her off balance. Jumping to her feet, she did her best to flee, but she buckled from Rose’s boot to the back of the knees. On the ground, Mona reached back with her hand, pulling out a throwing knife from her wound.

  “Gah,” she grunted. Blood oozed into the fabric of her coveralls, speeding up the flow.

  Rose stood over Mona with the sword in her right hand. “That wasn’t wise. Now you’ll bleed to death. But don’t worry, I’ll make it quick now.”

  Rose lifted the blade above her head, pulling back to commence a hacking strike. The sword dropped behind her. Both of Rose’s detached hands were still gripped to the handle. Rose howled, looking in disbelief at the two bloody nubs in front of her. A short sword handle cracked Rose on the back of the head. She plopped to the dirt, blood pooling from her wrists and head.

  Joel stood tall, holding his viking styled sword. Concerned, he asked,“Miss Mona, are you okay?”

  Chapter 25

  Rose awoke in a hospital bed. Fluorescent lights shone brightly into her retinas, causing migraine pain and nausea. The walls were glossed over with light blue paint. Strapped tightly to the bed with five leather straps; her arms were bandaged all the way up to her elbows. Trying to wiggle proved useless. Rose believed she was alone, until a man’s deep voice spoke.

  “Don’t waste your time Rose,” Angus said, sitting next to her bed in a chair. “You won’t be getting far without hands.”

  She gazed at Angus, sitting to her left. Turning her head to the other side of the hospital room, a white iron door led out to the hallway. Nurses could be seen strolling by, in the rectangular window; taking up most of the top portion. A window shade was rolled up, above the reinforced glass.

  Ignoring Angus’ face, she asked,”What do you want? Did you come to gloat?”

  “No, I happened to be recovering just a floor down from you. I figured I would give you a warning of what is about to happen.”

  Angus stood up, shuffling over, and placed himself in her line of vision. He wore a yellow hospital gown. A robotic prosthetic was attached to where his leg used to be. Shiny gray metal braced his weight, with black plastic compartments covered the wires and microchips underneath.

  “Go away Angus.”

  “Why?” he leaned centimeters from her face. He whispered into her ear while she tried desperately to keep away from him, “Do I make you uncomfortable Rose? God I hope so. I would love to kill you right now. Most of my team is dead because of your fanatics.”

  “Just do it then!” Rose screeched in a worn raspy voice.

  “You would love that wouldn't you Rose. Just so you can reincarnate, and come looking for me. I think not.”

  “Go to hell Angus.”

  A guard opened the door to her room. Brakion entered, wearing a short sleeved white cotton shirt, tan denim pants, and brown boots. His wired mesh sleeves and braces were removed. His left hand held onto a silver cane, and he walked with a limp. Brakion’s long white hair was now cropped short, and his beard was neatly trimmed to half its u
sual length. When the door closed, he pulled down the shade for privacy.

  “Well, well, so this is Rose Papier? I was expecting someone who looked a little more fierce.”

  Sarcastically she said, “Says the cripple.”

  Brakion answered, “Looks like we both are now, aren’t we? This is who I truly am. Imagine that, this cripple helped take down the pitiful force of your fake goddess.”

  “Fuck you old man.”

  Angus bawled up his fist trying to hold back his rage. Brakion put his hand on Angus’ shoulder. “It’s okay Angus. She’s bitter right now.”

  “What do you want Brakion?” she asked.

  “I’ve come to take back something that doesn’t belong to you, your Elisha Amulet.”

  Rose laughed and said, “You can’t you idiot! It was given by Meeshu herself.”

  “You know nothing Rose. I am the Knight of the Chosen, with the power to remove your amulet. Meeshu is nothing, but another Messenger.”

  “No! Meeshu is the Goddess!”

  “Okay, then pray to her now. Pray for her to save you. She won’t come to rescue you Rose. You are immaterial to her.”

  “What are you doing?” Rose felt every nerve in her body burn.

  Brakion’s eyes illuminated a blue glow, he placed his hands against her chest. Rose began to light up in a yellowish aura. Gold smoke pulled upward from the pores of her skin; forming the shape of a necklace. Rose regained her normal complexion.

  The amulet transformed into solid form, landing into Brakion’s left hand. The charm was an ivory colored bone fragment, wrapped in what appeared to be leather. The segment was nearly five centimeters in length, and three centimeters in width. Each of the ends were jagged, and uneven. A thin brown leather loop formed the necklace.

  “This was Vivian’s amulet. I thought it was forever lost at sea,” Brakion commented. “Thank you for returning it.”

  “No! You can’t do this to me!” she exclaimed.

  “But he already did Rose. No special treatment is given to you now. Just a normal human, like the rest of us,”Angus chimed in.


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