Love From A Star: A BWWM Alien Romance

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Love From A Star: A BWWM Alien Romance Page 5

by Shifter Club

  “Sometimes,” she admitted. “I think it is cute.” She flashed him a broad grin and he returned in kind. “Why do you still look human even though you are alone?”

  “I don’t know,” he told her. “This isn’t a bad face,” he said and grinned.

  “I agree,” she said. She held out her hands so that he could take the things she offered.

  “And what are these?” he questioned.

  “This is a blanket; these are some fruits; this is juice and these you might like,” she said as she held up a bag of trix cereal.

  That was the one he tasted first and then smiled as he felt the sweetness dissolve in his mouth as well as the sound of the crunching as it did. “This is nice. I should take some for Santina when I go back.”

  Just then there was a beeping sound coming from the control board. Antash whipped his head around in fright. He rushed over and saw that the screen was still active, and it now identified an incoming vessel. “It can’t be,” he said as he peered at the screen.

  “What is it?” Jalicia asked as she came over.

  “Someone is here, but I am not sure who yet,” he responded.

  “Maybe someone from Solaris was able to track you,” she said hopefully.

  “No, the size of that ship is too big. Solaris has nothing like that. That ship belongs to the Brocoy,” he said as he gritted his teeth. “They must have followed my trail here.”

  “But that means they haven’t attacked Solaris yet, or they wouldn’t be here,” she said.

  Antash looked at her with renewed hope. “You’re right, but we can’t let them see me. I need to get this ship fixed.”

  “I don’t think Ned can do that,” she told him.

  “All he needs to do is fix the communicator, and my people will,” he replied as his eyes left the monitor now and drifted into the clearing. “There,” he said as he saw the vessel begin to take shape.

  Jalicia moved closer to Antash as she saw the oversized ship hovering nearby. “They don’t seem to be able to read your location,” she said, and then if on impulse she flicked the off switch.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Maybe they picked up a signal because it was on. If it is off they will have nothing,” she told him.

  They both watched as the vessel circled overhead a few yards away, before disappearing into the night. “That was some quick thinking,” he looked over at her and said. “Thank you.”

  “You really need to stop thanking me. I was just...”

  She didn’t get to finish her statement. His lips found hers, and she closed her eyes as she felt his warmth soaking through them. She opened her eyes, and found his, and he stared back at her with as much curiosity as he found in hers. And then she reached in and kissed him this time. And the second time around was even better. He held her around the middle and pulled her to him. Jalicia had to crane her neck to receive him, but his lips caught her by surprise as did his skin, and they were both hot and cold as they moved over hers. Her body began to tremble violently, and she held onto her father’s overalls as she got heady. She felt like she was losing control and gliding upwards, and she was afraid to open her eyes and realize she was only dreaming.

  When the kiss ended, Jalicia seemed as if she had been suffocating and had now received oxygen. Her heart was racing a mile a minute, and she touched her throbbing lips to solidify the reality she found herself in now. Antash had crept into her world; crash landed even, and had taken her by surprise. But like Christmas, this wasn’t a gift she was prepared to return, and tears came to her eyes in that moment when she realized her gift was a loaner, and sooner rather than later, she would have to return it.

  Antash held her as she did, knowing all too well the emotions she now carried, and he wished he could find a way to make the dream last too.

  Chapter 5

  “There has been no word from Antash since last week. Where can he be?” Mekhi asked as he circled the Council room with his hands clasped behind him.

  “He went on patrol and no one has seen or heard anything since. We have even sent Tobin and the others to search for him, but nothing. Not him, not the glider, and no means of communicating with him. Jaquar tells us it was broken the last time he saw him,” Bolivar, another of the elders said.

  “Why doesn’t that man ever listen?” Mekhi asked. “He knows better to go on patrol without communication.”

  “What if he was captured?” Eldin asked.

  “By whom?” Mekhi thundered in as powerful a voice as a creature could on all fours. He raised his body upright now and jumped onto the stone pillar in the center of the room. “It was a long time since trouble found us here on Solaris.”

  “Still, there is no ban on it,” Bolivar counseled. “There is nothing to say when or who might attack us here at any time. It is not a good sign that Antash is missing. He is one of our finest warriors and if he can be taken, then that could mean trouble for us, and trouble for us only spells one thing.”

  “The Brocoy,” Mekhi said and gritted his teeth. “Best we be prepared then, in the event that Antash being missing is a pre-war tactic.”

  “We can’t let the people know about this until we are sure,” Elijah advised. “Give the commanders a heads up. We might have a war on our hands.”

  “Antash may not have been taken though,” Mekhi said as he resumed his stance among the other council members. “There are only three planets close enough that he could have gotten to if he was chased. There is no sign of his glider or of any debris to suggest he is dead, so maybe he fled to a neighboring planet. There are only three close by.”

  “Earth, Varen and Mars,” Elijah said.

  “And I am sure it is everyone’s guess where he would go. I guess he did get to see Earth after all,” Mekhi whispered.

  “I only hope that is true, and there will be no Brocoy after all,” Bolivar said.

  “There has to be something that caused him to flee. He would never leave his sister alone,” Mekhi said. “I don’t like it.”

  “We'll get the men ready. By all indications an attack is imminent,” Mekhi added, and then walked out of the room.

  The other council members stared at each other for a considerable period before doing the same. They could only hope they would be ready this time; the Brocoy no longer had the element of surprise.


  “My people actually originated from Earth,” Antash told Jalicia one night as they strolled across the field. “Would you have ever guessed that?”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” she laughed. “How did that happen?”

  “Well, the Ackach, those are the wise ones on Solaris, always came under attack from the Brocoy. They are the villains who go around terrorizing the galaxy. That’s why we now have routine patrols so that we wouldn’t be caught unaware again,” he paused and rested against the bark of a tree. He looked up at the sky and then slid along the bark until he rested on the ground. Jalicia came to sit next to him.

  “They will see you are missing,” she said.

  “I know,” he said as he looked over at her and smiled. “The Ackach are very smart, but they couldn’t fight. They are much smaller than us, and don’t look like humans at all. Well, I don’t either, but that is because of the cross-multiplication between humans and other beings over the centuries. We practically created our own species,” he smiled.

  “I can see that,” she replied.

  “I’ve always dreamed of coming here,” he told her as he felt the blades of grass that came up between his legs. “It is a lot like Solaris here, except there is more grass.”

  “No, this is just one part of earth. The cities have less than this. Maybe if things go well, you can come back and I will show you. You know how to blend in well. They won’t even know you are different.”

  Antash smiled at her and gripped her small hand in his own. “Thank you Jalicia,” he said. “I hope I have the pleasure of doing the same one day too. You would love Solaris.”

>   “I’d like that,” she smiled.

  The two sat for a prolonged period of time, until the overhead sun began to pelt their backs. She enjoyed his company, the way he spoke, his gait, everything about him. His intelligence and his vast knowledge about space, time, physics and the elements impressed her, and she spent as much time as she could with him as she learned about worlds she didn’t even know existed.

  “Stay there,” he told her after they had returned to his glider.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, panic starting to rise in her throat.

  “No, don’t be alarmed,” he said as he took out a notepad he kept in a cabin. “I just want to make you a portrait.”

  “You draw too?” she asked. “And here I was thinking I was the smart one by wanting to be a doctor.”

  “You are smart, and you will make a fine doctor. My advantage is years; I have more time to learn more things.”

  “Yeah I guess,” she said as she pouted.

  “Now hold still, and give me a half smile,” he told her.

  Jalicia stood still as his hands danced over the pad. He occasionally looked up at her, and his face took on a serious expression as he got lost in his task of drawing. A few strokes later and he rested the coal onto the dashboard once more and turned his finished work around to her.

  “Oh my,” Jalicia said as her hand flew to her mouth. “You did that so quickly.” She walked over and took the picture from him that was the exact likeness of her; he had captured her soul it seemed, and when she looked back at him she had tears in her eyes.

  “Do the women of Earth all cry so easily?” he asked.

  “No,” she said as she smiled and brushed away her tears. “Some of us are more emotional than others.”

  “How can you be so strong yet so weak at the same time?” he asked, amazed by her liquid show. He reached out his hand to touch her still wet cheek. “So hard, yet so fragile.”

  “All a part of being human I guess. Don’t you feel on Solaris?” she asked.

  “I thought we did. Now it seems heightened here,” he replied as he stared deeply into her eyes.

  “Welcome to Earth,” she said as a chuckle escaped her.

  “Yes,” he said as he moved over to her as if compelled. “I do feel welcome,” he said as he brought his lips down on hers.

  Jalicia didn’t move. She didn’t want to, and she opened herself to receiving everything he had to offer, though she was nervous and a little bit frightened. This experience was new to her, to them, and their rapidly increasing heart rates confirmed the anxiety they shared. But the way he tasted on her was undeniable, and soon she locked her hands behind his head, and her head began to spin. She felt as if she was floating, and when she opened her eyes, she was. He held her as he slightly hovered, and when she pulled back, she saw his black eyes now darker as they became overwhelmed with passion.

  “Not like this,” she whispered, and when he appeared confused, she explained. “As your true self.”

  Then with understanding, and before her very eyes, Antash’s skin color began to grow discolored as it changed from the chocolate hue it had before to match hers, to a smooth shade of green that seemed to illuminate the vessel.

  Jalicia’s heart was pumping hard, and he raised one hand and rested it there. Her breath caught in her throat then, and he found her lips once more, and then her ears, as he nibbled on them one after the other. She shivered each time he did, and the intensity that came from her was new to him. He grew mad with passion as he nipped her neck, and a small squeal came from her.

  He stopped. “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No, don’t stop,” she breathed, her words barely coming out in whispers.

  Antash returned to his trail of terror as he circled her neck with his tongue, and then she felt her feet touch the ground again as his head ventured further south. His hands caught her breasts, and he paused as he cupped them, squeezing them, and seeming hypnotized by the feeling. Then in a single movement his hands came down, and so did her shirt as her lace covered twins now pointed at him, exposed and ready for the taking. Slowly he lowered his head, his eyes never once leaving them, and in a blink the lace was gone and his tongue replaced them.

  She held her head back as his tongue swirled around her nipples, and she caught the edge of the control board for support as she grew weak. He took care and time in drinking her in, and soon he stopped to survey the rest of her body before delving further into the unknown territory that was her body. Her legs slightly apart, and her hands now trembling ecstatically, Jalicia yelped as he came close to her most vulnerable part. His warm breath caused her private part to pulsate, and when he slid his tongue over it, she lost control. She grabbed his head and held it in place, and recognizing the invitation, Antash’s tongue flitted over the spot, moving from top to bottom repeatedly, until he took her in and sucked her as she trembled endlessly. He went even deeper, and his tongue, which seemed to have grown an inch, found the entrance to her cavern, and he plunged inside for a taste of the woman who had captivated all his senses. Jalicia rocked from side to side as she tried to contain the volcano that was about to erupt, and when he slid his tongue across her clit and sucked on it once more, she couldn’t help the rush of her free flowing lava as it sprang from her.

  Antash stood now, and she could see his green skin glowing, and the closer he got to her, it was almost as if his skin was covered in emeralds. Her eyes searched, and she started when she saw that where there was none before, when she had first seen him naked, he now boasted a beautiful member that dangled before him and seemed to be beckoning to her.

  “How did you do that?” she asked.

  He came forward and lifted her so she rested on the edge of the control board, but away from anything dangerous. “I have many tricks,” he said as he brought his lips to hers once more, and she couldn’t help surrendering to this being from another planet that was rocking her entire world. Antash spread her legs and used his body as a crutch for them as he gently, and expertly, glided inside her. Jalicia’s head fell back as she received him in his entirety, and her fingers dug into his shoulders like claws as he bought out the beast in her. Her eyes became wild, and as he stroked, in and out, in and out, she cried out as she became awash with emotion. Soon the heated fervor that had overtaken her caught him as well, as his black eyes flashed dangerously, and he began stroking harder and faster. And harder and faster for Antash was abnormal when compared to humans. He seemed to be vibrating as he entered her repeatedly, and Jalicia could feel her body grow weak as she ejaculated over and over again.

  Antash gripped her breasts as he plunged into her time after time, and soon, her inner walls became slippery as her cum flooded him, and the sensation sent him over the edge as he pulled back and allowed his fluid to fall on the ground. Jalicia watched him as he released, and his eyes remained closed until every single drop had left him. Jalicia remained rooted to the spot until her convulsions had stopped, and then she slid from the board like molten caramel. She slithered to the ground and Antash moved over to rest next to her. She laid her head on his shoulder as sweat trickled from her face and onto him. She looked down and realized that his member was no longer visible, and she smiled and touched the spot where it was.

  “I wish I could do that,” she said. “It would make going to the beach a lot more fun,” she said as she laughed.

  “The beach...” he said as his voice trailed off.

  She looked at his face, the longing that had overcome it, and suddenly something was made very clear to her. “You have never been to the beach, have you?”

  “No,” he said. “I have always heard about it from the Ackach, but I have never actually been there. It is one of the reasons I have wanted to visit earth. I keep hearing how great it is, yet how savage the humans are. I wanted to see for myself,” he said softly.

  “We aren’t all that bad,” she said as she ran her forefinger across the soft scales covering his chest. “I bet...”
br />   HISSSSS!!!!

  “What is that?” Antash said as he sprang to his feet and peered through the screen. There was nothing, but he was sure he heard an all too familiar sound.

  “I don’t see anything,” Jalicia said as she stared at the empty field.

  Then a Brocoy appeared out of nowhere and stepped onto the grass. Another followed right behind. They were hideous, and more of what Jalicia expected aliens to look like. “My God,” she exclaimed. “Why are they back?”

  “Shh,” Antash said to her as he indicated his ears. “They can hear you,” he mouthed afterwards, and then pointed at the screen.

  The Brocoy had gray and black stripes with spikes on their backs running along the spinal column, and what seemed like horns scattered on their heads. They were taller than humans, maybe as tall as Antash, and didn’t look friendly at all.

  “It must be somewhere around here,” one of them said. “The signal originated here.”

  “Maybe it was just a residual trail. Maybe it was here and that is no longer the case because I’m getting nothing now,” said the other.

  The first simply walked about with its hands behind it. “No, if it landed here it either crashed or ran out of fuel, which means he never got back to Solaris. They may not know about the impending attack. Come, Neka, we have a war to wage” he said as he disappeared inside the invisible craft once more.

  “Right away,” Neka growled as he disappeared after him. There was a slam and another loud hissing. And then there was silence.

  “They never got to Solaris,” Antash said frantically. “I need to get to them.” He looked wildly about him and then grabbed her hand. “Oh, sorry,” he said as he remembered her torn shirt. “Can you make it decent?”

  “Sure,” she said as she wrapped it around her more private areas. “But where are you going?”

  “We need to find Ned. It has been days and there has been no progress with the communicator. I need to get it fixed.”

  “I am surprised you don’t know how to do that seeing as you can do so many other amazing things,” she smiled.


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