Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 4

by Jeannette Winters

  Dean’s father had been so pissed that he told the judge to let him serve time in the juvenile detention center. It was a place that wasn’t going to reform him. His own father didn’t come to see him there. Zoey was the only constant back then and even now. Even though she knows what an asshole I am.

  It was one hell of a rude awakening on how fucked up life was at times. He protected Kenzi’s honor by never sharing what happened to her, and the guy who did it healed from his injuries and got to walk out of the hospital, while Dean sat in jail.

  Was being back in town bringing back those harsh memories? The last he heard, Kenzi was in town also. Neither of them had seen each other or spoken in years. It wasn’t by accident either. Her family never liked him around her in the first place, and once he had a criminal record they liked him even less. If only they knew.

  He laughed to himself. Would them knowing actually change anything? She didn’t ask him to attack anyone. Kenzi probably would have begged him not to, as she never could bring herself to be mean to another person. No, Dean did this because he had so much built-up anger for the years of abuse he and his siblings had experienced. That night was just the last straw, and he let out all his frustrations with every blow of his fist. Maybe I’m an animal myself?

  A soft knock interrupted his thoughts. He needed a distraction because in his current state of mind he wasn’t going to be able to concentrate on the paperwork in front of him.

  “Come in.” He fully expected it to be Brittany-Lynn again. Instead, it was Tessa. He knew she had been avoiding him for the last few days. He didn’t mind letting her play her little game for now, as he had work to do, but what brought her to him now?

  “Am I catching you at a bad time?”

  Never a bad time for you. He looked at her, and she was totally different from his secretary. Brittany-Lynn dressed to be noticed and Tessa, the total opposite. If he hadn’t seen her bent over, he probably would never have given her a second look. She was far from ugly, but he normally liked his women dressed for the taking. Yet there was something about her that told him she was hotter than anyone he had ever met. So why was she hiding herself behind those big glasses and oversized sweaters? Did she not feel sexy, or was she trying not to?

  “I can spare a few minutes. What’s up?”

  Tessa entered the office and stood by his desk. “There has been talk among some employees that Poly-Shyn may be taken over by an outside party. I wanted to see if there was any truth to the rumors.”

  What the fuck? How could he answer that? She knew what the rumors were because she probably was the one starting them. No one else in the office would be privy to such information. So if she wanted to have him confide in her, then he would. Only the information wasn’t going to be factual.

  “I can’t see how we are going to hold on. I’m trying to find out who it is now, so we can make a deal and settle this peacefully. If they want the company, I might as well let them have it. It’s not like I really want it anyway.” He leaned back in his chair and watched her for a reaction. Was that sadness he read in her eyes? Why? She should be ecstatic he was willing to let this place go to her true employer.

  In a very soft tone she said, “It must be very difficult for you to have to give up your father’s company. I hear he dedicated his entire life to building it.”

  Tessa was right on that. Everything his father had done was about making money in this damn business. His family meant nothing to him. His funeral was proof of what a cold-hearted person he was. The only people there were the six of them. No relatives at all. It was as though the family started and ended with their father. Dean often wondered about that. Where was their mother? He may have been rich and powerful, but he still needed a woman to have a child, never mind six. If a mother was going to reappear, he thought it sure would have been then to try to claim the business. When that didn’t happen, Dean decided to claim it himself.

  He wanted the company his father loved so much to show him that he could do it even better than his father had. “I have no real attachment to the place. Just killing time here.”

  She looked shocked at his statement. Why shouldn’t she be? After all, her purpose here was to look for his weakness and report on it, and he had delivered it to her on a silver platter. It was probably killing her to stand there in front of him, pretending to feel bad, when all she wanted to do was run back and deliver the message.

  “If running Poly-Shyn isn’t what makes you happy, then I hope you find what does one day.” Tessa turned to head out of the office.

  Something in her voice seemed sincere. It intrigued him. Actually, everything about her did. What the hell is it about you? You’re not what I usually go for.

  “I was just about to leave for lunch. Join me.”

  Even from behind the glasses he saw her eyes widen. “I have a lot of work to do.”

  “It wasn’t a request.”

  “Did you still need to discuss something with me?” she asked.

  Dean had a lot of things to discuss, none of which could be said to her. No, this lunch was going to be a fishing adventure, but on his terms, not hers. “Why else would I ask?”

  Tessa nodded. “Let me get my purse, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

  He watched her leave his office. The confidence she had been portraying earlier had vanished. Was she questioning if she was going to be able to go through with the assignment? Was he too big of a challenge? He got up from his chair and grabbed the keys to his Aston Martin. Dean couldn’t hold back the laughter as he left his office. Maybe she can’t resist my charm.

  Tessa grabbed her purse and headed for the lobby. She didn’t want to keep him waiting as his mood seemed to be different from before. That didn’t mean it was better, but something had changed. There was only one way to find out what that was, and that was by listening while having lunch with him.

  Growing up, her father always told her the more you listen, the more you learn about another person. She hadn’t thought of applying it to reading a CEO of a company, but then again, she never thought she would be in the position to actually have lunch with one either. Life is full of surprises. Hopefully, this is one of the pleasant ones.

  When she arrived, the lobby was empty except for the security guard. “Mr. Henderson said for you to go outside. He will be waiting for you there.”

  So much for changes. It looks like his old self is back. When she exited the building, she expected to see a limo waiting with him already in it. Instead, there was a bright red Aston Martin waiting out front with Dean in the driver’s seat. Why in the world would any sane person have a car that cost about three-hundred-thousand dollars? There was nothing practical about it at all. This thing screamed rich playboy for sure. She opened her door, slid inside, and buckled up.

  As they drove, she took in the interior of the car: rich black leather, a pop-up navigation system, and more buttons and gadgets than she cared to count. And when would anyone ever need to drive 220 mph? Maybe it strokes his ego to know he could if he wanted to. Men! Finally, the silence was killing her. How could she listen if he wasn’t speaking? “Was there something specific you wanted to talk about?”

  He looked at her briefly then turned his eyes back to the road. Traffic was always crazy in Boston, but that time of day was the worst. She never drove and only took public transportation. Right now, sitting in the midst of all the honking horns and people swearing at each other, she was glad she didn’t do this on a regular basis.

  “Why don’t we wait till we get to my place where we can talk without interruptions?”

  His place? What happened to lunch? If he thought for one minute that she was the type of girl he could take home with him for a little afternoon delight, he had another thing coming. There was no way was she going any farther with him. “Did I hear you correctly? We are going to your place?”

  He nodded without looking at her. “You heard right.”

  Dean Henderson, you have some nerve. “Then I wo
uld like you to take me back to the office now. There is no way am I going to your home or any other place you may have planned. You said this was a business lunch. Not a . . .”

  They stopped at a red light, and he turned to look at her. “A what?”

  Tessa huffed and crossed her arms. “You know exactly what. There is no way I’m going to have . . .”

  He laughed. “Are you so shy you can’t even say the word?”

  Of course, she couldn’t say it. She didn’t even want to think it. This was her boss. It was bad enough she found him sexually attractive, but acting on such desires was never going to happen. “I choose not to say it. Now, please take me back to the office.”

  Dean continued to look at her as though he was searching for any chance she might be playing hard to get. Consider me impossible to get. It ain’t happening. Tessa couldn’t face him any longer and turned her face away. He reached for her and cupped her face to turn it toward him again. Their eyes locked, and she trembled at his touch. Tessa inhaled his scent and a rush of heat flowed through her.

  “I was only joking. But know this Tessa, if I want you, whether it be at my home or office, I will have you.” She opened her mouth to correct him, but he hushed her by brushing his lips gently on hers. “So if you were wise, you would stop looking at me with those deep green eyes that are begging me to make love to you, because I won’t be able to hold back any longer if you don’t stop.” A car horn beeped from behind them. Dean didn’t release her but asked, “So are you ready for the lunch I offered earlier?”

  The horn beeped again, followed by a man yelling, “Hey are you fucking deaf or just dumb? If you want to get it on then get a damn room.” Tessa was so embarrassed by the man’s words. She tried to pull away and look around, but he was not releasing her. She knew he had to hear what was going on, yet he seemed unaffected by it. Are you really going to just sit here? “You’re holding up traffic.”

  “They can wait. What is your answer?” His thumb stroked her cheek as he spoke.

  What was wrong with her? It was like being in a trance. She couldn’t even remember the question. All she could think of was how sweet his lips felt on hers, even though it was only briefly. Why did he kiss me? What does he want from me? Why do I have to analyze everything? Why can’t I for once just enjoy the moment?

  As more horns beeped she blurted out an answer, not even knowing what she was agreeing to. At this point, she would have promised him anything. “Yes.”

  Dean let her go and said, “Good because I’m starving, and I know this great pizza place I used to go to years ago.”

  Pizza? He has me hot and bothered, and he’s thinking food? Maybe I’m the one out of control. Forcing a smile, she replied, “Make it thin crust and you’re on.”

  She thought the pizza place would be a local one in Boston. Each time they approached one, she knew it had to be the one. But once they were outside the city limits, it was apparent wherever he was taking her wasn’t a place she had been before.

  Where exactly is this restaurant? Not that it really mattered. They were on the highway and seemed to be heading to Cape Cod. That made her think seafood, not pizza. Her stomach growled at the thought of food yet to come.

  Dean must have heard it as he said, “Hold on, we’re almost there.”

  Tessa blushed. “Guess I should have eaten breakfast.”

  He reached across and touched her leg and said, “Some things are worth the wait.”

  Her pink cheeks turned beet red. Why was it everything he said sounded like a sexual proposition? Because you have a dirty mind, Tessa. Pull yourself together before you make a fool of yourself.

  They turned off the highway and continued driving away from town. The streets had quaint little shops and boutiques. How could she have lived in this area all her life but never explored around here? He pulled into what looked like an old country store. The inside was pretty much the same as the outside, rustic looking with only a few tables. Each one had a different table cloth and mismatched chairs. This wasn’t anywhere she expected someone like Dean Henderson to go. She, on the other hand, found it absolutely charming.

  They sat at a table and soon were greeted by a short, stocky woman in her sixties. “Dean Henderson, is that you? The last time I saw you, you said you weren’t ever coming back home.” She turned and looked at Tessa and smiled. “But I can see what would change your mind.”

  Tessa waited for Dean to correct her, but he didn’t. This was someone he knew, and if he wanted to mislead her about their relationship, then she was sure he had a good reason to do so. She looked at him from the corner of her eye and saw him reading the menu. Or he just can’t think past his stomach.

  “We’ll have my usual, and I’ll have a root beer. How about you, Tessa? What would you like to drink?” Dean asked.

  Nice of you to order for me. I can see your lack of manners. “Diet soda for me, please.”

  When the woman left the table, she turned to Dean. “Do you believe it is your right to control everything?” The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. Instantly she wanted to crawl under the table and pretend she was not there. She knew Dean didn’t ask for respect, he demanded it, even if it wasn’t reciprocated.

  The anger she anticipated was not there. Instead he looked amused. Nothing today was going as planned. Not his reactions nor hers.

  “It’s easier to get what you want when you hold the control.”

  “What if I don’t want your usual? I could have food allergies for all you know,” she said gruffly.

  Dean looked at her and asked, “Any allergies?”

  Tessa shook her head. He didn’t get it. God this man is thickheaded. “No, but that’s not the point. Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners when talking to a lady?” She wanted to make him feel guilty, but his words threw her off guard.

  “Never met her, so, no she didn’t.” His tone was flat, almost without emotion.

  She had crossed the line with her comment, and realizing he didn’t know his mother at all was heartbreaking. Tessa had come from a strong family, maybe too strong at times. But her values, her right from wrong, were taught to her from a young age. Dean’s father had a reputation for being brutal. If that was all Dean had as a role model growing up, that explained a lot. He just needed the right person to show him differently. It’s never too late to change.

  “That was thoughtless of me to say. I’m sorry.” Tessa reached across the table and touched his hand. He pulled it away and shot a hard look at her.

  “I don’t need any pity. What would she have taught me anyway? How to be weak and soft like women? Thanks, but neither one of those things would have gotten me where I am today.”

  Tessa didn’t turn away. She was not pretending to care, she actually felt sorry for him. “Is that what you think? That someone like me is weak? To me, to be able to think past one’s self and put others needs first is strength.”

  “And whose needs are you putting first Tessa? Why are you really at Poly-Shyn? You and I both know that HR management takes a different type of person. So what are you really after?”

  “I’m not after anything, just trying to do my job the best I can.” Even as she spoke, she knew her hands trembled. If she didn’t believe her own words, then how was she going to convince Dean that there wasn’t anything going on? I’m not going to be able to. He sees right through my act. Everything I have been doing is about to come to an end. Starting with my job.

  “So that is how you want to play this, Tessa? You want me to believe that you are working for Poly-Shyn because you are a loyal caring employee and nothing else?” He stared at her as she twisted her fingers together on top of the table.

  Why was she there? That was a question she had asked herself many times over, even before Dean had taken over as temporary CEO. This was not her dream job. She loved working with people. The job she had been hired for, data entry in HR, was the farthest you could get from that. All she had done was sit at a c
omputer and key in information all day. If she even spoke to another person during the day, it was usually in passing in the hallway. But once the opportunity opened up for her to move up, promoted or self-appointed, she found a purpose for being there. What would Dean say if she told him the truth about what she was doing? He must suspect something if he’s asking me these questions. “Whether you want to believe it or not, Dean, it’s the truth. I love my job and the people I work with. Why is that so hard for you to believe?”

  Before he could answer, the woman returned with their drinks and what looked like the most amazing veggie pizza ever. The aroma filled the air, and she wanted nothing more than to have a taste but not until they finished their conversation. How was she going to effectively work for him if he didn’t trust her? But then again, maybe you shouldn’t trust me.

  “We each want something different for Poly-Shyn. So why don’t we drop the business talk for now and enjoy the pizza while it’s hot?”

  She searched his eyes for a moment but something said he wasn’t going to share anything more than he already had. Tessa took a piece of pizza and slid it onto her plate. While she ate, all she could think about was the one moment when she saw vulnerability in him. The second she spoke about his mother was the first time she saw anything real in him. Unfortunately, it looked like pain.

  Chapter Four

  Tessa sat in her office trying to concentrate on payroll for the few employees who were paid hourly. It was a relief when the last one was entered. It was a process she was very familiar with, as it had been her weekly task when she was first hired. Now it was only one of many on her endless list. I hope that woman they are sending from the temp agency today wants to roll up her sleeves and jump right into work. Like NOW.


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