Pressure (Valley Hospital Series Book 1)

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Pressure (Valley Hospital Series Book 1) Page 5

by Bryant, Lillian

  “You wanted this, everything I had…” I pull almost entirely from her body and pause. “This…” I slam inside her. She’s so slick, smooth, and tight. She groans loudly, and the muscle in my jaw ticks. “This is me…” I pull out just enough before I plunge violently inside her again. “…vulnerable.” I growl as I push in and out of her body letting her pull me to my end. She pulsates around each stroke, and I can’t hold on any longer. I let go for her, give her what she wants, my fingernails pull across her hips as I come in a rush. The feeling is euphoric as it spills down my spine. Her body did this. Her body possesses mine.

  “You’ve destroyed me,” I whisper in her ear. My lips kiss at the pulse in her neck, my hand spreads against her stomach as I help her stand. Her back to my chest, we’re silent. The high of her starts to die down, and I let the fact that I just gave myself over to this fucking girl sink in. Destroyed is an understatement. I’m not sure who I am anymore.

  She turns in my arms and brings her gaze to mine. She almost looks shy as she lifts on her toes and places a sweet kiss on my cheek. Her eyes cast down, and I start to wonder if I’ve hurt her. Wasn’t this what she’d asked for? I quickly pull myself together and zip up my jeans. The buzz of the liquor is gone.

  I take her hand in mine. The warmth of her palm relieves my growing panic. She laces her fingers with mine, and I look down into the green pools of her eyes. “Was that—”

  “Perfect, sexy, amazing, mind-blowing sex? Yes… yes, it was.” The corner of her mouth turns up in a shy smile.

  “Stay over tonight.” It’s more of a statement than a question, but she nods. It doesn’t matter how much of herself she gives. It isn’t enough. I need more, and I need it now.

  “What does this mean?” I trace my finger over the letters on Cole’s rib cage.

  “Nil nocere. Do no harm. It’s part of the oath we take as doctors.” His lips are set in a serious line as my gaze falls to his mouth.

  The dim light of his bedside table lamp illuminates his face in sharp shadows. His fingertips trace lines down my ribcage, along the curve of my hip, and back up again. The soft mattress beneath me, his touch… it’s next to impossible not to feel like this whole night is a dream, and at any moment I’m going to wake up. He’s lying on his side, me on mine, and we’re watching each other. It’s three in the morning and I have to be up and at work in six hours, but I don’t care. This night has been more than I ever thought possible.

  “Is it what you expected?” My lips spill all my secret questions. I love Cole’s appreciation of my body. His need to make me feel every last bit of ecstasy he has to offer. He’s finally let go, and now I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to let go of him.

  “I like being a doctor. It’s harder than I thought it would be. People can be… difficult.” My quiet laugh makes his brows narrow. “What?”

  “I meant us… me… is it what you expected?” I draw a line down the slope of his nose and place it on his lips. “Don’t answer that needy girl question. It’s late, my strong independent woman went to sleep two hours ago, and needy Bailey can be very annoying.”

  He wraps his hand around the nape of my neck and pulls me to his mouth. He kisses me gently and then pulls away. His eyes move back and forth as he searches mine. “None of this is in my plan. To be honest, Bailey, for the first time, I have no idea what’s coming next. And even though it scares the shit out of me, you make me want it, the unknown.”

  “Well, shit. Good answer.” My mouth pulls into a closed lip, shy smile.

  “Those dimples… Fuck, Bailey. Feeling like this, it’s different.” He rubs his thumb along my cheek.”

  “Different. I can handle different.” My smile mirrors his.

  “Why’s that?” he asks.

  “I’m an only child. I’m good at handling all sorts of situations.” I laugh.

  “It’s a lonely life being an only child.” He places a stray hair behind my ear.

  “You too?” He nods, so I continue. “My parents were both doctors. My mom was too concerned with her practice, and my father was too concerned with sticking his dick in anything with tits. Lonely life indeed, Dr. Larkin.”

  “My mom raised me on her own. My dad was too busy getting high.” His voice fades, and he closes his eyes. “It’s so crazy how it doesn’t matter how well off your parents are or how shitty your childhood is. Where you end up in the grand scheme of things, it’s up to you. My mother always told me to work hard… so I always have. Instead of living a shit life, I became a doctor.” He opens his eyes, and the brown seems lighter as he stares into mine.

  “Can I be you when I grow up?” I giggle, and he rolls his eyes. “I’m serious, Cole. You’re amazing. You came from nothing, and now you’re a sexy ER doctor with a brain I plan to pick one day.”

  He smiles and kisses me again, and this time, it’s so tender it makes my chest hurt. “I just work hard, Bailey, and so do you. Speaking of work, you should get some sleep. You’re starting at Valley tomorrow… big day.” His eyes widen.

  I smack his shoulder, and he groans. “Don’t make fun. It’s huge, my first day as a nurse is a big deal.”

  “It is, and I shouldn’t have kept you up so late.” He pulls the crisp white sheet over our bodies. The cool fabric is a relief on my overheated skin.

  “I’d stay up late any night with you, Dr. Larkin. Especially if you do that thing you just did with your—”

  He silences me with a deep kiss. I can still taste myself on his lips, and when he pulls away and licks his tongue along my bottom lip, I sigh. “I think if we don’t go to sleep now, I’ll need you to carry me into orientation.”

  “Very sensible.” Cole leans over me and turns off the light.

  “I’m glad you stayed.” His voice sounds louder in the darkness.

  “Me too.” I don’t really know what else to say. The feelings I have for Cole are growing and the more we physically connect, the more he gives himself over to me. I never thought I’d crave that, another person’s control, but I do. Watching his disciplined little puzzle pieces scatter is addictive. When Cole lets go, when all that steadied thought fades, he’s stunning. The way he takes me like I’m his last escape, seeing him reach that ultimate climax, feeling every muscle in his body tighten along my skin, it’s sexy… beautiful… unbearable.

  I inhale a deep breath and roll to my other side. He aligns his body along mine and rests his arm on my hip, his hand settling on my outer thigh.

  Nothing more is said, and as his breathing becomes deeper, mine does as well. Feeding off each other seems to just be our way.

  I seriously can’t keep my eyes open. The hospital’s head administrator is talking to me and the other new hires about the importance of cost, compliance, patient health information, and privacy.

  Blah. Blah, fucking blah… yawn fest.

  Fuck my life.

  That’s the only part of healthcare I hate. I hate the red tape, the politics; I just want to help people.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket jolting me to fully awake status. I ease it from my pocket and chance a peak.

  Cole: Pay attention.

  I look around, and he’s sitting in one of the chairs in the front of the room.

  Me: Stalker.

  I can’t hide my smile.

  Cole: No, I’m speaking for the Chief of Medicine. Just found out twenty minutes ago. He had another meeting at Valley West today.

  The man speaking catches my attention when he introduces none other than Dr. Larkin. Holy shit. Cole stands and looks ridiculously handsome in his dark slacks, charcoal button down, and black tie. Effortlessly, absolutely effortlessly attractive. I left him this morning with a raging hard on. I giggle to myself at the thought. He wanted a little pre-breakfast sex, but I said nope, no way. I couldn’t be late, and I needed to recover from the three times we had sex last night. The man is insatiable. It was hard—pun intended—to leave him like that. But, today is an important day, and I had to get home and get ready i
n order to be on time. Seeing him now, though, I’m thinking I could’ve been a little late.

  He steps up to the podium and introduces himself, his deep voice is thick, and it makes the ache between my legs almost intolerable. He apologizes for the absence of Dr. Boggs, who, I’m assuming, is the Chief of Medicine, and continues the whole discussion on compliance. Oh dear God, thank hell he’s hot. Otherwise, I’d be sleeping right now. The importance of proper narcotics use is his primary focus, and the longer he talks, the more he falls into Dr. Control mode. His posture is tall and stiff, his jaw a severe line as he addresses the room. I have an urge to run down to the front of the room, right to him, and pop his top three buttons, mess up his hair, and scatter the papers—most likely his well-organized speech—to the ground.

  His speech fades, and all I can hear is the voice from last night—his voice—telling me how much I make him crazy, how being inside me is everything. The deep growl telling me to come, calling out my name, telling me how good I taste. The room suddenly feels too warm, and I have to cross my legs in order to relieve the pressure the memory is causing.

  “Ms. Evans?” My name formally falls from his lips, and I blush.

  “Umm, yes?”

  Shit! Did he ask me a question?

  He looks down at his paperwork and back up at me, a slight twitch in his lip showing that he’s struggling not to smile. Ten sets of eyes turn and look at me, and I suddenly hate Dr. Cole Larkin. “You’re next.”

  Next… next for what? Damn it, Bailey, you need to pay attention. I gulp.

  “I’ve asked the room to think of a question in regards to their specific department.” His smile is small, but I can tell he’s getting off on making me squirm, most likely payback for leaving him hanging this morning.

  Asshole. Sexy as hell, but an asshole nonetheless.

  “About compliance?” My voice is too high pitch, and I hate myself.

  “I do believe that’s what we’ve been discussing, Ms. Evans.”

  The room breaks out into quiet laughter, and I smile, too. “Sorry, long night, I’m not quite awake yet.” The room fills with laughter again, and I clear my throat. His dark eyes lock on mine, my comment causing his professional veneer to waver. I have to look away as I speak. “I think patient health information is the biggest risk related to the mother-newborn population, sir. It’s easy to slip up and release information to family and friends.”

  He pulls at the knot in his tie and the muscle in his jaw clenches. “Very true, good point, Ms. Evans.” He nods his head at me, and I give him a knowing grin. “Mr. Billings, what do you have to add?” He moves on to the person sitting next to me, and I release a long breath. It’s just more proof that he gets me too crazy. I’m too distracted. I need to focus. I can’t let a man make me stupid. Cole is different, and like I said last night, I can handle different. But my feelings were starting to form into scary syllables. I need him more than I think I should, and I like him way past the point of sane.

  My phone vibrates again, and I notice Cole is no longer in the room.

  Cole: I couldn’t even hold your attention… I’m hurt.

  Me: I was too busy thinking about last night.

  Cole: Stay with me again?

  And there it is… that need… that obsessive feeling he gives me, it bubbles to the surface as I decide on my answer. I want to stay, but I’m scared. Doesn’t this have disaster written all over it? I can almost sense his touch along my skin, and if I close my eyes, I know I’ll see his face. I think we’ve both passed that threshold of self-preservation.

  Me: I’d like that. I’ll run home first, grab some things.

  Cole: I’ll get dinner.

  Me: Sounds like a date.

  Cole: Pay attention.

  Me: Yes, sir.

  My smile is so big I probably look like an idiot, but I don’t care. Cole and I are a lot alike when it comes to control issues, but where his issues are obvious, mine, on the other hand, are well hidden and deeply connected to the male sex in general. Being with Cole like this, it’s new for me too. I just hope I can handle it when that last thread of inevitability unravels, because losing myself to a man… it’s not something I’ve ever wanted. But getting lost in Cole, it’s too easy. I’ve already lost my way.

  It’s busy tonight, the evening commute is underway and it’s been a shit show on the highways. I used to make fun of people who blamed the weather or the cycle of the moon on shit, but once I became an ER doctor I realized there was a method to the madness. It’s supposed to be a full moon tonight and people drive like assholes. We’ve had three traumas already, and I’ve only been on shift six hours. Everyone is running around. The staff is short two nurses, and the other docs on tonight are fucking idiots. I exhale a long breath and try to relax. In six more hours, I’ll be buried between her flawless legs. I haven’t seen her in a week; our schedules were opposites these past few days, and to say it’s been difficult being without her… would be a gross understatement. She drives me crazy. It’s like I’ve never lived before her.

  I’m unreasonably addicted to Bailey Evans.

  These past two months with her have been the most un-fucking-believably, out of control months of my life. Dating her, sleeping with her, having her in all aspects of my life—it’s messy, unpredictable, and scary as fuck. But, I like having her in my life, at my apartment, her smell on my sheets, her toothbrush in the bathroom, her Converse tennis shoes on my bedroom floor. I like the disorder she brings into my small world. I actually feel happy for once. I smirk outwardly at the thought.

  “You got a visitor.” Dr. Miles’s smug tone irritates me. I look up from my computer and see Bailey standing in the triage area wearing a way too short dress. She scans the room and her eyes lock on mine. The smile she gives me spreads slowly across her sweet lips. “She asked for you… she’s pretty hot.” Miles nudges me in the ribs as I stand. My glare doesn’t faze him.

  “Put your dick away, that’s my girlfriend.” As I walk away, I hear his chuckle and it makes me angry. I don’t like people knowing my business, let alone who I’m dating. I pause and watch her lean against the wall. The white fabric of her dress against her tan skin almost makes her glow. My appreciations fall along the curve of her hip, to her exposed thighs, and down to the floor. I shake my head with a grin at the purple chucks she has on.

  She pushes off the wall and meets me just in front of the nurses station. Without thinking, I frame her face with my hands. Her long, dark hair is hanging in waves down her back.

  “Hello… are you busy?” she asks, her smile reaches her eyes.

  I take her mouth to mine, the taste of cinnamon engulfs my senses and I’m gone to her… again.

  Pulling away, I find the pink blush I crave. “I think we have an audience.” She giggles and I stiffen.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  The staff behind the desk watch us with wide eyes.

  I lean down and bring my lips to her ear. “Goddamn it, Bailey. You show up here in this dress…” The words are a deep growl. I take her hand in mine and walk briskly to the back hallway leading us to the on-call rooms and doctors lounge.

  “Where are we going?” she squeaks, and the sound of her shoes against the linoleum a rapid pattern as she struggles to keep up with me.

  “In here.” I open the door to an on-call room; we’ll have privacy here. The door shuts with a loud thud. As I turn the lock, my heart starts that stutter—that rapid fire beat only she brings out in me. Before I turn around, before I lose all my organized thoughts, my ability to keep the structure I so badly need, except with her, I ask, “Bailey, what if someone recognizes you?”

  I hear her breathing. It’s ragged from the brisk walk. It’s turning me on more than I want it to at this moment.

  “I don’t care about that anymore. Do you? It’s not like you’re my boss.”

  “This is true. I’m not your boss… but still, I’m working. Is everything okay?” She hadn’t once shown up in th
e ER since we started dating, insisting that our work lives stay separate, to which I agreed.

  “I needed to see you. I couldn’t wait till tonight. It’s been almost a week, Cole. It’s been—”

  “Torture.” I turn, finally, and take in her appearance. Her dress clings to her tits, and the way she’s breathing, heaving the soft flesh of her breasts, it’s impossible to not have her.

  We both move at the same time colliding our bodies together. The urgency… it’s mutual. I take her mouth with my lips first, then her neck; my hand cups her breast as the other lifts her dress. “Fuck, I missed you.” I stop and look into her eyes. “You’re driving me crazy. Every quiet moment of my life is filled with you. All I do is think about you.” I pull the fabric of her dress up to her waist and dip my fingers into her panties. She moans at the touch, and the slick feel of her on my fingertips makes it even harder to say no. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s busy.”

  “Then we better hurry.”

  Always a sarcastic comeback.

  I slip two fingers inside her, and she contracts around them with a groan. “Cole…” Her breath increases as I push in a third. She bites her lip, and her head falls forward against my shoulder. My thumb circles her clit, and she starts to shake. She’s close… but my need to fuck her, make her come with my cock… it’s greater. My fingers are wet, and I’m dying to taste them.

  “I want you to come on my cock.”

  She pulls away from me and I bring my fingers to my mouth, tasting her. She watches, and the grin she gives me is wicked.

  “It’s all I’ve thought about today,” she says as she quickly undoes my belt and grabs my length. She starts to stroke with a firm grip, and my head falls back with a pleased sigh. She stops suddenly. “I need to feel you, too, Cole.” She steps away, and I can’t take the wait any longer either.

  I push her against the wall, sliding my hands under her ass as I lift her. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I move her panties to the side just enough to thrust deeply inside her—her addictive pussy taking each inch. I take her roughly, and she pushes against each stroke begging for more. Our breath is labored, and her hips rock against mine. Each quick stroke hits her just where she needs it, and she starts to tremble around me.


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