Fallen Into You

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Fallen Into You Page 5

by Remmy Duchene

  “From the strip club?”

  Abhay nodded. “We went out for coffee the other night and one thing led to another and I kissed him.”

  “Oh yes!” Dana fist pumped. “Then why do you look so nervous?”

  “Well, he asked me to dinner tomorrow.”


  “At his place.”


  “Yeah.” Abhay sighed as they stopped before a basketball kiosk. He held up two fingers to the attendant, handed the young man money then accepted the ball. With a sigh, he positioned himself and made the shot. The ball sailed through the air then landed in the hoop with that familiar, distinct swoosh. When it rolled back to him, he took aim again. “I said I’d go. I want to go. I mean, I’m attracted to him and he seemed attracted to me. But I’m terrified.”


  Abhay made two more shots before replying. “Does he want me, or my money? I mean, he is a stripper.”

  Dana sighed.

  “What?” Abhay made the final basket and turned to Dana. “Pick a prize.”

  “For me?”

  He nodded.

  Of course she picked the biggest teddy bear in the place and grinned as they walked off to something else. “Sure, he’s a stripper. But they have feelings too. They want the same love and mutual respect we do. And I can’t believe you said that.”

  “Ravinder said something—never mind.”

  “Forget what Ravinder said for a second.” Dana set the bear down before her. “Wasn’t Thaddeus in trouble with the law at some point?”

  Abhay nodded.

  “So, Ravinder shouldn’t be judging.”

  “I don’t think that’s what he was doing,” Abhay said. “He didn’t say not to date the guy. He just said I should be careful.”

  “As well you should. You’re the one who is attracted to this man. You’re going to have to go into it with an open mind and see how things play out.” Dana hefted her prize. “That’s all you can do.”


  “So you are going to this dinner. Does he want you to bring anything?”

  Abhay chuckled. “I asked that same question earlier. He said condoms.”

  “Condoms?” Dana laughed. “I like this guy already.”

  After stopping for funnel cakes, the two found an empty bench close to back of the establishment and sat. “It’s not like I wouldn’t want to sleep with the guy. He’s sexy as hell. But the thought of being naked for a man, of being that intimate, scares me. It’s been a while. Hell, I’ve only slept with one guy and it wasn’t the most ideal situation.”

  “How so?”

  “We were young—it was my first time. It wasn’t like anyone taught me anything about straight sex, much less gay sex, so I had no clue. Add to that the fact that I was terrified of being caught—or of him telling someone what we’d done. I kept messing up, slipping out, pushing in too hard, moving too fast or too slow. He was frustrated that I wasn’t doing it right. He did come but I didn’t. I didn’t enjoy it.”

  “And you never tried again?”

  Abhay shook his head. “With whom?”

  “Well, sweetie, maybe now is the time for you to let someone in. Do you even know if you’re a bottom—top—versatile?”

  Abhay cringed. “I topped him—but I figured for the right guy I’d be versatile. It’s pathetic, isn’t it? At my age, I should know what I want. I feel like, like—my parents ruined me for every man out there.”

  “Only if you let them.” Dana finished the last of her funnel cake and faced him. “Listen, you go to dinner with your sex-pot tomorrow. You talk to him. You laugh. And if at any point in the night you feel like you want to give yourself to him, you do that. There’s no judgement on my part and this conversation stays between us.”


  “And besides, you shouldn’t allow anyone to guilt you because you crave pleasure like the rest of us.”

  “How did you get so smart?”

  She grinned then leaned over to drop a kiss to his nose. “I’m not. When it comes to my life, I’m a hot mess. Everyone else’s, I’m a fucking genius. I’ve been single a while too—men hear trans and think plague.”

  “Well, I have this friend…”

  “No, no!”

  “Dana, come on—hear me out. He’s employed, kind, funny, educated…and not bad looking. He’s looking for someone to settle down with.”

  “And what’s going to happen when I tell him I’m trans?”

  “His ex was trans—well, Zayna hadn’t fully transitioned yet, but he won’t freak. Look, Leon will be in town next week. All you have to do is say the word.”

  Dana nodded and stood. “Let me think about it. I’ll let you know tomorrow after you call me to tell me about how your night went with the sexy stud. And don’t think you have to call me so you need to end your night early.”

  Abhay laughed. After he finished his night out with Dana, Abhay made his way home, took a shower then, lying naked in his bed, he grabbed his phone.

  Are you awake?

  Yes… Call me?

  Abhay didn’t even hesitate. He rolled to his back while hitting send on Mathias’ name. The phone rang twice before Mathias picked up but those were the longest two seconds of his life. When Mathias’ voice came over the line, Abhay’s cock perked up immediately. He moaned. “You know, I’m trying to behave.”

  “Behave? That’s boring.”

  “Mathias—you don’t understand.”

  “Then make me. Can I be honest with you?”

  “Sure.” Abhay reached a hand down to stroke his cock, massaging the head after each pull. “What’s on your mind?”

  “You’re a sexy man, Abhay. And I would love to have you fuck me—but any man I allow in my bed can’t be afraid. The word behave shouldn’t even be in his vocabulary. I don’t know what it is about you but I feel this wildness when I think about you, when you look at me that excites me.”

  Abhay exhaled while sliding a finger in circular pattern. “You’re not making this up?”

  “Wait, you think because I’m a stripper my feelings aren’t valid?”

  “Mathias. Of course not. I’ve never had a man tell me he wants me before.”

  Mathias sighed. “I want to be marked by you—Abhay. And that scares me but I still want you. There’s no pressure tomorrow, okay? We’re going to have a nice dinner, drink a glass of wine, have some dessert and then you go home—an old-fashioned date.”

  “How about this…” Abhay massaged his balls and moaned. “How about—we just see where the night takes us?”

  “I like the sound of that—Abhay?”


  “What’re you doing now?”

  “Touching myself.” Abhay couldn’t stop the words pouring from his lips. And even after they were out, he should have felt ashamed for his admission. But the fire that raged through him didn’t give way to guilt.

  “I wish I was there to watch,” Mathias said.

  “And you don’t feel bad for thinking that?”

  Mathias laughed, a smoky sound that made Abhay’s dick pulse harder. “Not even a little bit. If I were with you now—what would you tell me to do?”

  “Tell you to do?”

  “Yes,” Mathias replied. “Where would you want my hands—my mouth, my tongue…”

  “Oh.” Abhay squeezed his cock tighter. “You’re that kind of lover.”


  “Well, your mouth on my cock as you play with my nipples,” Abhay admitted. “I find I love when my nipples are pinched—bitten—sucked.”

  “Mmm.” Mathias moaned. “Then you definitely have to let me cater to you one day—no rush.”

  “Damn,” Abhay whispered. “I have to go.”


  “I’m going to come soon and I don’t want you to hear.”

  Mathias laughed. “Come on, Abhay. I want to have sweet dreams tonight too, you know? Now, be a good boy…”


  “And come for me.”

  There was no staving off the climax that burned a path through Abhay’s core. Though it had been a while since he’d experienced one, he knew it was coming for certain when it curled the pit of his stomach and his pre-cum streamed from the slit of his dick like a waterfall.

  “You can’t mean to— To— Oh shit!”

  “Come for me, Abhay,” Mathias cooed, his voice low like the rumble of an impending storm. “I want you to come for me.”

  Unable to control himself, Abhay allowed himself to get lost in the words coming to him from Mathias. He flung himself headfirst into the vulgarity of it and roared as his cock exploded, spurting hot, white jizz everywhere. His ragged breathing, the sweet ache in his shoulder from the exertion and the quiet lullaby of Mathias’ voice soothed him.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Abhay,” Mathias said. “And remember, no guilt, just pleasure.”


  The dial tone caused Abhay to pull the phone from his ear and drop it to the bed. He remained like that, fingers tight around his cock, for what felt like an eternity afterward. There was something about Mathias, something so innately forbidden that Abhay wondered if that was the reason he was so conflicted with the new and exciting sensations flowing through him. But whatever caused them, Abhay didn’t care. Dana had been right. He was an adult and it was time he either fuck or be fucked.

  Chapter Seven

  All day, Mathias was beside himself. Ever since he’d hung up the phone from Abhay the night before, he’d been sporting a raging hard-on. It was an amazing sound hearing a man truly let go and allow himself pleasure. Abhay had roared for him. The only downside, it had been over the phone. What Mathias wouldn’t give to be sitting across the room watching Abhay on the bed, his caramel thighs wide, his fingers around his dick. He wondered if Abhay had tossed his head back. Did I close my eyes? Did I imagine Mathias with me?

  Somehow, Mathias managed to get through his day without any bodily injuries. He even drove to a local Indian bakery and picked up some desserts without incident. By the time lunch rolled around, Mathias had gathered everything he needed for dinner and began watching the clock. Abhay wasn’t due until eight so he couldn’t start cooking. Instead, he went to the gym, then after a shower he stopped for coffee with Collin. For a long time, he sat there, stirring his coffee even though he hadn’t added anything to it.

  “Okay, seriously,” Collin said. “You’re going to stir a hole in the bottom of your mug. What’s going on?”

  “I have dinner with Abhay tonight.”

  “Right—your Indian raja.”

  “Raja? What?”

  Collin sighed dramatically. “Raja—king?”

  “Oh…right. I’m nervous, Col. Remember when we came back to this city you said one day I was going to find a man who will make me want to settle down?”

  Collin nodded.

  “This is going to sound stupid, but I want to settle down with this man.” Mathias sighed, realizing how dumb and needy that sounded. “Of course, I’m not going to tell him that yet. We’ve only kissed once. But every time I think about it my whole body reacts.”

  “Well, it’s worth exploring.”

  “What does he tell his family and friends if this works out?” Mathias asked. “‘This is Mathias, my boyfriend—he’s a stripper.’ That’ll go over real well.”

  “You’ve never been ashamed of what you do before.”

  Mathias sighed. “I was dreaming to think a respectable man like Abhay would want…”

  “Stop it!” Collin snapped. “Stop it right now. The only worry you should have is if he’s going to be okay with strange men touching you. When it comes to that time, if he says anything like ‘you should quit your job because I can’t date a stripper’ or anything like that you call me and I will shoot him. If he gets jealous of other men touching you, you might want to reconsider your career path. He’s not going to ask you to quit and even though it hurts him, a good man would rather you be happy than ask you to find another job.”

  Mathias checked the time and sighed. “I should go.” He took a quick sip from his coffee then slid out of the booth. He stopped long enough to hug Collin before hurrying out the door.

  By the time he got home, it was just after six. He dumped his gym bag at the foot of the stairs and rushed into the kitchen. He began by frying the chicken breasts—not to cook them but to give them a little color. Once that was finished, he set them in a large Pyrex dish, covered it and put it in the oven. Mathias set the timer, then focused on the potatoes. Those took longer since he had to peel and slice them up before rinsing.

  He set them in a large pot on the stove to cook and turned the heat down to medium. It was a mad dash afterward—first to find an outfit that didn’t look like he was trying too hard and then to fix his hair to look just right. Between all of that and the time he stepped in the shower, he must have darted up and down the stairs a million times. At seven-fifteen, he set a bottle of medium bodied red into the fridge to chill, poured some spaghetti sauce over the chicken and squeezed half a lemon in. He covered it again and set it back into the oven. After mashing the potatoes with butter, ground pepper and milk, he covered it on the stove, added parmesan cheese to the chicken and turned the oven down low.

  Abhay was right on time and the moment Mathias opened the door and took one look at him, all thoughts of behaving floated out of the window. Still, Mathias settled for kissing his cheek then stepped aside to allow him in.

  “I brought you a bottle of wine,” Abhay said, handing Mathias a decorative bag. “It’s not condoms but I suppose it will have to do.”

  Mathias laughed. “Thank you.” Mathias closed the door and locked it while Abhay removed his shoes. Mathias had to set the bag down to accept Abhay’s jacket and store it in the closet then led his guest into the dining room.

  “You didn’t have to go through all of this for me.” Abhay motioned to the table.

  “Yeah, I did.” Mathias turned immediately for the kitchen. He’d been trying to hide his embarrassment at saying that out loud but Abhay’s footsteps followed him. “Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “Maybe with dinner,” Abhay said.

  The softness of his voice caused Mathias to face him. Abhay was now seated on the far side of the island, his dark eyes shimmering in the kitchen light. There was something there, something that made Mathias tremble. Forget the fact Abhay was dressed in all black, a gold necklace being the only color in his ensemble. And forget his beautiful hair was brushed back away from his handsome face, exposing perfection and the creases at the corners of his eyes. Mathias could scarcely breathe. To save face, he slipped on his oven mitts and pulled the chicken out. He carried the Pyrex to the table and set it on heat pads. His next trip was to scoop some mashed potatoes into a bowl. That he handed it to Abhay who accepted with a wink and carried it off. The hardness in the front of Mathias’ pants made it difficult for him to maneuver to get the salad but he somehow managed.

  Once they were seated across from each other, Mathias spread his legs to alleviate the pressure.

  This was insane. There was no way he should be so affected by a man already. They’d only shared a kiss and heavy breathing over the phone!

  “This is delicious, Mathias, thank you.”

  “Thank me? For what?”

  “The only other person who’s cooked for me has been my sister.”

  “You have a sister?”

  “Yes.” Abhay wiped his mouth and fingers in his napkin before pulling out his phone. After tapping away for a few seconds, he turned it to Mathias. “Priya.”

  “She’s gorgeous.”

  “Yeah. She models for Ko now while going to university. She is taking business.”

  “You’re very lucky. No siblings—that I know of.”

  “That you know of?”

  Mathias tilted his head. “The world is a very strange place, my friend. You never know what might pop out o
f the woodwork.”

  “Oh, Matt…”

  “It’s all right,” Mathias said. “I don’t even know why I said that.”

  “I don’t feel sorry for you,” Abhay said, setting his fork down and reaching for his wine. “I’m actually really proud. Even though life kept giving you lemons, you’ve done really well, you know? You own this house, right?”

  Mathias nodded.

  “See? You’ve come a long way from a scared little boy, Mathias. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “How do you feel about what I do?”

  “Well.” Abhay sipped his wine. “If you were my man, the thoughts of others touching you would drive me crazy. But, it’s a job, nothing else, right?”


  “Then…” Abhay shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  Mathias ate the last piece of chicken on his plate and wiped his mouth. “Tell me about your childhood.”

  “It was okay—I was brought up in India. Started university, came out to my parents and was disowned, had to drop out of school.” Abhay finished his wine and set the glass delicately on the table. “But, I met a couple of friends who wouldn’t give up on me. They got me here, I finished school and here I am.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Mathias said with a smile. “Trust me. Okay, are you ready for dessert or did you want to give your stomach a little time to digest?”

  “Digest please.” Abhay rubbed his stomach. “That was amazing.”

  Mathias grinned. “Come on. I’ll give you the tour.”

  They rose and Mathias led Abhay through the house. From time to time they’d stop as Abhay inspected a picture. Mathias hadn’t realized how many pictures of Collin he had in the house until Abhay asked who he was.

  “My best friend,” Mathias said. “He’s Bathsheba police. No, before you ask, we’ve never slept together. He’s not my type.”

  “And what is your type?” Abhay reached out to catch Mathias around the hips and pressed him to the wall.


  Abhay moaned and kissed Mathias’ shoulder. He dragged his mouth up Mathias’ neck and across his jaw. It was as if Abhay was dragging a trail of fire over his flesh. Mathias’ body pulsed in anticipation. He relived their first kiss over in his head and knew Abhay knew how to use his tongue to make Mathias moan. Mathias closed his eyes, waiting for his mouth to be conquered, plundered, owned.


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