Talon's Trophy

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Talon's Trophy Page 2

by Dawn Ryder

  The strength burning in his trophy’s eyes would be well suited to her new life. But he would have to train her just as strictly as the men below him. A surge of anticipation heated his blood as Talon turned around to return to his prize.

  Chapter Two

  The door swished open and Chanah pressed her lips together. Her captor moved on silent feet this time as he slowly walked in a circle around her. He stroked her hair and she tried to keep her body from jumping but failed. The little sensation was like thunder rumbling through her. Chanah might have noticed it so deeply because her body was so helpless. Or maybe it was because her attention was completely focused on the hunter, she wasn’t quite sure. But that single touch raced down her skin, raising gooseflesh as it went, making her grateful for the blanket covering the response from his sharp eyes.

  The hunter moved around her and lingered at the end of the table. Her temper sparked to life as he just looked at her and offered not a single word of explanation for her body being chained down like an animal. Tears stung her eyes again as she considered that he most likely did think of her as a beast, or maybe the correct word was pet.

  He moved closer to the table and there was a click. She was suddenly able to sit up and move her legs. Chanah surged up off her prison and jumped to the floor. Her hands were still chained to her collar and the blanket went shimmering to the floor as she jerked against the restraints. Her body was completely nude, except for a leather harness of sorts that ran over each hip and down between her legs. Thin strips of leather that joined to a ring right over her mons. Chanah’s eyes widened slightly as she noticed every last pubic hair she’d had was missing, the skin smooth and her slit obvious to the hunter’s eyes. The only mercy was the fact that her arms covered her nipples.

  “For every freedom there will be a submission.”

  Her cheeks burned as the hunter held up one of his thick fingers as he spoke. His multicolored eyes watched hers for a moment before they very slowly swept down her bare body. This hunter wanted her to know that he considered it his right to look at her body.

  Chanah turned around and let him see her back. She did not submit to him. He might chain her hands but that did not a willing captive make.

  She cried out in surprise as her clit suddenly vibrated. It was like something was right through the center of the sensitive little button. Her eyes went wide as Chanah understood exactly what a ritith was. It was an electronic leash to torment her with.

  She pressed her feet solidly into the floor as the little thing vibrated at the top of her sex. Her nipples drew into little buttons as she felt the walls of her passage heating and becoming acutely aware of the stimulation being applied to her clit. Her heart accelerated and she could not stop it. Need clawed at her insides as fluid eased down to the tops of her bare thighs.

  Chanah hissed through her clenched teeth but her knees shook as her body twisted with the need to have her clit rubbed faster. A knot of tension was tightening in her passage, begging for release. She jerked on her hands and the collar cut into her neck. Sweat bathed her body as a moan broke through her clenched teeth.

  She wanted—needed—to climax. Chanah had never once suspected her body could yearn so much for release from sexual tension. It would stop if she turned around. She knew it, could actually feel those multicolored eyes on her back. He was doing this to her, using his ritith to try to force her submission. Her knees buckled and her body slammed into the hard floor. With her hands chained to her neck she toppled over and ended up lying on the cold tile.

  But the vibration stopped. Her lungs suddenly worked once more as her body twisted in frustration. A moment later she was on her feet again as the hunter plucked her up. He frowned at her and she flung her hair from her eyes to glare right back at him. “Your little toy doesn’t make you my master. Any fool can press a button.”

  Her mother had often warned her that her tongue needed to be dulled down a bit but maybe fate had always known that she was going to need to be able to voice her opinions. The hunter’s dark eyebrow rose along with one corner of his mouth. He made a low tsking sound before that single thick finger appeared once again.

  “If you desire proof of my ability to command your body, my sweet, I will be quite happy to prove myself.”

  His hands spread wide as his knees bent just a small amount. The posture struck fear into her and Chanah desperately tried to keep it from rising up to show on her face. He looked like a predator, a large untamed animal that was preparing to spring at its chosen prey.

  The thick muscles coating his limbs flexed a tiny amount and then he moved. His hands caught her body before her brain transmitted the signal to move out of his striking range. He lifted her right off her feet once more and her back landed on the table.

  This time he did not chain her to it. His hands grasped each of her knees and spread them wide. Chanah gasped as he moved right between her thighs, using his wide shoulders to keep her spread open. She lifted her shoulders from the table but one hand landed on her belly, pressing her flat and keeping her in place.

  “You must learn that I am stronger than you. Obedience will build the foundation of our relationship. Pleasure will be your reward for remembering that fact.”

  Talon took a moment to look at his trophy. She was thin, each rib clearly in sight. He frowned at the lack of food her life had provided her with to date, she was worth more. Her hips were wide and perfect for bearing his child. Her hair was as dark as midnight and was spread out over the table as he held her on her back. Although strong, she was covered in soft skin that his fingers wanted to pet for hours, but Talon recalled his attention to the task of bringing her to heel.

  Those multicolored eyes shot her a look proclaiming victory before they lowered to her open sex. Chanah’s face flamed hotter because there was absolutely nothing she could do to shield her most tender flesh from him. She was at his mercy as he brushed a finger over her spread slit. The lips of her slit were actually held back by the two strips of leather running down from the hip belt. Chanah suddenly understood that the little leather harness was intended to do exactly what it was doing. Placing her clit on display by keeping her folds from shielding that tender center. The hunter ran a finger through her folds and tucked one leather strip in place to hold each side away from her clit and passage entrance.

  “I captured you.”

  The hunter looked at her clit once more as his eyes glowed with possession. It stunned her to see that much appreciation for her body on any male’s face—she had never considered her flesh that attractive. Chanah frowned at her own thoughts—she should be angry that he was looking at her sex like he owned it. She was a person, not a possession.

  But the hard fact of the table beneath her drove home that she was very much a captured thing at that moment. He was holding her down with one hand, and honestly she had to admit that having her hands unchained would not have changed who won their tussle. The hunter would just have used his superior size to subdue her.

  “Your body is mine to claim and pleasure. This pussy will hold only my cock.” One finger circled the opening to her body before thrusting up into her passage. He watched the penetration and worked the digit in and out.

  “Have you ever been penetrated?” Chanah hissed at his question and he frowned at her temper. “You must learn to accept me, but I understand you want it proven first. I am willing to comply with your demand.”

  His eyes left hers as he looked at her spread body once more. Chanah felt his breath hit the little bundle of nerve endings right before he licked it. Her entire body jerked as sensation renewed its grip on her. He flicked his tongue back and forth over her clit but once again denied her enough speed to climax.

  This time there was no containing the whimper that was born as the pleasure mixed with need so acute she hurt with it. She couldn’t even struggle anymore, her hips tried to lift towards his mouth, seeking more friction to push her into climax. No one could have warned her that her clit could com
mand her so completely. The few times she had brought herself to pleasure had never been remotely as intense as the cravings clawing at her passage right then.


  The hunter leaned closer and sucked her clit all the way into his mouth. One thick finger thrust up into her passage as her body bucked and pleasure ripped into her. She was suspended in that moment for an eternity. The pleasure flowed through her, heating and radiating to every last corner of her mind. She didn’t breathe and her muscles were drawn tight as he released her clit but his finger remained in her passage. He worked that digit in and out of her body and her eyes snapped open to stare into his. He watched her as he thrust two fingers into her body and held them there. Helplessness surrounded her as she felt little ripples of satisfaction moving along her limbs. Tears filled her eyes because he appeared to know exactly how to use her body against her will. Chanah despised him in that moment almost as much as she hated her own weakness.

  The hunter stood up as a frown marred his face. He considered her face as he held his hand on her belly to keep her there. Chanah might have struggled but it felt so useless right then to flail about like an animal snagged in a net. She still held her dignity for whatever it might be worth. Since it was her only possession, it was priceless.

  He cupped her chin and leaned over her body. Her nipples brushed against the harsh fabric of his clothing, transmitting the fact that she was still nude at his command.

  “I will be happy to share each and every pleasure with you. One at a time as you learn to accept me. It does not need to be a battle. Yet it can be and I will be the victor.”

  At least the hunter did not lead her out of that room nude. Chanah welcomed the burn of her temper as she stood still and he tied a loose robe closed over her breasts. He did not unchain her hands, so the garment was like a cape. It did look like it was constructed with sleeves but with her hands still chained to her collar, the hunter arranged the fabric around her shoulders and closed it with little ties to conceal her bare skin. Her hands were still resting in front of her breasts with her elbows bent up because the chain wasn’t very long.

  “I will show you to our living space now.” His voice was rich with pride. Clearly he was proud of being able to provide for her. Yes, pet was a good word to apply to the manner in which he thought about her. She just wished her body had not enjoyed his attention so completely. The top of her thighs was slick with her juices and she could actually smell her own scent.

  A little click made her gasp as the hunter attached a leash to her collar. She grabbed for the offending item but her hands became trapped in the fabric of her robe that looked flimsy but was rather strong. “You will not lead me like a pet!”

  The hunter’s eye’s narrowed at her tone but she stared right into the heat of his displeasure. Appreciation flickered though his gaze as he continued to stare at her temper.

  “You agree to follow me of your own free will?”

  Chanah’s eyes widened slightly as she bit back the denial her pride wanted to spit out. What a choice, be led or follow. The hunter’s words surfaced from her memory…”For every freedom, there is a submission”.

  She looked at the leash and her stomach twisted at the idea of being paraded in front of his people on the thing, but her pride screamed against any display of submission like trotting meekly behind him as if she desired to follow him home. The cold metal of her collar and shackles was almost unbearable as Chanah raised her eyes to the man responsible for chaining her.

  “I will not.” Chanah folded her knees and sat on the cold floor. “Go ahead and torment me with your ritith, I do not bargain my will for freedom.”

  Her defiance should not have pleased him. Talon tried to fend off the curl of heat that flared up from his cock in response to her display. His cock jerked as it hardened with the urge to get inside her body. It was her strength of will that attracted him now, not just the scent of her pussy.

  That surprised him. Talon expected to feel his cock stiffen when he was looking at her spread flesh, could smell its spicy scent and test its softness with his finger. But the lust burning through his cock now was directed at that solid strength he’d noticed when she’d attempted to defeat him during her capture. There was more to this female than the ease he might find between her thighs. That was a foreign idea that he considered as he looked at her sitting on the floor. She would go with him, that was not in question, but there was a hint of something invading his well-thought-out plans that felt like distaste. Training his trophy was expected and the most effective manner would be to crush her will.

  Talon frowned as distaste rose into his brain. There was a part of him that applauded her stand against capture. He would not have yielded to a leash either, yet it was the way of life in this sphere. Females were trained and they became obedient. It was a system that kept harmony in a hunter’s life. Conflict between hunter and trophy could be dangerous for the weaker female. One blow spawned from a strained temper could be fatal.

  “We are leaving. Your choice is walk or be hauled over my shoulder. Make your decision.”

  His voice was as hard as stone. Chanah raised her eyes to his face and believed him. Her eyes wandered over the set of wide shoulders as a tiny sigh escaped her lips. The hunter would not find it difficult to carry her. Yet, he had granted her a choice and that was truly more than she expected given the chains clasped around her wrists. Fighting with him would get her nowhere. If there were to be any relief in sight for her, she would have to find it through negotiation with his demands. Even if she detested all her options, a choice still represented some acknowledgement of her personality. Orders told her she was a pet.

  “I will walk.” Chanah detested her words but she pushed her body up and stood with her teeth biting into her lower lip to keep her temper from spilling out. She did not like her concession, yet she disliked the idea of her bottom on display even more. So she stood up. At least he had not reached for the leash again.

  A hard grunt was her response as the hunter studied her with his multicolored eyes a moment. The leash was hanging down her body and his gaze touched on it. He reached for her collar and unsnapped the length of leather. His boots made a hard sound as he turned and the door slid smoothly open. Chanah watched the hunter move through the door with the leash held in his right hand. She forced her feet to move and follow his wide shoulders. Her robe fluttered around her, brushing against oversensitive skin. Somehow, this male had awakened her body and she wanted to scream against it. There were friendly males from her own village whom she would gladly have enjoyed these pleasures with but not with a hunter who hauled her home like a prize.

  The outside hallways were filled with people. Chanah watched the hunters pass on their way to their daily tasks but there were very few females. The ones she saw raised her temper. They followed behind the other hunters, with their eyes either on the wide backs of their escort or even worse, some of them looked at the boot heels of the male they followed.

  The leather strips running between her thighs began to steal all her attention from the people around her. As Chanah walked, the strips moved into her slit. She was still slick with her own juices and the leather was slipping back and forth against her clit with each step. That little ritith rotated as the leather moved it back and forth, sweat popped out on her forehead as her clit burned for release. Her passage twisted as each step brought her closer to climax, and she bit into her lip as the horrible reality of climaxing in public pressed closer and closer. Her eyes were focused on the hunter’s wide back as she used every other ounce of willpower she had to fend off an orgasm. Her temper exploded as she realized exactly why the other females were staring at their escorts.

  They were all wearing the blasted leather harnesses too!

  A low moan escaped her chest as she froze in her tracks. She couldn’t take any more, her clit was throbbing with the need to come. The ache bordered on pain as her breath came in little pants. The ritith suddenly vibrated and s
he gasped as climax took hold of her. There was no holding it off, pleasure burst into her passage as the walls of her body contracted and lamented the lack of hard flesh inside her. Chanah raised horrified eyes to stare into the multicolored ones of the hunter. A slight grin sat on his lips as he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “You may begin to enjoy your ritith given a few more days. It can be a female’s best friend.”

  Chanah snorted at him. As ungentle as it was, she did not care! Her personality did not revolve around her clit! She jerked at the chains holding her hands captive and snarled at the hunter. “You are an animal to treat me like this. Besides, you are a male, how could you understand how a ritith feels? You hear only what you want to.”

  His face went serious. He moved closer and caught her chin in one hand. “We are all animals, the flesh doesn’t yield to the mind forever. Our primitive nature always breaks free under stress or during the need to mate. In a hunter sphere, we make sure to train our females to understand the true nature of their bodies. You might like to protest your current position but you cannot deny that your flesh is more alive than it has ever been. The ritith and your training harness are helping to awake your pussy.” He leaned in closer and inhaled next to her neck. “I can smell how hot your pussy is, but it isn’t enough, is it? The need to fuck is primitive, but don’t worry, you are correct. I am an animal. But not so barbaric as to fuck you before your body is completely ready for it. The ritith will help ensure that you are as eager for my cock as I am to breach your pussy.”

  He stepped back and looked at her stunned face. “Submit and you will never ache for me.”

  Chapter Three


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