The Taking of Cheryl, Book One: Cheryl Captured

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The Taking of Cheryl, Book One: Cheryl Captured Page 19

by Paul Blades

  Having gone through his morning panic attack, Stoner crept out of the bed. He stumbled towards the bathroom, stopping only to rattle Cheryl’s cage to make sure that she was awake. She too awoke with a start, as her whole world seemed to be convulsing. Then she looked up and saw the face of her tormentor and she remembered where she was.

  “Wake up cunt,” Stoner said. “It’s time for my morning blow job.”

  Stoner strolled to the bathroom where he emptied his bladder noisily. Stoner slept naked, and Cheryl could see his shrunken member, folded into a wrinkle of fat as he approached her.

  “Come on whore, get your mouth where I can reach it. We’re getting married today and I want us to start off right.” He laughed. He was prone to laughing at his own jokes and hearing the echoing laughs of his sycophants. But Cheryl was not one of these. She did not have to pretend to be abject and obsequious, she was in reality and of necessity.

  Cheryl shifted her body in her tiny cage so that her mouth neared the bars where Stoner was holding out his dick. He pressed himself against the cage and the tip of his flaccid joint poked through. Cheryl was tired, hungry, thirsty and miserable. She ached from her confinement and was sore from the previous night’s lashing. But she did what she was told.

  Cheryl was able to place her lips around the head of Stoner’s cock. She sucked and pulled at it with her lips until it commenced to rise and thicken. Soon, there was enough through the bars for her to engulf the shaft with her lips while running her tongue over the tender bulb at the end. Stoner delighted in Cheryl’s mouth. He got a blowjob every morning, for every morning one of his slut wives found herself locked in the cage that Cheryl occupied now.

  Stoner began to rock himself back and forth to facilitate Cheryl’s efforts to draw him to orgasm. It did not take long. Stoner liked his blowjobs quick and to the point, for the most part. Only Justine was able to entrance him to a lengthy enjoyment of the art of fine fellatio.

  Stoner came with a series of loud grunts. His spunk filled Cheryl’s mouth. She swallowed without hesitation. She knew that any sign of reticence on her part to please her sadistic master would result in pain and suffering.

  “Ahhhh,” Stoner sighed. “That was good. A fine way to start the day.” He pulled his cock from Cheryl’s mouth and proceeded to the bathroom and his morning shower. As if prescient, a black butler entered the room and readied Stoner’s towel and underclothes. He cast a sidelong look at the Master’s white prisoner. He was saving his pay. A few more weeks and he would have enough to pay Jeremiah for the right to fuck one of the Master’s wives. As he perused Cheryl’s naked flesh, he made his selection.

  Stoner emerged from the shower and dressed. The butler assisted him in dressing, tied his boots, held out his shirt. When he was dressed Stoner ordered the butler to tell Jeremiah to “get the bitch ready”. He left to begin his morning rounds.

  Jeremiah entered the room about a half hour after Stoner left. She was wheeled in the cage down the hall and into the wives’ room where Mary and Justine were waiting for her. Jeremiah released Cheryl from the cage and told her to bath herself. She was given a small pastry to eat. He instructed Justine and Mary to apply her makeup and perfumes. He would be back to dress her in an hour.

  Justine and Mary leapt to hug Cheryl once Jeremiah had gone. Cheryl burst into tears at their affectionate embrace. Justine tried to console her. “There, there now, Cheryl, go ahead and cry. I’ll bet that bastard hurt you bad last night. Cry your heart out.”

  And Cheryl did. There was not much else to do but cry since resistance or escape was impossible. She was condemned to a life of torment.

  Cheryl was not permitted to stand and cry for long. “Come on, Cheryl, we’ve got to get you ready,” Mary exclaimed. “We’ll all catch holy hell if you’re not presentable when Jeremiah returns.”

  And so the two women escorted Cheryl to the shower. They cleaned her, washed her hair, dried it and toweled Cheryl’s body quickly but tenderly. When done, they combed out her long brown hair and made up her face. Other than applying moisturizing cream, they did nothing to address Cheryl’s face or lips. Instead, they carefully outlined and shaded her eyes, pressed and curled her lashes. Her nipples and the lips of her sex were rouged and a sweet, heavy perfume applied to her body. They were just finishing when Jeremiah came in the door. He was carrying a pile of white clothing. As he discharged them from his arms, Cheryl could see a flowing white robe and matching headdress. Jeremiah had her step into the robe that buttoned down the back as far as her waist. In the front, the bodice was split down to the base of Cheryl’s breasts. Its panels were designed to overlap so that the breasts, while accessible, were covered. A white rhinestone studded belt went around her. Like the belt that she had worn the night before, this belt had cloth strands at the hips and Cheryl’s wrists were tied in place.

  Jeremiah reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a large ball of a spongy, gummy substance. He rolled it into a perfect sphere and popped it into Cheryl’s mouth. Cheryl’s mouth was filled with the malleable ball. It had a bittersweet taste, like honey mixed with baker’s chocolate. It seemed to begin to dissolve as soon as it hit the moisture of Cheryl’s mouth. Its effect on Cheryl was immediate. The ball actually consisted of a mixture of honey, chocolate and a generous dollop of the locally produced hashish. Cheryl could feel her mind numbing as the hash extruded its potent chemicals. It was powerful hash, laced with opium. Cheryl would be as calm as a summer’s day throughout the coming event. No need to upset the local Imam with any disconcerting outbursts or embarrassing resistance to the upcoming ceremony. Jeremiah wrapped a wide piece of white gauze several times around Cheryl’s head, covering her mouth and lips. She would not be able to expel the drugged ball without a strenuous effort and, while under the drugs’ effects, Cheryl would be incapable of anything strenuous.

  A thick veil, virtually opaque, was next. It ran over the bridge of Cheryl’s nose down to her chest and connected to a headdress that covered her hair and ran long down her back. It blended nicely with the robe, almost seamlessly. The last touch was a circle of lavender and white orchids draped around her neck. The bride was ready.

  While Jeremiah was dressing Cheryl, Mary and Justine donned similar robes and veils. Theirs were colored a deep purple, a sign that they were Stoner’s number one and number two wives. Jeremiah grabbed Cheryl by the arm and led her from the room.

  Their destination was a wide, shaded veranda that circled the side of the mansion. It opened up to a small courtyard. When the wedding party arrived, the courtyard was filled with Stoner’s troops, household servants and workers from the fields. The Imam stood waiting. On the side stood several of Stoner’s officers, his “General” included. Amongst them was a slender, hunched figure dressed in a black chador. Tiny barefoot woman’s feet poked out from the bottom.

  Stoner was the last to arrive. His only concession to the ceremonial aspect of the day was that he was wearing a green polo shirt, rather than his usual khaki one. As soon as he stepped up the ceremony began.

  Now if you can only have three wives and you already have three, one of them has to go. And so today there would be a divorce and then a wedding.

  The Imam spoke in the local dialect and Jeremiah translated.

  “You have called upon me to sever your bonds of matrimony to a fallen wife,” the Imam intoned. “Pray, present the wife and the grounds for your divorce.”

  Stoner motioned to his officers and two of them led the slight, trembling figure in black forwards.

  “This is my wife Sara, Imam, and she has committed adultery.”

  “Who has lain with this woman?” queried the Imam.

  Two of Stoner’s officers stepped forwards. “I have,” they replied, almost in unison.

  “Do you swear upon your maker that this is true?

  “We do Imam,” they both replied.

  The Imam turned to Stoner. “I absolve you of your oath to this woman. She is to be stripped and cast out of your house. You may sell her body in the marketplace and extract your rev
enge from her flesh.”

  The two guards pushed the small woman towards her former mate. Stoner stepped before her and drew the hood and veil from her. He then grabbed hold of the black fabric around Sara’s neck and ripped it open, all the way to the ground.

  Sara stood there naked and trembling. Her eyes were red and the marks of the whip covered her body. She was gagged and her hands were bound to her sides. She dared not look Stoner in the face.

  Stoner looked over at the guards. “Remove this slut from my home. Take her to the soldier’s huts where she can ply her trade.” A roar went up from the soldiers in the crowd as Sara was hustled from the veranda. As she was being dragged down to the barracks, Stoner again addressed the Imam. “I present you with my new bride. It is our desire that you marry us.”

  Jeremiah edged Cheryl forwards.

  “And who speaks for this woman?” the Imam inquired.

  “I speak for her,” Jeremiah replied.

  “Do you consent to her joining in marriage to this man?”

  “I do, my Imam,” Jeremiah answered.

  “And so shall it be. You are wed.”

  A desultory applause came from the crowd. Cheryl was barely conscious of what was going on around her. She had seen poor Sara stripped and led away. She had heard the roar of the soldiers. The tall, black, white bearded Imam spoke and Jeremiah replied. Was this it? Was she married?

  Stoner took hold of Cheryl‘s arm and led her forward so that the crowd could better see her. Only her dull but well decorated eyes were visible. A servant wheeled a padded platform in front of her. Stoner pushed her against it. It came up to her waist. For a moment, Stoner hesitated and the crowd hushed. Then, without warning, he reached in front of Cheryl and pulled aside the panels of the bodice, exposing Cheryl’s pale, heavy, chalk white breasts to the crowd. A roar of approval rang out.

  In her dazed state, Cheryl was not sure what she thought had been done was real. Was she really standing before this enthusiastic crowd with her breasts bare for all to see? She tried to pull her hands from her waist to cover herself, but the bindings held them tight. She pushed her back futilely against Stoner, trying to get away, but he held her firmly pressed against the platform.

  As the applause died down, Cheryl felt her torso being pushed down on the platform and strapped in place. She felt her ankles spread and tied to its sides.

  Grabbing the hem of Cheryl’s robe, Stoner separated the two halves that had been left free below Cheryl’s waist. Her rear was exposed and her sex peaked out from between her thighs. Cheryl, though stoned, realized that she was about to be fucked by her new husband in front of all of these people. She struggled to raise herself, but could manage little effort. Someone was stroking her sex, tickling her little bud of pleasure. She felt warmth there and recognized the feel of a hot tongue and lips.

  It was Mary who knelt behind Cheryl, readying her quim for their husband’s penetration. Justine was also on her knees. She had freed Stoner’s cock and was sucking it to hardness. Cheryl’s drugged mind would not permit her to resist the waves of pleasure that rose from her loins. She heard the beginning of a rhythmic clapping from the crowd and looked up to see a hundred pairs of eyes staring at her. Behind her, the Imam and the rest of Stoner’s entourage had a clear view of her moistening pussy.

  Once Stoner’s cock was hard, he pushed Justine and Mary out of his way. He raised his hands to the crowd and the clapping was silenced. Cheryl’s sex was wet, her labia distended and engorged. Her cunt ached to be filled in spite of herself.

  Stoner obliged the swooning woman. He guided his cock to the entrance of her burning sheath and plunged in. Cheryl gasped as she felt the hot rod of flesh penetrate her. As Stoner pounded at her opening, she could feel her blood rising. Her whole body was a tingle with pinpricks of pleasure. She shuddered as her sex’s convulsions began. In spite of her stifled mouth, she emitted a prolonged, wailing moan. Stoner, excited by the contractions of Cheryl’s pussy, could no longer contain himself. His cock throbbed and jerked inside of her, spilling his seed. He groaned as his body was seized by pleasure. Finally, his climax at an end, he withdrew from Cheryl’s cunt and raised his hands. The crowd cheered.

  The ceremony now was over and Cheryl felt herself being wheeled away. Congratulations were expressed and approval given for Stoner’s fine selection. The Imam was paid his marriage fee, a substantial sum, and graciously left so that the drinking of alcohol could begin.

  Cheryl was wheeled into the foyer of the Mansion. Her pinned and splayed body was left there, her face towards the stairs, her ass toward the door, to await the pleasure of her Master. Her hindquarters were still exposed and garnered many a glancing stare as the servants ran to and fro to supply the guests, mainly Stoner’s officers and their “wives”. There were three white foremen on the plantation and they too enjoyed Stoner’s hospitality and the view of his new wife’s cunt. The guests had the run of the first floor of the house and Cheryl felt their presence behind her as they walked in and out. Her mind was still fogged from the drugs and she lay her head down and let the fog enter her mind. “What did it matter anyway?” she thought. “That’s the part of me that this bastard treasures. Let them all see it.”

  Stoner wandered down to the barracks to see how his former wife was making out. He entered the officers’ quarters to find Sara on her knees servicing a young lieutenant. His grinning black face disclosed a set of bright white teeth. He was holding Sara’s head by the sides as he slid his turgid black cock back and forth. Two other officers were waiting their turn. Sara’s arms were tied behind her back and she offered no resistance to her abuse. Her long blond hair shook with each thrust of the lieutenant’s hips. Finally, he came with a loud grunt. And withdrew.

  Stoner approached Sara before the next officer could have his way. He lifted Sara’s chin so that she could see that it was him. She cringed when she saw him, terrified that he had come to torment her once more.

  “I hope that you’re enjoying yourself Sara with all of these gentlemen at your service. I’m going down to the capital in about ten days. I’ll let you enjoy yourself with the men until then. We’ll fly down together and I’ll introduce you to the life of a whore. And then I’ll say goodbye to you in my usual, special way.”

  Sara, who thought herself by now beyond tears, started to cry. Her future was laid out before her. Until she was too ugly and drained to be used, she would serve as a fucktoy to whoever could afford Stoner’s price. And then, hopefully, someone would give her a quick death.

  After about an hour, the guests began to depart. It was getting on to the hottest part of the day and everyone who could went off to find shade. Stoner came back to the mansion. As he entered he saw the displayed loins of his new wife. “Well,” he thought, “time for the honeymoon.”

  He ordered Cheryl to be wheeled back to his bedroom. He filled his glass with scotch and followed. Once in the room, he chased the servants away and took in the lovely graceful lines of Cheryl’s thighs and ass. He had promised her that he would fuck her in the ass today, and he always kept his promises, at least of that sort. But first, she needed to be woken up.

  Jeremiah had removed the ball of drugs from Cheryl’s mouth soon after the ceremony was over. While her head was still foggy, it had begun to clear. She realized that she had been wheeled into Stoner’s bedroom and she also remembered his promise of the day before. She could do nothing but await the assault.

  Stoner slapped his hand down on Cheryl’s buttocks, rendering a loud ‘crack!’ and leaving a red mark in the shape of his hand behind. Cheryl stiffened at the blow, the pain accelerating her return to full consciousness.

  “Ah, my dear, we’re alone at last,” Stoner joked. “Are you prepared to perform your wifely duties?” He rubbed his hands over the tender white cheeks of Cheryl’s behind. “I’m going to fuck this little bung hole of yours, my dear. But first, I think I’ll warm you up to the task.”

  From among the implements of torture that were displayed on his bedroom wall, Stoner selected a short, whip, with wide, blac
k lashes. It would suffice to burn and sting when applied without marring the alabaster surface. He wanted her ass good and red before he fucked it.

  Stoner’s goal called for repeated, relentless strokes. And so he began whipping the proffered derriere without warning and without pause. Cheryl yelped as the lashes struck her soft skin. The unrelenting nature of the blows soon had her uttering a constant, plaintive moan. She tried to wriggle her ass to avoid the bite of the whip, but the sight of her writhing ass made Stoner’s task all the more enjoyable.

  Finally, the white globes had turned a deep shade of red. Cheryl kept moaning, even though the whipping had ceased, because her skin seemed afire. She wanted to scream out at her tormentor, to call him the bastard that he was. But she bit her tongue. Venting her anger and hatred at her assailant would only serve to drive him to inflict more pain.

  Stoner was breathing heavily from the exertion of using the whip. His cock was hard and he was anxious to get on with his task. He disrobed quickly and approached the fiery red orbs. “Here comes my cock up your ass, my dear,” he said to Cheryl, tauntingly. “I hope you like it because we’re going to be doing this a lot.”

  The short, balding fat man mounted a little step that had been put in place there by one of the servants. He pushed the head of his cock up against the puckered entrance to Cheryl’s bowels. He nestled the head in the entrance teasingly.

  “Do you feel my cock, slut,” he asked his bride. When Cheryl did not reply, he slammed his hand down on the tender skin of her right cheek.

  “Owwwwwww!” Cheryl cried out. “Oh, please don’t hit me again, please,”

  ‘Smack’, another blow fell.

  “That’s please don’t hit me again, Master!” Stoner roared. He struck her again.


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