Chasing Brittan

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Chasing Brittan Page 2

by A. D. Herrick

  “You just make it look easy.” She pouted her sultry red lips.

  I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into a half hug. “You, my love, make it look easy. You are beautiful both inside and out.” I placed a gentle kiss to the side of her head.

  Janet burrowed into my side. “You know you’re the best friend a girl could ever have right?” I gave her a quick squeeze before releasing her.

  “Right back at ya, babe.”

  The Uber pulled in front of the club, Dangerous, breaking Janet from her emotional moment. I had never been more grateful. I didn’t do emotions or feelings whereas Janet was full of them. I guess that was what kept us together. Her over emotional state made up for my lack of one.

  Chapter Two


  I couldn’t believe it was happening. My old man had decided to step down from CEO of the family business and handed it off to me. To say I was surprised was an understatement. After I had refused to marry the daughter of one of his long-time colleagues he had all but shut me out of his life. That was three years ago. I remember the day like it was yesterday.

  “Klaus, it’s time you marry. You’re not getting any younger and it would not deem appropriate if you took the place as CEO an unwed man. We do not need rumors or scandal attached to our name nor do I want them attached to my legacy.” My father said as he sat perched at his desk, a tumbler of King Louis Cognac. It was the only liquor he would allow near his delicate taste buds. Her brow rose to emphasize his point.

  “Father, how would me being unmarried bring scandal or rumor?” I asked genuinely perplexed. I lingered over the bar, a glass of scotch in my hand. I had no taste for the stuff but it all a part of the charade.

  “You know how women are. They will throw themselves at you the moment they catch a whiff of the fact that you will be taking over. This is a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Don’t think for one minute that you will be immune to their treachery.” He sneered over his glass, running a hand through his thick salt and pepper hair.

  “I have spoken with Edward and we both agree that his daughter, Natalia, will be a perfect match for you. She is a socialite and well-groomed to be in the spotlight.” He stated in a bored tone.

  My jaw hit the ground. I was only twenty-seven, I wasn’t ready for a wife and I had no intentions or entering an arranged marriage just because my father had deemed it appropriate. I clutched the glass in my hand in a firm grip as I gathered my emotions. My first instinct was to scream and holler that I would not be marrying the woman but I knew that would only prove to my father that I was not mature enough to make rational decisions. No, I needed to handle this delicately.

  “Father, really, what do we know of this woman? I would much rather find someone of my own caliber that would not just be a well-groomed socialite but a woman of extraordinary stature that would enhance our business and your legacy. Would you not want a powerful educated woman by my side rather than a pretty face?” I held my breath hoping that I had appealed to his better senses. I knew my father had married my mother, not for her beauty but also her mind. My mother had been an extraordinary doctor and an even more extraordinary woman.

  “Where do you think would find such a woman?” My father asked. He had set his glass on the desk and now had his forearms rested on the edge leaning forward eagerly to hear my explanation.

  I had not thought this far. I only wanted to get out of the prearranged marriage to Edward’s daughter. I had met her on several occasions at the many functions my father’s company held. Though she was a beauty, long limbs and the grace and figure of a ballerina, she had an ugly soul. I had caught her many times talking down to the staff and cutting down her supposed friends. Not to mention the fact that she laughed like a hyena.

  “Father, I have not thought that far. Perhaps that is where you can assist me. You chose well with mother, she was, after all, your greatest achievement. Given your exquisite taste and fine knowledge of my desires, I trust that with the both of us on the lookout we will have a better chance of finding the one.” I gave him a broad knowing smile. My father had loved my mother more than anything. I knew her passing was why he wanted to retire and give over the business. He had achieved greatness with her by his side. Without her, he no longer found joy in the business.

  My father leaned back in his seat smiling like a shark. I felt a sense of dread sink deep into the pit of my stomach. I had a feeling he had been expecting this, that he had already begun planning and had laid a trap for me, waiting for me to stupidly walk into it. His smile was one that screamed game, set, match. I had lost before I even know the game had begun.

  I shook myself from the memory. It was too late to back down. My father had called me back from our office in Germany only to tell me he had stepped down. There was an unreadable glimmer in his eyes as he handed me a thick file.

  “All the information you need to know is in this file.” He said with a slick smile. I felt my stomach twist into knots.

  “Sit, Sit.” He motioned excitedly with his thick hand toward the dark leather sofa in his office.

  I approached the sofa with caution, my eyes darting around the room, waiting for a woman to come popping out like the clown in a jack-in-the-box. I was relieved when I realized that there was no one popping out of the many doors in his office.

  “Don’t look so scared Klaus. There is nothing going to bite you.” He chuckled merrily, sensing my hesitation.

  “You have that look about you,” I told him hesitantly.

  My father waved the thought away as though it were utter nonsense.

  Carefully I laid the file out on the thick glass coffee table in front of me and flipped it open. There were no pictures only statistics and quarterly reviews dating back over five years. I turned and gave my father a curious look.

  “What is this?” I asked perplexed.

  My father only smiled. “That, my son, is your future.” He shot me a knowing look and smirked.

  “I have a meeting to attend to. You stay here and look over the file. I’m sure you will find everything you need right there.” He shot me a wink and left.

  Unable to help myself I flipped through the thick file. Shelby Krause, age twenty-seven, Harvard grad. I was immediately impressed. She was an early graduate, graduating at the top of her class at Harvard. Flipping through her file I saw that she was well apt at her work in emphasizing the inseparability of theoretical and empirical work, and the interrelatedness of diachronic and synchronic approaches to the study of language. She had a unique range and depth ancient and modern languages, in particular, German.

  With the last name of Krause, I could only imagine it came naturally. Immediately I was intrigued by the woman. I was surprised to find that she had not been brought to head the department. She had single-handedly head some of the largest and most complex projects at Heutige Software. Even if I chose not to wed the woman, I knew immediately that I was giving her a promotion. I didn’t care what my father had to say about it.

  I rushed to my father’s desk and rang his secretary, Elizabeth.

  “Liz, I need Ms. Krause from the linguist department in my father’s office immediately,” I begged eagerly to meet the woman I had read so much about.

  “Just a moment, sir.” She sang sweetly into the phone.

  I waited patiently for her to return to the line. If by patiently I mean pacing back and forth across the Oriental rug my father had received as a gift when he hand my mother made their first international deal together, wearing down a path down the center of the plush colorful material.

  The phone beeped signaling Liz had picked the line back up. “Mr. Wolf, It appears that Ms. Krause has just left for her vacation. She isn’t due back until next week.” I could hear the slight hesitation in her voice at having to give me the bad news.

  I sighed into the phone, unable to help myself. “Please tell her assistant to have her meet with me the moment she walks back into the office,” I asked before ending the call.
r />   Even if Shelby Krause was not the woman for me I intended to make her the head of the department. I had heard that Roz was retiring and we would need someone of substantial strength to take over and lead the department.

  The phone in my pocket buzzed with a familiar tone, Dustin, My best friend was calling. I groaned in resignation. I knew he would want to go out tonight. Though he was my best friend, Destin had yet to grow up and realize that there was more to life than drinking and women. Nevertheless, I envied his ability to persuade women out of their clothing.

  “Dustin, what type of trouble are you getting into these days?” I sang into the phone.

  “What the hell man, you make it into the states and you don’t even call your bro to let him know?” He rasps into the phone.

  I couldn’t help but to chuckle. “It was obviously no secret, you found out I was here.” I reminded him.

  “You and me, tonight, Dangerous, what do ya say?” I could hear the excitement in his voice at the prospect.

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not on your life, man.”

  I hung up after confirming plans for the night. I knew he wouldn’t let me get out of it so there was no reason to try.

  Chapter Three


  The music in the club was thumping, some club mix I had never heard before poured through the speakers with so much bass I could feel it echoing deep in my bones. The club was packed tonight leaving just enough room for us to squeeze between hot sweaty bodies. Janet and I made our way over to the bar, miraculously unscathed for a few pre-game drinks, her slim hand locked onto mine held us together.

  I had a good feeling that Janet had already pre-gamed before she had shown up at my apartment, she usually did. The overly showy emotions and her glassy eyes gave her away. Janet pulled her shoulders back, proudly displaying her full C cup, grabbing the bartender’s attention. She ordered us a few rounds of tequila, our typical night out drink. No mess, no worrying about where to set your glass. Just instant feel-good sensations.

  I grabbed three of the four shots of tequila she had ordered and downed them quickly in succession to catch up. The sharp bite of the Blanco hit my tongue pulling a moan from between my lips. I knew it would take several more before I was ready to be dragged out on the dance floor. Sensing my need for more liquid courage, Janet procured us several more shots.

  The music changed and Janet squealed in delight. A remixed version of Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You began to play. Hastily, she grabbed my hand, dragging me out onto the crowded dance floor. Once we were in the middle of the dance floor, Janet flung her arms around my neck and began to grind against me. I did what any red-blooded woman would do in this situation. I threw caution to the wind and danced with her, our bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. It was like that with us, we just clicked and went with it with minimal discussion. Janet had always been able to read my emotions and needs. Just like tonight, she knew I needed an escape, to let loose. Before the song was over, Janet was pulled away to dance with a short blonde man.

  I smiled to myself and let the music carry me away. Janet was always a magnet for men. I was surprised she had lasted this long without being draped over a man’s arms. They usually had their claws dug into her the moment she walks in the club.

  Moving along to the music, I found myself in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by couples bumping and grinding on one another as they dry humped to the pulsing beat. Janet had changed out the short blonde for a tall dark haired man. His face was buried in her neck as he kissed and nibbled his way into her pants. I loved her the best I knew how, but she was always a sucker for a greedy handed man. Tonight would be no exception.

  I closed my eyes and let my head drop back. I threw my hands in the air and moved my body to the music, absorbing the beat and letting it work through my body, casting all my worries, thoughts and cares away. There is something therapeutic about bumping and grinding on a dance floor with complete strangers, getting all sweaty while relishing in the buzz from the cheap alcohol. It felt so freeing and euphoric. The warm fuzzies from the six shots of tequila I threw back aided in my relaxation.

  I felt hands come from behind me and rest on my hips. Thick forearms slowly snaked around my waist. I glanced down at them noticing the dark ink of tattoos along the corded muscles on the man’s forearms. His hands splayed out along my stomach, pinning me against him. I leaned back into the stranger while moving along to the beat of the music, grinding my ass against his hips, trying to get a sense of what my mystery man might look like, body wise. What could I say, I was shallow and a sucker for a hard firm body?

  His grip on me tightened, his arms wrapping around me as he pulled me in closer, not enough to cause alarm, but enough to let me know that he didn’t plan on letting me escape anytime soon. I felt his thickness grow from behind me. It turned me on to know that my ass pressed against him turned him on.

  I leaned back further into his embrace, grinding my hips in a sensual motion with the beat of the bass, my ass now pressed hard against his thick cock. With my head against his chest, I closed my eyes and let the music carry me away, enjoying his hard tight body.

  I could feel the ripple of his muscles as he matched my rhythm. Our bodies moved as one with the music. His chest was broad eclipsing me and oh so hard, a firm indication that he worked out. He had a tight middle and I could tell he was taller than my 5’6 frame from the way he was crouched down in order to align our bodies so that he framed me into a yummy cocoon of rock hard muscle.

  I felt his minty breath on my neck, the heat of it sending a zap of electricity straight to my greedy pussy. I moaned softly, my arousal growing. His breath left a trail of warmth from behind my ear down to the base of my neck, sending chills through my body. My nipples pebbled against the thin black fabric of my dress. My body zinged with electricity as his lips pressed against my delicate flesh.

  I inhaled his clean manly scent, a musky masculine citrus mixed with something spicy that was just him. I longed to roll around in it, marking myself in his scent. I was an animal on the verge of being out of control. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt this sexually charged.

  The music changed, a slow beat began to pour out of the speakers, the heavy bass echoed through my body in rhythm to my beating heart. A low growl reverberated deep in his chest against my back causing my pussy to clench with need. He was enjoying this as much as I was.

  His hands slowly left my stomach and began their decent farther south. He kept his hands a respectable distance from my core as they traveled down my sides to rest on my thighs. He slid them up the hem of my dress, angling his hands so that his fingers wrapped inward around my inner thigh. His grip tightened as his cock pressed against my ass. Encouraging him, I rolled my hips against his hard cock.

  It felt oh so good. I can’t remember my body responding to someone this way in a long time. A shiver ran through my body in response to his firm hands. Yeah, I have gone out many times and danced with complete strangers but never has any guy made my body light up the way this guy has. I haven’t even seen his face let alone heard his voice and he had already turned me into putty in his skilled hands.

  His lips gently trailed along my neck making my chest heave. Goosebumps ran along my slick fevered skin. I wanted him. I mewed like a kitten in his fully capable hands as he began leaving light kisses along my neck. I writhed against his body, begging for more.

  Encouraged, he continued, nibbling my neck in just the wrong way, and by wrong, I mean the right way. My pussy was dripping wet with need. His soft lips nipping and sucking at the sensitive flesh of my neck drove me wild. I had to have him.

  “Let’s get out of here.” His deep gruff voice vibrated against the shell of my ear sending a shiver down my spine that reached my toes. I detected a hint of an accent but was unable to distinguish what kind against the loud pulsing music. I loved a man with an accent.

  My eyes darted up in search of Janet. She was wrapped i
n the arms of the same dark haired man I had last seen her with. As if sensing my eyes on her, she turned in his arms to face me. Her eyes were glassed over with lust. I could see it in her hooded gaze and the way her body stayed attached to his, she would be going home with this one.

  I gave a slight jerk of my head toward the man behind me, my eyes asking the question that had been eating at my mind since the moment he laid his hands on me. Janet wagged her brows seductively in response, answering the unspoken question, letting me know the man was attractive. I raised my hand to my lips and blew a quick kiss to her, bidding her goodnight. I would call her in the morning to ensure she made it home safely as was our ritual.

  I turned to face the man whose proposal I had accepted. My breath caught in my lungs as I fought to swallow around the lump that had formed in my throat. He was over a foot taller than me. His face was full of sharp angular lines from his broad high cheek bones to his full jaw. Thick brown brows arched perfectly over his piercing bright blue eyes. His broad nose fit his face perfectly, just above his full pouty lips. His thick short dirty blonde hair was spiked up at the front. His lip twitched into a half smile as I stood gawking at him. He was obviously German, his thick broad shoulders and stocky build made my knees weak.

  “Shall we?” He asked, extending his hand out for me to take.

  Without hesitation, I placed my slim hand into his much larger one and allowed him to lead me out of the club. My heart clamored in my chest. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the man. He was absolute perfection from head to toe.

  We exited the club, with his hand on the small of my back, he urged me into the open door of the limo that sat waiting at the curb in front of the club. No sooner had my ass touched the buttery smooth leather seat. I was shoved over and onto my back. His body climbed on top of mine as the door shut behind him.


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