A Risqué Engagement

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A Risqué Engagement Page 3

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Oh, nothing,” she said. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  Xavier didn’t respond immediately, needing to let her risqué voice filter the drum in his ear.

  “You’re not being honest with me,” he said. “Why?”

  Stirred, Corinne’s brows rose before ruffling in a frown.

  “I wasn’t trying to be untruthful, I just.” She sighed. “I was just thinking about how tired you must be after all the work you do and wondering why you would trade your rest to be here,” she added, “with me.”

  Xavier hung on to her gaze for another long moment, then the corner of his lips curved. “But you know why.”

  Corinne cleared her throat and shifted again in her seat. “I still wonder.” She decided to change the subject to something that wouldn’t make her nervous system a wreck. “So, we’ll be in Utah in about thirty minutes. You’ve slept most of the trip. Can I get you anything?”

  Xavier glanced toward the window but could only see dark clouds. When he pulled his attention back, he pulled his legs in and lifted himself properly in the seat.

  “I could use a bottle of water.”

  Corinne moved quickly, happy to get him the cold water he needed. She needed a cold shower with the way her body continued to flame. How would she be able to endure a day with him, never mind a night? There was a quick trot in her footing as she dashed into the kitchen and rumbled inside the refrigerator. While getting his water, Corinne grabbed her one, too. She hadn’t thought this thing through. Yes, she wanted to spend some time with him, but at night? Doing what?

  “Shit,” she cursed, worried that she’d given Xavier the wrong impression. He thought she was important, he’d said as much, and she was holding on to that sentiment. It helped her not feel like she was leading him on with this trip he’d taken to get to her. But what if he wanted sex when they made it to their destination? As if you don’t want it. She shushed her inner thoughts. That was beside the point, she mused. If she were being realistic, she and Xavier had been communicating for about three weeks now. It wasn’t necessarily normal everyday communications, but the text messages count. Didn’t they? Corinne almost moaned with frustration. Truthfully, she wanted him, and she couldn’t deny that she’d imagined all the ways that he could please her sexually.

  But what if that was his endgame? What if he told all the women he bedded that they were important? She didn’t want to be his fool, and Corinne was still feeling him out. As she stood frozen with the aircraft’s refrigerator door open, a soft click behind her pulled her attention. She glanced over her shoulder and found Xavier standing a mere foot behind her. He mounted there, hosing her down with a stentorious inspection. A ripple coursed down her flesh, and the water bottles in her hands were squeezed tightly as her gut constricted.

  She went into defense mode immediately. “Xavier, you can’t be back here,” she blubbered quickly. “I could get in trouble if anyone saw you.”

  He took a step toward her. “If that happens, I’ll have a talk with the pilot,” he said.

  Corinne gawked then closed her mouth. “And say what?”

  Xavier shrugged. “I’ll donate to the charity of his choice for keeping it our secret.”

  A throaty but vibrant laugh ballooned from Corinne. “You’re serious.”

  “Do I make you nervous, Corinne?”

  His question stumped her, and while she thought about telling him the truth or being vague with her response, Xavier moved closer to her.

  “No,” she lied, “why would you ask that?”


  He knew she was lying, and instead of repeating the fib, Corinne simply shook her head but sealed her lips just as he made it into her personal space.

  “Your body language says something different, sweetheart.” With his left index finger, he drove a line down her arm. “You’re holding on to those bottles mighty tightly.”

  Just as he mentioned it, the tops on the bottles popped from the death squeeze she had. Corinne jumped, and a shriek slipped from her mouth. Embarrassed, Corinne tried to step around him, but he locked her between his massive frame and the open refrigerator. Corinne was relieved about one thing, at least the coolness from the icebox helped calm her raging hormones. She pushed out a breath.

  “Okay, yes,” she said, going for the truth this time. “You do make me nervous.”

  A grin slipped across his mouth. “Why?”

  Corinne sighed heavily again. “I don’t know maybe because I like you, but I’m still not sure about your intentions with me.”

  That paused his questioning, and he straightened from the hovering he was doing. “I understand,” he said. “Do you think I’m an honest man, Corinne?”


  His gaze bore into her, letting her know that she should continue down this path of truth.

  Corinne squeezed out a breath. “I want to believe you are. In business, I don’t doubt it, but in your personal, or dating life, I’m not sure who you are yet.”

  Xavier nodded. “That’s fair enough.”

  Corinne was relieved to hear that.

  “Will you give me the chance to show you who I am before you judge me?”

  That just made Corinne feel like an ass. She had, after all, judged him immediately.

  “I’m sorry, Xavier, I never meant to question your integrity.”

  “It’s quite all right. You have every reason to. Like you said, you’re still getting to know me, so it’s normal for you to feel this way. But, will you give me the chance to show you who I am and possibly who I can become to you?”

  Corinne swallowed hard, and her body’s nerves went crazy. She leaned into him without realizing it as if she were pulled magnetically forward. Her short approach caused Xavier to react with one arm slipping around her waist and the other gliding up her neck to grip the back of her head.

  “And another thing,” his thick voice ticked. “If you get this close to me, I won’t stop myself from tasting you. Here is some of my honesty. I’m attracted to you, Corinne, thoroughly. And I can tell that you’re attracted to me.” His hand slipped up her waist and combed over her arm, shoulder, and closed in on the other side of her neck. He pulled her so close their lips were separated by a wisp of air. “So I won’t regret kissing you, and I won’t regret touching you. And unless you tell me you don’t want me to, I will.” He waited for her to object, giving her optimal time to consider his words. When she didn’t, he took her lips to his with a slow delicate tasting of her mouth. Corinne’s entire body shuddered, and the water bottles slipped from her hands and hit the floor.

  It didn’t disturb them. In fact, Corinne’s arms glided around his toned waist and her acceptance of his kiss caused him to suck her in wholly.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, as her pussy thumped, completely taken by him. Her body writhed as the energy around them struck her like a flash of lightning, and she liquified into his embrace.

  Bing! “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I hope you’ve enjoyed your flight on board Kinship Airlines. As we are approaching Salt Lake City International Airport, please be sure that your seat belts are securely fastened. Flight attendants, prepare for landing please. Cabin crew, please take your seats.”

  Heeding the captain’s request, Xavier pulled from their erotic kiss but not before placing a few down Corinne’s chin and an animalistic bite at the edge of her jaw.

  “We should probably—”

  “Yeah,” Corinne interrupted, still dazed and unsure her legs were steady enough to move.

  Xavier kissed her cheek one last time then stepped to her side and slipped his hand in hers.

  “Shall we?”

  Chapter Four

  It was amazing how calm her spirit was now that they were in the lobby of the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel. As Corinne thought about it, Xavier’s candor on the plane seemed to put her worries temporarily to rest, but she was still reeling from the ramifications of that kiss.

>   “Thank you,” Xavier said, taking the key to their rooms off the receptionist’s hands. He turned to Corinne and slipped his palm down her back, letting it rest in the curve of her spine. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Corinne nodded with a smile, and they both moved toward the elevators. With the press of a button, the doors dinged, and Xavier and Corinne strolled inside. Corinne turned toward the doors, and Xavier turned to her.

  “For you,” he said, handing her a room key.

  Corinne took the key out of his hand, perplexed.

  “You’re room 223, I’m 225,” he said.


  Why did she feel slightly disappointed that they would be in separate quarters? Feeling indifferent and somewhat confused by her indecision, Corinne smiled curtly and responded, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The elevator reached its floor, and the doors opened.

  “This is us,” Xavier said.

  They exited and strolled side by side in silence down the hall. When they reached Corinne’s room, Xavier removed the key from her fingers and inserted it into the door. The green light illuminated, and he returned the key to her palm and opened it, holding it for her to enter.

  “Since we only have a half a day with each other tomorrow, I was hoping you would have dinner with me tonight.”

  Corinne tilted her head with a smirk. “Of course, Xavier. You came all this way just to keep me company on a layover. I think I can spend some time with you over food.” She grinned. “Besides, I’d love to.”

  Xavier’s heart warmed, and he reached for her fingers and linked them with his. Drawing her to him, Xavier placed a tender kiss on one temple than the other. Then a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Corinne giggled. “Okay, that tickles.”

  “Does it?”

  “Yeah,” she said with her face turned up to him and her mouth holding a wide beam of a smile.

  “What about this?” he said, sinking his mouth into hers. Corinne inhaled the breath he released. Her eyes closed, and a riveting bolt attacked her senses. She wanted to linger there and indulge in the pull of his lips and the exploration of his tongue, but just as quickly as the kiss began, Xavier ended it, withdrawing from her as if it was in his best interest to do so.

  “Wait,” Corinne said. It was almost as if someone else had spoken it, making Corinne surprised by her own request. She reopened her eyes to find Xavier’s bristling gaze pinned on her. Corinne swallowed. “More,” she said. It came out like a faint whisper.


  “I want more,” she said, rejecting his opposition.

  The suitcase in his hand dropped and in synchronization they both went at each other. Corinne jumped into his arms, and Xavier lifted her with a handful of her ass. Her legs entwined around his waist, and their mouths crashed against one another in an urgent haste to transform into one. Heat ballooned from their toes and met up with another trail of fire that tracked from the crown of their heads. It gathered in the center of their joining, and a ragged moan slipped from Corinne at the feel of his extended erection prodding against the seat of her panties.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned.

  Xavier pulled his mouth from hers but only to travel down her chin and place deep saturating kisses underneath her neck in a stalk down her throat.

  “Oh… Xavier, take me inside.”

  In the frame of the doorway, their breathing labored, and Xavier’s kisses lightened, then he pulled his gaze to hers. He looked like a bull with his nostrils flaring and his teeth partially bared. There was an inner fight going on inside of him; Corinne could see it and wondered what it meant. Did he want her? Or was he worried about her only wanting sex. Corinne half-rolled her eyes at that last thought. Of course, he wasn’t worried about that. She was losing her mind. Without a word, Xavier moved inside her room with long strides to the king size bed. He paused again, his mind moving so fast Corinne could practically see his thoughts in a twirl.

  “What is it?” She asked, curiously interested. With her arms around his neck, she tightened her thighs and lifted to rotate her pelvis against his. He needed to take advantage and stat while she still had the courage.

  Xavier groaned like a wounded animal then bit down on his teeth, and Corinne leaned in to place heated kisses on the pillar of his throat. When he spoke, his voice was gruff and profound.

  “We should wait,” he said.

  Corinne paused and slowly she pulled back to stare at him. Xavier wanted her to trust him fully, and he knew that at that moment, she didn’t. As much as he would like to rip her clothes to shreds and bury himself in the deepest part of her, he also wanted more; that he was sure of. Corinne was interested in his intentions, and he planned to show her, even if his dick didn’t approve.

  Corinne searched his face. “Um.”

  “Listen,” he took his mouth to her nose and kissed it, “when you give yourself to me, I want you to be one hundred percent sure that you trust me to take care of you. I want you to know who I am and feel sure about the decision you’re making.”

  Corinne understood, and she respected Xavier for that, but it didn’t make her want to cry any less. She was literally suspended on the ridge of his solid erection. Her mind agreed with Xavier, it was the right thing to do, but her body said something else entirely. Corinne tried to climb out of his arms, and his massive dick punctured her belly as she slid down his body on the way to her feet. The whimper that left her mouth was her body’s way of mourning the pleasure it was being denied, and Corinne made sure to coach herself into staying on track. Xavier helped her gain her balance. She didn’t even know what to say. Xavier had rendered her speechless.

  “I’m going to freshen up and will return within the hour.” He held a long lingering eye on Corinne. She smiled up at him and nodded. “Are you okay?”

  He wanted her to know she could trust him, but not at the expense of her thinking he didn’t want her.

  “I’m fine. I need to freshen up, too.”

  He ran a hand down her shoulder and nodded. “Be back in a minute.” He turned and strolled across the room, and Corinne decided not to watch him leave. When the door clicked, she let out a dragging exhale and fell back on the bed. Looking at the ceiling, Corinne remembered the conversation she and her best friend Camilla had when Camilla and her now fiancé had just spent a blissful night together.

  Camilla was in a state of constant euphoria, and Corinne was bubbling beside her. Corinne remembered it so well because that’s how she felt now, except they hadn’t spent a night with each other, and she hoped she hadn’t made a complete fool of herself. One thing was for sure, Xavier was doing a good job showing his sincerity. Corinne didn’t know any man who could’ve turned down all that ass she’d just put on him. Corinne giggled and grabbed a pillow and covered her face. She needed to talk this out and that made her pull to a sit and reach for her tote.

  Inside, she fished for her phone then found Camilla’s number and hit send. After two rings, Camilla answered the phone.

  “Well hello, hello,” Camilla said.

  “Hey, girl, are you busy?”

  “Not at the moment. What’s up, where are you now?”

  “Salt Lake City.”

  “Poor thing, you must be bored out of your mind.”

  “Actually, I’m not.”

  Camilla became intrigued. “Do tell.”

  “I’m on another twenty-four-hour layover and I’m not alone.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Xavier,” Corinne said.

  Corinne heard a shuffle through the phone then Camilla’s voice came back through a bit louder this time.

  “Okay, give me all the juice,” she said.

  Corinne laughed. “What were you doing before?”

  “Wrapped up with Hunter, what do you think?”

  Corinne laughed again. Since Camilla and Hunter had gotten engaged, they’d been nearly inseparable.

  “Now, I don
’t feel so bad about not being there with your pregnant ass,” Corinne said. “You’re never home anyway.”

  “Hmmm, I can’t apologize, girl. Why be at home when I can be with my babe?”

  Corinne smiled brightly.

  “Anyway, I’m in the kitchen now going through the fridge so talk fast before I eat everything in here.”

  Corinne laughed again. “Well you’re eating for two now, so you’re entitled to double stuff.”

  “Girl, please, then I’ll have double the hips, and you know I can’t have that.”

  “As if Hunter would mind.”

  Camilla smirked. “He wouldn’t, but that is beside the point. Now, tell me what’s going on. How did you and Xavier end up in Salt Lake City together?”

  Corinne sighed. “I was in Anguilla, and we were on the phone. He asked me to meet him halfway between where we both were, but I couldn’t. Long story short, I told him Salt Lake City was my next move, and he said he’d meet me there. But instead of him meeting me there, he met me at the connecting flight stop. I have no idea how he found out where the plane would be.”

  “All it takes really is a simple search with the airlines. You could find out where each plane is stopping.”

  “That’s not something you can just search,” Corinne said. “I mean it is, but it could take you forever to find the specific plane, where it is now, where it’s landing, connecting flights, all of that. For goodness’ sake I’m not a regular passenger you can search for. I’m an employee. So to find out which plane I was on had to have been a miracle. I mean who has time for that?”

  “Apparently, he does. Have you put it on him yet? I know sometimes you can be a little scandalous,” she joked.

  Aghast, Corinne planted her hand against her hip. “No, you didn’t,” she said, listening to Camilla teeter over in laughter. “For your information…” Corinne paused. “Hell yeah, I did,” she admitted.

  This time it was Camilla who gasped so hard it almost knocked the wind out of her. “Are you serious!?”

  Corinne laughed then snorted. “You sound so appalled,” she said, continuing her laugh.


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