A Risqué Engagement

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A Risqué Engagement Page 6

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Ssssss… aaah, oh God,” she panted.

  Her heartbeat raced, and in the depths of her passionate self-love, she saw his face, brown skin smooth without flaw, thick lips, soft and inviting, that long ass beard and a mustache that was groomed around the outline of his mouth. She imagined her tongue tasting his as he stared her down behind the dark molasses of his brown eyes.

  “Shit!” she panted. Her pussy thumped rigorously, and she was about to come in a landslide. “Xavier, Xavier…,” she purred, imagining him slipping down her belly, his tongue gliding over her peach just before sucking it completely then stirring her with one long intense stroke of his tongue.


  She came, so hard her thighs clapped together and sealed her hand inside the apex of her legs.


  Her eyes crossed, and her ears popped as a wave of nostalgia cast her afloat just as her body went limp. Her breathing was haggard, but Corinne couldn’t move as if Xavier had really put it on her. Her ears popped and not a minute after her release she passed out and slept through the night.

  Chapter Eight

  The breeze in the early morning atmosphere gave off an unordinary chill as the drop-top Ferrari sailed down the street. Corinne shivered while telling herself the change in her ecosystem had everything to do with the weather and not the man sitting next to her.

  This morning when she’d awakened and found herself butt naked with her feminine scent on her fingers, Corinne could do nothing but laugh and roll her face into the pillows. Her phone buzzed, indicating a notification on her screen. She reached for the device and pulled it underneath the pillow to read a text message from Xavier.

  “Good morning, Bella Anima. I’d like to begin our morning in an hour if that’s all right with you.”

  Corinne’s eyes traveled to the time. 4:30 a.m. Where the hell were they going this early, she wondered.

  “Good morning, in one hour I’m all yours.”


  “I like the sound of that.”

  Corinne blushed and stuffed her face back into the pillow. The sun wasn’t even out, but here he was ready to be in her company again. She mused on those thoughts and laid for another thirty minutes before getting up and making her way into the shower. Her midnight solo tryst was necessary to take the edge off, as was the one she’d taken in the shower. Corinne was hoping by getting that out of the way, she could focus on whatever adventure Xavier had set for them that morning before it was time to head back to the airport. However, when the three-knuckle knock came on the door, Corinne became instantly nervous and thrilled altogether. She checked her appearance one last time before opening the door. Her look was simple but chic.

  Her vintage style peach sunglasses added an extra flair of bravura to the peach jumpsuit she wore. A rugged black belt accented her waist while large black buttons ran down the middle of her one-piece. On her feet black thong sandals complemented her pedicured toes, and her brown shea butter skin gave the entire look a pop of praise. Satisfied, she’d sauntered to open the door and was hit with a conglomerate of instant heat at the modest yet evocative look of Xavier Valentine.

  He too wore aviator shades across his eyes, but it didn’t stop Corinne from feeling the laser-like beam his orbs traced over her entire body. Her gaze soaked him up, all six feet three inches of his vigorous frame. His hands were connected behind his back, making his broad shoulders push through the Fendi shirt he wore even more than usual. The material was no match for his sturdy build as his chiseled chest made a statement that was defined by the ripples in his solidly built torso. The jeans that crossed his herculean thighs put all denim to shame as they rode his limbs like they were tailored to fit his colossal frame. They thinned off at his ankles where a pair of Nikes congregated at his feet. Xavier removed his sunglasses and tucked the lens to grip the middle of his shirt while burning a hole into her eyes with his compelling gaze. Corinne tried to pay attention to her breathing pattern, but this man was finer than fine. Sinfully so. It was the thick chocolatiness of his skin and the way his Adam’s apple bobbled that discombobulated her.

  “Good morning,” his dark voice drummed. “Are you ready?”

  He licked his lips, and Corinne’s hands searched for pearls to clutch when she realized she wasn’t wearing any. Holy Spirit, hold me.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “I’ll take your bag.”

  Corinne barely heard his response, but she handed over the bag in question as if her subconscious was making decisions on her behalf. Xavier held the door open as she exited, and they strolled down the hallway to the elevators.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  The doors dinged, and they stepped on.

  “Like a baby,” she said having her own little inside joke. If only he knew.

  Now, they were on the road to someplace Corinne didn’t know about. She felt free, and it was different from the freedom her anonymous persona took on during her layovers.

  “What are you thinking?” Xavier asked, snapping her out of her reverie.

  She stretched her arms over her head then straightened and glanced at him. “How calm and easygoing my spirit feels right now. It’s wonderful, and I wish I felt this way all the time.”

  “How do you usually feel?”

  “Rushed,” she admitted, “like I’m always on go. I guess in hindsight I am, and although it can be fun at times, it can also be lonely and tiresome. I look forward to the day I can relax at home with my family or even have a family to come home to. I don’t mean my parents’ either.”

  Xavier smiled back at her. “Maybe we can do something about that.”

  A comprehensive heat warmed her skin.

  “Oh yeah?” She smiled, looking over at him.

  Xavier nodded. “Hell yeah,” his deep voice bellowed. Her eyes traced his wide smile, pearly teeth and that delicious mouth.

  Corinne’s nipples tightened, and she inwardly reprimanded herself. Oh, hell no, don’t you get all horny again, haven’t you had enough?

  “Why do you think you feel that way now?”

  He turned down a boulevard that was light on traffic.

  “Hmmm?” Corinne said.

  “You said your spirit feels calm and easygoing, why do you think that is?”

  “Oh, I’m not sure yet, but I notice it’s not the same as… as…”

  Xavier glanced at her. “As what?”

  Corinne sighed. “Remember last night when you asked me what the craziest thing was I’d ever done?”


  “Okay, well, I’m not that wild of a person.”

  Xavier laughed. “Starting with that line makes me think otherwise.”

  “No,” she chuckled, “seriously, I usually play by the rules, but since I’ve been a stewardess, on my layovers, and I mean the extended ones not the ones that only last a few hours, I change into someone else. It’s freeing but feels nothing like I feel now.”

  “When you say change into someone else, you mean…”

  “Oh,” she laughed. “It’s nothing big, I just pretend I’m someone else. I usually use the name Angela Spears when I’m asked by locals around me, or especially if a guy is trying to hold a conversation. There’s this one guy, Carlos, every time I’m staying over in Anguilla, he surfaces. I think he likes me, but there are a few like him in other places I frequent. I give him small conversation then go on about my business. Sometimes, I ignore them. Not on purpose, but my name’s not really Angela, so I find myself going, huh, oh, hi!” She laughed and shook her head.

  Xavier took in that information with unsettling awareness.

  “It’s not that I’m trying to trick anyone or anything, God, I must sound loco. It’s my own way of being safe actually. You never know who people are or what their intentions may be. Giving out your real name and information could be hazardous.”

  Xavier nodded in understanding as he made another turn into an open field area. He parked and shut the
engine off then rotated to her.

  “Listen.” He cupped her chin and stared into her eyes. “I want you to be careful when you’re on these layovers. Maybe you could take one of the other stewardesses with you when you’re staying overnight somewhere. It’s always safer to travel with another person than on your own. And another thing, I do understand your reasoning for withholding your personal information, but think about giving someone you can trust, like a security officer at your hotel or even a bartender on the beach your real name. That way it’ll be sort of a checkpoint of your whereabouts should, God forbid, something happen to you.”

  She saw his jaw tighten and completely melted at the troubled expression on his face. She reached for his beard, and her hand slipped up to caress his face.

  “You’re worried about me,” she crooned.

  He turned his face into her palm and kissed the thread of her fingers.

  “Promise me you will.”

  A sprinkling web of heat sprouted over her fingers as his mouth kissed each one with tender care.

  “I promise,” she said.

  He grabbed her hand and held on tight.

  “Thank you.”

  She blushed, and he slipped out of the driver’s seat, materializing at her passenger door. He opened it swiftly and helped her out, and together they strolled across the meadow of green grass and trailed up a slope. In the short distance, Corinne could see a man standing with equipment around his feet. His hands were on his hips, and he waved over with a huge smile on his face. She glanced over at Xavier.

  “Okay, I’ve got to ask. What’s going on here?”

  Xavier barked out a laugh. “I'm surprised you’re just now asking me that question.”

  “Well at first, I wasn’t worried, but now I don’t know.”

  Xavier laughed harder as they approached the middle-aged man.

  “I promise to take good care of you,” Xavier said. He offered his hand to the man, and it was accepted with a firm shake. “Good morning,” Xavier said.

  “Good morning, Mr. Valentine.” The man looked at Corinne. “Good morning.”

  “Corinne Thomas,” Xavier introduced.

  “Ms. Thomas, I’m Stan Bradford. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Corinne took note of Stan’s appearance. She wasn’t into stereotypes, but he gave the impression of a middle-aged, athletic, instructor of some sort with his fitted jeans, closed toe boots, and cocky stance. She reached for his butterscotch hand and shook it.

  “You, too, Mr. Bradford.”

  “Oh, call me Stan. I hear Xavier is taking you for a nice ride this early morning.”

  Corinne glanced at Xavier. “Well, you’ve heard more than me,” she said.

  “Oops.” Stan covered his mouth.

  “It’s quite all right. I have her here now. She can’t run.”

  Corinne’s eyes widened. It was then that she glanced around at the equipment in front of them.

  “Xavier… what is this?”

  “We’re going paragliding, Bella anima.”

  Corinne’s eyes lurched. “Paragliding? As in hang gliding?”

  “Something like that but not quite,” Stan cut in. “You see with hang gliding, you’re laying down stretched out with a sail and a crossbar. You would also need to be at a higher altitude. With paragliding you’re sitting upright inside of this.”

  Stan reached for a piece of equipment that looked like a seat made with the curve of a banana. “This is your harness. Mr. Valentine knows what he’s doing, but let me give you a quick lesson on how this works.” Stan glanced at Xavier. “Unless you’d like to show her.”

  “By all means,” he said, prompting Stan to continue.

  “Paragliding is a non-mechanical foot-launch method of free-flying with this here expandable lightweight wing. I’ll simply hook up your gear, and after the wing is inflated, your pilot here will take a small spirited jog down this slope. The wing will catch a current, and you’ll be lifted into the air. He then sits inside this harness while you’ll be sitting in one just like it practically in his lap.”

  Corinne shivered, and she couldn’t blame it on the chill since the breeze felt more like warm wind. “Okay…” she said.

  “Usually you would jog with him, but I think Mr. Valentine wants to pilot this thing alone.”

  “I’ll get her help on the landing. I think it’s something she would love to do.” Xavier looked at Corinne. “If you’d rather try another venture entirely, I have an alternative idea in mind,” Xavier said, “but I would love it if you would ride the waves of the skyline with me.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. Corinne smirked. “Let’s do it,” she said feeling brave. “I’m a stewardess, I fly high for a living, babe.”

  Xavier’s hearty laugh sent a tinkle of chills down her skin, and she squeezed his hand. He in turn pulled her close, wrapping her in the safety net of his chest where he placed warm tender kisses down her nose then her lips.

  “Mmmm, don’t start, Mr. Valentine, it’s too early,” she said.

  “It’s never too early for a little love on the side of a slope.”

  Corinne laughed, and Xavier smiled lustrously.

  Stan cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to interrupt this fond moment, but Mr. Valentine if you’d like to get that view we spoke about yesterday, now would be the time to prepare.”

  Xavier quickly unraveled them. “Sure thing.”

  He pulled Corinne over to the equipment, and with Stan’s help, they began getting assembled.

  “What view?” Corinne said. “It’s still dark. I can barely see anything a few feet ahead. “Speaking of which, shouldn’t there be some sort of flashlights or something?”

  Xavier and Stan chuckled. “I’ll let Mr. Valentine give you the specifics,” Stan said.

  Corinne glanced back at Xavier. “Well?”

  Xavier took his hands over her connectors, making sure they were tightly in place. “Get in, and I’ll show you.”

  Corinne climbed into the harness and was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable the seat was. Xavier continued connecting her inside, pulling on her straps to make sure they were tight.

  “I’m definitely not falling out of this thing,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Not at all.” Xavier glanced over at Stan. “Stan, my man, thank you, brother.” He reached out, and he and Stan slapped hands.

  “Anytime. Do your thing.”

  Xavier turned back to Corinne. “You ready, Bella anima?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Without a second thought, Xavier took a few steps and the shift caused the wing to fly high like a hot air balloon. Three dashing steps later his feet left the ground, and they were airborne as the pockets of heat cast them to the clouds. Corinne squealed.

  “Oh my God!”

  An exuberant force of energy spiraled through her core, making her nerves stand on edge. They floated higher.

  “This is amazing!”

  Xavier smiled and leaned closer to her ear then spoke, sending another vibrant tingle coursing through her from the heat of his mouth.

  “Have you ever seen a sunset at night, Bella anima?”

  “Um… yes,” she said.

  “How about a sunrise?”

  Just as the words left his lips, the sun broke the firmament, peaking its rays across the heavens inch by inch. It took on a vivacious illumination, offering the couple a rare look at the entire valley as if the valley itself were waking up from slumber. Surrounding them were mountains and hills, some tall and others slim. The shape of them was as if they’d been carved by the skilled hands of an architect making the diagrams of a structure. Below green grass stretched for miles on end all while they navigated the thermals of the sun-soaked terrestrial underneath.

  “Xavier, this is beautiful,” Corinne crooned, her eyes wide and taking in every inch of the panoramic view in front of her. She would’ve loved to take out her cell phone and snap a pic
ture, but she was afraid to draw her eyes off the scenery for even a second.

  “Would you like to pilot us?”

  “Huh, oh, no way!”

  Xavier laughed. “Why not, Bella? I believe you can do it.”

  “Ha! Maybe you shouldn’t!”

  Xavier laughed again. “Come on, it’s not so bad. Here, we’ll do it together.” Xavier placed her hand underneath his and easily sailed the aerodynamically shaped wing.

  “Oh my gosh!”

  Xavier chuckled. “See that’s not so bad, is it?”

  The balloon twirled them, making Corinne laugh from the tickling sensation of butterflies in her stomach.

  “This is so serene!”

  Xavier’s face warmed as he watched her light up like Christmas morning. A tug in his chest made his heart race, and for a second, he almost forgot he was the pilot. Pulling his eyes back to the landscape, he guided them over the valley for a long stretch until they came upon their landing. Corinne was so captured by the full effect of the trip that she pouted when it was time for it to end.

  “Already?” she whined.

  Xavier chuckled. “You’ve got a flight to catch, love. We should get going unless of course you want to stay a little longer.”

  “No, no, you’re right, I guess.”

  “Don’t be so down, Bella anima. We’re two weeks away from Africa, surely we can find a spot there to glide.”

  Corinne cocked her head to the side to look at him. “Don’t play with me!”

  Xavier chuckled, amused by her animation.

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  Corinne’s cheeks hurt they were tightly inflated with a blush.

  “In thirty seconds,” Xavier began, “we’re going to both pull our feet forward and jump out running. It will be just like our beginning, but it’ll be up to us to slow the pace. You ready?”

  She tossed her head back and smiled. “Yes!”

  “Okay, here we go.”

  Xavier and Corinne looked on with exuberant concentration as the wind sailed the hot air balloon toward the ground.

  He began counting down. “Five, four, three, two, one!”

  Corinne squealed, and they both jumped, their feet touching the ground in a fast sprint. The laughter bubbling from Corinne was out of control. She was completely tickled by their landing. As their feet shuffled to a stop, Xavier ran into her, cloaking Corinne with a wrapping of his arms.


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