A Risqué Engagement

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A Risqué Engagement Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Don’t touch me!” She shouted.

  “If you refuse to leave, we will forcefully remove you.”

  Nadine swept an eye over at Xavier. “Is this how you operate now, Xavier?” She shook her head. “I thought you were better than this!”

  Xavier grabbed Corinne’s trench and covered her arms and tied her belt then turned full circle, now covering Corinne with his back.

  “It’s a shame what happens when we think someone is one way but turns out they’re not.” Xavier tisked. “I thought you were a lady, but it turns out you’re a gold-digging money hungry leech, with no class and no ass.” He tisked again.

  Nadine flinched at the sting of his words, but he was not done. “And for the record, I don’t like this ass, I love it, and wouldn’t trade it for anything you had to offer on your best day.” Xavier’s glare transported to the security guards. “Escort her out now.”

  The guards closed in on Nadine. Embarrassed, she huffed and spun on her heels then stalked out of the door. It was closed behind the last guard, and without pause, Xavier turned back to Corinne who stood behind him with a smirk on her face. She dropped it instantly and held her chin high in the air.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “I honestly don’t know, and I don’t care. I apologize. I never expected to show up and see her here.”

  Corinne sighed. “She ruined my afternoon gift to you.”

  Xavier’s brawny hands slipped up her shoulders to her neck.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” He grinned. “You know, you’re a very bad girl for showing up here like this.”

  Corinne smirked. “I know, that was the whole purpose.”

  Xavier’s hands trod down the jacket to untie the knot in the belt.

  “We should start over,” he said, removing the trench from her shoulders. “Damn.” His eyes combed over her physique, and he bit his bottom lip then released it. Corinne leaned in and kissed the beard surrounding his chin. Then his lips. She stepped out of his arms and let the trench fall then turned around and gave him her best pinup model pose. Xavier reached out and smacked her ass, causing it to bounce off the palm of his hand.

  “Oooh…” she purred.

  “Come over here, let me show you something,” he said, leading her to his desk. He bent her over, squatted on his haunches, then stuck his face between her ass.

  “Aaaaah!” she squealed.

  His tongue whipped against the highway of her derriere then sank into the plush softness of her pussy.

  “Oh God…” Corinne moaned bending over further to spread her peach wider.

  A dark moan fled from Xavier, and his brawny hands latched onto her hips. He sank to his taut ass, then spread out on his back keeping Corinne’s mound stuffed on top of his mouth.

  She was riding his face now, with her head thrown back and her hips bucking and thrashing her pussy over his tongue.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to come so hard,” she squealed.

  It was in her intentions to fall forward and removed his dick for her own greedy undertaking. But the lashing Xavier whipped against her vagina weakened Corinne in an instant and she came spurting crème all over his mouth.

  “Aaah! Oh my God!”

  Xavier covered her plum with sweet torture and sucked her dry. When he was done, he flipped Corinne over and lifted her with ease, stalking over to the chaise lounge in the corner of the room.

  “Oh dear Heaven!” Corinne screamed as the spread of her womb opened to receive him. “Oh… oh… oh…”

  Xavier submerged himself entirely, wrapping his hand around the span of her neck and ricocheting off her ass in a vibrant spring that had them both cursing and praising one another at the same time.

  It was a beautiful beat down as their juices flowed and their bodies joined in a dance that held them captive and howling like wounded animals. When it was time for their release, Xavier’s hands created a molded fingerprint on her side as he volleyed and pounded her sweet heat so hard that their levees broke simultaneously.

  “Aaaah!” Corinne screamed, and Xavier sank his teeth into her neck piercing her skin with a forceful sting.

  A wave of tremors flowed through them, and their orgasm fell as they held each other tight clinging together as if any sudden movement would end their life.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Why are you sitting over there with that smile on your face?” Camilla asked Corinne.

  It was Saturday night, and they were at Camilla’s bachelorette venue, a night-club that they’d rented out. The party was in full swing, with dessert tables, wine, champagne, and of course sparkling cider for Camilla since she couldn’t drink any alcohol.

  “It must be Xavier,” Camilla concluded when Corinne didn’t respond.

  Corinne gave off a dreamy sigh, her thoughts still with Xavier the day before. Not only had he rocked her world all over that entire suite, but he gobbled her down like there was no food left to man—except her.

  “Girl, I’m not even going to share. It would be rude and probably make a few of you hussies jealous.”

  Camilla gawked as did the others, and Corinne laughed. They were accompanied by Monica, Allison, London, and a few other ladies from Camilla’s workplace.

  “Oh, I’m not jealous of you by far,” Camilla said.

  “Well, maybe not you, but these others hussies would be.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Keep it to yourself,” Allison said.

  Allison Sullivan was the assignment editor over at WTZB. She and Camilla had become friends during Camilla’s transition from Miami to Chicago. Now she and Corinne were also good friends, so it only made sense for them to all be together. Besides that, Allison had her eye on Lance Valentine and vice versa, but she wasn’t one to believe that their friendship would go much further than the occasional phone calls they’d had thus far. That was one of the reasons she didn’t want to hear about Corinne’s escapade. She didn’t want to give envy a chance to wiggle its way into her spirit.

  The lights dimmed and a beat dropped, then the disco bulbs hanging from the ceiling cast a multilayer of colors in one spot on the stage.

  “Ouuu! You know what that means,” Corinne said, happy to change the subject.

  “Oh my God, I told you guys not to go overboard,” Camilla said. She glanced around at all of them.

  “Don’t blame me. I didn’t have anything to do with it. I was just recently invited.”

  It was London Jones who’d spoken. After leaving the meeting with the Valentines and the Roses, London had run into Camilla also leaving the building. With an unfamiliar face before her, Camilla had asked London who she was looking for.

  “Oh, I’m with the Roses. I’m London Jones, their caregiver.”

  At Camilla’s arched brow, London reiterated. “I mean, not the Roses’ caregiver. I take care of one of the mothers-in-law.” She laughed nervously. “Anyway, I’m headed out.”

  London turned to leave.

  “What a minute,” Camilla said. “I’m Camilla Augustina.”

  London’s surprise was shown on her face. “Oh, you’re the bride to be. Congratulations.” London held out her hand, and Camilla accepted with a smile.

  “Thank you.” Camilla thought about her next proposal and felt inclined to go forward with it. “Listen, London, I’m not supposed to be here, but I had to stop by for a second. I’m actually on my way to lunch with a friend. If you’d like to join us, you’re more than welcome, too.”

  Camilla knew the Valentines and the Roses were at odds, but in her opinion, it was nonsense, all male egos at play. If she could bring the power families together, they could both really make a difference in Chicago. Not that they weren’t now, but they were so busy fighting that they couldn’t see the potential. As the future Mrs. Valentine, Camilla felt compelled to do something, even if it was as small as having London enter their circle. Besides, London seemed harmless enough; she might even make a good ally.

  “Oh no, I can’t. I have Ms. Stevens
in the car, but thank you anyway.”

  London went to leave again and was stopped a second time.

  “London!” Camilla’s voice elevated. London turned back. “Are you off on Saturdays?”

  London nodded. “Yeah, why?”

  A smile eased across Camilla’s face. “How do you feel about bachelorette parties?”

  From there, Camilla and London exchanged information, and now, London was among the crew at Jazzy’s night-club.

  Allison stood to her feet. “Okay, Camilla, let’s go, you know how this works, don’t you?”

  “Oh my God…” Camilla whined, standing to her feet. She was wearing a head crown with a bridal veil hanging from the back and a one piece all white body-hugging floral dress. On her feet, all-white Christian Louboutins. Allison grabbed her hand, and they sashayed up to the stage.

  Corinne shook her head and laughed then took out her camera phone.

  “This I have to get on video,” she said.

  After helping Camilla to her seat, Allison moved from the stage when three muscled men in police gear strutted out on the stage.

  “Ouuuuu!” Corinne shouted.

  “Oh my God, my husband is going to kill ya’ll!” Camilla shouted.

  “Girl, the only one seeing this video is us. Your husband will never know.”

  The men danced up to Camilla and gyrated around her in circles.

  “Whew!” Camilla exclaimed.

  “Unhuh, acting like you don’t like it,” Corinne said from the front of the stage. She held her phone up as she recorded and laughed out loud with her tongue hanging out at the way they rubbed their third leg around her from all sides.

  “Good lawd!” London said.

  And the others howled with laughter.

  “This is better than I could’ve ever imagined,” Allison added.

  “Yes, yes!” Corinne agreed. Her video call was interrupted by a phone call. “Unknown number?” she muttered. “Here we go with this.”

  “Hello,” Corinne answered.

  “Hello, may I…”

  “Hello, I can’t hear you, who’s this?”

  The person on the other end tried to speak again, but there was static on the line, and Corinne could hardly hear with the music in the background of the club.

  “Hold on for a minute let me find a quiet spot.”

  Corinne slipped away from the girls, and Allison yelled over her shoulder.

  “Where are you going, you’re supposed to be recording!”

  “I’ll be back, take over for me.”

  Corinne slipped through the tables and strolled down a long corridor to enter the women’s restroom. Although the club had been rented out, the building was a two-story industrial size structure. So where it was rented out on the second floor, the first floor was popping with party goers in a completely different layout.

  “Hello,” Corinne shouted into the phone. The bathroom was empty, and she strolled to the sink to check her reflection in the mirror. “Hello? If you don’t say something, I’m hanging up now, who is this?”


  Corinne disconnected the call and sighed in frustration.

  “Somebody’s trying to get me all worked up,” she spoke to herself in the mirror. “But you’re looking fierce, girl.” She turned from side to side to check her curves in the halter top and thigh-high skirt. The necklace around her neck read “Bride Squad.” She took her fingers over the arcs in the emblem. Swooping her hair to the side of her neck, Corinne rubbed her lips together and took an eye over the perfection of her foundation. “Excellent,” she said.

  Corinne pulled her cell back to her face and scrolled through her call log. Unknown number, she read. Shrugging, she tucked the phone into her palm then walked across the vinyl floor and pushed through the bathroom doors to exit, running into the solid wall of a man’s chest.

  “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was coming in…” Her eyes traveled up his island shirt and enlarged when they reached his face. “Carlos?!”

  Carlos’s smile was eerie just like it had been the last time she’d seen him in Anguilla.

  “Good evening, Corinne,” he said.

  “What— what’re you doing here?” She asked, bewildered, but after the question left her lips, Corinne realized he’d called her by her government name. She took a step back.

  “What’s going on, Carlos?” She tried not to show fear, but it was written more so in her voice than it was on her face.

  “My name is not Carlos. Just like your name is not Angela.”

  Corinne’s mouth went dry, and she glanced around quickly before bringing her eyes back to him.

  “No one’s coming this way. I made sure of it before I came down the hall.”

  A foreboding crept over Corinne. “What do you want?”

  Carlos cocked his head to the side. “Isn’t it obvious? I want what I’ve always wanted. You.”

  Carlos’s hand rose and the gleam from the gun in his hand caught her attention. Corinne gasped sharply.

  “You would fare well not to scream. I don’t have a problem hurting the others if I need to, but I only came here for you.”

  “Please, I don’t know what I did for you to—”

  “Ssssh…” He put his finger to her lip, and Corinne fought the instinct to bite it off. “Come with me.” He nodded toward the elevator shaft, and Corinne hesitated then glanced back down the corridor. “Don’t,” Carlos said. Reluctantly, Corinne stepped in front of him and boarded with no other choice.

  Chapter Twenty

  Twenty minutes earlier

  Robed in a scantily clad dress, Amelia carried the tray of Brandy to the table surrounded by the gorgeous Valentine men.

  “On the rocks,” she said, bending over to make sure all of her assets were on full presentation.

  “Thank you,” the men said. One by one, they grabbed their glasses, and Amelia proposed an offer she was sure they couldn’t refuse.

  “If you need anything else,” her eyes were directed at Hunter, then Xavier, then Lance, “anything at all, your wish is my command.” She winked, swiped her tongue across her lips, then turned and sashayed away.

  “Damn, I think she wanted to take the three of you on at once. A girl like that must have some superwoman pussy.”

  The men laughed at Devon, the COO of VFC Energy. He along with the Valentine men and a few of their close acquaintances were parked at the Rouge, a gentleman’s club uptown not far from Jazzy’s.

  “I’m serious,” Devon went on, “if she comes back by, you should at least tip the girl.”

  “I don’t think she wants a tip,” Lance said.

  “Are you inclined to give her what she wants, brother?” Hunter asked.

  “Are you?” Lance countered.

  Hunter pulled out a stack of ones. “This is all I have for her.”

  The men chuckled. “How about you, X, you’re awfully quiet over there.”

  Xavier pulled the glass of Brandy to his lips and took a sip.

  “I think I’m gonna get out of here.” He rose to his feet.

  “Where are you going?” Devon asked.

  “You just can’t wait, can you?” Hunter said.

  A smirk filtered Xavier’s lips. “Nah, you know how it is.”

  “You lucky bastard,” Hunter said.

  “But you’re the lucky one, brother. You get to spend your life with your wife and your forever starts tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, but tomorrow isn’t promised,” Hunter said.

  The words echoed in the back of Xavier’s mind, and he reached out and slapped hands with Hunter.

  “You’re right, so forgive me if I cut and run.”

  Hunter nodded. “No hard feelings just don’t come knocking at my door for the next month.”

  A thunderous round of laughs ran around the room.

  “Poor Camilla,” Devon said, “she won’t be able to walk for weeks after this bastard is done with her.”

�Hey,” Hunter said, “watch your mouth, don’t talk about my wife that way.”

  Devon raised his hands in surrender. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

  The men guffawed, and Xavier shook his head and left the building. He jumped in his Jaguar and headed down the avenue. On his way to Jazzy’s, Xavier could only hope that Corinne wouldn’t be upset with him for interrupting her night. The need to be with her had become an addiction that he could no longer deny. As he passed under the street lamps, Hunter’s parting words stuck out in Xavier’s mind.

  “Yeah, but tomorrow isn’t promised.”

  Xavier reached for his phone, suddenly having the urge to call and connect with Corinne. With his device in hand, he flipped it over and over in the palm of his hand as he wheeled the luxury vehicle with the other. A part of him wanted to surprise her and whisk her away into the middle of the night, but there was another part of him that felt strange, and he couldn’t shake the uncanny feeling he had.

  Turning on East Delaware, Xavier cruised the Jag around the lounge of Jazzy’s, pausing the rotating of his phone to dial a number. He waited for the Bluetooth to connect, when it did, music could be heard in the background and a man’s voice shouted through the phone.

  “Hey, Xavier, what’s going on, man!”

  “Paul, I’m circling the building, and I need to get to the second floor. Open the back door and let me in.”

  “Aw man, you know that door is for emergencies only.”

  “This is an emergency.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I don’t want to get bombarded trying to get to my woman. Now open the damn door, Paul.”

  Paul laughed. “Come on, man, getting a little attention couldn’t be so bad! Besides, I’d love to introduce you tonight. I’d have a packed house every weekend if word spread that the Valentines partied here!”

  Xavier shook his head. “Another time, Paul. Open the door.”

  “Aw, man, come on!”

  “I’m pulling to the exit now. Come down.”

  “I can open it from where I am with the push of a button. Oh, I didn’t tell you! This place is loaded now. There are no guards at the door because my security system is top of the line.”


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