Lust in Time

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Lust in Time Page 7

by Amarinda Jones

  "Have we met before?” Amy Louisa's eyes searched Arabella's face as if for a clue as to why she sensed an instant recognition with the woman before her. “I feel like I know you."

  Arabella smiled at her confusion. It was as weird as it was fascinating. Here she was in 1888 talking to the woman whose book she had purchased in a second-hand store in 2008.Bizarro world .

  "No I don't believe we have met but I am hoping we will be friends."

  "Yes that would be nice.” Amy Louisa's voice was puzzled as she returned Arabella's smile shyly. She looked at the assembled group around them. She opened her mouth as if to make a polite comment as expected at a social gathering then stopped and blushed suddenly. She turned her gaze quickly back to Arabella, her eyes bright with suppressed excitement.

  Arabella turned immediately to see the cause of Amy Louisa's pink cheeks. She saw two men return her gaze. One with politeness and the other with a bold self-assuredness that made Arabella feel hot all over. Garrett. She knew her cheeks were red just thinking about what she and Garrett had done in the long grass.

  Amy Louisa noticed the look Garrett and Arabella exchanged.

  "Do you know my brother?"

  Very well in the biblical sense.

  "I ... ah ran into him at the general store.” Then Garrett had run into her several times after that and Arabella was still trying to get over it. Her plan was to ignore him if it was possible. She deliberately turned her gaze from Garrett and looked at the man at his side. Not a match for Garrett but he was clearly of interest to Amy Louisa. He had light brown hair, a bushy moustache that was probably all the rage in 1888 and silver spectacles perched on his nose. Not the most striking man in the room yet by the look on Amy Louisa's face he was the only one that attracted her. “Who's that man?” Arabella tried to sound causal but she had a feeling the reason she was in 1888 was right in front of her eyes.

  Amy Louisa blushed pinkly again as she looked at the man in question.

  "Oh that's Adam ... I mean Mr. Wade,” she corrected quickly.

  The look in Amy Louisa's eyes told Arabella everything. Amy Louisa was in love with this ‘Mr. Wade'. Her mind thought back to the newspaper clipping. She seemed to remember a Mr. Wade listed as one of the Masters in attendance although she would have to check the clipping to be sure. She had secreted the book in her reticule to bring with her even though Maud had insisted a handkerchief and the essence of lavender in a small stoppered bottle were the only things that a late nineteenth century women needed to get her through any social situation. It seemed that social situations like this did not require taxi fare, a cell phone or a personal alarm. Maybe there was something to living in the nineteenth century.

  "Oh my, Garrett is coming over with A ... Mr. Wade.” Amy Louisa's voice was giddy with suppressed excitement as she grasped Arabella's hand for support.

  Arabella felt her heart race as Garrett's eyes locked determinedly on her as he approached. She knew she had to concentrate but it was damn hard when he looked at her so hot and possessively. Snap out of it, woman. The sooner Arabella got to know Adam Wade then she felt the sooner she could get back to the twenty-first century and the life she knew. That was a good thing. Wasn't it? She closed her legs tightly together and swallowed hard. Concentrate. Find the bloody path.

  Arabella had a strong feeling that getting Amy Louisa and Adam Wade together was why she had been thrown back in time and why the book had come into her possession. Arabella was ready to play her part in this cosmic drama. She studied Adam Wade. He looked nice and gentle to deal with. Arabella felt she would have no problem affecting this love match. Most people bowed to Arabella's strong will as usually they worked out it was easier in the end. As for Garrett, she would deal with him as best she could. She wanted to go home and nothing, not even Garrett Robillard, would stop her.

  * * * *

  Garrett knew the minute Arabella walked into the room. He felt her presence just as he had when she had walked into the general store. It was a presence that demanded acknowledgment from him and yet he did not rush to her side as he longed to. Instead he wanted to watch her and see how she handled herself in this setting that must be so different from her own. He could still not believe that his wildest dream had come true. The woman he had longed for had come to him. He shifted uneasily as he felt his cock harden instantly. He wanted her right now, any way, any how. He just wanted her. He had spent the previous evening lying awake plotting and planning how to make Arabella so besotted with him that she would never leave his side. That she loved him, Garrett did not doubt. That she would stubbornly throw that love away because she was scared did not surprise him. That he would let her escape his life was not an option he would willingly allow.

  Arabella was beautiful to his gaze with her long brown hair, fiery green eyes and a body he wanted to spend a lifetime exploring. He suspected she was in her early thirties. Certainly not old. And certainly perfect in every way for him. Lovely, temperamental and worth pursuit and he was going to catch her.

  He smiled at the blush that rose to her cheeks. Clearly he was not the only one remembering the previous afternoon they had spent together. To Garrett, Arabella was a paradox. She was sweet and strangely shy and yet she was no missish madam. She knew what she wanted and she took it. It was just the aftermath of what happened between them that confused her. There was clearly a fiery soul with some complex emotions within that curvaceous body. He wanted to take her in his arms and assure her that everything would work out as it was meant to. But he had a feeling she would probably slap him like a good nineteenth century lady was supposed to. He knew she had felt the same thing he did. A feeling of total recognition and need. It was strange for a woman who was so smart to be so unwilling to accept why she was really in 1888. Arabella Smith needed to love and be loved and Garrett Robillard was the man for her.

  Garrett had no trouble whatsoever convincing Adam Wade to accompany him over to the ladies. He knew Adam was in love with his sister and would have welcomed any opportunity to speak with her. As he and Adam approached the two women, he sensed from the militant way the object of his attention was looking at him that Arabella was not happy to see him. He was amused when he encountered her cold look at his charming smile. That she would stubbornly fight him tooth and nail he did not doubt. Garrett looked forward to the battle for he planned to win.

  * * * *

  Oh yes, they are in love. Arabella watched as Amy Louisa and Adam Wade met, their eyes full of emotion as their hands touched briefly. Arabella was not one for a lot of romantic claptrap but blind Freddie could see this pair was meant to be together. So what was the problem, she wondered? Even though they stood with Garrett and herself, Arabella could tell they were already lost in a world of their own. She just had to work out how to get them together permanently.

  "Miss Smith, I am enchanted to see you again,” said Garrett as he took her hand in a gentle yet dominating hold. His eyes locked with hers almost in challenge.

  As their hands touched a spark of energy shot up her arm and she felt a corresponding surge of wetness between her legs. She had a feeling just the thought of Garrett in another room across town could make her wet with wanting. Arabella did not care for the way Garrett was looking at her. It was possessive and the most casual observer would be able to see that. His eyes caressed every inch of her body. She was having enough trouble trying to breathe in her cage-like corset without getting all sweaty and bothered over Garrett. He was dressed like the country gentlemen he was. Cream coloured moleskins, a hounds tooth vest, a well cut tweed jacket and conservative tie. It was wildly old-fashioned but amazingly sexy on Garrett. But then anything would look good on his body. He was hot. However Garrett being hot and her wanting him did not get her back to 2008. She did not want to start something with Garrett that she knew she could not finish as her place was not in 1888. She had to toughen her heart and get a grip.

  "I am going to need that back, Mr. Robillard.” Arabella struggled to free hers
elf from his grip. “I am sure convention decrees you do not hold a lady's hand for so long?” Not that Arabella was one to follow the rules but in this case it suited her to do so. After all he could hardly make a move on her at a church social.

  "Do you care about convention, Arabella?” Garrett allowed her fingers to slip from his. He smiled as he watched her twist her hands together tightly.

  "You know what I care about and it's not you.” Arabella wanted to go home. Couldn't he understand that? Even the Scarecrow without his brain could understand that Dorothy wanted to go home.

  "Saying it out loud does not make it so,” he murmured pleasantly as if discussing the weather. “You want me as much as I want to be hot and tight inside you."

  Arabella wanted to stamp her foot and scream. She was trying to keep control of her emotions but it was hard. She decided to keep her voice low and polite and enunciate her words very clearly so as to leave no doubt in Garrett's mind where they stood.

  "If I wanted an arrogant man in my life I could have found one of them in 2008. I did not come back here for you."

  "How do you know?"

  "I just do.” That was the line she planned to stick to. The sex was great but she was not looking for a man, especially not one that she knew could easily ruin her for all others. Although said ruining might be worth it, it would not get her home.

  "You are the most beautiful and most stubborn woman I have ever met."

  Arabella arched her eyebrow at him as haughtily as she could. She knew where this was going. Part of her wanted to go there but it was not the part of her that thought. Having sex with Garrett was not going to get her out of 1888.

  "I have already told you I am not having sex with you again,” she whispered insistently.

  "Did I ask you to?"

  Arabella snorted in the most unladylike way.

  "You strike me as someone who takes without asking."

  "You gave.” Garrett leaned down and smiled at her charmingly.

  "But never again."

  "What are you afraid of, Arabella?"

  "Not you, that's for damn sure.” Any other man would have backed off by now. Arabella was very good at repelling unwanted advances. But of course Garrett was not just any man.

  "I have been told I am quite a pleasant and handsome companion."

  "And of course you believe this,” murmured Arabella back, looking into the flinty grey eyes that held a teasing gleam to them. Oh yes this man was an accomplished flirt. However she was not in 1888 to fall for any honeyed lines delivered by charming men, regardless of how attractive they were. Arabella sighed softly in frustration. Garrett was the persistent type and she was the stubborn type. It was a case of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. One of them had to give and it wasn't going to be her. “Let's cut to the chase. We had sex. I enjoyed it. You have an awe-inspiring cock. But I am not here to pick up a husband or to be with you. I am sure there are dozens of local girls who would love to drop their bloomers if you smiled your charming smile at them but for me it's not going to happen again.” I am immune to you. If she said it enough times she would believe it.

  "'Awe-inspiring cock'?” Garrett repeated her words back to her. “I did not realize just how much you enjoyed it."

  Arabella mentally built another wall around herself. Ignore the smile. Ignore the eyes. Ignore your rapid pulse and get a grip , she told herself. This man was not for her.

  "Listen clearly. I am not interested. Sex with you was a one-off.” What would the church members think if they heard this conversation? Not that Arabella particularly cared. She was not sticking around long enough to be part of the congregation.

  "Actually we had sex three times,” Garrett corrected her helpfully.

  "Whatever!” Arabella snapped out softly between her teeth. “But I do not belong here or to you."

  "So you are going to fight this all the way?"

  "I'm not fighting anything.” Okay she was but that was for her to deal with. Arabella did not need Garrett knowing any more than he had to.

  "What I don't understand is why you are fighting this attraction between us. You have told me you have no other lover in your life. You and I fit together so well it's only natural I want you with me.” Garrett's voice was earnest and sincere. “I love you and I want to marry you, honey."

  Arabella slapped him on the arm in frustration.

  "What the hell is wrong with you? You don't marry someone just because you have sex!” She was trying very hard to keep her voice low but Garrett was not making it easy for her to retain any sort of ladylike calm.

  "Why don't you want to get married?"

  "Because I don't have to.” Was the man thick or just pushy? “I am a liberated woman who can do what she wants."

  "Maybe in 2008 you can but this is 1888. You have no money of your own and you are a spinster,” Garrett said pointing out the grim realities that faced women in the 1800's. “What woman would not want to marry in those circumstances?"

  How was it that this man knew instinctively every button to push to get a reaction from her?

  "You think you are going to somehow save me from social ruin?"

  "Can you afford to knock back suitors at your age?"

  "Oh! I am not old!” Arabella spat back, rounding on Garrett. What a nerve he had! Age was never an issue to her yet it annoyed her that this man seemed to say it in such a way to annoy her. “And I am not on some quaint little shelf where spinsters are euphemistically shoved. How old are you?"

  "Arabella!” Amy Louisa gasped in shock, breaking out of her reverie with Adam Wade. She looked stunned. “I have never heard a woman discuss anything so personal like that with a man."

  Arabella knew Amy Louisa would be shocked at just how personal she was with her brother.

  Garrett smiled fondly at his sister's shocked face.

  "I am thirty-five years of age, Arabella,” he replied urbanely.

  "Well, Mr. Robillard, you are on that shelf then,” replied Arabella, ignoring the pale face of Amy Louisa beside her. Yes she knew it was 1888 and she had had every intention of acting accordingly but damn it this man brought out every 2008 instinct within her.

  "Age is different for a man."

  Arabella gave an unladylike snort of derision.

  "And that hasn't changed much at all in one hundred and twenty years.” Her statement made Amy Louisa and Adam Wade look at her oddly. Arabella chose to ignore their looks as it was all too hard to explain to normal people.

  "Are you aware how your eyes sparkle and your luscious breasts heave magnificently when you are angry, Miss Smith?"

  "Garrett!” Amy Louisa gasped in shock at her brother's words.

  Oh he was so full of crap if he thought she was going to fall for that cheesy line.

  "As a gentleman you should not be looking at my breasts, Mr. Robillard, let alone commenting on them."

  "I find everything about you intriguing."

  "And I find everything about you annoying.” Arabella stood her ground, hands on hips, defying him to say something else so she could slap him in the most ladylike fashion.

  "Garrett, everyone is beginning to stare!” Amy Louisa whispered in embarrassment.

  "Come on, Garrett, let's leave the ladies to their gossip,” suggested Adam Wade as he put his hand firmly on his friend's shoulder.

  "We will meet again, Arabella."

  "I can hardly wait ... not,” muttered Arabella as she watched Garrett saunter off with Adam Wade. He was the most provoking man. She could not remember having such an intense reaction to anyone. Garrett annoyed her and attracted her. She wanted to punch him and love him. Most confusing.

  "I do declare I have never met anyone like you, Arabella Smith,” Amy Louisa told her, clearly agog at her new companion's manner. “You will never get married if you push suitors away. My brother is a good catch. All the single women in the district are after him."

  "Well they can have him.” As for him being a ‘suitor', Garrett
only wanted one thing and that was to get her on her back with her legs open. “Anyway I'm not getting married to anyone.” Poor Amy Louisa.

  Amy Louisa's eyes lit up at her words and her hand grasped Arabella's in excitement.

  "Are you part of the suffrage movement?"

  Arabella thought about what she knew of the Suffragettes and their fight for women's rights.

  "Yes, I probably would have been ... I mean yes.” She wondered if, with the personality she had, would she have ever fitted into the nineteenth century even if she had been born into it. She probably would have been a Suffragette because she believed in women's rights and it would have given her the only opportunity to go against the rules. From what little she had seen of 1888, most people had a defined place that they could not step out of and that sucked to a woman of 2008. “And women do not have to get married, Amy Louisa. Look at the Rainey sisters. They are more than capable of looking after themselves."


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