Lust in Time

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Lust in Time Page 11

by Amarinda Jones

  "I am the reason Arabella came back.” Garrett knew it in his heart. He had dreamed her, willed her to him and he loved her. The gods could not possibly take her away from him. Garrett climbed the steps of the Rainey house and knocked on the door softly. It was two o'clock in the morning but he had a feeling that after their adventure in the greenhouse Arabella would be as awake as he was. Garrett planned to make use of whatever time he had to make her believe that the love she felt for him was real and it was the reason she was here.

  Garrett smiled widely as Arabella opened the door. She was dressed in soft cotton trousers and a shirt that was bright pink with blue butterflies on it and her feet were bare. She looked adorable and his heart beat a little faster as he fell a little further in love with her.

  "What are you doing here?” Arabella asked as she pulled the flannelette closer to her body.

  Garrett stepped inside and pulled Arabella to him and kissed her hungrily. He smiled as she clutched at him and gasped for breath as she kissed him back eagerly.

  "You look awfully cute, Miss Smith.” Garrett ran his hands down to her soft cotton covered breasts, feeling them naked underneath. His cock instantly jutted to attention and pushed against the fabric of his trousers. He pulled the top of her pajamas open and peered down inside to see the pink tips of her nipples hard and erect. Good to see he was not the only one excited. “I like these clothes. They are very sexy."

  "They're called passion killers in 2008.” Arabella grasped at his shoulders to steady herself.

  "Does that feel like my passion is dead, honey?” Garrett ground his cock against her stomach and longed to tear the clothes from her body and kiss and suck her all over, such was the hold she had on him.

  * * * *

  Clearly flannelette was no deterrent to Garrett as his cock was so stiff and hard against her stomach that she was contemplating the advantages of taking another ride with her dream man. What could it hurt? She knew there was a very good chance she would be thrown back to her loveless existence in 2008. Arabella was fully aware that there would never be another man for her like Garrett Robillard. In her heart she knew it was a fact. The idea that a man could ruin a woman for any other man always seemed crazy to Arabella before but now she understood it. And she liked the whole idea of being ‘ruined'. Despite all the reasons she shouldn't, Arabella loved Garrett. It was going to make 1888 so damn hard to leave—but how could she stay in a century she did not belong in?

  "Come inside. We cannot be having sex on the front porch.” That was the obvious conclusion to what was going on between them. If she kept telling herself it was just sex then it would not be so hard to leave. Yeah right . Arabella pulled Garrett through the parlor to the kitchen. Her hand in his felt warm and safe and she felt a wild tingle of anticipation shoot through her body.

  "So we are going to have sex?” Garrett followed Arabella willingly. “Excellent."

  Before Garrett arrived Arabella had been wide awake and prowling the house thinking about him and sex. She had ventured out of her bedroom to find something to drink to make her sleep. But the sisters had no liquor anywhere other than some weird peach flavored thing that could have been homemade wine or cough syrup. One sniff of it was enough to make Arabella put it down and contemplate counting sheep to fall asleep. But then Garrett had knocked on the door and stood in front of her all hot and male and sleep no longer seemed that important.

  "Is sex all you ever think about?” She wanted to sound cranky and offended but after having sex with him in the greenhouse it was all she could think about. “Anyway we can't have sex in the kitchen.” Nothing looked comfortable enough to lie on. A girl had to be practical.

  "For reasons of hygiene?” Garrett asked pulling Arabella into his arms, his hands going down to her arse to pull her close to him.

  All that pulsating heat and just for her ... who's a lucky girl?

  "No because one of the Rainey sisters might walk in.” Arabella looked in Garrett's eyes and saw such tender passion in their grey depths that she swallowed hard. No one had ever made her feel so loved and wanted.Yep, it was way more than just sex.

  "Not only are you beautiful and smart but courteous ... and you have no underwear on,” Garrett murmured low against her ear as he fondled her butt through the flannelette. “What a woman.” He kissed her neck and smiled as she shivered in his arms. “Let's go to your bedroom."

  "We can't have sex there as I will scream and everyone will wake up and I can't use the snake excuse again."

  Garrett threw back his head and laughed in delight.

  "But I like the way you scream for me."

  "You would.” Arabella pulled from his arms and opened the back door that led from the kitchen. Outside the air was clean and cool and the stars hung brightly in the sky. It was a perfect night—almost too perfect and perfection worried Arabella. Was this whole thing with Garrett too good to be true? She turned and looked at him “Why are you here, Garrett?” Why was she with him and not in bed fast asleep? Because you love him, you dummy.

  "Because I adore you, Arabella Smith."

  The sincerity in his voice was so sweet and sure that Arabella knew he meant every word of it. But Arabella, being Arabella, wanted to fight against it for reasons she was not entirely sure of any more. It was just the way she was wired. She wasn't thrilled with the whole nineteenth century thing but could she throw away love for tampons and a microwave?

  "And you want sex, Garrett Robillard."

  "Don't you?” Garrett walked beside her as she moved slowly away from the house.

  "That's not the point. Where is sex going to get us?"

  "A great orgasm and collapsed in each other's arms never wanting to let go.” Garrett gently pulled her close so she bumped up against him.

  "You know what I mean, Garrett. I am not supposed to stay in this time.” In fact she had no idea what she was supposed to do. The cosmos really sucked sending her back in time in her pajamas without a clue and planting Garrett Robillard in her path without even a set of basic rules to at least glance at before she ignored them.

  "How do you know you're not supposed to stay, honey?” Garrett slid an arm around her shoulders and gently massaged her muscles.


  "I just know.” It sounded as half-arsed to say as it was to hear.

  "Ah, feminine logic,” murmured Garrett in amusement as he leant down and kissed her cheek tenderly. “Why can't we make the most of what time we have?"

  "Because I know I'll have to leave you and I don't want to be in love with you like this when I do.” Arabella stopped suddenly when she realized what she had said. It was everything she felt but had not meant to put out there.

  "So you love me and you don't want to leave me.” Garrett's eyes were soft and full of passion. “That's exactly what I want to hear."

  Arabella slapped his chest playfully.

  "Well you are kind of cute.” Okay. It was out there. She loved Garrett. It still did not solve the problem of what she would do when she was tossed back into 2008 without him.

  "This will work out, Arabella."

  She wanted to believe that but she knew life did not always turn out the way you wanted it to. Arabella looked up at the large, solid wooden tree house before them. It was nestled in the low spreading branches of a huge Moreton Bay fig tree. The fig had to be hundreds of years old. She wondered whether it still stood in 2008 or if progress had pulled it down and a townhouse stood in its place.

  "Perfect,” Garrett murmured as he pulled Arabella towards the treehouse and stood with her before it.

  "For what?” She looked at the dinky little house and then at Garrett, realization dawning. Oh he had to be kidding . “I am not climbing up that to have sex.” She had never been a climber as a kid and her athletic skills were nonexistent. She looked at the man at her side again. Was he serious? The bulge in the trousers indicated serious and impatient. She was impatient herself but a kid's cubby house? “Do I detect a nature theme going on her
e? Sex in the trees, the long grass and a greenhouse? Who are you? Tarzan?"

  "I don't know who Tarzan is but if he took his woman in a tree house he seems like a smart, passionate man to me."

  His woman. It sounded all caveman-like and she felt a thrill shoot through her body and down between her legs at the thought of being taken once more by her own personal caveman.

  "I don't climb, Garrett.” Sex was doable but climbing wasn't. She looked up at the wooden structure. It looked solid and well-made and not too far up. Obviously it had been built with the intention of a child having easy access.

  "Honey, I would be happy to spend hours in a nice soft bed with you..."

  "And I would probably not be able to walk straight afterwards,” interrupted Arabella musingly. Hours of hot, sensual sex with Garrett. Hmmm ... it would be worth not to be able to walk straight.

  Garrett smiled smugly at her admission.

  "You said you were worried about the Raineys hearing you scream and I promise you I will make you scream."

  That sounded awfully good.

  "I don't care who knows about us, honey.” Garrett lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm.

  "Neither do I but when I go..."

  "Don't say it."

  "You know it will happen, Garrett.” In some ways she wished it would happen now before she had a chance to fall a little deeper in love with him. Every extra second with Garrett would make it harder to leave.

  "Arabella, you have to believe you have come back to me with me."

  "But...” Arabella's words of protest were swiftly dissolved as Garrett's lips touched hers. She clutched the fabric of his shirt and knew she would be climbing a tree to get into a tree house. Arabella licked her lips as the kiss ended, savoring the taste of him. “Okay you are going to have to give me a boost up.” Arabella's heart flip-flopped as she was rewarded with a loving grin from Garrett. “What I do for you.” She slid her bare foot into his cupped hands.

  "You do for yourself as well. You know I'm good for you.” Garrett hoisted her up into the air.

  Arabella grabbed at the thick gnarled trunk. She felt Garrett's large warm hands cup the mounds of her arse making her squirm in eagerness.

  "Do you need to have your hands on my butt?” She asked over-prissily.

  "I'm just helping you, honey."

  "And yourself,” Arabella replied in cynical amusement as she grabbed a low branch and hoisted herself up into the doorway of the tree house. It looked surprisingly spacious inside the bare four walls. Enough room for three or four kids to live out whatever childlike fantasy they had. Or for two adults with very different fantasies. Arabella crawled inside and looked around. “There's no roof.” The stars shone down on her and it was romantic in a quirky way.

  Garrett swung himself up beside her.

  "I used to come here as a kid and lie on my back and look at the stars and wonder what my life would be like."

  Arabella smiled as she tried to picture Garrett as a child but only the man captured her heart and mind.

  "You're a dreamer."

  "I dreamt up you,” Garrett said as he pulled Arabella into his arms and onto his lap.

  She did not fight the hands that slid down the front of her pajama top and started undoing buttons. She wanted those hands on her flesh and his body on hers as he thrust hard and hot inside her.

  "But I'm real, Master Robillard.” When Garrett pulled her top off and cupped her breasts in his hands, Arabella dropped her head back and sighed in pleasure. How in hell was she going to live without him?

  "Yes you are.” He leaned forward and licked one taut pink nipple.

  Oh yes please.

  "So, ah, this cubby house is that old.” She could not care less about a kid's playhouse. It was more that she was trying to hold on to any last rational thoughts before she gave into the irrational who-gives-a-crap-about-sex-in-a-tree-just-fuck-me-now thoughts. The man had his mouth on her breast and she was his so why pretend otherwise? Arabella let her hand stray down to the cock that was jutting hard at the fabric barrier between them. She wanted to take another ride on that bad boy.

  "It's in pretty good nick, just like me,” Garrett murmured against her breast as his hand slid down under the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms.

  "You're okay.” When his hands slipped between her legs Arabella moaned softly. She was wet and longing to take the whole length of him inside her. She opened her legs to accommodate his questing fingers.

  "You said I was cute before.” Garrett's fingers started to massage her clit slowly. His eyes met hers and he smiled knowingly. He leaned in and kissed her hungrily.

  Yep he had her complete attention. Arabella gave herself up to the sensation and kissed him back with unrestrained passion. She would worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. For now she had Garrett and the promise of tree house-shaking sex. Nothing could stop that—except a bloody big spider on the wall.

  "Spider!” Arabella gasped as she caught a glimpse of spindly legs above Garrett's head. She pushed her hands against his chest as she tried to scramble out of his arms. But he had his hand between her legs and that made it hard to move away from him.

  "What?” Garrett watched with amusement as Arabella pushed back from him, her bare breasts bouncing and her eyes wide with fright.

  "There is a big hairy-arsed spider on the wall behind you.” It was one of the biggest ones she had ever seen. It was the size of her palm. She shuddered in distaste. In her time they were a lot smaller. It must be something to do with global warming.

  "It's most likely a huntsman spider, honey, and they're harmless.” Garrett continued massaging her clit, encouraging her back into his arms.

  That felt so damn good.

  "I can't have sex with the spider on the wall."

  "You think it's going to tell its mates to come and watch?” Garrett chuckled at her words.

  "You are so funny—not.” Arabella slapped his chest in mock derision. She slid her hand up along his muscled pecs and felt the strong, sure beat of his heart through the fabric of his shirt. Sex or the spider? No contest really. She squinted up at the hairy beast above his head. It just sat there looking at her. One of them had to go. “Please swat it out of the room."

  Garrett pulled his hand out from between her legs.

  "You're frightened of a spider?"

  "Let's just say sex is off the menu if the spider remains on the wall.” It wasn't that she was scared. It was more that she was wary. She did not want to be having the orgasm of her life wondering where the spider was.

  "Well, you know I would do anything for you, honey.” Garrett pulled his shirt off over his head and grinned widely as Arabella licked her lips with interest. “I would take the stars out of the sky if you asked."

  "That would be nice but I don't know what I would do with a bunch of stars.” Arabella lifted herself from Garrett and out of range of any spider swatting. “Just do the pest removal thing first.” She watched as he gently swatted the arachnid from the room with his shirt. “My hero,” she murmured in soft appreciation. The stars could remain in the sky as long as she had Garrett Robillard.

  "So here we are.” Garrett sat back against the wall and looked at her as if he was deciding where to start first when everything looked so good.

  "So what's your plan, Master Robillard?” Arabella arched her eyebrows at him and licked her lips knowing the man's attention was totally riveted on her and she liked it. “You get a girl into a tree house on the promise that she will scream as she comes and then you just stare at her."

  "You are very beautiful, Miss Smith, and I am trying to decide where to begin tasting you."

  Until meeting Garrett Arabella had never believed that she was beautiful but he made her feel special just be saying it.

  "I have a few ideas.” She reached for the band of her pajama bottoms and started wriggling them off. She needed to be flesh to flesh with this man. Her man.

  Garrett's eyes followed the trail of bright
pink flannelette down her legs until she sat before him totally naked and all his.

  "So I save you from a spider and you want sex now?"

  "Got a problem with that?"


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