The Ideology of Failure

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The Ideology of Failure Page 14

by Stephen Pax Leonard

  The thought of election observers in Sweden is perhaps not as outrageous as it might initially appear. It is undoubtedly the case that election observers are already needed elsewhere. In May of 2016, Nobert Hofer of the Freedom Party of Austria took 51.9 per cent of the vote in a run-off against the green Socialist Van der Bellen, but then lost the election as the postal votes apparently went against these results. The election had to be embarrassingly rerun because of electoral fraud.

  Parties on the Left in Sweden speak of the ‘Swedish Dream’ which means omnipresent multiculturalism, or more accurately Muslim-only communities. The Miljöpartiet policies must remain a ‘dream’ as complete open immigration would rapidly become impossible to finance, and the infamous welfare system would collapse in no time. Indeed, the ‘dream’ did not last long. By the end of 2015, the numbers of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa moving to Sweden was completely out of control. Heaving mobs of young, angry Arab and Pakistani men waving Pakistani flags, shouting Allahu Akbar were to be seen piling up on the Macedonian and Hungarian borders.55

  Not a single woman can be seen in the footage. The images were caught on drones, but not shown on mainstream television, which instead tried to compile images of people who bore some resemblance to refugees, and not Islamic activists.

  At the height of the crisis, the Swedish Government looked like inept amateurs. Crying in public, they looked as pathetic as the Germans who applauded the ‘refugees’ arriving in streams only to discover subsequently that some of them were illegal immigrants and gangs of radical mobs looking to rape and pillage. Germany let in over a million people and today hosts the most iconic of culture clashes as young Muslims shouting Allahu Akbar harass nature-loving FKK nudists grilling Bratwurst on the beaches of the former East Germany.56 It might be a scene out of Monty Python, but this is the reality of the present and a glimpse of the future that a Merkel-defaced Germany is going to have to deal with.

  The result of these enormous changes in both Germany and Sweden is that today in some Swedish towns, 50 per cent of the population are refugees from Syria and Iraq.57 What has happened in Syria is undoubtedly a tragedy of epic proportions, but ultra-liberal politicians in Sweden have embraced this tragedy in a way that has changed the face of their country forever. To facilitate the ‘multicultural dream’, an airline, Refugee Air, was set up in 2015 by a migrant to Sweden, Emad Zand, to fly directly as many refugees from North Africa into the country as possible. 58 Zand claimed that there was no reason why Syrians could not fly to Sweden. It is not illegal. He intended to fly them in for free. Once in Sweden, it is difficult to send them back.

  This kind of thinking is surely guided by the naïve philosophy of the Swedish state media which dictates that if we remove the concept of nationhood, we will all be the same and the world will be free of conflict. If only it were that simple. It is the ultra-liberal politicians, and not the silent Christian minority, that believe in fairies. The Miljöpartiet comprising secular extremists wishes to do away with religious holidays, as well as school grades and national borders, and holds to any number of other pie-in-the-sky policies. Like the radical Left, the high priests of the secular intelligentsia, these politicians are cultural Marxists following Gramsci’s lead in trying to ‘liberate’ us from Western civilisation and the Christian soul.59 In doing so, they wish to present a dualistic vision of the world, the good and the evil. Those who share the falsified moral high ground with them are the ‘good’; the rest are by definition ‘evil’. It is like listening to a sermon, but without the religion. ‘Dump the Christianity and keep the liberal ethics’, as Iris Murdoch said. Journalists and politicians on the Left seem to regard themselves as a liberal, intellectual elite in a country that is meant to be classless and beyond religion.

  SD has been ruthlessly condemned, silenced and spurned by the Swedish media, this self-arrogated liberal elite and voice of leftist propaganda. The other political parties have worked with the media to stigmatise and denigrate SD at every opportunity. SD candidates have been physically attacked, and had bricks thrown through their windows, but one will not hear about it on the radio.60 The headquarters of Sweden’s third largest party is hidden in a Stockholm garage with no signs on the building. This is a sad indictment of a country that sets itself forth as the model democracy.

  The norms of egalitarianism, democracy, the trygghet (‘sense of security’) of the welfare benefit system and gender equality that underpin the Swedish model are perceived to be entirely non-negotiable. Sweden is a one norm society, and norm violation is considered unorthodox behaviour. These norms represent a negation of the Faustian ethic, an almost anti-stoic approach without any sense of individual accountability. This demonisation of stoicism is part of the imaginary form of Swedish nationality propagated by politicians and journalists. SD are portrayed, if mention is made of them at all, as ‘norm violators’. This is the ritual of Swedish politics. It is clear that SD has reality on its side, but perhaps one has to be an outsider, somebody sheltered from the propaganda to understand that. It is just a question of how much longer the Swedish electorate wishes to deny the reality. At this point in 2018, it is clear that things are beginning to give.

  There is a ‘democratic crisis’ in Sweden, but it has nothing to do with the rise of SD as the media will have one believe. It is a crisis because in an ‘open democracy’, there must be freedom to discuss and debate the key issues, however sensitive they are. Discussions of immigrants and integration policies in Sweden are characterised by bland, empty and frequently mendacious rhetoric. Media types rush to call mass immigration critics ‘fascists’, but will not call an Islamist an Islamist. Attempts to prevent freedom of speech create a totalitarian ethos; complete obfuscation of the opposition party belongs in a ‘flawed’ democracy. SD, a party that is frequently criticised for being ‘nationalist’, has been branded as ‘un-Swedish’, and is therefore somehow ‘illegitimate’. It is not entirely clear how a party can be ‘nationalist’ and ‘un-Swedish’ at the same time, unless one has been duped into believing that Sweden does not stand for anything. Those that claim this tend to contradict themselves by insisting that Sweden stands for egalitarianism and feminism, and thus there are Swedish values.

  Anti-mass-immigration sentiment in Sweden is considered anomalous and aberrant. Swedes do not speak out about the obfuscation of the issue even when their communities are changing so rapidly. Just as the East Germans let the Berlin Wall be built, Swedes do not object. The fact that there is no objection at all to State control on so many different levels suggests that Swedes are already living in a pseudo-totalitarian society, but one where the living standards are high.

  The media frames SD as the ‘evil’ party because they are the only party who are seen to not support the group that is perceived to be the ‘victims’. This is the ideology. The truth is that the victims might also be considered the elderly Swedes whose benefits are reduced to subsidise the mass immigration of migrants. But the people that make up this group are ineligible as bona fide victims, since they are entirely ‘ethnic Swedes’. In order to benefit from the system, it is essential again to be able to receive ideological (and sometimes judicial) protection, and this is reserved for certain ethnic groups. In return, this group will be safe from public scrutiny.

  If the numbers of Muslim immigrants continue at the present rate, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in their country by 2050. Sweden might risk transitioning from being the most tolerant, liberal society to a society run on quite a different values system. A liberal ideology gone wrong will have undermined a nation. Left-wing politicians will have irrevocably changed one of the safest, happiest societies in the world in the space of just fifty years, and left behind what many thought was an infinite bien-être. The weak, tolerant Swede not only welcomes mass immigration, he blames himself when it goes wrong. The Swedes were not tolerant enough, apparently. The naïve plan to create a ‘multicultural utopia’ risks becoming dystopia within just a few genera
tions. When the ethnic Swede is the minority, it is unlikely that he will be able to claim ‘victim’ status and thus be on the receiving end of the same positive discrimination.

  It is this Nietzschean ‘imperative of herd timidity’ (2003: 124) that has smashed the European consciousness, and left us like sitting ducks for a ‘strong’ Islamic culture based on honour, conformity and total submission. This will supersede a guilt-based culture. Honour-based cultures centre on something greater than the individual; it is based on the entire group. With mass immigration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe, a holistic, communitarian culture based on honour comes into contact with an anti-honour culture festering in an environment of political polarisation. In the former, the moral status of the victim is at its nadir, in the latter it is at its zenith. We must learn again to rise above this; we must regain our sense of honour, the ethos of social honour. If we can admire Islam for one thing, it is for its sense of honour (but not for its honour killings). Arab societies honour strength, and can have no compassion for the kind of weakness that the West has enveloped itself in. The mise-en-scène is that of a naïve herd, ensnared in a morality that it thinks is universal, ambling through a self-destructive modernity to the cultural abattoir.

  Some of the immigrants to Sweden, particularly those from Somalia have created their own entirely separate, asymmetrical communities and very distinct oikos. As such, Sweden and other European nations are rapidly becoming places where incomers who have gained citizenship do not share the same commitment to place as the ethnic group. Indeed, many of the countries from which the migrants come have little or no notion of citizenship. In places like Afghanistan, community membership is based on tribe or faith rather than political obedience. These people want to retain their culture and identity based on quite different modalities, but equally want to benefit from the welfare state. Multiculturalists typically allege at this point that this is either an ethnocentric opinion (and therefore illegitimate), or that Sweden is now a secular, multicultural state (their ultimate objective), and that there is no ‘one’ host culture. Such a concept would be laughable to most nations beyond the West. It might even be politically incorrect to suggest this. But, it is also the case that Sweden is an extremely difficult country to integrate into. For those that bring with them an alien culture and for whom sociality is practiced in an entirely different way, it will be a difficult task. Half of Swedes live on their own, and many die on their own. This notion alone would be unthinkable in any of the countries where the migrants come from, where the family networks are far denser.

  When the ‘we’ becomes confused or even conflicting in this manner, social disintegration and unrest normally ensues at some point. Secularism as a State ideology is unlikely to have any staying power because one cannot live with a neutral view towards values without creating a vacuum that will be filled. Secularism is often presented as the de facto ideal every society should aspire to, but it just creates an institutionalised void which is filled by the next, stronger incoming culture or religion.

  In Sweden, it is not a ‘clash of civilisations’: it is voluntary cultural redundancy on the part of some Swedes. It is an extreme form of cultural repudiation imbued with anti-patriotism, a schizophrenic self-denigration which amounts to a masochistic distaste for their own culture. It is cultural suicide comparable to that undergone by Islam after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Sweden, France, the Netherlands and other European countries are institutionalising separatism and difference in their own societies, and then demonising the former indigenous majority for not being tolerant enough when the new paradigm fails. This process is especially acute in Sweden. Sometimes, attempts are then made to traumatise anybody for trying to represent a majority identity or for speaking out against this. Such a set of ideas is inimical to our social and cultural identity. Many would recognise this, but claim that it is inevitable, irreversible and that nothing very positive ever came from nationhood. It is almost as if there is some kind of ‘invisible hand’ at work here.

  To label opponents of mass Muslim immigration as Nazis, as is done in Sweden, is another means of preventing debate, akin to the no-platforming that is happening in our universities. The Nazis killed perhaps as many as ten million people. SD (and the new Alternative för Sverige political party) is a political party that is voicing an opinion. The supposedly implacable enemy that the Left constantly invokes is fictitious. The use of such labels creates a distorted image of their antagonist, whom they can then scold. Hundreds of millions of people have died under left-wing ideology and terror, but being right-wing is unacceptable. Extremism can only apply to right-wing thinking apparently even when militant socialist thugs such as the Antifascistisk Aktion and Revolutionära Fronten promote violence and anti-semitism. The media is trying to create a false, and very skewed perception of reality, and Swedes are struggling to see through the anti-racist, irrational propaganda, even if of course not everybody is conditioned in this way.


  It has been claimed by SD supporters that Sweden is a ‘dictatorship’. Peter Fleischer, Google’s global privacy counsel, also likened Sweden to more dictatorial countries in 2007 when commenting on the wiretapping measures to be introduced by the Swedish Government.61

  It is not a dictatorship. There is no one demagogue; there is instead an extreme ‘liberal’ machine which operates in conjunction with a propagandised media. Many have boycotted State media because of its bias, but also because, as we shall see, it simply does not cover the main issues. Cleverly, it ensures that there is a broad discussion on a narrow politicised range of topics, giving the impression of an open democracy whereas all that is happening is that the presuppositions of the extreme liberal ideology are being enforced by a liberal in-group. The State media sets the agenda for the public consciousness: racial and sexual discrimination (something that is nigh impossible to encounter in Sweden), the plight of the ‘refugees’, homosexuality and environmental awareness.

  The intolerance of those on the Left who peddle this ideology is worrying. The longer the obfuscation regarding the most important issue continues, the more powerful SD will become. SD’s policy is to reduce the current number of immigrants by about 90 per cent, which would bring Sweden in line with its neighbour, Finland. The other parties see this as a ‘fascist’, xenophobic agenda, and thus all the other political parties ‘act in concert’ and refuse to form a Government with SD. This cordon sanitaire is looking less and less viable, and the correlation between SD votes and Muslim immigration to Sweden is almost perfect.

  The media is complicit in what can only be described as a ‘silent revolution’. It is ‘silent’ because irreversible changes are happening to society without any meaningful discussion or consultation with the electorate. As part of this process, the media is being ‘controlled’ by Governments, and not just in Sweden. Editors of leading newspapers are not reporting on issues that challenge the State multiculturalist ideology, even if they would sell significantly more newspapers by doing so. That must be because editors are being ‘controlled’ to some degree; journalists are being told they cannot report on certain issues. Facebook and Twitter accounts are being constantly censored; most alt-right online activists report that large numbers of their followers have suddenly just disappeared.62 We are no longer living in free societies. That time has long passed; we are now edging toward a new kind of techno-authoritarianism whose diktats are governed by the identity politics movement. Journalists investigating the Orlando massacre were told they were not to use the term ‘radical Islam’, they were not to go to a local mosque where a guest imam in Central Florida told the Congregation ‘to kill gays’. The haunting, soft-spoken imam appeared on TV saying that ‘we kill homosexuals out of compassion. Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now. Death is the sentence. There is nothing to be embarrassed about this’.63 The transcripts of the killer’s 911 calls were edited to remove references to Islam and ISIS.64

  The real ne
ws stories such as Germany flying in refugees on illegal night flights seldom make the news.65 In August 2016, shortly after the coup in Turkey and at a time when tourism in Turkey had virtually collapsed, there were on some nights eleven flights arriving into Cologne alone between the hours of 1am and 6am.66 They land, lines of buses collect the refugees and then the planes take off again. When they leave, it says on the destination panel ‘unknown’. Officially, there are no flights at these hours: ‘es gibt keine Nachtflüge’. Sure, just as ‘there is no jihad in France’. To conceal it from the public, some of the planes land at military airbases such as Wunstorf (in the district of Hannover). Merkel is fulfilling the arch-plutocrat Soros’ dream of mass immigration and the break-up of the national consciousness such as it is. When one hears of such events, one wonders whether Merkel has agreed to a secret deal with Erdoğan, the man who claims that Turkey was fighting ISIS but who in actual fact was bombing the Kurds who were fighting ISIS.

  The ‘refugee night-flights’ should have been a major scandal, one printed on the front page of every newspaper as the leader of Germany indulges in State-sponsored people smuggling in order to apparently destabilise her own nation. But, instead there was nothing. The Government is colluding with the media to conceal what is happening, running on an anti-racism ticket. Tommy Robinson, a UK activist, was arrested and imprisoned in May 2018 for a ‘breach of the peace’ which meant that the police did not approve of his journalistic coverage of the British child-grooming scandal. But no action was taken against a Pakistani man who was videoed whipping people with a stick at a Hyde Park Corner free speech rally two weeks previously. There was a media gagging order on Robinson’s arrest. Cultural nihilism is now leading to politically motivated arrests. In a world where everybody has the latest digital media technology in his or her pocket, one cannot conceal the truth for long. With the refugee night-flights, there is of course an analogy here with the CIA rendition flights which were a major scandal involving planes flown in during the night under similar circumstances. That was front-page news, and rightly so, even if comparatively speaking the numbers were tiny. When thousands of refugees are flown in, there is just silence.


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