Lie to Me

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Lie to Me Page 10

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  “No, I don’t. And, honestly I was glad to see her go. There was something a little off about her. Dumping her was a smart move on your part, son. Monica Riley is plain old crazy, except with her child. I tell you, she loves Quinn. I think that little girl is her redemption. Quinn sorts of keeps her sanity in check, barely.”

  Lance felt a slight unease hit his being. His father was right, but Lance wasn’t about to agree with him on anything.

  “So, are you thinking about getting back with her?”

  Lance snorted. “Clarendon, that’s weak even for you. I’m sure you know all about my engagement and upcoming wedding—to which you are not invited, so don’t ask.”

  “I see I’m going to have to pray for you,” Clarendon drawled. “What is Noah Charleston teaching his parishioners? You sound so unforgiving. Might I suggest the book of First John? Think, about it. What would Jesus do?”

  Lance ended the call. His chest heaved. He hated giving his father the satisfaction of knowing he could irritate him. That would mean Clarendon had some power over him, and Lance hated that feeling.

  After uttering a short prayer, he called Belinda and filled her in.

  “That means she’s here in Port Charlotte,” Belinda said.

  “I hope not.” Lance rubbed his temples.

  “No use hoping for what isn’t. Monica Riley is here and she is up to no good. We need to find her and stop her in her tracks.”


  As soon as Lance cut him off, Clarendon laughed aloud. Any form of conversation, even one confrontational in nature, was better than none at all. Clarendon didn’t feel the slightest guilt that he’d told his son a bald-faced lie.

  He called Monica on her cell phone. He was so happy to hear his son’s voice, Clarendon felt like he would throw another twenty-thousand dollars her way. A paltry sum for a priceless feat. Through her machinations, Monica had done what he’d been unable to do. She had gotten his son to call him. Clarendon hadn’t expected that. He had planned on calling Lance under the guise of warning him about Monica. Not once did he dare hope Lance would make the call.


  “Monica!” Clarendon said.

  “What do you want?”

  Her surly tone affected him like water on a duck’s back. “Just calling to see how things are going. Are you reunited with Lance yet?”

  “No,” she yelled. “I’ve tried a few things, but so far my Prince Charming hasn’t responded to my subtle hints.”

  Clarendon held his chuckle. He was quite sure Monica’s idea of subtlety was way out there. Time to put the pressure on. “Well, I’m sending you another twenty thousand.”

  Anticipating her suspicions, he heard the intake of breath.

  “What for?”

  “No reason. I know you have Quinn think about. I want to make sure your little one is well taken care of. Get her something from Grandpa Clarendon.” Clarendon felt a little guilty for blatantly using an innocent child to manipulate her mother. But Quinn was almost his granddaughter or the closest he had to one anyway.

  Monica gave in, as he knew she would. For all her insanity, she was a devoted mother. He knew Monica would never hurt her child in any way. She was protective of Quinn.

  Sternly, he commanded, “Quinn needs a father. Lance and you are made for each other. You’d better up the ante and fast. He and Belinda will be married in September.”

  “September? But that’s so close. How do you know this?”

  “Sydney is pregnant and Belinda wants her in the wedding. And, since Lance doesn’t know how you feel about him, he’s going to go through with it. So, if I were you, I’d take matters into my own hands. This is not the old days. A girl can be proactive. Go get your Prince Charming.”

  “For once, I agree with you,” Monica returned in a jovial tone. She laughed, “I’ve been praying and asking God to show me a sign that I am still doing His will, and then bingo! I get a call from you. Thanks, Clarendon. God really answers prayers.” Monica abruptly ended the call.

  Clarendon put the phone down. That girl sure is crazy. Poor Monica. She is a truly disturbed young woman—beautiful, but borderline certifiable. Monica really needed to be under professional care, but for now, she suited his purposes. He was going to set Monica loose on Lance. Lance wouldn’t have any choice but to accept his old dad’s help then… Then, Clarendon thought, only then would he swoop in to the rescue and finally earn his son’s forgiveness.

  He thought of her parting words. God was not in anything that went against his Word. He supposed he should have told her that, but then he had his own agenda. Clarendon sobered. God did answer prayers, but He failed to answer Clarendon’s prayer. Clarendon had continuously begged God for another chance with his son, but God seemed to have overlooked him.

  Well, Clarendon’s plan was already doing a lot more than anything God had done so far. Lance had spoken to him for the first time since—he could not even say when. Though he felt the Spirit warning him to tell the truth, Clarendon refused to heed. He was going to do it his way.


  Belinda waved to Portia, who gave her a small nod. She had arrived early to church that following Saturday to ensure they would have seats just a few rows behind Sydney. Portia approached, still wearing her sunglasses. Belinda smirked. Somebody had been out partying the night before.

  “Glad you made it. For a minute there, I thought you’d reneged on our plan.”

  “No, I just had a hard time getting up this morning,” Portia answered in a muffled voice.

  Belinda poked her in the ribs. “Look who just walked in.”

  Both women eyed the six-foot-four man as he strolled over to where Sydney sat.

  “I guess we’ve been replaced,” Portia said, as her eyes took in all Nathaniel was showing.

  Belinda had to agree Nathaniel was fine. He was dressed in a beige suit with a gold-colored shirt and coordinated tie. She had to give it to him. He knew how to put himself together.

  “He’s finger-licking good. I’ll give him that,” Belinda said.

  Portia’s eyes were wide. “I can’t believe you just said that. We’re in church, and you’re engaged.”

  “Yes, I know where I am, and I’m not about to lie in church. That man is fine and that’s the truth. And, I’m engaged, not blind. Now, he’s nothing close to my Lance, but he’s up there.” Belinda tilted her head toward the podium where Lance stood. He was officiating the services today.

  Dressed in a dark blue suit and baby blue shirt, Lance looked good. Eyeing him, Belinda debated the perks of going to the justice of the peace. No, she couldn’t. Her father would have her head. He wanted to walk his only child down the aisle and Belinda wanted the fairytale. Which reminded her, she leaned over to Portia. “You have any updates for me?”

  Portia glared. “Don’t you know who you’re dealing with?”

  Sydney turned around and crooked her finger at them. There were two empty spots next to her. Portia jumped to her feet.

  After a brief hesitation, Belinda followed.

  The three women exchanged hugs.

  “Sydney, you’re glowing. Your tummy is finally showing.” Belinda pressed her hand against Sydney’s growing abdomen.

  Portia scrunched her nose. “Turn to the side.”

  Sydney blushed under their attention.

  “You’re beautiful,” Nathaniel said.

  He sounded a little too intimate for Belinda’s liking.

  Portia leaned in and whispered. “You see what I mean? Look how fine I look in this black dress, but he’s gushing over Sydney.”

  Sydney spoke up. “Belinda, I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Nathaniel.”

  Belinda smiled, “Pleased to meet you.” She made her voice extra sexy to annoy Portia.

  “Sydney didn’t tell me she had a model for a friend,” he said. Belinda hid a smile. Nathaniel was a flirt.

  In her tiger print dress and matching pumps, Belinda struck a pose. “Well, I try.”<
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  “Belinda’s engaged to Dr. Lance Forbes. He’s the one who is going to lead the service,” Sydney explained.

  Belinda glanced at Portia. Sydney was making sure Nathaniel knew Belinda wasn’t available. As soon as the music started for the service to begin, Belinda made sure to sit next to Sydney to keep Nathaniel from reclaiming the seat next to her.

  Portia took her cue and sat on the other side of Sydney, so Nathaniel ended up sitting next to her. His face looked drawn like he was disappointed.

  Belinda’s cell vibrated. She read a text from Portia.

  Don’t be so obvious.

  Whatever. Belinda texted back. She was too content to let Portia intimidate her. Her fingers flew across the keyboard.

  I’m not afraid of you.

  “Put away the cell phone,” Sydney whispered.

  Lance called the service to order and Belinda placed her phone in her bag. He was born to lead God’s people. There was no doubt about it. She adjusted her clothes before stealing a glance at Sydney. Sydney looked every inch like the First Lady with her mustard-colored Tahari suit, black shoes and hat. Belinda mimicked how Sydney sat. She needed to buy some hats and shoes if she were going to snag that title one day.

  After the worship service, Noah gave the word. “Today, I want to talk about trusting God through adversity. As believers, we have to be ready to handle whatever curve balls come our way. We have to be like Job and be ready to stand and trust God, even if we are being slain. My question today is, can God give you a recommendation? Can He count on you?”

  “Is he for real?” Sydney muttered under her breath.

  Belinda could feel her friend’s body shaking. She knew how Sydney felt. Noah’s words were in direct contrast to what he practiced at home.

  “I don’t believe this.” Sydney attracted the attention of a few parishioners seated in proximity.

  Belinda grabbed Sydney’s hand and squeezed. Sydney glanced her way. Belinda whispered, “You have an audience.”

  Sydney nodded and stilled her movements. She schooled her expression to one that bespoke keen interest as Noah continued in the Word.

  “Let’s look at a key scripture reference. Romans 8:28 should be our mantra. It says, ‘And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, and who are called according to His purpose.’ ”

  From his position on the podium, Lance shouted a hearty, “Hallelujah!”

  Several others followed his lead. Sydney, on the other hand, looked upward. “God, are you hearing this? Lightning is about to strike and thunder is about to roll.”

  “Sydney,” Belinda warned. “You’ve got to behave. Talk to him at home.”

  Noah said, “As I stand here to give the word, I confess I’m preaching to myself today. I’m just the vessel God decided to use this morning. I’m going to ask my wife to join me for a moment.”

  Sydney huffed. “I’m not going anywhere,” she mumbled, though she kept a serene smile on her face and made a motion that he should carry on.

  Noah’s blue eyes beckoned to his wife with outstretched hands. It was clear he intended to remain that way until she joined him.

  Her stubbornness kicked in. Sydney remained seated.


  “Sydney, don’t leave the man hanging,” Portia pleaded. “You’re on national television.”

  Sydney felt all eyes on her. She stood to her feet under the glaring eyes of the camera and started toward Noah.

  The congregation cheered to see their first lady joining their pastor. Once she was on the pulpit, Noah pulled her close to him.

  He addressed the crowd. “I’m guilty today of not trusting God, and in so doing, I failed to be the man of God my wife needed me to be. You may not be able to tell, but Sydney is almost four months pregnant.”

  At that, the crowd shouted and cheered. The praise team started singing. People jumped up dancing and stomping for a good ten minutes.

  Sydney touched her chest. The members’ enthusiasm warmed her heart. She hadn’t realized how much love and respect their members had for them. She really needed to get more involved with the ministries of the church. She waved like a pageant queen and soaked it all in.

  Noah gestured for everyone to settle and then he continued. “I have a confession. There’s a strong possibility our child may have Down syndrome and instantly my faith wavered. I questioned God. But Sydney never did.” He had to stop speaking from the sympathetic roar of the crowd.


  “Oh, Lord, have mercy,” someone yelled.

  “God, work a miracle,” Deacon Shaw called out and rushed over to Noah and Sydney. He ran around them screaming, “Take it away, Lord. Change the baby, Lord. You can do it.”

  Sister Alma joined him and yelled, “Yes, Lord. We need a miracle right now.”

  Sydney gritted her teeth. She was about to go off on them. Her child was a miracle. She held a hand over her stomach.

  Noah gestured to the cameramen to cut the cameras. Sydney’s shoulders sagged. Noah led the deacon and his wife to a seat. He spoke.

  “We’re sharing our news with you, but both Sydney and I are prepared to love and care for the child God has given us. Each child, no matter the disability, is still a precious gift from God. God can use them to show His awesome power.”

  Noah signaled to Lance to close out the service and pronounce the benediction. Of course, many sympathetic people flocked him to offer well-intentioned thoughts.

  Sydney hugged her husband and returned to her seat.

  “I can’t believe he put me on blast like that.” Sydney said to Belinda and Portia.

  “I applaud his move,” Portia said.

  “Suds, he spoke from the heart,” Belinda said. “He wanted the world—and you—to know he’s in your corner.”

  “He should’ve spoken to you in private,” Nathaniel said. “Some things you discuss at home first.”

  Sydney reached past Portia to squeeze Nathaniel’s hand.

  Belinda’s neck swung back and forth. “Who asked you?”

  Sydney jumped in. “Nathaniel is entitled to his opinion and I happen to agree with him.”

  “You would,” Portia snapped. “Just what is…?”

  Belinda tapped Portia’s arm. “This isn’t the time nor place, girl.”

  Sydney wondered what that meant but decided she would ask later.

  A few people waved to Sydney but didn’t approach since her friends had her surrounded, offering a cocoon of protection.

  It was twenty minutes before Lance and Noah joined them. They all agreed to meet up at Sydney and Noah’s. Lance and Belinda offered to order Chinese for everyone. Nathaniel chimed in that he’d get juices and sodas. Portia offered to grab a couple quarts of ice cream and meet them there.


  Lance and Belinda scurried to his car. “I can’t believe it’s raining again. It’s rained every day this week, and it comes around this time like clockwork.”

  Lance’s cell phone beeped. He wasn’t on call, but he had to always be ready to go in to the hospital on a moment’s notice. He checked the screen. It was a reminder to pay his cell phone bill.

  He held open Belinda’s door and settled her inside, before getting in. The slight drizzle was now a downpour, typical of Florida. Lance turned on his lights and wipers. It took several seconds for him to register that there was something wrapped in the blades.

  “What is that?” Belinda squinted. She undid her seatbelt and leaned forward to get a closer look.

  Lance turned the blades off and on to see if the object would come off on its own. But it was still there. “Great. Now I have to get out in the rain.”

  “Better you than me,” Belinda joked. She wasn’t the least bit sympathetic.

  Lance got out the car and lifted the blades. He unwrapped the object from the blade. “What is this?”

  Belinda got out. “What is it?”

  “Someone wrapped a thong around my wipers,” Lance bellowed. “What kind of
sicko am I dealing with?”

  “A thong? You expect me to believe your innocence in all this?” Belinda yelled. “This is too much.”

  “Bells, I promise you, I have no idea who did this!”

  “We both know this is Monica’s handiwork.” She placed a hand on her hips. “I know she’s crazy, but what kind of encouragement are you giving her?”

  Lance flailed his hands in the air. “I haven’t seen that woman in ages. Why are you blaming me?”

  “Who else is to blame, Lance? Huh? Cause this is madness. Pure madness, I tell you.”

  She got in the car and slammed the door.

  Lance jammed the underwear in his pants pocket. As soon as he left the church lot, he’d toss them in the nearest receptacle. He now knew Monica was back. There was no doubt about it. Monica used to leave her unmentionables in the most unexpected places. And, there was a time when he would’ve been thrilled because he knew what that meant.

  But, he was different now. He was a changed man. However, he knew better than to tell the fuming woman who sat next to him uttering all kinds of Spanish words.

  Lance had to find Monica and stop her before she ruined his relationship. He drove to the Chinese restaurant to pick up the food order but didn’t say anything. He wanted to give Belinda time to cool down. She was understandably upset. He knew he would be furious if he had to deal with one of Belinda’s exes.

  Belinda took the food and held it in her lap until they arrived at Sydney and Noah’s. She made sure she got out the car before Lance had a chance to help her with the bags.

  Lance knew women. He kept his distance. Normally, he would have kept on driving, but he was engaged and couldn’t just flee at the slightest provocation. No, he wasn’t going anywhere. Lance had begged Belinda to marry him. That was something he had never done for any other woman. Lance had put his pride aside and his heart on the line and it had paid off. There was no way he was going to let Monica’s antics come between him and his goal.


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