Lie to Me

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Lie to Me Page 12

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  “All right, go find your shoes.”

  Freda laughed, “She sure loves the playground. Do you want me to come?”

  “No, no,” Monica said. “I’m sure we will be fine. You go get a much needed break.”

  “Okay, have fun.” Freda didn’t need any other encouragement. “I’ll watch some of my shows.”

  Monica and Quinn played together for a couple hours at the park. Then she drove Quinn to Dairy Queen. Monica laughed at Quinn’s soggy cone, which ended up on her clothes. “Let’s get you home and washed before Daddy comes. We don’t want him to see you looking like this, do we?”

  Quinn merely looked at her.

  Monica laughed. “Let’s go bye-bye.”

  “Bye-bye,” Quinn parroted.

  Quinn was such a happy child, Monica thought. How had she gotten so blessed? She watched her daughter sway side to side as her pigtails hit her cheek. Quinn cracked up. Lance was going to fall in love with Quinn when he saw her. It was impossible not to. Thinking about Lance made Monica hurry. She didn’t want to not be there when he arrived.

  When she pulled into her driveway, Monica’s shoulders slumped. Lance’s car wasn’t there. She looked at her watch. It was 7:17 p.m. That was plenty of time for him to kick Belinda out of his life. She got out the vehicle and fought the urge to slam the door. She didn’t want to scare Quinn who rambled on, even as Monica took her out of the car seat and walked her into the house. Distracted, she ran her daughter’s bath. Once Quinn settled and played with the bubbles, Monica sat on the toilet and fumed.

  It was now 7:49 and Lance still hadn’t shown up. Why hadn’t he called?

  Just then, Monica slapped her forehead. Had she left her contact information? No wonder she hadn’t heard from him. “Stupid, stupid,” Monica called herself. But, she did so without rancor because she now knew the reason for Lance’s absence.

  Lord, I needed to get quiet to figure it out. Thank you.

  Monica saw Quinn was pruning up. She got her out of the tub and wrapped her into a towel. She giggled at her daughter’s silly movements. Once she’d dressed her, Monica sang her lullabies and rocked her to sleep in the rocking chair she had in the corner of Quinn’s room.

  With a glance at the clock, Monica became energized. She knew what she had to do.


  Lance got out of his car and stretched. It felt like today would never end. He longed for a new day. After he and Belinda left Noah’s, they argued the entire drive to her house. Then, they went inside her home and fought some more. She threatened to end the engagement, but Lance wasn’t standing for that. Belinda vacillated between thinking Monica was crazy and thinking he was messing with her.

  Lance kept pointing out that he hadn’t seen Monica. A fact Belinda knew since she’d been the one who’d convinced him it had to be Monica. Lance shook his head and entered his home. It would take a lifetime for him to figure out how Belinda’s mind worked, and that might not be enough.

  Lance had talked his voice hoarse, but Belinda remained obstinate. He’d prayed for an emergency phone call in to work, but fortune hadn’t been on his side.

  Lance went to the refrigerator to get bottled water, trying not to think of the thick-skulled woman he planned to marry. He took a swig. Stubbornness was his middle name. Lance Forbes wasn’t about to let go that easy. If he was the crab she’d called him, then he was sinking his claws in and not letting go.

  He wished he knew how to find Monica and confront her. He didn’t understand leaving underwear on somebody’s car. At their church, of all places. You had to be insane or twisted to do something like that.

  Lance peeled off his clothes and left them strewn on the living room floor. Dressed in his underwear, he strolled into his bedroom and stopped short.

  “Hello, Lance.”

  His eyes widened.


  In his home. In his bed. Naked. Lance bunched his fists. “What are you doing here?”

  “You can quit pretending,” she crossed her legs and smiled. “I know you wanted me here. Didn’t you get my little gift earlier?”

  “I saw it.” Lance gritted his teeth. “Cover yourself up.”

  Monica rolled her eyes. “It’s just you, me and God here, and believe me when I tell you, He sanctions this.”

  Lance furrowed his brows. What on earth was she saying? “Monica, get some clothes on before I—”

  “Before you what?” She arranged her body into a seductive pose.

  “That’s what I’d like to know,” a voice came from behind them.

  “Belinda!” He swung around. His mouth popped open.

  Tears streamed down Belinda’s face. “I trusted you. And, this is how you do me?”

  “Bells, it’s not what you think.” He could see she didn’t believe him.

  Lance snapped. He stomped over to Monica, hauled her out of his bed and dumped her on the floor. He snatched her clothes from the top of his chest and threw them at her. “Get dressed.”

  Lance turned to talk to Belinda, but she wasn’t there.

  No! His chest heaved. Lance grabbed a robe and ran out the room. The front door was open. Belinda was in her car. He raced to stand in front of the vehicle. “You’re not leaving.”

  “Get out my way, Lance. You’re scum. You’re slime.” Belinda lowered her window and yelled. “Move before I drive over you. You big lying oaf.”

  Lance didn’t take her threat lightly. He moved. Propelling his body through the driver side window, he grabbed the keys out of the ignition.

  “My car was in drive,” Belinda screamed. She put her gear in park and shoved him, but she was no match for his strength. He opened her door and lifted her out. It was no easy feat taking a squirming angry woman into his home, but Lance did it.

  “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to hear me out.” He kept her in his arms and went in search for Monica.

  She was nowhere in sight.

  “She’s gone,” he said, stating the obvious. He put Belinda down.

  “Don’t just stand there looking lost.” Belinda glared. “You have some serious explaining to do.”

  “What’s there to explain? The woman is crazy and for some reason she has her sights set on having me. I can’t control that.”

  “How did she get in?”

  “I don’t know.” Lance rubbed his eyes. The sliding door. That would explain it. He went to test the door. It slid open. “I must have forgotten to set the alarm.”

  “I’m sorry,” Belinda shook her head. “I can’t do this.” She slipped off her engagement ring and held it out to him.

  Lance stepped back. “I’m not taking that back. You need to keep calm. Once you’ve cooled down, you’ll see I have nothing going on with Monica.”

  “I believe you.”

  “You do?” Hope flared in his chest. Lance stepped forward.

  Belinda held her hands up. “Wait, I know you have nothing going on with Monica, but she isn’t done with you. And, I’m too old for this drama. I don’t want to deal with it.” Belinda put his ring down on the coffee table.

  Lance saw the diamond sparkle and studied it for several seconds. He couldn’t believe Belinda had done this to him. His chest concaved from the pain of her rejection. He gasped as it engulfed him. His heart hardened.

  “You don’t want to deal with it? That’s how you sum up our relationship? I put my heart on the line. I begged you. Begged. Something I’ve never done in my life for any woman. Yet, the minute things get rough, you give up and leave.”

  She lifted her chin. “Don’t turn this on me. I’m not giving up. I’m making a choice. A choice I have the right to make.”

  “That is a poor defense. It’s no wonder you couldn’t hack it through law school.” Lance spewed. His chest heaved. When he spoke again, his voice was ice cold. “I’m asking you to reconsider.”

  “I’ve made my decision. Now accept it.”

  “Suit yourself.” Lance’s eyes narrowed to slits. He spoke t
hrough his teeth. “But, if you walk through that door then don’t come back, because there is no coming back. You get that? I’m not going to wait around and I’m not going to sniff at your heels and beg.”

  Belinda bit her lower lip. “Yes, I get it.”

  He’d give her one more chance. “Are we going to go through this together?” Though his voice was frozen, his heart hammered in his chest.

  Belinda backed up. “There’s no more us, Lance. I am done.” Her tone was final.

  “Then get out,” Lance said. His voice rose. “Get out…Get out… Get out!”


  Early the next morning, Belinda rang Sydney’s doorbell. She yawned. She hadn’t slept well the night before. She pressed the buzzer and banged the door until Sydney answered. She took in Sydney’s tussled hair and realized she’d probably awakened her friend with her loud clamoring. But as soon as she saw Sydney, Belinda burst into tears.

  “Wait. Why aren’t you at school?” Sydney took a step back, but she still held onto the door. “What? What happened?”

  “Look at me,” Belinda wailed. She pointed toward her eyes. “Look at my eyes. They are bloodshot red. Do I look like I am in any condition to go anywhere today?”

  Sydney scanned her splotchy face. Belinda had thrown on an oversized stained T-shirt and jeans she wouldn’t normally wear.

  Sydney’s brows rose. “This must be serious for you to leave your house looking like a bedraggled rat. You look torn up.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Belinda said, walking inside. “I’m glad you’re on leave because I need a friend.”

  “Okay,” Sydney said, shutting the door.

  “I ended it with Lance last night…then, he ended it with me for good.”


  “I got one word for you.”

  Sydney gestured for her to speak.

  “Monica.” Belinda hated saying the name of the heifer responsible for her rift with Lance. Monica’s name was a bad word that curdled in her stomach like rancid milk.

  “Monica is in town?”

  “Yes. She was propped up liked a prima donna in Lance’s bed.”

  “What?” Sydney hunched her body forward.

  “She was quite comfortable too from the looks of it.”

  Sydney crooked her head. “Are you saying she’s been back with Lance this whole time?”

  Belinda shrugged. “I don’t know. I think so.”

  Sydney took her hand and led her into the living area. “You think? Or, you’re sure?”

  “Well, he’s done this before, as you can testify.” Belinda gestured toward Sydney and herself. “I guess this is my payback—my karma, so to speak—coming back to bite me in the butt for what I did to you.”

  Sydney’s eyes held sympathy. “Don’t think like that. God has forgiven you. He has thrown all your sins in the sea of forgetfulness and you’ve been washed by the blood of the Lamb. You have to hold on to that. God is a loving God and He wouldn’t have you pay for what you’ve done. Christ already paid for it in full.”

  Belinda nodded, but the pain of her actions held her captive. “I know what you’re saying, Sydney, but, I’m so sorry for what I did to you. A big part of me believes Lance and I don’t deserve to be together. I don’t deserve the happy-ever-after, not after how I betrayed you.”

  Sydney shook her. “Stop it this instant. All that stuff is behind us. A blind man can see Lance is madly in love with you.”

  Belinda shook her head. “No, he hasn’t changed. If he did, how did Monica get into his house? Why was she wrapped up in his bed like she belonged there? He was in his underwear and she was naked, naked in his bed.”

  “Whoa, that’s not an easy thing dismiss.” Sydney gave a sad smile. “I thought I’d feel joy hearing this, but I have to defend Lance. Monica is crazy. You’ve known that since high school. I wouldn’t be surprised if she found a way to get in. What did Lance say?”

  “I didn’t give him a chance to explain. I was so mad I shouted words I didn’t mean. But Lance let me go, just like that... He told me if I left there was no coming back.” Her shoulders shook.

  Sydney gathered Belinda in her arms. Belinda felt the little bulge and cried harder. She wouldn’t get a chance to have Lance’s baby.

  “He didn’t mean it. I can’t take seeing you upset.” Sydney ended the embrace to get her some tissue.

  Belinda wiped her face. “He meant every word.” She shuddered as a visual image of his face rose before her. With absolute certainty, she said, “I’ve lost him for good.”


  Of all the churches in Port Charlotte, why did he decide to join here? Noah berated himself for that thought, but he couldn’t help it. With all his being, Noah wished Nathaniel Lyons had gone somewhere else to give his membership. Yet, here Nathaniel stood at the altar, declaring he wanted to take the right hand of fellowship.

  It was a Wednesday night prayer service and Deacon Shaw had just finished sharing the Word. Noah had given the final words and was about to close in prayer when Nathaniel walked forward.

  Nathaniel faced the crowd. “I know this isn’t an altar call, but I feel God is leading me to work with Pastor Charleston, and I have to obey His voice. I want to give my membership.”

  “Now?” Noah caught himself and cleared his throat. “Of course, we have to follow God’s leading.”

  People started shouting, “Hallelujah!” Noah lifted his hands in praise. But, he wasn’t rejoicing on the inside.

  Deacon Shaw did a praise jig. Noah knew the Deacon was happy for the bump in the offering plate. Nathaniel’s income would add to the tithes and help with the church’s upkeep and ministries. Noah was practical, but in this instance, he wasn’t operating under logic. His emotions ruled. It wasn’t every day you have to face the man your pregnant wife salivated over and found charming.

  Noah invited Nathaniel to meet with him in his study after church. He urged Sydney to ride home with Belinda.

  Noah sat for several seconds reading the membership card Nathaniel had filled out. He had detailed his past experiences. “So, you’re a music minister? What do you think of our choir?”

  “They are good, but they could use a little more organization.”

  Noah agreed, but he wasn’t about to let Nathaniel know that. “So you think you can do a better job than Sister Shaw?”

  “Anybody can,” Nathaniel declared with a touch of arrogance.

  Noah didn’t have any plausible reason to doubt Nathaniel’s capabilities. But he wanted to shake him down a bit. “I have to call your pastor and find out a little of your history. We wouldn’t want any skeletons falling out of your closet catching us by surprise.” Noah ignored the fact that he had several of his own he’d kept well hidden. This wasn’t about him.

  Nathaniel nodded. His demeanor was one of a man with nothing to hide.

  Why was Nathaniel so agreeable? It annoyed Noah. So far, Nathaniel hadn’t put up a single argument. It was getting on Noah’s nerves. “Well, this is God’s house, so technically we wouldn’t deny membership to anyone, but I’m not sure yet where we could use your talents.”

  “I’m fine with that,” Nathaniel said. “I’m not position hungry. I like the teaching here and your messages come from the Bible. That’s all I want.”

  With that huge compliment, Noah strove not to sound ungracious. “Yes, I do try to base all my actions by the Word.”

  And the Word tells you to love your brother.

  “I feel at home here,” Nathaniel said with a wide grin.

  Yes, at home with my wife. Noah shifted and rebuked the thought. He had no choice but to say, “It looks like we’ve grown one member. Welcome to Second Sons, Nathaniel.”

  Nathaniel smiled. “I’m glad I passed inspection. Put me to work, Pastor.”

  Noah commiserated with King Saul. Because at the moment, Nathaniel was his David. He tapped his fingers on his desk for several moments before inspiration struck. “Our men’s group hasn’t been f
lourishing and maybe once you get―”

  “Say no more. I have experience as a men’s group leader. I had a thriving group going,” Nathaniel volunteered, with a flourish of his hands. His eyes shone. It irritated Noah.

  I finally understand how Saul must have felt when David came along. He knew he needed to squelch these surly feelings, but Noah doubted himself. For the first time in his life, he felt threatened. Nathaniel had ‘it.’ He had swag women liked. His own wife fawned over the man, and she wasn’t the type.

  As soon as Nathaniel left, Noah packed up his Bible and notes, set the alarm and headed to his car. Now, he knew how Sydney felt when counseled Lance and Belinda. She’d been outraged. Noah had followed God’s leading and hadn’t backed down. Still, he could’ve been gentler with her feelings. This was different. Lance was the ‘then’; Nathaniel is the ‘now.’

  “Portia.” Noah stopped.

  Portia was the answer to his dilemma. Nathaniel was infatuated with the spunky, younger woman. He would call her. Noah looked at his watch and sighed. It was way too late to call. Noah continued walking.

  A thought popped into his head. Now he’d switched roles. He was now David, and Nathaniel was his Uriah. He was going to set Nathaniel in the heat of the battle, so to speak, because Portia Hendricks was a spitfire. Noah chuckled.

  This was a win-win situation for everyone involved, including himself. He had to double his efforts and get Portia saved. Portia couldn’t withstand Noah’s scheme, plus he had God on his side. Noah whistled as a ploy developed. He had a plan, and he was going to act.

  Noah arrived home and went into his study to begin crafting his plan on paper. Writing things down helped solidify the entire process in his mind. With bold strokes, he wrote OPERATION: URIAH. He tapped his chin. Now, all he had to do was get ‘Bathsheba’ on board.

  Portia was no pushover, and she wasn’t about to be manipulated.

  The next morning around 10:00 a.m., Noah called Portia at work.


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