Fall of kNight

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Fall of kNight Page 9

by T. L Mitchell

  As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed Daniel sat in his normal place with the daily newspaper in one hand and a cup of coffee in another. I smiled. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was his father"s son.

  “Morning,” I said, lured to the freshly brewed pot of liquid gold.

  “Good morning,” he replied as his eyes lifted from the newspaper. “Sleep well?”

  I nodded as I stirred the creamer in my cup. “Very.” It occurred to me I wanted to talk to Daniel about his run last night. “How did it go last night?”

  Daniel"s face brightened. “Well, I thought it went well.” His lips twitched a couple of times, and his eyes brightened with a hint of humor. “I was thinking it is a good thing we do not have neighbors. The way you howled last night, I thought they would have expected I had a wild animal trapped in my bedroom.”

  Swiftly, I turned around to face Daniel in astonishment. Did I actually howl last night? The memories of last night"s events replayed in my mind, searching for the evidence to back up the accusation. Heat burned against my cheeks as the memory came flooding back to me. There were no words in my defense. It was not the moon that brought out my howls last night.

  “Well, I suppose I could blame that one on you.” The embarrassment was clear in my voice.

  He chuckled softly, folding the newspaper and sitting it down on the table. “Then I have done my job well.”

  The Alpha male was emerging. Proudly he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over the muscular chest that threatened the threads of the forest green sweater he wore.

  “Yes, you did.” I admitted, swallowing my pride. I needed to change the subject before he had the chance to embarrass me any further. “So you were going to tell me about last night"s run.”

  Daniel"s eyebrows rose. “Oh. Well, it went smoother than we expected. By the way, we managed to obtain a blood sample before we killed the beast. Your boyfriend may be correct. They are searching for something.”

  Ignoring the word boyfriend, I continued with my inquiry. “Did you ever figure out what it is they"re searching for on the mountain?”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, but they are concentrating their efforts around the wall. Holt suggested it might be something hidden inside the perimeters of the wall. I"m guessing it probably has to deal with the reason why the wall was built in the first place.”

  “Have you called Jason?”

  “Yes, I called them yesterday. Jason and Heather are coming tomorrow morning.

  He has some loose ends to tie up today. Speaking of which,” he glanced at his watch, “I need to run to the clinic. Run some tests on this blood sample. I would like you to go to Mom"s until I return home.”

  “Daniel…” I began to protest when a loud growl rumbled from my stomach. I noticed he had a piece of uneaten sausage on his plate. Immediately I reached over, grabbed it and popped it in my mouth. “I"ll be fine.”

  Carefully, he watched my every move. “Julie, what is going on with your stomach?”

  “I don"t know. I"m starving.” I glanced around the kitchen and noticed a breakfast plate on the stove.

  “Well, eat your breakfast before that thing tries to eat someone.” He kissed me on the forehead as he rose to his feet. “And yes, Mom brought over a blueberry pie. I took the liberty and put a slice on a dessert dish just for you.”

  Blueberry pie! That was exactly what I wanted. I wolfed down my breakfast and nibbled on the pie as Daniel and I watched the rest of the morning news.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Daniel as his body became rigid.

  Daniel"s face suddenly changed. He grabbed his stomach as he braced himself on the table. My attention immediately went to him as I froze in mid bite. Daniel"s face was pale, ghostly pale, almost as pale as Richard„s. The color was depleted from his lips.

  Tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

  “Bathroom!” I shouted with a mouthful of the pie.

  Immediately, Daniel jumped up from the table with his hand covering his mouth.

  He shot out of the kitchen toward the bathroom downstairs. A second later, I heard the door slam. My eyes drifted to the wondrous pie in front of me. Those delicious blueberries were calling my name. I turned toward where Daniel made his exit. I couldn"t help from wondering as I stared blankly into the living room. What happened to him? We just finished breakfast and I felt fine. Although, I still wanted my blueberry pie.

  Feelings of guilt swept over me; pulling at my heart to check on the man I loved. I pushed myself away from the table, wiping my mouth with my napkin. I knew I needed to check on him, Daniel had been in there too long. As I made my way through the living room, I heard the most horrific noises. Violent roars came loudly from my downstairs bathroom. It sounded more or less like I had Leo the Lion trapped inside my bathroom.

  As I knocked on the door, I hated to ask the million-dollar question. It was so cliché.

  “Daniel? Honey? Are you okay?” It was such a stupid question. I hated to even ask, knowing the answer; of course, he wasn"t all right.

  Another loud roar. No, I guess not.

  “Do I need to call a doctor? Do you want to go to the hospital?” I tried to be soft, but that was impossible. My voice rose over the roaring noise from behind the door.

  “NO!” He managed to yell out. “I will… be just….” Another roar.

  “Okay. I"m going to get you that seltzer stuff. Don"t worry about the pie…I mean kitchen. I"ll clean it up.”

  There it was again, another roar. I nodded my head; there was nothing left for me to do. I headed up the stairs to my bathroom. There were some Alka-Seltzers in the medicine cabinet for cases such as these. I grabbed a blue package of the fizzy stuff, pulled one of the Dixie cups from the wall unit and filled it full of water. I dropped the two tablets in the cup and waited. Daniel appeared in the bedroom doorway. He looked awful. I handed him the fizzing liquid. He motioned me away with his hand.

  “I took some of that pink stuff.” His voice was weak, still holding tightly to his stomach.

  “You should really lie down. You look terrible.”

  “No. Shower first.” He announced as he moved toward bathroom. “Go ahead, I will be fine.” With a wave of his hand, he dismissed me.

  Reluctantly, I left the bedroom and making my way back down stairs, I checked the bathroom for any mishaps. At least Daniel was clean. However, I needed a little bleach to clean up the smell. I clicked on the overhead fan then headed to the laundry room. A little bleach would take care of this. Being a Lycan, one"s senses are highly sensitive to smells.

  After cleaning the bathroom, I returned to the kitchen to finish off the dishes. I was in a bit of a hurry to check on my wolf man, and finish off my pie.

  Once I had finished cleaning the kitchen, I headed upstairs to check on Daniel, after I finished my pie and a cup of coffee. He was sound asleep on the bed. I didn"t want to bother him. His color had returned. He looked so handsome. His face was so…so sexy.

  The black hair tossed against the pale cream sheets. The long dark black eyelashes closed, waiting for a kiss to awake them. He was so appealing. The broad shoulders rested against the bed. The sheet folded over the middle section of his stomach. The strong muscular arm folded over his stomach. The ripples in that stomach were so alluring. So….my hormones over took me. He was sick for crying out loud! What was wrong with me? I was becoming a bitch wolf in heat! A cold shower would do me good at this point. Instead, I took a hot shower.

  Fresh and clean, I crawled into the bed next to my sleeping prince. He was my handsome man. He smelled good. There was no scent of sickness around him. What happened? I wondered. Hopefully, this was the end of it.

  I snuggled against his body, feeling his warmth against mine. He shifted slightly, wrapping his arms around me. Yes, I did love this man. Daniel made me feel safe when I was in his arms. When I was in his arms, my problems disappeared. But Daniel couldn"t be with me all the time. I could take care of myself
…sometimes. It just depended on the situation I guessed.

  Daniel appeared to be fine. A trip to the mall would be a good adventure for me.

  Gently, I kissed Daniel on the forehead as I slid out of his arms. Wearily his eyes opened.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I"m going to make a quick trip to the mall. Are you going to be okay?” I leaned over and place my hand on his forehead.

  “Yes, I will go with you.” He shifted under the covers.

  “Daniel.” I shot out. “Stay here. I"ll be fine. It"s daylight and I don"t think anything will happen. You need to rest. Whatever bug you have needs to run its course.”

  Reluctantly, he nodded in agreement.

  * * *

  The mall was packed more than usual with Christmas shoppers. And teenagers browsed the mall with their friends, shopping and chatting. Everyone was preoccupied with his or her own lives. Not one of them knew the truth of what lingered in the darkness as they slept at night, the danger that lingered closer than they knew.

  I came upon my favorite store for clothes. A younger woman smiled to me as I walked in, and her name pinned on her badge identified her as an employee of the store.

  “Do you need some help?” She smiled brightly.

  “Oh! No, thank you. I think I can find what I need.” I responded with a smile.

  Thoughts of what happened earlier ran wild in my mind. I sighed loudly, and placed my hand on my head. I still wondered how Richard could have such an effect on me. The answer began to sink in; it had to be his spell. I was immobilized for a moment, just long enough for him to bite me if he wanted. No, that couldn"t happen again, I thought, as my fingers pulled back the latest clothing fashions.

  After I chose a couple of outfits, I made my way to the sales counter, Richard still lingering on my mind. What if he had bitten me? What would have happened? Didn"t he make it clear he was waiting for the right time?

  “OH!” The revelation hit me. He was waiting for the right time! He was planning to bite me! Now, I was sure of it! That was his intention!

  “Dear, did you forget something?” The sales person asked with a confused expression on her face.

  “Yes, I did.” I spoke mainly to myself. “I think I"m ready to pay for these.”

  I placed the items on the counter, pulled my wallet out and chose a credit card.

  After I paid for my purchase, I left the store. Yes, Richard was waiting. His plans were to take me. There was so little I knew about the vampires. One thing I knew about myself, was my sex drive was to the point of becoming a nymphomaniac. Ever since I awakened as a Lycan, I had the insatiable desire for Daniel. It was as if I couldn"t get enough of him.

  I wondered if it was this way for all of us. Daniel didn"t mind I was oversexed, but, of course, what man wouldn„t? There were the exceptions when he would make me wait a few times here and there, just to gain more control of himself. Richard had awakened something else in me, the wolf rage that I"d purposely tried to harness. Something more of a challenge to Richard. Why didn"t I see this coming?

  The Bath & Beads shop was just around the corner. It wouldn"t take me long to find what I needed. After I picked out the shower gel sets, I headed to the checkout. Again, I paid for the items then promptly left the store. My stomach growled, checking my watch I realized it was already after six. I was starving. I was growing hungrier by the minute.

  I turned and felt someone catch me from behind. The hand squeezed around my arms. A hard body pressed into my back.

  “You need to tell your boyfriend we"re coming after him, you and the whole Lycan clan.” The voice was rough, and he reeked with the stench of werewolf.

  I didn"t turn around. “You will be killed before you have a chance to blink,” I growled lowly. Twice in one day. Give me a break.

  Roughly, he laughed next to my ear. “Such a pretty bitch wolf you are. I might have a little fun with you before it"s all over with. Mmm…you do smell delicious. Good enough to eat.” He growled in my ear.

  “You will die where you stand if you even dare try.” I growled back.

  He laughed low and heavy in my ear. “See you on the next full moon, bitch.” He snapped then released me.

  By the time I turned around, he was already gone. Carefully, my eyes searched each person, looking for this werewolf person. How did he know what I was? Was it my Lycan scent? I turned around again. There was no distinctive person in the crowd of shoppers. I sniffed the air. The scent was still strong as it lingered around me. The trail was distorted through the crowd of people as they passed by me. It would take a wolf to track the scent to its owner, which was impossible at this point.

  My hands were full. I moved swiftly to the mall exit and my car. This was a direct threat. Daniel needed to know of it immediately. I opened the car door and tossed the packages into the back seat. I carefully looked around the parking lot before I got into my car and promptly locked the doors. Times like this called for a little extra caution. A few months ago, Casey was abducted from her car. How easy would it be for them to grab me? Surely, they wouldn"t try something like this now. Would they? I looked around again. No one looked suspicious. I grabbed my cell phone and called Daniel.

  Thank Fate, he always answered on the first ring.


  “Daniel, I was just approached by a werewolf in the mall. He told me to tell my boyfriend that they were coming after him, me and the whole Lycan clan.” I rambled out a little breathless.

  “What?” he broke out in the phone. His voice was tense and full of concern. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I"m fine. Will you call Thomas?”

  “Yes, of course. Do you want me to come and get you?”

  “No. I"m headed back to the house now.” I said starting up the car.

  “All right, listen and be careful. Call me immediately if you see anything strange.”

  “I promise.” I clicked the phone closed.

  I shoved the Spyder into gear and pulled the car out of the parking space. As I pulled onto the interstate, I hit the accelerator. The car"s engine whined and the car sped out. Once I made it to the interstate, I could pretty much handle anything. As I gave the car a little extra speed, my eyes darted to the rearview mirror for anyone who might decide to tail me.

  The drive to the house didn"t take as long as I thought, probably because I was driving like Daniel. I pulled up in front of the house. It was no surprise when Daniel met me at the front door. Nervously he grabbed the shopping bags and escorted me inside the house with his hand on my arm. He locked the door behind us. Yes, I was somewhat spooked, but Daniel„s concern was making it worse. I remembered clearly the damaged they inflicted on Casey. I, for one, was not planning to become the next victim to be mauled by a werewolf.

  Daniel set the shopping bags on the sofa, then turned to me and pulled me tightly into his arms. I almost collapsed, not from fear, but the fact I remembered I was starving.

  In my trauma, all I could do was think about food.

  “I called Dad. Are you okay? Do you know who it was? Did you get a chance to see his face?” He rambled too many questions for me to answer all at once.

  “Yes, I"m fine. No, I didn"t see who it was.”

  “Julie, I"m so glad you are all right.” He pulled me to him, hugging me tightly. “I was terrified. I"ll call Dad, and let him know you are here.” He said, placing a kiss on top of my head.

  I returned the hug. “Daniel, I need something to eat.”

  He released me slowly, carefully eyeing me and then gave me a slow nod. I gave him a quick kiss, and headed toward the kitchen. He had the cell phone in his hand already prepared to dial Thomas.

  Daniel was on the phone with Thomas as he walked into the kitchen. The smell of food cooking was apparent. Thank Fate Daniel already cooked, and from the looks of it, enough for an army. I grabbed a plate and filled it full of food.

  Daniel watched me intently as I piled the delicious food on my plate. I glanced hi
s way a couple of times. Briefly, he chatted with Thomas while he kept a steady eye on me.

  The conversation ended, and he clicked the phone close.

  “Are you sure you are all right?” he asked as I continued to pile food on my plate.

  “Yes, I"m starving,” I mumbled as I grabbed a glass of tea.

  Curiously, he watched as I forgot my manners. I shoveled food into my mouth like a half-starved wolf. Daniel shook his head as he prepared his plate, with not nearly as much food as I had obtained. Quietly, he joined me at the table.

  Between chews, I nodded as I listened to Daniel„s onslaught of chatter. Most of which graciously reminded me of his propitious plans for my well-being. My thoughts, of course, concentrated on the food in front of me. One comment he made that caught my attention was of Jason and Heather. They would be arriving tomorrow morning.

  This was a good thing. I couldn"t wait to see them again.

  When I finished my plate, I was satisfied. Daniel raised an eyebrow as he looked from my face to my plate then back again. It was a long moment before he actually spoke.

  “What?” The feeling of gas welled inside my chest.

  “Julie? Are you sure you are all right? I mean you ate more than normal. I mean enough for three people. I do not mind the appetite, but this is a little unusual for you.”

  “Nonsense. I"m fine.” Something caught my attention. I sniffed the air. My mouth watered. Fruit. Berries. BLUEBERRIES! “Daniel! Do we have any blueberry pie left?”

  He shook his head again. “Maybe I better get it for you. I am a little afraid of what you might do to it.” A soft chuckled escaped him as he moved away from the table.

  Patiently, I waited as Daniel sliced the pie and placed it on a dessert dish. Another pain of gas threatened my chest. This time there was slight burning sensation.


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