Fall of kNight

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Fall of kNight Page 12

by T. L Mitchell

  “Start the grits, will you?” he snapped.

  I grabbed a pot and proceeded to start the grits. Placing it over the burner, I turned it on.

  “Got those eggs ready?”

  I paused a moment to look at Daniel, irritation was the first word that was coming to my mind. He glanced at me and then back to the food he was working on.

  “When did this become „Hell"s Kitchen„?” I snapped as I turned to finish the egg mixture.

  “Well, if you would keep up and concentrate!” He snapped back.

  That was it! I slammed my hand down on the counter. “What in the hell is wrong with you this morning?! You have been acting like an ass ever since you woke me up!”

  “Julie just get the damn eggs scrambled! I really do not have time for this shit!” he roared at me.

  “Shit huh?” I snarled back at him. I grabbed the egg carton, held it high in the air, and turned it sideways allowing all the eggs to fall into the bowl breaking. “THERE!”

  Daniel turned around and stared into the bowl, then looked up at me. His eyes were now black as midnight. His jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth. Then a cold expression crossed his face.

  “You need to get out of this kitchen before I do something I will regret,” he said in a low and steady voice.

  I turned to leave the kitchen when he took a couple of steps and grabbed my arm squeezing it tightly. Something I never expected; his proceeded to jerk me back to face him.

  “Julie, I just want to know something!” he growled at me. “You called Richard"s name out in your sleep last night! I am sick as hell of smelling his scent on you! Are you fucking him?” Daniel roared.

  Fire burned inside of me, as I jerked my arm away and slapped him as hard as I could. When Daniel"s head turned back around, he was enraged. He leaned forward, closer to my face. Fear shot through every nerve in my body. Daniel"s lips had curled back far enough over his teeth to expose the now extended canines. Dear Fate, he had lost it, I thought as I stood frozen in my own fear. A lowly growl erupted from him, as he was only inches from my face.

  I suppose it was the instinct of the wolf that came forth inside of me. I turned my head, keeping my eyes lowered as my heart pounded loudly. Before I knew it, he ripped himself away from me and marched toward the kitchen door. Another thing I never expected he took his fist and hit the wall. With the powerful hit, he managed to punch a hole through the wall. I immediately took advantage of the moment and ran. I needed to get away from him before he did something to me.

  Daniel followed behind me. “Julie!” He called out behind me.

  I grabbed my purse and headed out the front door. Daniel ran up behind me, his fingers grabbed for my arm but before he had the chance to grab it, I turned and threw myself into a punch that sent him sprawling backwards on the ground. I fled to my car and locked the doors, then started the engine and burned rubber leaving down the driveway.

  Through my painful tears, I glanced in the rearview mirror, to see Daniel standing alone in front of the house. Damn him! I cursed as I drove faster. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get away from him. Daniel had never shown any signs of this type of anger toward me. I knew he was mad and upset, I guess it settled a little deeper than what I imagined. He had every right I thought to be mad and hurt because of me.

  I didn"t know where to go that he wouldn"t find me. If I went to the Maxwell home, he would find me. There was only one place he would not find me, Richard"s home. I remembered he lived in Villanow, located off Route 136. It would be hard to follow the scent once I was near the house. The decision was made as I turned the car onto another road. I was going to get at least one answer this morning.

  I drove for a few minutes and found myself passing the exit sign for Route 136, Villanow, Richard"s home. Without thinking, I took the exit. I vaguely remembered the box address. But there was one way I could find him. I rolled the down the car window.

  The cool air rushed in. I inhaled deeply. Nothing. I pulled the car over to the side of the road. What was I doing? I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to find out what Richard knew about my mother. Also, I wanted to know if he could really find out what was hidden in the mountain.

  My actions or reasons had nothing to do with him though, and I couldn"t see Daniel"s point. Richard wove a spell over me, at that one moment. That was it. It wasn"t like I was thinking about him all the time. Or was I. Closing my eyes, I realized Daniel may have been telling me the truth. Richard"s obsession was becoming my addiction.

  “Are you lost?” A voice came from the left side of the car.

  I jumped. My heart pounded, my ears rang and my breath froze. I turned. Oh Dear Fate, it was Richard.

  “I…” I tried to force out. My mind was jumbled. Thoughts ran wild. To do or not to do; that was my question.

  He leaned against the car door. “Julie? Are you all right? Is something wrong? You look distracted.”

  “Yes, I mean no, I mean…” I was still in an array of confusion.

  “Can you drive? I live just down the road here.” He motioned up ahead.

  I nodded.

  “Then follow me there.” He turned and walked back to his car.

  How could I have been so deep in my own thoughts that I never saw him approach my car? I never heard him pull up behind me. What was wrong with me? I felt as if I was losing my mind.

  Richard pulled the manly Mustang around my car. I put my car in gear, and followed him down the road. We turned left into a long driveway, one much like my own, long and wooded. It curved and then I found myself pulling up in front of his home. It was larger than the one I lived in, probably about the same size as Thomas"s and Charlotte"s. The home was very modern and stylish and appeared to be only a few years old. It was a two-story home. Most of the windows were down stairs. The upper part of the home had large windows, but I could tell they were hidden by dark drapery.

  I pulled up behind Richard and cut my car off. Opening the door, I reached for my purse and stepped outside. As I stood, I noticed the beautiful foliage in front of the home. Even in the fall months, it was still beautiful and green.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. The gardening is a project of Adrianna"s. She loves to work with plants as you will soon see.” Richard said moving closer to me and reaching towards my teary eyes. “What happened?”


  “Nothing?” He raised his eyebrow.

  “Okay, Daniel. He knew what happened yesterday. Apparently it didn"t sink in until this morning.”

  Richard frowned and his eyes narrowed, his jaw flexed then he took a deep breath.

  “Did he hit you?”

  “No. It was my fault.” As soon as I said the words, I reminded myself of those women who are beaten by their boyfriends and husbands and blame themselves.

  “NO, IT"S NOT!” Richard snapped. He drew back his body and took another deep breath. He exhaled slowly then calmed down. “Julie, no man has a right to hit a woman.

  No matter what she did or did not do. You are a human being.”

  “HE DIDN"T HIT ME! And I"m not necessarily human.” I stated flatly.

  He rolled his eyes at me. “You know what I mean.”

  I nodded. “Well, I hit him.”

  Richard"s eyebrows raised in amusement. “O-kay. Let"s just say I am going to leave it alone. Are you okay otherwise?”

  I nodded.

  “Then we should go inside.” He motioned for me to follow him.

  Curiously, I followed Richard into his home. The double wooden front doors were more private than the glass one"s on my home. However, my father and mother wanted to feel like they truly lived in the woods. Richard apparently preferred the more private approach to woodland living.

  Once inside the home, the first thing I noticed was the plants. He was right. The house was filled with an array of tropical foliage like exotic ferns and potted trees. Well, so much for them keeping the woodland out of the house.

; The home of this vampire was beautiful. The walls were smoothly textured in a creamy, earth-toned paint. As we moved through the foyer into the formal living room, I was in awe. Elegant paintings hung throughout the room. I moved slowly to one of them. I could tell it was a Monet without even looking. Glancing to the rest of the paintings, I noticed they were all Monet.

  “Is this your collection?” I asked softly admiring the paintings.

  “Yes. You could say I have a taste for Monet.” He smiled gently. “Oh, please pardon my manners. Could I offer you something to drink?”

  I turned to face him. Somewhere his sentiment wasn"t exactly serious. From the grin that remained on his face, he was in fact making fun of me.

  “Why Richard,” I began in my most southern accent. “I do so ever believe you are making fun of this southern girl"s hospitality.”

  “Oh! I beg to differ with you,” his voice silky sweet. “It is I, who is honored by your presence in my most humble home. I should never, ever, make fun of you or your splendid southern hospitality. Now, if the lady would prefer a fresh cup of coffee?”

  I nodded and smiled.

  “Please, make yourself at home.” He motioned for me to sit. Turning, he walked out of the room.

  The room was beautiful. The furniture was not at all like I thought it would be. I guess being a vampire, I half-heartedly expected him to have many antiques at his disposal. However, this furniture was very new and contemporary. The sofa, chair and love seat were a warm olive color. The pillows were a mixture of olives, browns and creams. The wood floor was partly covered by a Persian rug. Ah, I thought, now I"m really seeing the signs of money here.

  Within a few minutes, Richard came into the room with a coffee cup. He handed me the cup then took a seat in the chair next to the sofa where I was sitting.

  “Thank you.” I turned the cup to my lips.

  “So, exactly what brought you here?” Richard asked. He was sitting back in the chair. Right leg crossed over his left. His fingers clasped together on his lap. He reminded me of a psychiatrist. Only difference, Richard was a beautiful and very inquisitive vampire.

  “I need answers.” I was determined not to let my mind wonder. “You mentioned you know something concerning my mother.”

  “Yes.” He nodded.

  I took a sip of the coffee. Dear Fate, it was perfectly roasted. It was very smooth and with no bitter after taste. Probably the best coffee I had tasted, even better than what I was used to buying. Nothing could ever be better than Kona. But this one, Dear Fate, what was this?

  “Richard, where did you get this coffee?” I took another sip.

  “You enjoy it? Good. It was a gift from a friend. I believe it is called Jamaican Royal Mountain. He travels there quite a bit. We do have guests every now and then, and I do enjoy some comforts of coffee, the smell mostly.”

  “It is very delicious.” My thoughts were distracted.

  “You said you wanted answers about your mother?” he prompted.

  “Yes. I also want to know about this Mithras.”

  Richard nodded. “He is the oldest living vampire I know. Mithras is actually so old that no one knows how old he really is. He is the vampire who all vampires fear. The most powerful one of us we have ever known. It is said he is ruthless.” He shifted in his chair and brought his hand to his mouth. “I can tell you this much. It is not a quest I am so readily willing to take.”

  “Richard, if he knows what this item is, maybe he knows how to destroy it. We are all running out of time here.” I pleaded.

  “I realize this. More and more werewolves are coming in. Right now, there are more werewolves in the area of that mountain than I care to share. It is more than we can handle. Most of our neighboring covens have already left. They feel as though there is a war in the midst of us.”

  “And you?”

  Richard"s eyes caught mine. I could see the turmoil wielding behind those eyes. He did want to leave. I knew it. I could see it.

  “I can"t leave.” He finally stated. Remorse rang loudly in his voice.

  “Then what can we do? I need your help.” I pleaded.

  “Then give me an incentive,” he firmly stated. His eyes locking onto mine again.

  My heart raced. I watched Richard stand from the chair. He moved slowly and cautiously toward me. Gently taking the coffee cup from my hand, he set it down on the coffee table. Turning back to me, he took my hand and pulled me to him. His eyes piercing into my very soul, sent shivers down my spine.

  “Give me something to risk my life for,” he purred softly.

  For a moment, I couldn"t breathe. His floral scented breath swept over my face.

  Lingering in my senses, my mind bewildered at his words. What could he possibly want? What could I offer him that he considered of so much value? My people"s lives were at stake, every one of them.

  “What do you want?” My breath was in a gasp.

  “I promise I will take no more than you offer.” He purred again. The tones in his voice sent my senses wild.


  “No.” He stated firmly.

  He gently pulled me closer to his body, pressing me against him. I could feel the hardness, the wantonness between us. My breath shuddered. His face inched closer to mine. My heart thundered. The very breath in my body caught inside my throat as his lips gently touched mine. The coolness of his hand touching the back of my neck, he pulled me closer to him. Slowly, his lips grazed over mine. I felt the coolness of his tongue against my lips, parting them slightly. The sweetness of the flavor I remembered came back to me. The floral fragrance ignited the furnace inside of me.

  Slowly he taunted and teased me. Fire flamed through my veins, urging me to continue. The battle was hopeless; I was fully intoxicated by him. The softness of his tongue wrapped around mine, pulling it inside his mouth. I had no power of return under his control. Pressing myself into the kiss, I lost control. My will was lost in the flames that burned inside of me. My body trembled and became weak as his strong arms gripped around me, holding me closer to him. He balanced me against him, supporting me in my weakened state.

  There was no denying the woman who raged in my blood. I could feel him calling her to him. She ran to him, taking over what little will I had. All caution was pushed aside. It was her he sought after. It was her he called to, the woman who longed to be his lover.

  My body ached. Every nerve in my body tingled as excitement ran through me. His hand slowly moved underneath my sweater. His cool fingers slid underneath my bra, gently tracing the hard points he found. A soft moan escaped his throat as his fingertips ran over those hardened points. They ached and hurt against his touch, and a soft cry escaped my mouth.

  His lips left mine in search of something more. They rested on my neck, kissing the vein, which so elegantly arched herself to him. His hand moved down my stomach. Hot trails of flames burned against my skin where the coolness of his hand touched. My stomach quivered as his hand slid further down. Down to an area that was unknown to him.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited? ” He whispered against my neck. “Waited for someone like you to come along? To stir the feelings inside of me the way you do?”

  My body quivered again. Giving in to what he was searching for, a breath released from deep inside my throat as I felt him. Smoothly and gently he moved. My hands grabbed his arms, digging my fingers deeper into his biceps.

  Again, he softly pressed his lips against my neck. His motions were light and alluring as he feathered a kiss against my flesh. My heart rushed, pounding the blood to my hot and fevered arteries. His mouth met mine again as he continued.

  The coolness of his tongue breached the inside of my mouth. He purposely continued to tease me, bringing me into another realm of existence. A soft cry erupted from me, and I knew I couldn"t take much more. My body gave itself completely over to him and begged him to take me further. Suddenly he stopped, pulling back from the kiss he stared into my eyes.

The need on his face was clear. It was written deep within those beautiful eyes. The brown tinted contacts couldn"t hide the need. My breath was in a pant. He had brought me so far and yet I was so unsatisfied. There was something left longing inside of me.

  “Now you know what it feels like to be me when I am around you,” he whispered, his voice filled with pain.

  I stared at him. How could anyone endure this torture? I wanted him. In that moment, I did. I was completely unsatisfied. My body burned with a need to be fulfilled.

  My fingers tightly griped his arms. My breath heaved from my chest. My body ached completely as every nerve demanded total satisfaction. Was this what he was feeling?

  The hardness that pressed against my thigh, was this his need? Did he feel this totally unsatisfied after over three hundred years? How could he live in such torture?

  “Richard,” I shuddered.

  “I promised you.”

  I stared into his eyes and for the first time I saw something I"d never seen before. He was in pain, tortured beyond all recognition. And I understood what he meant. My hand left his arm and went to his face.

  “You have not known the love of a woman for over three hundred years?” The thought of it was broke my heart.

  Slowly his eyes closed and he nodded. He had been alone for a very long time. He was alone. My fingers gently feathered his face. His beautiful face pressed against my hand, feeling the warmth my skin provided to him. It was so hard for me to imagine; Richard he had the ability to take what he wanted but he chose not to. He wanted me to give it to him. It wasn"t about blood or sex, Richard desired more.

  “You could take me couldn"t you?” I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it. “You could make me want you?”

  Those beautiful blue diamond-like eyes opened slowly. “Yes. I could.”

  “But you choose not to. Why?”

  Richard stared at me a moment before answering. Slowly withdrawing his hand from me, he backed away. He turned away from me, faced the fireplace and remained quiet and motionless.

  “Richard?” I moved closer to him. “Why?”

  He released a long sigh. “There are some things in the nature of a vampire you would never understand. What little of my human side remains, that side will not allow me to take you unwillingly. I fight hard against the vampire side of me that wants to take you, all of you. It is a battle you would not understand. I see the beauty inside of you.


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