Fall of kNight

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Fall of kNight Page 15

by T. L Mitchell

  There was one slice of cherry pie left. Daniel reached for it, while I was finishing off the peach pie. At first, I didn"t know what came over me. My head was down. From the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the pie. I froze. My eyes were firmly fixed on his hand. Then I gave him soft warning growl. Slowly Daniel"s hand moved back away from the pie.

  Jason let out a hardy laugh. Daniel sat back in his chair and joined in the laughter with his friend. It wasn"t very funny to me. Actually, it was an embarrassing moment I was sure Daniel wouldn"t let me forget. The blood rushed to my face. Daniel slid his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. His soft kiss lingered on the side of my rose red cheeks.

  “Sweetheart, I would not take the last piece of pie from you.” He chuckled.

  “Sorry,” I said with a mouth full of food. “Couldn"t help it.”

  He kissed me again. I guessed being a pregnant Lycan had its challenges.

  Soon enough the evening came to a close. On the way out, Daniel and I were still being congratulated by various people. The prevailing question seemed to be when the little one was due. Jason estimated seven months. Was that the first time Daniel and I were together? Well, it didn"t really matter, at least not now.

  A hand gently touched my shoulder and I turned to see Thomas.

  “Excuse me, but could I borrow the both of you a moment.” He stepped back allowing Daniel and me to stand.

  With his left hand, he motioned to the side door. This couldn"t be good. Thomas wanted to talk to Daniel and me in private. My thoughts raced as we stepped outside.

  The air was a little chilled. However, I enjoyed it.

  Daniel stood by my side while Thomas stopped short and turned to the both of us.

  He cleared his throat, preparing for what I thought was bad news.

  “There is no other way to put this. Due to the extreme circumstances, the Council has made a decision. They want to meet with the two of you tomorrow.” He was stern.

  “The two of us?”

  He nodded once. “To perform the Rite. The Council has changed their minds, and they feel it is necessary. Daniel needs to leave in a few days.”

  “WHAT? WHERE?” I became hysterical. Daniel was not going to go anywhere without me. There was no way.

  “Julie, calm down.” Daniel"s voice was soft and reassuring.

  Thomas held his expression, stern, hard and no emotion. “Daniel needs to leave to meet with the others. Then head a plan of attack against these so-called Dark Wolves.

  I"m sorry, but duty waits.”

  “So they…” I couldn"t even think straight. “They are going to do the Rite just so they can place him as their new leader?” I couldn"t believe it.

  “No, Julie. It is not like that.” Daniel tried to smooth over. “I cannot become the leader until the Rite is complete. I will just be going to meet with the others. We are not actually going into battle. It is just strategic planning.”

  I snapped my head to him. “You knew of this ahead of time?”

  He nodded his head. “I knew what they were planning. We had no dates in mind at the present time. I will return home shortly.”

  “When are you going to leave?” I snapped my attention to Thomas. “When is he going to leave?”

  “Sunday.” Thomas said flatly.

  “No. Sunday is not good. Absolutely not!” My voice tensed, on the verge of tears.

  “Dad, we have an important day on Sunday. I will leave Monday first thing in the morning.” Daniel pulled me in his arms.

  “What kind of important day? I am not sure the Council will be pleased.”

  “This is something for us. If the Council does not agree, then they do not need to worry about me becoming their leader. I take my future wife seriously.” Daniel snarled out.

  “Daniel,” Thomas warned. “You know as well as I do, the Council doesn"t take kindly to threats. That is the reason we are in this mess as it is.”

  “I am very serious when I tell you this. Monday. And that is my final word. If you will not tell them, I will. One more day is not going to shatter their plans.”

  Thomas withdrew his expression of disconcertment. He nodded in agreement. For the first time, I saw Daniel stand up for me. Not just the fact he stood up to his father, but the Council as well. Yes, Daniel just earned a few extra brownie points in my book. I slid my arms around him, and he pulled me tight to him kissing the top of my head.

  “You know you mean more to me than this.” He whispered softly.

  “Daniel, you don"t know how much this means to me. I love you so much.” I was almost in tears.

  He chuckled softly. “I told you to trust me.”

  Daniel was right. He was showing me I could trust him. I could trust the fighter inside of him. Maybe it was time I let go a little more. He had already won my heart in so many ways. I knew he would be a good leader, and not only a good leader, but also a good husband and father. I was so proud of him.

  “Nothing will come between us. I promise,” he swore, pulling me tighter to me.

  Daniel spoke the words of truth. I knew it in my heart. He wouldn"t let anything come between us. He meant it and I believed it. It was so.

  We both followed Thomas back into the large room. Daniel was ready to leave, and he motioned to Jason and Heather. Thomas moved his way slowly through the crowd of people. He smiled broadly, as he greeted and shook hands with everyone. It was as if he had no worries in the world. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I couldn"t help wonder whose side he was on? Didn"t family come first? Or was it political with him?

  As usual, we left the party slightly earlier than Thomas and Charlotte. Daniel remained silent during the ride home. He was still fuming over his father, disgusted actually. His angry thoughts were clear. Daniel saw no reason why his father was so persistent on him taking charge of the Council. He contemplated all sorts of treacherous ideas, thoughts I cared not to hear. Things his father may be thinking or planning.

  “Daniel?” I finally broke the silence. He needed a distraction. Furthermore, I needed a break from his deep thoughts. “I was thinking about bringing a couple of dishes with us to the Reservation.”

  “Reservation?” Jason shot out.

  “Yes. I found my mother"s side of the family. We, and that means all of us, are going to see them Sunday.” I hinted to Jason. “They are Cherokee.”

  “Yeah, they"ve planned a family gathering for her.” Heather chimed in.

  “Oh, well then. Is that like a cook out or something?” Jason asked.

  “I think so.” No, I wasn"t sure. I never asked.

  “Yes.” Daniel announced. “They usually have a big feast and love celebrating life.”

  I turned to him. “You know them?”

  “No, just what I have read. I did a little research of my own this morning. I did not want to go unprepared.” He finally smiled. “So I would suggest some picnic type foods.”

  “Like?” I inquired.

  “Like, deviled eggs, potato salad, pies…Julie when was the last time you went to a picnic?”

  I had to think. “Well, actually never. You know as well as I, my family was limited to these kinds of functions.”

  Jason laughed. “Danny you need to bring her to Scotland. Get her out a bit.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement. “Yes, I think this outing is exactly what she needs.”

  “I"ll help you with the potato salad.” Heather spoke up.

  “I can make some mean deviled eggs.” Jason tossed in.

  It was so refreshing. I loved it. They were all as excited to participate in my family"s gathering as I was. It would be wonderful.

  “Well, I guess I could make some pies.” I looked up, hopefully, to Daniel.

  He laughed softly. “Okay, I will help you. I did not need to hear your thoughts, that time. Your plea was written all over your face. We will make a grand impression on your family.”

  “OH, and I still remember my granddad"s recipe for Irish whiskey braised ham.

/>   Heather and I can do the shopping for you.” Jason added.

  “That would be awesome. Daniel and I can do the prep work and have most of the things ready for you when you return from the store.” I was so excited.

  We all had a plan. No more worrying about werewolves and Dark Wolves, at least not tonight. This time my thoughts were going to be of my family. I would only allow myself to think good thoughts before I went to sleep tonight. Tomorrow would take care of itself.


  The air was filled with the smell of breakfast cooking. Lazily, I rolled over in the bed to find Daniel missing. He must be downstairs in the kitchen. I rolled back over in the bed and glanced at the clock. It was already 7:30 and Friday. This pregnancy was really going to take a bit of getting used to.

  Moving slowly because I was still sleepy, I trailed my way into the bathroom for a shower. Dressing promptly, I finally managed to pad my way down the stairs into the kitchen. Daniel hovered over the gas range cooking. Heather and Jason sat at the table with a plate of breakfast before them, watching television.

  Daniel looked up as I moved past him to the coffee.

  “Good morning.” He was so chipper.

  “Morning,” I mumbled, not exactly chipper.

  Daniel moved to give me a kiss on the cheek. “I have something I think will wake you up this morning,” he replied, smiling broadly.

  My sleepy eyes lifted to his. Raising my eyebrow, I glanced at the stove. What?

  What other than a strong cup of coffee could wake me up this morning? I wondered what he was up to.

  “Go! Sit! I will bring it to you,” he said as he slapped me on the rump.

  With a slight jump, I gave him a disapproving look, telling him to “behave”. Daniel laughed and waited until I joined Heather and Jason before bringing out my surprise.

  Once seated, coffee secured and fork in hand, I waited. Daniel placed in front of me what appeared to be a quiche. I twisted my lips to the right, then left. It wasn"t a dish I was prepared for. Oh well, it did smell good. Daniel waited with anticipation as I forked the first piece in my mouth. Allowing the flavors to linger a moment, I contemplated my response. Onions, ham, chives, cheese, and that"s when the tanginess hit me. It actually tingled on my taste buds. I was experiencing a very favorable sensation.

  “What is that?” My eyes widened, suddenly I was fully awake.

  Heather laughed lightly. Daniel and Jason both let out soft chuckles.

  “That my dear is a special feta cheese. A special roasted tomato feta cheese. Heather brought it back from Scotland,” Daniel said proudly.

  “It is absolutely wonderful in this quiche!” I turned to Heather.

  “Actually, Daniel was the one with the idea to put it in the quiche. It"s his recipe,”

  Heather announced sporting a wide grin.

  “We must have more of this,” I said ravishing the rest of the piece.

  Daniel checked his watch. “Julie,” he began, “we are meeting with the current leader of the Council at noon.”

  The way he made the statement caused my appetite to fade. I was already a bundle of nerves. The day had finally come. What was this person going to do to Daniel and me?

  What terrible things would we have to endure? How would all of this work to rid us of this animalistic desire? Or what if this wasn"t all they were trying to strip from us? These thoughts ran through my mind with the speed of light.

  “Julie,” Daniel began softly. “It"s going to be okay. Whatever it is, we"ll make it through this together.”

  I stared into his eyes. He was right, Daniel was always right. We would make it through this together. It was only a matter of time until we would have to face the inevitable.

  Heather and Jason decided to be helpful by taking off to the grocery store, via limousine service. Daniel and I spent the rest of the time preparing. He drove us silently to his father"s home where we were to meet the Head of the Council.

  When we arrived, I had no idea what to expect. I half expected the house to be dark, candles lit all around, eerie music playing, and men in black robes holding candles, or swords. Daniel gave me a stern look, apparently disappointed by my exaggerated expectations. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked through the front door.

  Once inside, I slid my hand around Daniel"s as we walked into the formal living room. Thomas and Charlotte were sitting in their favorite chairs. On the sofa, sitting alone was one man. He appeared to be older than Thomas. Much older, around late sixties, I guessed. His hair was silver gray and his face was slightly more wrinkled, but he was tall and largely built. When he stood, he was as tall as Daniel. His eyes were a mixture of blues and browns. It was a little odd and I noticed it immediately.

  “Clayton Powers, I would like to introduce you to my fiancée, Julie Knight.” Daniel gave me a push forward.

  “Julie,” he began with a warm smile as he extended his hand out for mine. “It"s a true pleasure to finally meet you. I"ve heard so many wonderful things. Your father was an important person to us.”

  “It is my pleasure.” I reached for his hand. “I hope Daniel hasn"t been telling all my secrets.” Humor always seemed to break the ice and my nervousness.

  He chuckled softly. “No, actually that was Thomas who spilled your secrets.

  However, I promise to keep them.” His mouth broadened into a smile. “Daniel, she"s as lovely as you described and a very fine choice for you. She"s a strong woman. A true warrior.” His eyes twinkled with delight.

  “Yes, she is.” Daniel returned proudly.

  “Julie, I want to personally apologize to you for the rest of the Council members not being here. It seems that we are being targeted by werewolves. At this very moment, there are two of my best men outside this house. This is why we chose to do this in the daylight hours. I hope you understand the severity of this matter.”

  I nodded and remained silent.

  “Well, I"m a man who believes in getting to the point. So, shall we begin?” He stood back, positioning himself in front of Daniel and me. Thomas and Charlotte moved behind him.

  “Julie, since your father or mother is no longer present to represent you, Thomas has taken charge for you. Is this acceptable?” Clayton Powers began.

  I nodded. My heart raced. What was he going to do?

  “All right. Thomas, do you agree and decree that Julie Ann Knight is of the Lycan blood line?” Clayton Powers asked out loud.

  “Yes.” Thomas stated.

  “Do you also declare and decree your acceptance of her marriage to Daniel James Maxwell?”


  “Charlotte, do you declare and decree Daniel James Maxwell is of the Lycan bloodline?”

  “Yes, I do,” Charlotte replied softly.

  “Do you also declare and decree your acceptance of his marriage to Julie Ann Knight?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Very well then.” Clayton Powers motioned for Daniel and me to move closer to him. He took a slow breath and exhaled as he closed his eyes for a long moment. I watched in curiosity as he slowly opened his eyes.

  Clayton didn"t speak at first. It was as if he was looking past Daniel and me, his eyes focused on something we couldn"t see. His attention fell upon us, coming back into the present.

  “You both have endured much, strained your abilities. Stressed and pushed Fate, wielding her in your favor. However, this is not going to be a test of your wit, my children. The Rite by itself is a mystery, an unknown force that dwells around us. It forces us into what we are to become by fulfilling the paths Fate has chosen for us. We cannot wield a sword against Fate, for she is the only one who chooses our paths.

  “By Rite, you shall have the power to control the rage that wells within you. You will have seven days to endure the Rite. If you both survive, you will have completed it.

  “The Rite cannot be told or explained to you. It is something designed by your own purpose to test you in ways you could never imagine. This is the
sole reason no one can talk about or explain it. For everyone, the Rite is different. For some it is painful and life threatening. It is dangerous and treacherous. But if you choose to continue, then you will reap the rewards.

  “If in one moment"s time your faith is broken by these tests, you will both be divided. Then you both shall fail, and the bond you share will be broken and lost forever. Please understand when I say this. It is unfortunate that you are with child.”

  As soon as he stated that, my heart froze in my throat. Fear ran through me like a bolt of lightning. Daniel squeezed my hand tightly, a gentle reminder he was with me.

  “Because of the greatness,” Clayton began again, “which Fate has in store for you both, a high call awaits you and at a very high price. You have to determine now if this is worth all that awaits you. Do you accept the challenges?”

  Daniel and I looked at one another. Fate help us. “Yes.” We both said at the same time.

  “The first test will break your wills. The second test will test the heart of the wolf inside of you. The third test will be one of greatest importance, choice. I so decree and declare it by Fate herself. The beginning of the next full moon the Rite shall begin!”

  Clayton placed both hands on Daniel and me. It felt like an electrical bolt shot through his hands into us. Whatever this man was, he was powerful. Daniel was to take this man"s place? Wait, the next full moon would be Sunday! Our test would begin on the same day we were meant to visit my family.

  Thomas and Charlotte moved to Daniel and me as Clayton stepped back. Charlotte of course, had tears in her eyes. Thomas appeared to be a little weary. I, on the other hand, was a little disappointed. I thought it was going to be more than this. Some elaborate beating of some sort. I could tell Daniel was thinking along the same lines. He was actually thinking he was going to have to watch me while they beat me. I bit my bottom lip, and placed my hand over my mouth, fighting the urge to laugh at his thoughts.

  “Well, I suppose we will meet back up Monday morning?” Thomas stated to Daniel.

  “Monday it is. Clayton?” Daniel looked up to the older man. “Thank you.”


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