When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  What the hell?

  Was Slade living here? Were he and Trinity having problems? Well, that didn’t make any sense because they just moved into a new place. Maybe he was using it as a storage center? But it was a lot of everyday stuff to store.

  I walked further inside then spotted the nightstand next to the bed. There was a novel sitting there, Physics of the Impossible. That definitely didn’t look like something Slade would read. I explored further and spotted the Harvard Alumni t-shirt thrown across the bed. Slade went to school there but I couldn’t picture him wearing that, even to bed. Then I looked at the stack of papers on the small table. I only scanned for a second and noticed a few key words: CDC, disease, breakout, quarantine, and antibiotics.

  Cayson was living here.

  I froze on the spot and tried to figure it out. That wouldn’t make any sense. Why would Cayson be living here? He and Skye were perfectly happy. No, that didn’t add up. Maybe he moved his things here before he moved into the big house with Skye. Or maybe he napped here from time-to-time. That sounded like something Slade would offer him.

  I remembered the leak I originally came here for when there was a voice from downstairs. “Someone call for a plumber?”

  I headed to the ground floor. “That’s me. I got a leak but I’m not sure where it’s coming from.”

  “And that’s what I’m here for.” He saluted me and got to work.


  After Sean and I finished our game, we headed to Mega Shake. Sean ordered his burger in a wrap and skipped the fries.

  “What the hell are you eating?”

  “It’s protein style.”

  That didn’t answer my question. “What the hell are you eating?”

  “It has less carbs and fat.”

  “Are you a woman now?”

  “Hey, I’m the sexiest man alive, remember? I have to keep my body fat percentage extremely low.”

  “Look at me.” I pointed at my chest. I was just as thin as I was in my twenties and I didn’t do anything special. “I eat like a pig.”

  “Yeah, but I’m still sexier than you.”

  “Whatever you say, man.” Just the other day some twenty-something-year-old asked if I wanted to have an affair. Like she could compete with my wife. Janice still fucked my brains out like we were newlyweds. As soon as the kids left for college we returned to doing it on every surface of the apartment. “How’s PIXEL?”

  “It’s fine.”


  “It’s hard to say. He seems fine. He smiles and gets the job done. Honestly, he doesn’t even seem sad.”

  “He probably doesn’t want us to ask him about anything so he’s pretending everything is fine so we’ll leave him alone.”

  “I’ve left him alone. I haven’t asked him anything. But that doesn’t mean I’m not worried about him.”

  “There’s nothing anyone can do. He’ll have to get through this one on his own.”

  Sean sighed like he was deeply disturbed. “Why would she say no? They were so happy together.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe she was cheating on him.”


  “Maybe she…I don’t know.” I couldn’t think of any other reason.

  “It doesn’t make any sense. I’m assuming she told Conrad but I don’t want to ask him about it.”

  “I wouldn’t. Let me do whatever he wants until he’s ready to open up.”

  He looked across the diner with a distant look in his eyes. “If Scarlet said no to me…I’d be devastated. If we broke up the moment I thought she would agree to be my wife…I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”

  “It’s shitty.”

  “Sometimes I think it might be easier for him to talk to me instead of his own father, but I don’t want to push him either.”

  “I always had the impression he and Mike were close.”

  “They are,” he agreed. “But sometimes you need your uncle, you know?”

  “You’re the same person,” I teased. “Equally annoying and psycho.”

  “We’re only annoying and psycho about a few things.”

  “Was that supposed to make you sound better?” I asked with a laugh.

  Sean chuckled. “It didn’t, huh?”


  “What’s new with you?”

  “Well, I just had to take care of a leak at Slade’s shop.”

  Sean took a few bites of his burger before he set it down. “Why didn’t Slade handle it?”

  “He didn’t answer his phone. He and Trinity are moving into their new place. His phone probably got lost in the rubble somehow.”

  “Did you take care of the leak?”

  “Yeah, it was coming from the apartment upstairs. I guess Cayson has been storing stuff there. Maybe he used the bathroom and busted something on accident.”

  Sean’s eyes immediately moved to my face, and they were a few shades darker than they were before. Like a mood swing, he went from being in a good mood to looking pissed off. “What did you say?”

  “Uh…” What did I say? “The apartment came from upstairs…” I didn’t realize that would set him off.

  “No, about Cayson.” He leaned over the table like he was about to strike like a snake in a field of tall grass.

  “That he’s been storing stuff…” What got his panties in a bunch?

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “I don’t know…clothes, shoes…stuff like that.”

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  “Well, there was a book about science on the nightstand. There were some documents from work on the table. His shoes were piled in the corner. Honestly, it looks like he’s living there but that doesn’t make sense. He must have left it there when he and Skye were moving. I can’t think of any other explanation.”

  Sean fell back into the chair, still looking pissed off and angry. His hands clenched the table until his knuckles turned white. His jaw was clenched and his cheeks started to redden like he might kill someone.

  “Dude, you okay?”

  “I knew it.”

  “Knew what?” Sean was an enigma sometimes. I wasn’t sure how my sister put up with him.

  “Cayson is living there. He’s been living there for two months.” He slammed his hand onto the table. “I fucking knew it.”

  I leaned back because his anger was putting me off. “What are you talking about, man?”

  “I saw them get into a fight and overheard the things they said…something isn’t right.”

  “Sean, I think you’re reading too much into it.”

  “Now I’m certain I’m not.” He left the booth and didn’t finish his food. “I have to go.”

  Sean was notorious for trying to fix things. Most of the time he just made it worse. “Sean, stop.”

  “What?” he snapped.

  “Even if Cayson really is living there and he and Skye are having problems, it’s really none of your business.” I hated to be harsh about it but it was the truth. “I’m protective of my kids too but you need to understand boundaries. They clearly don’t want anyone to know they are having problems so I don’t think it’s a good idea to confront either one of them about it.”

  Sean clearly didn’t give a damn. He headed to the door. “Bye, Ryan.”

  I sighed then pulled out my phone. There was only one person in the world who could talk to Sean—my sister.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

  I was sitting across from my lawyer with Trinity by my side. We discussed the details of the marriage and the reason for the divorce. Just talking about it made me sick to my stomach. I loved Cayson with all my heart and I was willing to forgive him for what he did—but I refused to let him keep lying to me.

  Trinity rubbed my back in support.

  Tom prepared the documents then slid them across the desk toward me. “I need you to sign here and here.” He set the pen down.

nbsp; I stared at it but didn’t pick it up.

  Tom folded his hands on the desk. “According to the agreement of the marriage, Mr. Thompson isn’t entitled to half your assets. Infidelity is the clause to the contract, and your letter is more than enough evidence.”

  I continued to stare at the document, unable to grasp the pen in my weak fingertips.

  “I know it’s hard,” Trinity whispered. “But you can do it.”

  “I can’t believe I’m getting a divorce…” I wanted to cry but I stopped myself from doing it in front of Tom. “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.”

  Trinity grew teary-eyed. “I know, Skye…”

  I didn’t grab the pen.

  “The sooner you sign it, the quicker you can put this behind you,” Tom said.

  My eyes watered and I wiped the tears away. “I don’t want full custody of my child. I want shared custody.” I hated Cayson for what he did to me but I would never take his child away from him. He was still a good person and he would be a great father.

  “I understand,” Tom said.

  Trinity grabbed the pen and held it out to me. “I know this is hard. I can’t imagine how you must feel. But there’s no other way. You have to do this.”

  I knew she was right. I could forgive Cayson for what he did, but I couldn’t handle all the lies. I just couldn’t. How could I be married to someone when I didn’t trust him? It would never work. I couldn’t picture myself with anyone else or ever getting remarried, but I couldn’t stay with him either.

  I grabbed the pen and held it with a shaky hand.

  Trinity and Tom both waited for me to sign the two lines.

  I held the pen to the paper and watched the ink drip into a thick circle. Then I signed my name.

  “Now the other signature.” Tom pointed to the other line.

  In that moment I hated Cayson even more. Why did he have to betray me like that? And why didn’t he just confess the truth when I asked for it? I wouldn’t be here now signing divorce papers.

  I took a deep breath then added the last signature. I quickly dropped the pen and recoiled back like the action hurt me. Trinity wrapped her arm around my shoulder and held me close. “Should I give it to him myself?”

  “No,” Tom said immediately. “That’s not a good idea. A carrier will do it for you.”

  I pressed my face into Trinity’s shoulder and began to cry.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The workday seemed to drag on forever.

  Every morning when I came to the office I had several hundred emails to get through. Jessica always had at least twenty messages for me. And then the phone was ringing off the hook nonstop.

  I loved my job, but sometimes I hated it.

  When five o’ clock finally rolled around I was eager to get out of there. I had nothing to go home to besides my pathetic apartment above a tattoo parlor but it was better than being here. At least I could lie in bed and think about Skye. When I got really depressed I thought about my son. I wondered what he would look like and how he would feel in my arms when I held him for the first time.

  I put my computer to sleep then pulled my satchel over my shoulder. I was just about to walk out when Jessica’s voice came over the intercom. “Sir, someone is here to see you.”

  At five? That was a little late for a meeting. “Tell them to come back tomorrow.”

  “He said he just needs to drop something off.”

  “Then take it from him, Jessica.” Did I have to tell her how to do her job?

  “He said he needs to deliver it to you personally.”

  That wasn’t weird. “Fine. Send him in.

  The door opened a moment later and a young man in a suit walked inside. He stopped when he reached my desk and extended a letter. “Are you Cayson Thompson?”

  “Yes…” My name was right on the door. I took the letter.

  “You’ve been served.” He turned on his heel and walked out.


  I’ve been served?

  I was being sued? For what?

  I ripped the letter open and pulled out the document.

  When I skimmed through the letter I fell back into my chair because I suddenly felt weak. I was sick, nauseated and dizzy.

  Skye was divorcing me.

  She was actually divorcing me.

  Pain like I’d never known washed over me. My eyes even stung with tears. She was actually leaving me. She wanted to end our marriage when I didn’t even do anything to deserve it.

  Then the anger took over, blinding and hot.

  If she thought she was going to divorce me she had another thing coming.


  I didn’t bother knocking on the door. I inserted my key and tried to get the door open.

  But the lock wouldn’t turn.

  She changed the locks on me.

  God fucking dammit.

  “Open this door!” I banged my fists so hard against the wood it shook. “Now!”

  There was no response.

  “Skye, open the fucking door. I want to talk about this.”

  Her voice came from the other side. “Just go, Cayson.”

  “Open. The. Door.”

  “No. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “If you don’t open this door I’ll break it down. I’m not joking, Skye.”

  She remained quiet.

  “Fine.” I backed up and threw my body hard against the door. It cracked slightly but didn’t break. It would take me a few tries but I would get the door down eventually.

  “Okay, okay!” Skye unlocked the door then opened it. Her hair was messy like she’d been rolling around in bed. There were bags under her eyes like she hadn’t gotten much sleep. She looked half dead.

  I barged inside and slammed the door behind me. “What the fuck, Skye?” I was too angry to control my rage. “You think you can divorce me? Forget it.” I pulled the divorce papers out of my pocket then used a lighter to light them on fire. The corner caught the flame and the papers were quickly burned. I dropped it on the hardwood floor and watched it turn into ash. “I’m not signing it.”

  Skye stayed five feet away from me and didn’t come any closer.

  “Do you understand me?”

  She pressed her lips tightly together.

  “I’m not fucking signing this shit.” I marched to her then grabbed her by both arms. I was too pissed off to remain calm. I had the urge to shake her but I managed not to. “I will never give you a divorce.”

  She tried to squirm out of my grasp. “Let me go, Cayson.”

  “No, I will never let you go.” Seeing those divorce papers on my desk made me realize how dire this situation was. If I didn’t do something she would actually leave me. I would lose my family. I couldn’t let that happen.

  Without thinking, I grabbed the back of her neck and crushed my mouth to hers. I kissed her with everything I had, needing to give her a reason to stay with me.

  Skye was unresponsive. She even tried to push me off.

  “Kiss me.” I cupped her face and continued to kiss her.

  She tried to fight me again.

  “I love you.” I gripped her hips and kept her anchored to me. My lips were glued to hers and I gave her everything I had.

  Then she responded. She kissed me back like she’d been holding back the desire for a long time. Her arms moved around my neck, and she breathed hard into my mouth.

  My hands were everywhere. First, they were in her hair then around her waist. Then I felt her baby bump in my hands, feeling the child I made with her. My heart was pounding and I could barely hear anything over our deep breathing. The passion was at an apex, and the love we both had for each other couldn’t be contained. The divorce papers remained on the ground as ashes.

  I moved her to the couch then lay on top of her. Lovemaking could fix all of this. If she didn’t believe that I loved her I could show her. Whenever we were together our souls wrapped around one another and everything
else faded away. It was just she and I. if there was any way I could make her believe that I would never betray her, this was it.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer to her. Her passion equaled my own, and now her mouth devoured me like I couldn’t give her enough.

  I grasped her dress and pulled it up then pulled her underwear down her legs. Then I got my jeans undone and pulled my cock out. This wasn’t the most romantic way to be together, but I had to make it happen.

  I positioned myself over her and her kisses started to falter. She tensed underneath me and her nails dug into my skin.

  I kissed her harder then pointed myself at her entrance. I could feel the moisture between her legs. She was slick and ready for me. She was my wife and she would stay that way until the reaper came for me.

  “Cayson, wait.” She pressed a hand to my chest.

  I kissed her and silenced her protests. She melted for a moment and I pushed myself an inch inside.

  “No.” She pushed against my chest again.

  I wanted to keep going. If I powered through I could get what I wanted. I needed to make this happen. She needed to understand that our love was pure and powerful. Nothing could come between us.

  “I said no.”

  My body automatically retracted and I pulled away. If I kept going I knew she would want it, but hearing her say no shut my body down. If I pushed any harder it would be wrong. I wanted her so much but not like this.

  I pulled away and pulled up my pants.

  “All I can think about is your hands…you touched her with those hands.”

  I wanted to argue but I didn’t see the point.

  “I feel like I’m sharing you.”

  I rested my face in my palms and tried not to snap.

  Skye adjusted her clothes then stood up. “You should go.”

  “Skye…” The words left me because I didn’t know what I wanted to say. Everything was so messed up and I was afraid it would never be right again. “You’ve never shared me with anyone. I’m yours, and yours alone.”

  She stared at me with a stoic expression. That clearly meant nothing to her.

  I rose to my feet and felt my arms shake. “I won’t give you a divorce.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest.


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