What Janie Wants

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What Janie Wants Page 2

by Rhenna Morgan

  Ouch. Direct he could take as a compliment, but the young man stung. He rubbed his sternum and quieted his mind. The answers always came when he needed them if he took the time to stop and listen. “Young, maybe. But a professional, nonetheless.” Yep, the answers always came. “I’ve been photographing women for seven years and made a good living doing it. I know sexy when I see it.”

  She jerked back and blinked several times. “Well, I…Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now are you going to head to the Dreamweaver suite and take advantage of the only private cove in Playa del Carmen? Or are you going to let a pesky clothing detail herd you into one of the vanilla resorts?”

  Her lips pressed into a tight line, but twitched at one corner. She huffed out a resigned-sounding breath. “Seeing as how your manhood is at stake, and you’ve so graciously outlined the benefits of this resort, it seems I’d be foolish not to give it a try.”

  “Excellent. Then say you’ll meet me at the pool for your first cocktail too.”

  “I think that’s pushing it.” Yep. The one-raised-eyebrow glare was a killer.

  No ring on her finger, so that was promising. He’d still have to get past the young man thing. Kinda made him feel like he should be in knee breeches. “Just offering you the benefit of a well-seasoned traveler in Mexico.”

  She smirked and hefted her bags higher on each shoulder. “Your uncle’s right. Your swagger might be wounded, but your suave is just fine.” She glanced at Arlo bustling behind the check-in desk. “You’ll let him know?”

  “Anything for a valued guest.” He motioned down the empty hallway. “Go get settled. Read the rest of the stuff in the folder and let me know if you see something you want to do. I’m usually around.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Sometimes I’m at the beach, though.”

  “Ugh.” She tapped him on the shoulder and cast an exasperated scowl at him as she took off down the hall. “Suave indeed.”

  God he’d missed that. Giving a beautiful woman who didn’t realize she was beautiful a different lens to see herself through. Hands down, it had been the best part of his work. And then he’d gone and screwed it up.

  He hobbled to Arlo and the new set of guests gathered round the registration desk. He’d figure out what to do with his business. That’s what he’d come here for. And while he was at it, he’d spend a little extra time making sure Janie McAlister saw how amazing she was.

  Non-compete covenant. For a period of two years after the effective date of this Agreement, Zade Painel will not directly or indirectly engage in any business that competes with Boudoir International. This covenant shall apply to the geographical area that includes the state of Texas.

  Damned legalese. Zade flipped the page on the contract hard enough, it nearly ripped free of the staple at the corner.

  “You’re looking too hard.” Arlo set a neon yellow tumbler full of fresh-squeezed orange juice in front of Zade and swiped a worn dishrag across the bar. “Dahlia told you you’d find the answer when it was time. And what are you doing up this early, anyway? You never leave the bungalow before eleven.”

  With the shade of the thatched poolside bar and the steady ocean breeze, the mid-morning climate wasn’t bad. Under Mexico’s direct sun in August, anything past nine was a challenge. “I was inspired to catch the sunrise?”

  Arlo huffed and hunkered over his daily inventory clipboard. “More like angling for another round with Ms. McAlister.”

  “Since when do you use last names with the guests? Her name’s Janie.”

  “Janie, is it?”

  Zade laughed and chucked a wadded up cocktail napkin at his uncle. “If you knew what got me up so early, why’d you ask?”

  “Got you out of scowling at your contract, didn’t it?”

  Well, hell. For a scrawny guy without a lick of experience with kids, Arlo was a pretty sly dude. “So, did she show for breakfast?”

  Arlo lifted his head only enough to meet Zade’s gaze from under his sternly pinched eyebrows. “You should watch yourself with her. Your aunt says she’s been through a rough time and came here to find herself, not end up twisted into knots by a camera slinging Don Juan.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not slinging my camera anymore, am I?” Not for a period of two years in the state of Texas, which was mighty inconvenient since that was precisely where he lived. God, he’d been an idiot to ink that deal. Or, more accurately, to believe the people he’d sold his business to would carry on with what he’d started the way they were supposed to. “And just because I photographed them in their bedroom doesn’t make me a Don Juan.”

  “No, but I’ll swear you came out of the womb seducing women. Must’ve gotten extra pheromones or something because the nurses couldn’t keep their hands off you. I thought your dad and I were going to have to restrain your mother to keep her from killing a few of them who tried to hog you for themselves.”

  Zade shrugged and sipped his O.J. “Yeah, well, if I’ve got something special, it doesn’t work on all of them.”

  Arlo straightened from his list and waggled his pencil. “So, that’s it.”

  “What’s it?”


  “What about her?”

  Arlo grinned and ran this thumb through his mustache. “She shut you down.”

  Hell, yes, she had. The term “young man” had ping-ponged around in his head for way too long last night, though he’d short-circuited the bad juju with a wicked fantasy of a certain redhead and a white-knuckled orgasm that had left him light headed.

  “I’m glad.” Arlo yanked open the stainless steel bar fridge and scanned the contents. “A challenge is just what you need to forget about that whole business deal. If you can unwind a little, you’ll find a solution. But remember what I said about Janie’s situation.”

  Women shrieked and loud splashes sounded from the pool. Four women fussed and swiped water off their perfectly oiled bodies as their male counterparts surfaced from the churning water. At the center of the cannon-ball brigade, a lanky dark-haired man shook his head like a dog and splattered a woman perched on the pool’s edge who gave another ear-splitting shout.

  Devin and his college entourage. They were nice enough and came in handy for beach sports, but acted closer to twelve than twenty-two. How they’d managed to coordinate, book, and travel together without getting lost was purely a miracle.

  Janie probably had him lumped in the same category. A challenge, indeed.

  The men’s guffaws trailed off and a few of them straightened to their full height, shoulders pushed back. Every eye was aimed opposite their slim and trim cheering section.


  Damn. No wonder Devin’s posse had puffed up and thrown down their best caveman poses. Unlike the neon string bikini-clad women poolside, Janie wore an ivory one-piece. Classy, and though simple, it emphasized her killer curves and lifted her generous breasts up for male exaltation. With a see-through matching sarong draped around her hips and her hair piled on top of her head, she was an outrageously fuckable work of art.

  She sashayed around the chaotic college crew and aimed toward the quieter side of the pool in full sun. Adjusting her movie star sunglasses, she scanned the lounge chairs.

  Nope. None available that wouldn’t put her smack between other guests. Great when you were up for meeting new people, not so much if you were after peace and quiet. Considering the death grip she had on her beach bag, he’d bet conversation wasn’t on the agenda.

  She paused, surveyed the pool’s perimeter, and re-directed herself to the towel cabana off to one side.

  Oh, hell. He’d appreciated her perky ass yesterday, but paired with her softly tanned thighs today, he wanted to do a whole lot more than appreciate. More like bend her over, stroke the back of her thighs and—

  “What’s she doing?” Arlo’s voice slashed through his fantasy.

  Towel tucked under one arm, Janie meandered through the shade of the tall palm trees lining the far edge of the pool area,
this time checking the rowdier side for any isolated loungers.

  Zade shifted on his barstool and adjusted his semi-aroused dick. “Not sure I care, as long as she keeps walking.”

  She moseyed to one lone chair near the pool steps and began unloading her bag.

  A fat spray of water arced from the pool’s surface and sliced across Janie’s shoulder. She shot upright, the O shape of her mouth a testament to the water’s coldness.

  The girl who’d inadvertently splashed Janie jumped on her boyfriend’s back and shouted over one shoulder, “Sorry!”

  Janie waved the apology off and cast the girl an understanding smile. “Not a problem.”

  The hell, it wasn’t. She’d already tucked her bag back in place and backed away from the lounger.

  “They’re going to run her off.” Arlo tossed his rag down and hustled from behind the bar. “I knew better than to run a college special. They’re all wrong for our resort.”

  “Hold up.” Zade hopped down from his stool and motioned his uncle back behind the bar. “Three more days, and they’re gone. They’re filling what, half the rooms? That’s enough to keep your staff paid up through high season.”

  “It won’t matter, if they ruin the experience for potential return customers.”

  Janie ambled away from the pool down the wide stamped concrete path toward the lobby. The woman had perfect hips. Made for a man’s touch and attention.

  Zade clamped a hand on Arlo’s shoulder and winked. “Well, then. I’ll go see if I can’t compensate any discomfort Ms. McAlister might be feeling with a little one on one personalized experience.”

  Nine in the morning and less than an hour from a shower, and Janie already felt wilted. God, Mexico in August was hot. Emmy wasn’t just insane. She was a sadist.

  A young couple exited the shadowed lobby hand in hand. The girl’s swimsuit barely varied from those at the pool, although the mango color sure worked a lot better than the blatant neon selections the others had worn. It was like they all went to the same stylist—string bikini, beach blond hair, and belly button ring. As soon as she got home, she and her daughter, McKenna, were going to have a nice long reminder talk about the importance of self-image.

  The couple padded closer.

  Oh, to be that thin again. Without wrinkles and defiant of gravity. Janie sucked in her gut and squared her shoulders. She’d thought the few trips to the tanning bed would take the edge off her fair, redhead skin tone, but under the vicious Mexico sun, she looked as white as ever. The ivory swimsuit wasn’t helping. Maybe the girls were right to go with bolder colors.

  The couple passed with a twin set of curious smiles.

  A few more steps and the lobby’s shade engulfed her, easing the sun’s powerful bite on her shoulders. She should’ve found a lounger in the shade. Surely her mini-tan could peek through there, not to mention camouflage some of her cellulite. A total win-win. Better, if she’d had a good night’s sleep to go with it. Her room was lovely, with lots of bold, beautiful colors and a bed twice as comfy as her ten-year-old king-size back home, but she’d stayed up way too long tossing and turning over the man she’d inadvertently groped and kneed the day before.

  Zade Painel. What a name. Though, it fit him.

  God, she should be ashamed. He couldn’t be more than a few years older than her son, Thomas. But the way he’d considered her, so focused and interested in every little detail, despite what she’d done to him. And the feel of his warm skin, how solid he’d been, pressed next to her.

  Nope. No. No. No. Not a direction her thoughts needed to take.

  She snatched a flier off the brochure rack. Time to make the most out of what life had given her. Or, as she coached her kids, reassess and revise.

  Tulum and Jungle Maya With Ziplines and Rappelling.

  Ugh. In August? She’d be soaked in sweat before she ever got off the tour bus. Although, Thomas would get a kick out of the ziplines and rappelling.

  Swim With The Dolphins.

  Oh, now that would be fun, but kind of awkward alone. Still, who would know? It would be like eating out or going to a movie solo. No big deal. As of last week, she was officially forty. Surely she could swing a little one-on-one time with some dolphins.

  All Inclusive Catamaran to Isla Mujeres.

  Well, that sounded lovely. Wind, food, and drink. Probably peaceful, too. Hard to fit half a resort full of college age kids on a catamaran.

  “Not a fan of the Animal House crowd, huh?”

  Oh, boy. Zade. She’d hoped she wouldn’t have to come face to face with him again during her trip. Sort of. The dirty thoughts her mind had put front and center last night didn’t count.

  She flipped the catamaran brochure over, kept her back to him, and scrambled for an exit strategy. “What makes you think that?”

  “Well, after you circled the pool a few times, I figured it wasn’t too likely you’d come in for a landing.”

  Damn. So much for looking blasé about the whole thing.

  “You know, every suite has a palapa reserved on the beach,” he said.

  “I thought I’d work my way up to the beach.”

  “Ah. Clothing optional. I forgot.” The way he chuckled at the last little bit said he hadn’t, but thought it was cute. He motioned at the tall brochure stand. “I can recommend a few, if you want. Or better yet, take you on a custom one.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure you have better things to do with your day than cart an out of place woman around Mexico.”

  “Actually, you’re not the one out of place. Arlo usually pulls in crowds over thirty, but he thought he’d try a few August specials on college campuses. Between the noise complaints and the room damage, I’m pretty sure he’ll never do that again.” He paused and shifted directly into her line of sight. “You know, the palapa for your room is more isolated than the rest. Why don’t you let me show you where it is? I’ll run interference if we come across any skin-loving free spirits on the way.”

  For a man close to Thomas’ age, they sure talked differently. Everything out of Thomas’ mouth tended to end with a goofy ha-ha or snort. Zade sounded…well, older.

  She chanced a peek up from her brochure.

  Yep, bare chested again. Black board shorts and barefoot. She didn’t dare look into those blue eyes of his again. They’d kept her up long enough last night as it was.

  Ugh. Divorced three months, and she was already turning into a pervy old woman.

  “Come on.” He dipped his knees until he was in her line of sight, which only emphasized how tall he was compared to her. “What’s the worst that could happen? You’re a grown woman on a quiet vacation in paradise. Live a little.”

  Her ex, Gerald, had certainly lived a little. So what, if she let a handsome man almost half her age keep her company? There couldn’t be more than fifty rooms total in this resort, and half of them were filled with people who wouldn’t so much as register her existence, let alone rush home to alert the media.

  She tucked her brochures in her bag and lifted her chin. “You’re absolutely right.” Reassess and Revise. “It’s not like I’ve never seen a naked body before, and a run-in might make for a good story when I get home.”

  “That’s the spirit.” His eyes twinkled with way too much knowledge and a punch of mischief that stole her breath. He turned her with a hand at her elbow and guided her down the hallway toward her suite. “So, tell me what brings you to Gypsy Cove.”

  Surely he wasn’t expecting to go to her room. “Um, my sister Emmy. The trip was a gift.”

  “Nice gift. Has she been here before?”

  “I have no idea.” Though she intended to get the details from her sister as soon as she could set up a Skype session this afternoon. Talking to Emmy before noon was a bad idea all around. “She acted like it was the perfect place for me to figure things out, so my guess is yes. Though with Emmy, there’s no telling.”

  “What is it you need to figure out?”

. Probably not the best line of conversation for a young guy with a devilish gleam in his eye. Where were they headed? “Just next steps. Life choices.”

  “Sounds mysterious.” He paced beside her, their steps drawing them closer and closer to her room. He had such a breathtaking build. Not overly muscular, but not lanky either. His blond hair reached his jawline in a kind of man-bob, short enough to be respectable, long enough to be rebellious. “You know, my mom says when the universe wants you in a particular place, or to learn a particular lesson, it keeps after you until you learn what it needs you to see. The best you can do is delay the learning, not put it off entirely.”

  The end of the hallway loomed with nothing but suite entrances on every side. “Your mom sounds very wise.”

  “She’s one of the most amazing women on the planet.” He stopped beside her door and held out his hand for the key. “Something tells me you’re pretty amazing too.”

  Zade fought like hell not to laugh at the terrified expression on Janie’s face. She zigzagged her attention between him and the door so many times it was a wonder she didn’t strain her neck.

  He waggled his fingers as a reminder he was waiting for the key. “Relax, Janie. It’s just a shortcut to your palapa.”

  “Oh.” Blinking, she blushed as prettily as she had yesterday, and rummaged in her bag. “You threw me for a second.”

  “Not to worry. I’m not out to ravage you.” He took the key, opened the door, and winked over his shoulder. “Yet.”

  Man, this woman was priceless. Effortlessly beautiful and full of expression. He’d love to have an hour alone with her and a camera. To capture the way she quirked her mouth, that sweet blush, and the way she looked as she lowered her eyelids over an expression heavy with need.

  Splaying his hand at the small of her back, he urged her forward, and barely stifled the need to palm the curve of her ass. “From your patio, the palapa isn’t far.”


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