Smooth-Talking the Hometown Girl

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Smooth-Talking the Hometown Girl Page 5

by Charlene Sands

  Her plan was to seat her guests, serve up the appetizers, and then discreetly walk out. If Kyle balked later on, she’d tell him she figured he wanted his privacy.

  The sooner Veronica got here, the sooner Christy could leave. Where was that woman?

  “Everything looks beautiful,” he said, his gaze taking a slow tour of her body. He entered the kitchen. “I knew you’d do a wonderful job.”

  Christy ignored the hot gleam in his eyes. He was probably just warming up for his date. She glanced at the clock again. “Thanks.”

  “And the food, well, I only hope it tastes half as good as it smells. You’ve outdone yourself.”

  She fidgeted with the fluffy carrot mousse side dish, arranging it on the plate.

  “I like your dress. And your hair. God, it looks soft enough to—”

  “Kyle!” She turned abruptly, meeting his eyes, glad to have interrupted him. He’d been rehearsing his come-on lines with her. Christy didn’t know how much more she could take. She folded her arms and tapped her foot. “When do you expect your date to arrive?”

  He shot her a killer smile and came within a breath of her. In a seductive whisper he announced, “She’s already arrived. I’m looking at her.”

  Christy blinked. Dumbfounded, she was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly. After several drawn out seconds, she managed, “W-What?”

  He cast her a reassuring look. “I said I’m looking at my date. Now, will you have dinner with me?”

  “But, I uh, assumed...I mean—”

  “I’ve asked you out three times, and three times you’ve refused. I don’t take ‘no’ very well, I’m afraid. Not when I want something. I figured hiring you was the only way to get you to agree. Don’t be angry.”

  “Uh, angry?” She was still in shock.

  “Come on,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. Gentle pressure rested on the small of her back as he guided her to the dining table. “Sit down. I’ll serve you.”

  She stood behind the chair he had pulled out for her and shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “What’s not to understand? I thought we should spend time together. Get to know one another again.”

  “We practically grew up together. We’ve known each other a long time.”

  “Have we?” he asked softly. “You moved next door during our freshman year, but we never really got to know each other.”

  She stared into his deep-set eyes. They held a glint, not of mischief this time, but of something far more dangerous. Faded memories of the boy she’d known came rushing in. “I knew you, Kyle.”

  He stepped closer. The faint scent of aftershave drifted up to tempt her senses. “And did you like me?”

  A flush of warmth rose up heating Christy’s cheeks. She’d not admit to fantasizing about him in the privacy of her bedroom all those years ago. “L-Like is too strong a word,” she stammered.

  “I liked you,” he offered graciously, but Christy doubted his sincerity.

  “You didn’t know I was alive,” she said much too quickly. “I mean to say...”

  “Don’t say anything. Just feel.”

  He took her into his arms and brought his lips down onto hers. Stunned, Christy didn’t respond initially, but then, through gentle coaxing, Kyle did elicit her response. She moaned softly, surprising herself, and took part fully in his passionate kiss. His hands found her waist, and he tugged her closer so they meshed, body to body.

  She felt his heat, his desire. His strength enveloped her, making her heart race wildly. He ran his hands through her hair, murmuring soft words. Then as swiftly as he’d begun, he pulled away, breaking off their contact. “I’m sorry,” he said, but there was no regret in his eyes, only heat. “Would you believe I’ve been thinking about doing that since that first day I saw you through my kitchen window?”

  Christy was too captivated to speak. She stared at Kyle, his lips, his eyes, but only shook her head slowly. She had wondered countless times how it would feel to be kissed by Kyle Warren. To have him want her.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Will you have dinner with me, Christy?” His eyes beckoned, but his usual confident smile wavered just enough for Christy to see his vulnerability.

  “Yes.” She sat down.

  A look of relief flashed on his face, making her head swirl.

  He brought over the platter of oysters and set them down. “I have it on good authority, these are delicious.”

  Christy loosened up a bit and chuckled. “Thank you, I’ll try one.”

  He sat down and smiled at her. “So, how’s the book coming along?”

  Christy fumbled with her appetizer fork, nearly dropping it. Kyle spoke so casually, as if nothing monumental had just happened between them. Did he want to make small talk now? “I-It’s good.”

  “You haven’t worked at the computer all week.”

  She bit her lip. “No, I...was busy.”

  She watched him bite into the oyster meat. “With Jim Patterson?”

  “Yes, if you must know. He’s been helping me with research.”

  “You went out with him last night,” he said casually, as if knowing her comings and goings was his given right.

  Christy tamped down her frustration. “Did Jim discuss me with you?”

  Kyle eyed her, and a quick look of regret registered. “No, I tried to taunt him out of an answer, but Jim didn’t say a word. I did my own deduction. Are you two serious?”

  “That’s not really any of your business. I don’t pry into your personal life, do I?”

  “Yeah,” he said with boyish charm, “why is that?”

  Christy suppressed a smile. The man’s ego was enormous. “I think we should change the subject.”

  He ignored her. “So you and Jim are not dating?”

  “Kyle,” she said, raising her voice slightly. “Why is it so important that you know anyway?”

  “For one, there is no other woman in my life. And two, I like to know my competition.”

  Christy’s eyes went wide in disbelief. “You what?”

  He beamed her a wide grin. “Want some champagne?” He stood and left the room. She heard kitchen noises. But other more prominent noises in her head distressed her. There is no other woman in my life.

  Did that mean he thought she was the woman in his life? Ridiculous.

  Yet, the impact of his kiss lingered on her lips. She found herself wanting more. With his attention focused solely on her, Christy found the man simply irresistible.

  Then she remembered something he’d said that first day when they’d met up again. I could use the company.

  That was it. Kyle was grieving over his father. He was vulnerable and lonely. Christy felt sure the rapt attention he began paying her was a way to ease his grief and loneliness. Kyle Warren couldn’t possibly want a relationship with her after all these years.

  Of course, he never mentioned anything about a relationship. She didn’t think long-range commitments were his style.

  “Here we go,” he said, coming back with the chilled bottle of champagne. Golden liquid spilled into their glasses, and he handed her one. “Here’s to getting better acquainted,” he said in a toast.

  She lifted her glass to clink crystal. She gave him a tentative smile, which was all she could muster. “Kyle, let’s get something straight,” she began, but he cut her off.

  “Tell me about your book. Do you have a publisher? How do you plan to market it?”

  Christy gave up. If he wanted to make small talk, she’d comply. Anyway, it was safer this way. “Yes, I do have an interested publisher. My book is different because not only is it a cookbook, but it offers lifestyle alternatives as well. At the bottom of each page, there will be either a helpful hint on how to get more exercise into your life, a nutritional tip or a motivation to stay heart healthy. I’m writing two chapters in the beginning on inspiration as a way to accomplish your goals and two chapters in the end will be about the benefits of prudent heart li
ving. The book will be concise but packed full of knowledge as well as my new recipes.”

  “Sounds like a best-seller.”

  He’d spoken with conviction, and she felt certain Kyle meant what he said. “Thank you. One can only hope.”

  She stood to get the main course.

  “Where are you going?”

  “The dinner is getting cold.”

  “You sit,” he commanded, jumping to attention. “It’s bad enough I had you make the meal. The least I can do for my date is to serve it.”

  “I’m not your date,” she whispered adamantly when he was out of the room.

  But he’d made her feel as though she really was.

  * * * * *

  It had been Christy’s intention to leave after the main course, claiming fatigue, but Kyle had been insistent that she stay. One more glass of champagne, just one bite of dessert, he’d pleaded, and his eyes beckoned with more promise than Christy wanted to imagine.

  “Leave the dishes, Christy. You are officially off duty.” His firm reprimand left no room for disagreement. “Come here,” he said in a much softer voice.

  Christy would rather have faced the mess in the kitchen than Kyle at the moment. He looked too inviting, sitting on his sofa with one arm stretched out on the top cushion, and sipping champagne. She left the kitchen, glancing one last time at all the dishes, and then walked toward him.

  She sat down, leaving some space between them.

  “Thank you for the meal. And the company.”

  “You’re welcome,” she answered awkwardly.

  “I have something for you.”

  Her eyebrows arched in surprise.

  He nodded. “I’ve been going through Pop’s things a little at a time, and I came across this. I want you to have it.” He unbuttoned his cuff and removed a wristwatch from his arm. He took her hand and opening her palm, set the gold-trimmed watch into it.

  Christy recognized it immediately. “It’s the watch I gave him on his seventieth birthday.” She bit her lip, and a surge of tears welled up behind her eyes.

  “I know. I read the inscription. ‘On your seventieth, love Christy.’”

  “I don’t know what to say. I, uh...maybe you should keep it.” She tried handing him back the watch.

  He refused to take it back. “I want you to have it. So would Pop.”

  Christy smiled sadly, clutching the watch to her heart. “Thank you.”

  “There’s something else. I found a card with your name on it in his dresser drawer. It wasn’t sealed and, well, curiosity got the better of me.” He lifted a greeting card envelope from his sofa table and handed it to her. “I read it. I know Pop would want you to have this, too.”

  Christy accepted the card hesitantly, glancing at Kyle. Her fingers trembled when she opened the envelope. She pulled out a birthday card. Two tickets dropped out onto her lap. They were for the musical play she’d raved about wanting to see in Phoenix. “Oh, that dear sweet man! I’d been telling him that as soon as Wicked came to town I had to see it. And Pop didn’t forget.”

  “He must have planned this for a long time. He bought the tickets two months ago.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what to say. It’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Why don’t you read the card?”

  She opened the card again, this time paying attention to the words written in Pop’s handwriting.

  To Christy, the daughter I never had.

  Happy Birthday


  Christy’s body shook. She didn’t realize she’d been crying, until Kyle came closer and dabbed at her tears with his thumb. “Pop was a man of few words, but the meaning is clear.”

  “Oh, Kyle,” she said, falling into his arms. “He was the most wonderful man. I miss him.”

  “I do, too,” he said cradling her. The warmth of his body seeped into her bones, and she felt better. Reluctant to move away, she stayed, accepting his comfort. Perhaps giving a little of her own.

  “When’s your birthday?” he asked.

  “Next week.”

  “Then I’m glad I found the card in time. I’d like to take you to the celebrate your birthday. I think Pop would have liked that. And I know I’d love to be your escort that night.”

  “Oh, Kyle,” she said, biting her lower lip, holding back another wave of tears. She whispered softly, “I think I’d like that, too.”

  Slowly, he drew her close, weaving his hand through her hair as though she was a small child. She relished the safe feeling and snuggled deeper. He brushed his lips into her hair. “This feels good.”

  “Mmm,” she responded on a sigh. When he pulled her away to lift her chin up, he bent his head and kissed her again.

  Christy didn’t hesitate to respond this time. She kissed him fervently, tilting her head, slanting her mouth. With a groan of approval, Kyle parted her lips expertly and mated their tongues. Christy’s pulse accelerated and she became fully immersed in the kiss. He made love to her mouth with masterful precision. Christy had never been kissed so thoroughly before.

  Kyle’s kisses became more heated, more demanding. He whispered her name in her ear, claiming her lips again and again. And when he dipped his head to nuzzle the valley between her breasts, Christy stroked her hands in his hair and arched her body.

  Kyle gently laid her down on the sofa, spreading his body carefully over hers. He kissed her again, and then slid his hands over the satin of her dress to cup her breasts. She felt the heat of his palms, the press of his body. She wanted him there, touching her, loving her. His strokes became more urgent, more potent and, when he groaned with pleasure, Christy unraveled.

  So this is what it was like to be in Kyle’s arms, to feel his manly heat encompass her, to melt into him with each caress he made.

  She knew now, what skill he had in the art of seduction, but she was beyond caring. Her ravenous need for him left her with no rational thoughts. She moved with him, felt him undulate above her, and she in turn followed his practiced, slow, sexy motions.

  His hand moved to her leg, hiking her hem up her thigh, sliding, caressing, and smoothing. She heard Kyle’s intake of breath, his grunt of admiration. “God, Christy. I want you. Tell me it’s all right. Tell me you want me, too. Right now.”

  Christy couldn’t deny him. She wanted him. Had always wanted him. “I want you, Kyle. Right now.” Material seemed to vanish and soon, Christy was skin to skin with him.

  Kyle moved over her, the look of passion evident on his tight, strained features. He kissed her roughly, as though he couldn’t get enough. His hands slid over her, finding her feminine core. The contact jolted her. He pleasured her, again and again, slowly, then quickly, driving her crazy with desire.

  Kyle knew when it was time. He towered over her, and with one powerful thrust they were joined. He whispered her name reverently, and then began to move inside her. She raised her hips, taking all of him in, rocking with his beat. He showered her with kisses until no part of her body was untouched. She felt cherished and sexy and alive.

  They reached the pinnacle of satisfaction together, calling out each other’s names, almost in harmony, and Christy’s body splintered. The shudders overpowered her, and she knew Kyle had experienced the same. He lay down next to her to cradle her in the comfort of his arms. He kissed her once more, combing his fingers in her hair.

  “Christy,” he whispered lazily in her ear, “let’s go to bed.”

  Chapter Five

  Kyle woke as the early morning sun streamed light into his window. He smiled, glancing over at Christy, remembering the night they shared. He turned on his side, braced his head in his hand, and watched her sleep. Pale blonde strands of hair cascaded over her pillow and spilled onto the sheets. Last night that curtain of silk had teased and tickled and tempted him. Just the recollection had him wanting her again. Her face appeared serene, sated. He meant to keep her looking that way.

  On impulse, he reached
out to brush away a stray blonde lock that had fallen onto her face. She wiggled a bit and then nestled back down into the sheets.

  He sighed and started to rise.

  “Don’t go,” her soft voice pleaded.

  Kyle turned to find her watching him with lazy, sleep-drugged eyes. “Morning,” he said in greeting, bending to kiss her. He lay back down and took her into his arms. “Would you miss me if I did?”


  “Okay, you twisted my arm. Actually, I was thinking, hoping is more like it, that you and I could play hooky today.”

  She lifted her head off the pillow to look into his eyes. “Play hooky?”

  “Uh huh. No work, just play. Do you have any catering jobs lined up?”

  “No, but I should get back to my notes. I haven’t worked on them all week.”

  Kyle shook his head. “What I have planned is more fun.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s your plan?” she asked, running one finger over his lips, taunting him. He kissed that finger, took her hand, and then lowered it to his waist. She gasped when the tip of his erection greeted her. “Kyle.”

  “Let’s play hooky, honey. All morning.”

  Christy’s hand slid up and down the length of him. “I don’t know.... Those notes of mine are really quite appealing.”

  He ignored her taunt. “Ah, God. Have I told you lately how much I love it when you do that?”

  “Uh huh,” she whispered, blowing hot breath in his ear.

  “And how much I love it when you do that, too.”

  “Uh huh.” Christy leaned in, kissing his lips, burning her mouth to his. She teased his mouth open and entered. Fire shot straight through him.

  “I love when you do that, too,” he murmured against her soft lips. He drizzled kisses along her jaw and traveled down to her neck. She let out a little moan of pleasure.


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