Smooth-Talking the Hometown Girl

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Smooth-Talking the Hometown Girl Page 9

by Charlene Sands

  He went to the refrigerator in the kitchen and pulled out a beer. Opening the bottle quickly, he downed a large gulp, refusing to meet her eyes.

  She stood there, properly chastised, her own anger beginning to build.

  “What do you want, Christy?”

  “Don’t get all high and mighty with me, Kyle. You’re as much to blame for my wrong assumptions the other night as I am. I couldn’t sleep tonight, thinking about the way you deliberately let me believe the worst about you. All it would have taken was for you to explain to me about Veronica.”

  “A lot of good it did me tonight, sweetheart,” he said, oozing with sarcasm. “You knew the truth after you left here earlier, and still had the...the brass to ask me if I was sleeping with her. I can’t win with you, Christy. Never could.” He finished his beer and then reached inside the refrigerator for another.

  “That’s not exactly true. I came here to apologize to you. I did treat you unfairly.”

  “You got that right,” he said with belligerence. “And don’t think for a minute, I wasn’t affected by what you said.”

  Christy’s heart plummeted. She knew she’d hurt him with her comments about his father being ashamed of him. It was a vile, terrible error on her part. “I’m deeply sorry. I didn’t mean what I said about Pop being ashamed of you. In fact, he used to rave about you to me all the time. He was so proud of all your accomplishments. I never should have said what I did. It’s something I’ll regret for the rest of my life. Do you think you can ever forgive me?”

  With a note of angry dismay he answered, “Don’t you know, I’ve already forgiven you. I came to your house the other day to offer friendship. Friendship,” he scoffed, “when what I really want from you is entirely different.” Kyle gave her a hard look, his eyes boring into her.

  She put her head down. “I know what you want.”

  “Doubtful. But tell me. Just what do you believe I want from you?”

  She flung her arms up in a helpless gesture. “You’ve got to be kidding. Remember, I was here the other night. Right on that sofa when you, you—”

  “You still think I planned to seduce you that night.” He shook his head as if in complete disbelief. “You couldn’t be more wrong.” Slowly, he approached her. “The way I see it, we shared a pleasant dinner and a few tender moments comforting each other. Then it just happened. Besides, it takes two. You and I both know it. You wanted me as much as I wanted you.”

  Christy closed her eyes momentarily, attempting to ignore the rush of emotions harbored in her gut, recalling their special night of passion. “Are you saying you don’t want me in your bed?”

  Kyle was quiet for a time, thoughtful. “No. I can’t honestly say I don’t still want you. But I want something much more.”

  Christy shook her head, unable to discern his meaning. When she couldn’t venture to guess, she asked, “And what do you want more than that?”

  Kyle twisted his lips and then locked his dark gaze on her. “A chance.”

  Christy was blown away. She’d never expected that response. She stammered, “A-A ch-chance...with me?”

  “Yes. Damn it. You’re the damnedest, most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, and God only knows why I’m so determined, but I want you to see me as the man I am, now. Today. I don’t want you to let your past mistakes, and mine, destroy what we might have together.”

  Her voice elevated slightly. “You think we might have something?”

  He groaned and pulled her into his arms. His lips came down hard on hers, bruising her with his kiss. Christy’s heart pounded, and an immediate, sudden heat only Kyle could elicit from her unsuspecting body took hold. He shoved her gently away, gazing at her lips, then into her eyes. “Yeah. I think so. And so do you. But you’re resisting me.”

  Christy let out a nervous chuckle. “Kyle Warren, only you would consider getting a woman in your bed after just one date, resisting.”

  “There you go again. Damn it, you’re tough on me.”

  “I don’t mean to be.”

  He raised one dark brow.

  “Okay, I’m trying not to be. But I only knew you back in high school. And if I’d have let you, you would have broken my heart.”

  “I liked you back then. But I didn’t trust myself with you. Besides,” he said with a crooked smile, “Pop would have skinned me alive if I hurt you.”

  Christy laughed, and the easing of the tension coiled up inside felt great.

  “I’m willing to try if you are. But you have to give me that chance. If you don’t think you can, then this is all pointless.”

  His words were harsh, but honest. Christy wanted to believe him, wanted to trust him. She realized she’d never really known Kyle Warren, the man. She had only known an image of Kyle, the teenage heartthrob. Perhaps she owed him that chance. She certainly owed it to herself.

  “Okay. I’m willing,” she said, feeling the heady sting of her kiss-swollen lips. No man had ever made her feel the way Kyle did. Yes, she definitely owed them both this chance.

  With a nod and a peck on the cheek, he led her out the front door. “Great. Be ready on Saturday at five-thirty.”

  “Ready for what?” she asked, puzzled.

  “Dinner and the play. We’ll celebrate your birthday in style.”

  A thrill ran up her spine. She’d almost forgotten about her birthday. But Kyle hadn’t. She smiled. “I’ll be ready.”

  He nodded. “Oh, and Christy. Think you can sleep now?”

  “I think a cyclone won’t be able to wake me.”

  He laughed. “Well, that makes one of us, because after that kiss, I doubt I’ll be sawing any logs tonight.”

  * * * * *

  Sweat poured down Kyle’s forehead onto the gymnasium floor. He swiped it away and threw another pass to the Broncos’ best player, Billy Greenwood. He’d been nicknamed the Green Machine because his throw to the basket was mechanical and always precise.

  Except lately.

  The kid missed more shots than he put through the hoop. Kyle couldn’t figure it out. He was a seasoned player, had made the varsity team his freshman year, and held the school record for rebounds. As a senior, he should be at the top of his game. Kyle watched Billy miss another shot, then trip over his teammate’s feet.

  He blew his whistle. “Take a break guys.”

  Billy sat on the bench, his head in his hands. Some of the players sat down next to him and tried to console him.

  Kyle met Jim at the sidelines. “I can’t figure it out. Last week, Billy was in top form. But for the past four days it’s as if his head’s not in the game.”

  Jim ushered him out to the foyer. “I think I know what the problem is.” He spoke in a low voice.

  “Yeah, what? Is he failing some classes?”

  “Nah. Billy’s a bright kid. It’s not his schoolwork that’s troubling him. His girlfriend is pregnant.”

  Kyle shouldn’t have been shocked, but working with these boys this month reminded him of how very young they were. Yet, now Billy had tough, real-life choices to make.

  “It happens, but damn, if these kids shouldn’t know better.”

  Jim went on, “Apparently he got the news earlier this week. Not too many people know, so we’re keeping it under wraps. Jill’s a sweet girl. She’s in my physical science class this semester. The two have been going steady for a long time. They planned on marrying eventually. Only now, her parents are threatening to move away.”

  “That’s rough.”

  “Yeah, and Billy wants them to marry right away, but he’s just a kid, and he’s real confused.”

  Kyle rubbed his jaw and glanced at Billy. The boy sat on the bench with his head hung low. An idea began kicking around in Kyle’s head.

  “I do know one thing. Billy’s a good kid. And he’s crazy about Jill.”

  “You think it’ll be all right if I talked to him about it? Maybe I can help in some way.”

  Jim hesitated. “We don’t want this getting out. The k
ids have two months before graduation. We want them to finish school without a big commotion. We both know how small towns can be.”

  Kyle nodded. “I’ll be discreet. Billy looks like he could use a friend.”

  Jim agreed. “Yeah, and while you’re at it, see if he can get his mind back in the game. The city championship’s coming up in one week.”

  “Will do, Coach.”

  Kyle walked over to the bench where the all-star sat. “Hey, Billy. Got a minute?”

  * * * * *

  Kyle straightened his tie and cleared his throat. He never remembered feeling so nervous on a date. But here he was on Saturday night, knocking on Christy’s door with his nerves a little raw.

  His heartbeat sped up the minute Christy opened the door. Dressed in a black, silky, low-cut evening gown, with her pale blonde hair stayed with sparkling rhinestones, and falling in waves down her back, she certainly looked like an Edible Delight. “Wow, you look beautiful.”

  She smiled coyly, putting an earring in her ear, and moved aside to allow him entrance. “Thank you.”

  He stepped inside and then leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thirty. Hmm. I don’t know how happy I am about that.”

  “You don’t look a day older than...twenty-nine,” he teased.

  She cast him an adorable female pout.

  “Hey, I’m only joking. Don’t look so sad.”

  Kyle felt like pouting himself. He vowed tonight, no matter how tempting he found Christy, he’d keep his hands off. He was treating this as their first official date. In actuality, it really was.

  But he found Christy more than tempting. He found her irresistible, making his mission to go slow a true test of his willpower. And that dress she wore tonight, exposing her soft creamy shoulders leading to the valley between her breasts, reminded him of the night they’d shared together, the night he’d had a right to caress her body.

  “I’m too excited to be sad,” she said, casting him a dazzling smile. “I’ve waited a long time for this.”

  Kyle groaned inwardly. He was excited, too, but it had nothing to do with going to see a musical he’d seen already, and everything to do with the lovely woman on his arm.

  A woman he wanted more than he ever thought possible.

  Chapter Eight

  Christy sipped her champagne, enjoying the company of the attentive, hopelessly handsome man facing her as much as the elegant ambiance of the restaurant Kyle had chosen. He looked dashing in a tailored black suit that complemented the hue in his eyes, the jet black of his hair. “So, you like living in Boston?”

  “Mmm. I love it. In the winter there’s a bite to the air that makes you feel alive, and the spring and fall are beautiful. Summers don’t get nearly as hot as in Arizona. After attending Boston U, I thought I’d make my way back here someday, but...I couldn’t do it. I found big-city life was for me. So I stayed. My only regret was I couldn’t convince Pop to move up there. I realize now, he was much happier in Bentley. He belonged there.”

  “Yes, I agree. But I know you saw him often. He’d pack up whenever you called and make the trip to see you.”

  “I used to come to Bentley in the summers, but after I started my own business... In those first years it was impossible, so I’d send for Pop.”

  “I know he really enjoyed those visits with you.”

  “I did, too. We only had each other.”

  “And you never married?”

  He chuckled. “No. In the beginning, well, there were women in my life...nothing serious. But then I threw myself in my work and found I had little time for much else.”

  “You can’t be serious? Are you saying you didn’t have girlfriends?”

  His expression faltered, his dark eyes penetrating. “Why can’t you believe me?”

  Christy only had to look at him to know the answer. The man was rakishly handsome, charming and successful. Women must throw themselves at his feet. She couldn’t blame them. “Some might say you’re quite a catch.”

  He sipped his drink and glanced at her over the crystal rim of his glass. “Present company included?”

  She cast him a mischievous smile. Christy wouldn’t let him goad her. She still had reservations about him. But, she found as she learned more about him, she liked very much what she discovered. It would be all she could do tonight, not to melt right into his arms. “Hmm. Maybe.”

  He had the good grace to laugh, heartily. “You’re a tough nut to crack, Christy Evans.” And the hot look he pierced her with said he’d enjoy every minute in the attempt.

  “Maybe I’ve been too long without a girlfriend.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. “This is for you,” he said, presenting her the gift.

  Christy peered down at the fancy box he set before her. “But, you’ve already given me my present.”

  “The watch and going to see the play was from Pop. It’s his gift to you. This,” he said, pointing to the box, “is strictly from me, if you’ll agree to accept it. It’s not really a birthday present. It took a while for me to realize, but I wanted to give you this for a long time.”

  “How long?” she asked, extremely curious. She lifted the box with trembling fingers.

  “Since high school.”

  His eyes were dark, his look serious and sincere. Christy’s curiosity peaked. She opened the box and gasped. “It’s your state championship ring.”

  “It’s not an emerald or a diamond, but it means a great deal to me. I hope it will to you, too.”

  Tears blurred her eyes. She was overcome with surprise and shock. She didn’t speak for several moments, fingering the ring. Then a crazy silly thought struck. “Are you... Are you asking me to go steady?”

  Kyle chuckled, but there was hint of nervousness in the sound. “I guess so. I thought I didn’t want to relive the past. I’ve always been one to look ahead. But the truth is, all those years ago, you were the one girl I really wanted to date, the one girl whom I admired. You didn’t want to have anything to do with me. That intrigued the hell out of me. Made me mad, too, but it sure got me to thinking what it’d be like if we got together.”

  Christy was overwhelmed. She bit her lower lip, tasting the champagne that lingered. “So if I accept this, what’ll it mean?”

  He leaned way back in his chair and spread his arms out in a gesture so appealing Christy could hardly contain her joy. “That you’re my girl.”

  “Oh, Kyle.”

  “What do you say, Christy? Will you wear my ring?”


  He leaned over to give her a quick kiss. His lips simply brushed over hers and then they were gone. Christy didn’t care that they were seated in the best restaurant in Phoenix. She wanted a long, lingering, passionate kiss from Kyle, but the moment was over.

  He placed the ring on her finger. “It doesn’t fit, does it?”

  “I’ll make it fit,” she said, taking it off and moving it to the next finger. She lifted her hand to show him. “See.”

  With a satisfied smile, Kyle lifted her hand to kiss her fingertips. “It’s time for the play. Shall we go?”

  At the moment, Christy didn’t care about the play she had longed to see. All she wanted was to go home with Kyle. But Christy had never been that bold in her life. She’d never been the aggressor in any relationship. She’d had more experience warding off Kyle’s advances than encouraging them. But, she was confident Kyle would know what she wanted. Later tonight, he’d take her into his arms, and they would explore every facet of each other with open , trusting hearts.

  * * * * *

  “What do you know about Jill Morgan?” Kyle asked with casual ease. He sat in her kitchen tasting her latest creation, eggplant pie.

  Christy hid her confusion with Kyle’s nonchalant attitude. Last night after the most wonderfully romantic dinner and then being swept up in the music of the play, Kyle had left her on her doorstep. The kiss they shared was warm and inviting, but ha
d ended abruptly with Kyle making an excuse about having to rise early to place a call back east in the morning.

  He’d given her his ring last night. Didn’t that entitle her to a little more amorous behavior from him? She should be grateful he hadn’t come on strong with her, but somehow it irritated her to no end. Then, when he’d showed up at her door today, all smiles, he simply gave her a little peck on the cheek. “Uh, Jill? Well,” she began, clearing her throat. “I do know her.”

  Kyle glanced at her with suspicion. “What do you know?”

  “I promised I wouldn’t say. Her mother, Annie, is my hairdresser. She’s a sweet girl, but all I can tell you is she’s going through a difficult time right now.”

  “I know she’s going to have a baby, Christy.”

  She slumped her shoulders. “You didn’t hear it from me. I’m sworn to secrecy.”

  “No, I didn’t hear it from you. Billy is on the team, remember? I had a talk with him the other day.”

  “Oh, Annie doesn’t like Billy much.”

  “Under the circumstances, I can understand her being protective. But Billy’s a good kid. He’s got a good heart and loves Jill very much.”

  “I know Jill loves him, but Annie and her husband don’t want a scandal. They think Jill’s too young for all this, and they want her to go to college. They’re thinking of moving to the city.”

  “That’ll crush Billy. He wants Jill and the baby.”

  “But he’s so young. How can he manage marriage, school, and a baby?”

  Kyle shrugged. “I don’t know. Billy’s off his game. And that’s got Jim going crazy. The city championship game is in a few days.” He took a bite of the eggplant pie. “Needs a little salt, honey,” he offered after he polished it off. “So, will you be my date?”

  Christy smiled and put a piece of tofu cheesecake in front of him. “I’m your steady after all. Wouldn’t miss the big game. And I’ll be over later on work.”

  “Great, I’ll leave you the key. Let yourself in. I’ve got a late practice, and then I have a meeting.”


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