The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires

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The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires Page 12

by Stan Hendriks

  The three Dracul vampires pick Brian up and carry him out of the throne room. And right at that moment, Helena comes walking in with a smirk on her face! She takes a knee in front of Dracula and says, “Master, I did what you asked for.”

  Dracula caresses her hair with his fingers and replies, “I know, Helena. Thank you for telling me everything I needed to know. And thank you for everything you have done for me. But, you betrayed your close friends, which means that you cannot be trusted. And frankly, I do not like people that cannot be trusted.”

  Helena immediately gets up and says, “No, please! I did what you asked for! Please!”

  Dracula looks at Lydia and with a smirk, he says, “What are you waiting for?”

  Helena turns around and Lydia shows her fangs, rushes up to Helena lightning fast, smashes her hand into Helena’s ribcage and rips her heart out! Helena falls on the ground and Lydia drops the heart on top of Helena’s body with a big smirk on her face. “Thank you,” Dracula says, as he walks towards the throne and sits down on it.

  Lydia walks closer to Dracula and asks, “So, what happens now, master?”

  Dracula laughs and replies, “Everything is going exactly as planned, my dear Lydia. Cole will be in for a big surprise!”

  Chapter eight Betrayal

  Cole, Daniel, Danny, and all the other werewolves appear inside of the forest close to the castle. They all walk through the forest until they stumble upon the grass field. They take a good look at the castle in the distance and Cole says, “It looks like no one is there.”

  “I know, but they could be hiding or something,” Danny replies.

  “What about Brian? Maybe you should call him to see if he’s already inside or not,” Daniel says.

  Cole grabs his mobile phone out of his pocket and starts calling Brian, but he doesn’t answer. He puts his mobile phone back into his pocket and says, “He’s not answering. That can either mean that he isn’t here yet, or that Dracula killed him or something. Either way, we should check it out, right now!”

  “I agree, but maybe just in case, we should let one of our werewolves change and try to lure them out if they’re in there,” Daniel says.

  Danny turns around and says to a man, who looks like he’s in his early thirties, “You know what to do.”

  The man nods, changes into a gray werewolf and runs onto the grass field. The gray werewolf starts howling and runs around while Cole and the rest are patiently waiting to see if a Dracul vampire will come out of the castle. But, nothing happens. The gray werewolf comes back, and Cole says, “Alright, we have to go look inside.”

  “That’s fine,” Danny replies. He then looks at the gray werewolf and says, “Stay on the grass field in case they are going to ambush us from behind.”

  They gray werewolf nods and runs back onto the grass field. “Alright, everyone, we’re going to the castle. Keep your eyes open!” Cole says, as he walks towards the castle.

  The rest follows him, and they walk up to the big front doors. Cole puts his hands on the doors and asks, “Is everyone ready?”

  “More than ready,” Danny replies.

  “Let’s do this,” Daniel says.

  Cole then pushes the doors open and they all run inside the hall! But no one’s there. “This can’t be good, something is going on here,” Daniel says.

  “Maybe, let’s just go to the throne room,” Cole replies.

  “Wait, should we all go into the throne room or?” Danny asks.

  “Yes, we will. If Dracula is hiding there with the rest of his Dracul vampires, then we’re going to need everyone,” Cole replies.

  “Alright, so let’s go then,” Daniel says.

  “We’re going to the throne room, everyone, prepare to fight!” Cole says.

  But right at that moment, Vlad, with yellow eyes, comes walking, through the main entrance, into the hall! Cole and the rest turn around and are visibly confused. Cole walks over to Vlad and asks, “What are you doing here?”

  “First of all, I’m sorry that I left so early again. My mother was ill, and it was Christmas and I just had to go and see her. I’m sorry, I hope you’re not mad. You aren’t, right?”

  “I’m not, don’t worry. We will talk about that later. But, what are you doing here? And how did you even know that we would be in here?”

  “I visited The Vampires Nest, please don’t ask me why, but there I talked with Areola. And he told me that you guys were going to the castle to meet with Dracula, and he told that I should go there as well to meet my new master. But, he also said that I should really go together with you guys, in case Dracula wants to kill me for whatever reason. My god, don’t you find it scary? I mean, Dracula being alive again and stuff?”

  “Hold up, that story doesn’t make any sense. How could Areola know that we’re here to see Dracula?” Daniel asks.

  “Yes, and we’re not here to see him, we’re here to kill him,” Danny says.

  Daniel pushes Danny and says, “Really?! You think it’s smart to tell that to a vampire?!”

  “Guys! Please,” Cole says. “But, Daniel is right, your story doesn’t make any sense, to be honest, but do you know if Dracula is in here?”

  “Yes, at least, that’s what Areola told me. He said that Dracula is most of the time in the throne room.”

  “Alright then, let’s go pay him a visit,” Cole replies, as he walks towards the stairs.

  But Daniel stops him and says, “He’s not coming with us!”

  “Why not?” Cole asks.

  “We don’t even know if we can trust him! His story doesn’t make any sense and next to that, he’s a vampire! For all we know, he might be setting us up!”

  Danny comes walking up to them and says, “I agree with my brother.”

  “Listen, yes his story doesn’t make any sense, but I can assure you that we can trust Vlad. I already know him since I was little, and I know that he would never lie to me or betray me in any way.”

  “Um, guys? Is there a problem? Because I don’t want to be a problem. I can leave if you guys don’t feel comfortable with having me around,” Vlad says.

  Cole looks at Vlad and replies, “No, there is no problem. Let’s just go.”

  Daniel sighs and shakes his head, but follows Cole up the stairs anyway, and so does Vlad and the rest. After a long walk up the stairs, they reach the two red doors. Cole pushes the doors open and they all walk inside, but Dracula isn’t there! In fact, no one is! They look around and Cole asks, “What the hell is going on? Where is he?!”

  “I told you, something is not right!” Daniel replies.

  “What are you doing?!” Danny shouts.

  They all look back and see Vlad, who is standing by the red doors, taking out his colored contact lenses and he reveals his red eyes! “Vlad, what is this?! What is going on?!” Cole asks.

  With a smirk, Vlad replies, “You should have listened to your friends, buddy.”

  “He’s a Dracul vampire! I knew we couldn’t trust him!” Daniel says.

  Cole takes a couple of steps closer towards Vlad and asks, “What are you doing? What happened to you?!”

  “When I stayed behind in Romania, I died, Cole. But, it was all for the better. Because now, my master Dracula, blessed me with a much better life. I’m everything I ever wanted to be now. But, that also means that I have to betray my best friend. But, if I may be honest, I don’t even care about it.”

  “No, this is not you, Vlad! You are my best friend and you are not the monster Dracula changed you in!”

  “Sadly, for you, I am. Anyway, see you around, buddy,” Vlad replies with a smirk. He then rushes out of the throne room lightning fast and slams the red doors shut!

  Daniel runs towards the red doors and tries to push them open, but they won’t open! “No! I knew it! He trapped us!” Daniel shouts, as he hits and kicks on the doors!

  Danny and the other gray werewolves and shadow werewolves try to open the doors as well, but nothing works! No matter what they do,
the red doors are not opening! Cole is visibly shocked, and Daniel walks up to him asks, “So, what now?! We’re trapped!”

  “Are you blaming me for this?!” Cole replies.

  “Yes! I told you not to trust him, but you still did! And look at us now! We’re trapped like rats!”

  Cole’s eyes start to glow, and he replies, “Yes, I thought I could trust my best friend! But I didn’t know he was a Dracul vampire or that he was going to do this!”

  Danny quickly gets in between them and says, “Stop! Both of you! Instead of fighting each other, we should find a way out before Dracula and his army of Dracul vampires show up and kill us all.”

  Cole’s eyes stop glowing and he says, “He’s right, I made a mistake and I apologize for that. But now we should focus on getting the hell out of here.”

  Daniel nods and then Cole walks over to the red doors. He tries to push them open, but even he can’t open them! Cole then turns around and asks, “Does anyone have an idea as to why these doors won’t open anymore?”

  “Must be magic,” a brown werewolf says.

  “Yes, I think he’s right,” Daniel says.

  “Great! That means that we’re completely trapped in here. And since we didn’t bring a witch or a warlock with us, how are we going to get out of here?” Danny asks.

  “That’s it! James should be connected with me, which means that he must be able to feel or see what’s happening here. And if that’s so, then I expect him to be here any minute now to free us.”

  “Okay, but what are we going to do in the meantime?” Daniel asks.

  “Well, we have no other choice but to wait in here. But, we still should prepare ourselves to fight because we don’t know if Dracula is coming for us or not. So, stay ready, everyone,” Cole replies.

  A short while earlier, Vanessa is seated at the dinner table reading a magazine. James comes walking into the kitchen as well and fills a glass with water. “Wait, aren’t you supposed to stay connected with Cole?” Vanessa asks.

  James takes a sip of his water and with a smile, he replies, “You are right, but I cannot focus while having a dry throat.”

  Vanessa smiles and asks, “So, how are they? What’s going on over there? And is there already a sign of my brother?”

  James takes a seat at the dinner table as well and replies, “No sign of your brother, yet. But, I can feel that there’s no one inside of the castle.”

  “So, Dracula fled or something?”

  “Maybe, or he’s not inside of the castle just yet. We will have to wait and see. But before I connect myself with Cole again, how are you doing?”

  “Pretty good, everything is going great. Well, except for this whole situation, but other than that, it’s good.”

  “That is good to hear, and how do you feel about the baby that is on its way?”

  “Great, really. Even though Cole and I are still young, I think we are going to be great parents. And next to that, I always wanted to have a big family,” Vanessa replies with a smile.

  “And does Cole also know that that is what you want?”

  “Not yet, but I will tell him later, maybe.”

  James laughs, gets up and says, “Alright then, I am going to connect myself with Cole again.”

  But right at that moment, the doorbell goes! James puts his glass down on the table and says, “Stay here.”

  He then walks towards the front door and opens it. “Igor? What are you doing here?”

  “Hello, old friend. We need to talk, right now,” Igor replies, as he tries to walk inside, but the protection spell blocks him. “Really? Can you invite me in, friend?”

  “Yes, come in.”

  Igor can now enter the house and he walks into the living room with James. Vanessa comes walking into the living room as well and asks, “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello, princess. I came here because there is something both of you must know. I couldn’t come here earlier because the Dracul vampires were keeping an eye on me, but Cole is walking straight into a trap.”

  “What?! How?!” Vanessa asks.

  “Well, Dracula found out about Cole’s plan, and he had a witch to cast a spell on the throne room. So, when Cole and the others will enter the throne room, they will be trapped inside.”

  “Oh my god, and what about my brother?! And is Dracula going to kill them now?!”

  “I don’t know anything about your brother or what Dracula’s plan is with Cole, all I know is that they will be trapped inside of there.”

  “I have to go there, right now! Igor, please stay here to keep Vanessa safe.”

  “Sure,” Igor replies.

  James looks at Vanessa and says, “Don’t worry, I will bring them home.” He then spreads his arms, closes his eyes and disappears into thin air.

  “Oh my god, this can’t be happening right now,” Vanessa sighs.

  But then there is a moment of silence. Vanessa looks at Igor and asks, “Wait, tell me, how do you know all of this. And if the Dracul vampires were watching you, how did you manage to get here now then?”

  Igor adjust his tie, takes a deep breath and replies, “Sorry—”

  But right at that moment, the doorbell goes again! Vanessa walks over to the front door and opens it. “Vanessa! So good to see you again!” Sparks says with a bright smile.

  “Come in, Sparks. Igor is here as well.”

  Sparks steps inside and asks, “What about Cole?”

  “He’s not here, but that’s a long story. First, I’ll have to talk with Igor.”

  Vanessa and Sparks walk into the living room and Igor says, “You got to be kidding me.”

  “Yes, nice to see you too again,” Sparks replies.

  “Anyway, what were you about to say?” Vanessa asks.

  Igor bows his head down and then hits Sparks in his face lightning fast and knocks him out! Sparks falls on the floor and Vanessa is visibly shocked! “Why did you do that?!”

  “I’m sorry, princess, but this is something I have to do.”

  Vanessa’s eyes start to glow, and Igor says, “You know you cannot change, Vanessa. Please, I’m sorry but I have to take you with me. I do not want to hurt you, so please just come with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

  “I thought that already,” Igor sighs, as he grabs a small thorn out of his jacket.

  “What is that?!”

  “It’s a Raskolla thorn. Get stung by it and you will fall asleep for a while.”

  Vanessa takes a couple of steps backward and replies, “Get that thing away from me! I swear if you—”

  But then Igor rushes up to her lightning fast and stings her with the thorn in her neck! Vanessa’s eyes immediately roll back, and she falls down! But Igor catches her, picks her up and says, “I am so sorry, but I have no other choice.”

  In the meanwhile, Cole is seated on the throne and Daniel, Danny, and the rest of the werewolves are walking around, and some are sitting on the floor. Cole looks at his mobile phone and says, “Still no signal.”

  “James better show up soon, because I’m going crazy in here,” Daniel says.

  Cole puts his mobile phone back in his pocket and replies, “I hope so too.”

  “But, what if he doesn’t show up? What are we going to do then?” Danny asks.

  Cole looks at Danny, but right before he can answer that, the red doors blast open! They immediately get up and James comes walking into the throne room. “Thank god,” Daniel sighs.

  Cole immediately walks towards James and says, “Thank you for coming, Vlad trapped us in here.”

  “Vladimir? Are you sure?” James asks.

  “Yes, I’m sure. He is a Dracul vampire now.”

  James is visibly confused, but then Daniel says, “It’s great that you have shown up, but doesn’t this seem a little strange? I mean, we were all trapped in here, but Dracula didn’t do anything.”

  “You right, why would Dracula want to trap us in here if he’s not even goi
ng to try to kill us?” Danny asks.

  “Yeah, He lured us in here, but for what reason? What is going on, James?” Cole asks.

  James looks at Cole and replies, “Oh my god, Vanessa!”

  Chapter nine A choice

  Cole, James, Daniel, Danny, and the rest of the werewolves appear in front of Cole’s house. Cole immediately rushes onto the porch, opens the door and tries to go in, but can’t! James comes walking up and says, “You can go in.”

  Cole then rushes into the living room and shouts, “Vanessa?! Vanessa?!” But she does not answer. He runs upstairs and checks everywhere, but Vanessa is nowhere to be seen! Then James shouts, “Cole, come down, now!”

  Cole immediately runs downstairs and James, who is standing in the living room, is helping Sparks get back up on his feet. “What happened to him?! I didn’t even see him!”

  “I got knocked out, mate. The first I got knocked out actually, it hurts.”

  Cole walks closer to Sparks and asks, “By who?! And where is Vanessa?!”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

  “So, what happened?!”

  “Vanessa invited me in and we walked over to Igor, who was standing in your living room as well. I could see that something was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what. So, Vanessa asked him what he was about to say before I came, and then out of nowhere he just knocked me out super-fast! If Vanessa is not here, then Igor must have something to do with that.”

  Cole puts his hands on his head, takes a very deep breath and says, “Oh my god! This can’t be happening right now!”

  “Cole, you have to calm down,” James says.

  “Calm down?! Vanessa is gone! What if Dracula has her?!” Cole replies. He then shakes his head and walks onto the front porch again. He looks at the brown werewolves and says, “Vanessa is gone, I need you all to go look for her, right now. And also let David know what happened.”


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