My Stepbrothers Rock: Headliner

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My Stepbrothers Rock: Headliner Page 2

by Stephanie Brother

  “Bye Alex!” Sasha coos, putting her face closer to the screen. I have a feeling her knowing this new found information is going to make for some irritating conversations and actions. I grab my computer and bring it to my lap turning it away from her.

  “Kick ass rockstar.” I stare at the camera on the top of my computer hoping he see's the words I can't say.

  “For you, of course.” Alex's voice is almost a hushed whisper as he stares back, his blue eyes piercing through the lens. I close the lid to my computer and set it down.

  Chirp, chirp! I grab my cell phone and read Alex's text. Love you too baby M.

  “Jesus girl! Seriously!? Your brother is Alex Walker! I can't believe it! Why didn't you tell me? What's he like? What does he smell like? Okay, maybe that's weird. Tell me all about him!” Sasha doesn't wait even a second before accosting me with her questions. I figured they were coming.

  Now, how to sound like just a sister.

  Morgan's Birthday Surprise

  Morgan: Train just stopped.

  Me: I'm waiting for you outside the exit.

  Here she comes. My God she's beautiful, even more so than I remember. I can't believe this worked and she's here. Taking a chance, sneaking away from school when she pretty much said she wouldn't do it for fear of getting expelled. Fuck, she must really want to see me.

  “Hey rockstar!” She practically flies into my arms as I lean against the car. I wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace.

  “Hi princess M.” I breathe in the scent of her hair. I swear it's the same, only sweeter. I rub it against my face cupping it to my nose for another long breath.

  “This all ya got?” I ask picking up her small bag and dumping it in the trunk.

  “Yep, traveling light.” Her smile is a sight for sore eyes.

  “Jump in.” I motion to her door and quickly slide into the driver's seat. The last place I need to be spotted is at the train station picking up an unknown girl. Not that I'm tabloid material, but this was a secret I'd rather keep for now.

  She shuts her door and I speed out of the train station parking lot and onto the city streets making my way to the edge of town where there's less hustle and bustle and eyes on us. It sounds like I'm paranoid and maybe I am, but I'm not taking the chance anyone recognizes me and this unknown woman is outed as my stepsister. I can handle it, but I know she's not ready, plus our parent's would kill us for jeopardizing her education.

  “Where we 'goin?” She asks putting her hand over mine as it rests on the shifter.

  “Be patient. You'll see.” I smile at her barely able to bring my eyes back to the road. I want to keep looking at her, relishing her beauty, the dimple in her left cheek the curve of her ear, the plump peach of her lips. I've imagined her for these few years we've been apart. Tried to remember every inch of her from our time together before our dumb fuck parents sent her away. I still haven't forgiven either of them, her mom for being a bitch and my dad for being pussy whipped. I think I'd have more respect for him if he said she blackmailed him as I think I'm quite whipped myself, by my stepsister. But we're different, we're not them and we're not using each other.

  She tightens her grip on my hand and I turn it over lacing my fingers around hers. I bring the back of her hand to my mouth and kiss it. It smells just like her hair. I rub the softness against my cheek and she giggles.

  “I can't believe I'm here. You know how busted I'd be, we'd be, if we got caught?” Her tone is concerned, but I'm not giving in to the this-is-so-bad-oh-god-we-shouldn't philosophy.

  “Maybe, but let's put this in perspective. It's not like you're cheating on the final exam or we're robbing a bank. At the very least it's a family reunion to see my concert and the most, it's a proclamation of love that we're not afraid to hide anymore.” I'm not sure my words even make sense as I can't think much past the passion building in my jeans. I just know I can't stop thinking about my stepsister any more than I can stop singing. It's like I have to do it to survive, to keep from suffocating under the pressure of my building career.

  “Well, when you say it like that, it totally makes sense.” She smiles, then leans over and quickly kisses me on the cheek. I laugh and grab the back of her head and plant one on her mouth before she sits back in her chair.

  We ride in silence for the next few minutes both thinking about where we're headed and what we're going to do, what we've waited to do. At least I am, but I'm pretty sure Morgan would've stopped me by now if she weren't thinking the same. She's sent poems over the past few years that more than profess her love for me, her desire for me. I've waited for the magic number to pass before even attempting to try to see her again knowing if we got caught at least I wasn't going to jail.

  “Sorry, I wasn't there for your birthday.” I start, even though I've apologized in almost every text for the past month since it passed.

  “You were there via chat or did you forget already?”

  “Yeah, but it's kinda not the same.”

  “Whatever. It's only the eighteenth, not like I turned twenty one, which you better be around for unless you're headlining your own shows by then.”

  “Even if I am, you'll be there with me.” I'm totally serious too. I'm not sure how all this will work out, but I'll be damned if I don't try. Morgan's been all I can think about. Sure, there's plenty of groupie ass to be had, but they're not her. They don't have her wit, her style, her hook that has my heart on it reeling toward her.

  I think about our time together growing up with each for those few years in the same house. I wish I could put a finger on when exactly I started loving her. Maybe it was the day I read her diary and she walked in on me, yet I feel like there was something sooner. From the moment I met her, there was something about her that I felt I had to protect. Something in her life I had to shield her from, deflect the negative bullshit.

  I knew her real father left her and her mom when she was young and never had any contact with her. My dad told me he was a disgrace to the town, drunk most every time he was out with a different woman. After running off with a hooker from a local strip club, my dad heard he was killed in a bar fight in Brooklyn. I never questioned how he met Morgan's mom and frankly, under the current circumstances, I wish he never had, but then I highly doubt I'd be here right now. Driving like a bat out of hell to get the love of my life to our secret rendezvous location.

  “Here we are.” I pull into a small lot off the main highway. It's surrounded by huge trees. Each room a separate little cabin of its own.

  “How quaint.” She smiles genuinely. “Did you bring your ax?” She giggles and I can't help but lean over and kiss her quickly on the forehead.

  “Oh, you bet your ass I did.” I chuckle and leave her in the car to check us in. She's stretching her legs by the side of the car when I return. I gulp hard at the sight of her voluptuous figure, much more the woman than the girl I remember from two years ago.

  “Catchin' flies lumber jack?” Morgan runs her finger over my bottom lip, pointing out my open mouth gaping at her beauty. I don't wait another second and plant a deep kiss on her mouth. I let my tongue wander in hers for a second, tasting the fruity flavor on her tongue.

  “Yum,” I purr in her face before grabbing her bag and leading her into the room. It's small, dark and filled with what looks like the biggest bed I've ever seen.

  “Well how cozy is this?” Morgan chirps kicking her shoes off and digging her toes into the orange shag carpet.

  “Cozy, yes let's get...cozy.” I close the door, set her bag on the table and shed my jacket before almost tackling her onto the bed.

  “Alex!” She giggles under the spring of the mattress, which has us bouncing a few times before settling into its bumpy form.

  “Sorry, I don't mean to scare you. I just can't take it anymore. I've been thinking about you for so long, maybe too long.” I kiss her over and over again. First her lips, then cheeks then nose and down her neck. It's like I can't get enough, yet I don't know where to begin.

  “I know what you mean. There's so much I've said to you, but only in my diary. Now, it's real and I'm not sure what to do. You know, I only write about the things I feel and want to do with you, but I've never...” Morgan's voice trails off. A light goes on in my head, she's a virgin.

  I don't know why I'm shocked. She's been at a girls only school for almost two years. I think for a split second as I look in her eyes. No, I don't recall her ever even bringing a guy home, well except for this one ninth grader who already had his drivers license.

  I think it was a freshman dance. He came and picked her up looking all of the grease ball creep. Didn't bother to shake anyone's hand just gave a chin nod and a “Hey,” which my stepmom said was nerves. I didn't buy it, so I showed up at the dance about an hour later to hopefully squash the bad vibe in my gut.

  I watched them, unnoticed, for awhile sitting on the bleachers. He was too cool to dance and Morgan couldn't get enough of it. She may as well have gone with her girlfriends as this jerk wasn't acting the least bit interested in her. They left before the dance was over, but as I suspected, he took her to Climax Road. I followed from a distance, then pulled to the side of the road when I saw him take the first main turn off.

  I waited for what seemed like hours, my stomach in knots as the minutes passed. I didn't have a plan beyond this point. Should I walk up on the car? Park next to them and wait? Or, better yet, ram my truck into the back of his beemer? I decided I couldn't wait any longer and began driving to their location. That's when I saw her walking down the road, alone. I picked her up and we rode home in silence. I didn't know what to say, but I think we both understood what happened and breathed a sigh of relief. Me, relieved she didn't have sex and her relieved I was there to save her. Ever since, I've felt even closer to Morgan, more protective and more like her friend, than stepbrother.

  “Alex? Did you hear me?” I'm playing with the tiny wisps of hair around my stepsister's face. I'm lost in every detail of her. I've only been this close one other time and it was cut short too soon. All I can think is how much I need to see, quick before it's interrupted again.

  “You don't know how much I've wished for this day to be here. How many cold showers I've taken or long runs trying to clear my mind of the sexy thoughts about you and me. Now you're here and it's like I can't stop all of those past thoughts from rushing to my mind and...” I stop myself before saying “dick” and chance sounding like all I wanna do is fuck her brains out. I have to admit, I do. I want to feel her, every inch inside and out.

  “Then don't, stop.” Her words are like a match to oil. She's staring at me, her eyes wide an apprehensive smile on her lips. I press mine into hers thrusting my tongue deep, drawing her out. She kisses back running her hands into my hair. It sends a tingle down my spine.

  I raise up and pull her to sitting then remove her jacket and shirt. I strip off my own and drop my pants and boxers then slide her jeans over her voluptuous hips and off her beautiful creamy legs. They're much more mature than I remember two years ago and I don't waste any time kissing every inch of them until I meet the lace trimmed blue boy shorts.

  Unhooking her bra, I let it drop on the floor. Her breasts droop perfectly in front of me and I accidentally push her back on the bed with more force than I intend trying to suck the left nipple.

  Morgan giggles under my ravishing touch. I chuckle along and look up into her eyes to make sure she's not completely freaked out. She's watching me as though amazed by my infatuation with her, but how can I not be? She's got these perfect curves that wrap around her body making her impossible not to touch and squeeze.

  I remember how much she tried to diet when we lived together, but I always told her she was crazy. The few times she mentioned the word fat, I warned she'd have to wash my car if I heard it again. Oh, god the image of her soaping up my Chevy in her little bun-bearing shorts makes me hard. I swear, if I could make every girl her size, I would.

  I run my hand between her belly and the band of lace on her boy shorts. Her stomach quivers and she giggles. It's even cuter than I remember and I've missed it. I pull off her panties, then lay on top of her. We look at each other, without speaking then I kiss her hard and long. With every suck of her tongue I get harder.

  Morgan runs her fingers along my back and it's like an electric shock through my body. She moves to my groin and pushes a hand between my legs fondling the tip of my cock then running her hand down my shaft. Everything she does is pushing me to the edge, the edge of restraint and I'm afraid I won't be able to last much longer.

  “Oh, god, Morgan, can I..,” I pause knowing this is a poor attempt at foreplay. I don't mean to be popping off like a damn teenager, but I'm not far off the mark only having been there a few years ago. I think I'm hornier than I was then or maybe I've just been away from Morgan too long.

  “Yes, Alex,” she breathes in my face with a smile. She spreads her legs and draws them up next to me. I position myself between them and edge into her tight hole. I swear to God, I'm gonna blow this sweet moment in more than one way.

  Morgan catches her breath and screams a little grabbing me tighter. Her walls stretch under my pressure and I can see the pain in her eyes as I push to the back of her love canal.

  “Are you okay? Is this, okay?” I breathe in her face pausing for a minute. The last thing I want to do is hurt her and definitely not this way. She nods her head and smiles pressing her lips into mine. I move again, slowly, the wetness oozing from her, we slide together, me kissing her, her kissing me, us exchanging the secret love we've kept for years.

  “You feel so amazing. Exactly as I imagined only better.” Morgan's voice is low and sultry in my ear. I want to tell her she feels the same, but I can barely choke out the words that pop into my mind.

  “I'm sorry, but I'm going to come.” I consider pulling out, making it last, giving her pleasure, but I know I'd squirt all over her beautiful belly right now if I did.

  Morgan grabs the back of my head with one hand and keeps the other on my ass as I release myself inside her thrusting quick and wild, bouncing her hips off the mattress. It's the most amazing feeling and one I can't imagine would be any better. She moves and moans thrusting up into me. I feel her tighten around my shaft and I'm sure she's coming too.

  We pant and hold each other kissing. I'm amazed we're here and wish we never had to leave. Well except for that part where we realize we have lives and people will be looking for us.

  “Jesus Morgan, that was amazing.” I smile down into her face.

  “More than amazing.” Her eyes glisten and a tear rolls from the corner of her eye.

  “Oh, God, Morgan are you alright?” This can't be happening, I think to myself.

  “Yes, of course silly rockstar.” She giggles through a sob. I watch her confused. “It's just, I've dreamed about this for so long. That's all.”

  I smile, knowing exactly what she means. I can only hope we don't have to wait this long for the next time.

  The sound of my cell phone startles me. I grab it to see Brendan's number on the screen, but decline to answer. I know I'm late for practice, but I've waited too long for this moment with Morgan.

  I turn my attention to kissing her again and we lay holding each other for awhile. Her touch is so comforting, makes me forget about the hectic life I lead. I wish I could stay here forever or better yet, take her with me. There's nothing I wouldn't give to be in her embrace every day, to feel like I could go some place safe where I didn't have to worry about performing for anyone, just stay with the one who knew me and loved me for who I was.

  My phone goes off again, this time texts from a variety of people, but Grant's is the only one that matters.

  Hey, I need you to drop whatever you're fucking and head to the venue. I really don't want to have to be there to smooth shit over for you again.

  “Whatever,” I say under my breath.

  “Is everything okay?” Morgan asks brushing the hair away from my face.

p; “Yeah, but we've gotta cut it short. Sorry.” The words sound so cliché. I see the look in Morgan's eyes and I wouldn't be surprised if she burst into tears.

  “It's okay. My fantasy has already been more than I expected.” She smiles into my eyes. I hope it's the truth and not just something she's saying to make me feel better.

  I roll her over on top of me and kiss her again. “Mine too.”

  The Concert

  I'm totally buzzing over what just happened with Alex. No, scratch that. I'm totally freaking the fuck out! I'm glad in more ways than one and relieved and happy and confused. I guess I didn't realize having sex with him would open up a huge box of emotions. Emotions I didn't think applied to me or us because we're so in love. I wonder if Alex feels them too? Does he feel like we're one now, like we're together? I hope so because that's the page I'm on.

  We head to the venue speeding along the highway as the sun sets behind us. Alex's phone keeps beeping and I'm sure it's his band mates wondering where he is, but he's not responding except to drive faster. Every now and then he looks at me and smiles, but we ride in silence as if we're both still in shock from our quick and furious love making. Quick and furious. The words make me giggle to myself, a vision of Alex vibrating between my legs in a sloppy love making pose.

  “What's so funny?” Alex asks while down shifting and exiting off the freeway.

  “Nothing, I was just thinking about how I'd imagined my first time and how different it turned out to be.” I didn't really know how much to say, so stopped myself before sounding like a whiny girlfriend.

  “What did you imagine it to be?” His brows are furrowed as he looks at me then the road.

  “I just thought it would be maybe, longer? Or, you know, it's something I guess I fantasized about for so long that I thought everything would be perfect, the setting, the location, the sex.” I'm not sure where I'm even going with this except it's getting deeper than I think I should go at the moment.


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