The Craft of the Wise 4: Healing Hearts

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The Craft of the Wise 4: Healing Hearts Page 3

by Dee Carney

  She’d been screaming. She didn’t realize when she’d started, but a scratchy throat alerted her that she’d been crying for help. Pushing open the door, she fought and scratched at his grip. Almost managing to cross the threshold, he yanked her backwards.

  With another blood-curdling scream, Selena did the only thing she could and, in a move that surprised even her, she twisted and threw her bodyweight to the side. Her maneuver gave her the precious seconds she needed to stumble into the safety net of the house. Mayda warded the house against demons a few weeks ago and he wouldn’t be able to cross in demon form.

  Her chest heaving, she looked up in time to see a blur of fur and sharp teeth shoot past her. Three of the werewolves were out the door before she could stop them.

  “No!” she screamed from the doorway. “It’s Devin—for Goddess’s sake, don’t hurt him!”

  The wolves didn’t slow and she whirled to watch them. Her eyes widened as she looked on Devin’s transformation for the first time. He stood bare-chested, the muscles of his abdomen flexing, agitated and heaving. Skin the color of grey slate, beautiful and horrific, reflected the sun. Thank Goddess for small favors, unlike other demons no tail whipped behind him. While he seemed big before, his menace was larger than life now. If she didn’t know this was her Devin—she’d deal with when he became hers later—she could not have faced him.

  Surrounded by stalking wolves, the demon stood its ground, its red eyes ominously glaring at them. She’d seen the wolves in action against a demon before. If he so much as twitched, they were capable of taking him down, permanently. None of them, not Devin, either, made the first move. They watched him warily, low growls rippling through their throats.

  When the demon glanced up at her, however, she thought the glare softened. Almost as if the Devin of only moments ago reached out to her.

  Strong hands gripped her arm and pulled her further inside the safety of the house. Aaron spun her around to face him. “Has he harmed you?”

  He looked her over from head to foot. When his jaw tightened, he gently moved her to Ava’s waiting embrace. Nice time to remember she wore nothing beneath Devin’s shirt. The places where Devin had touched her while they made love stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. The button-down shirt gapped in enough places for Aaron to draw his own conclusions, erroneous or not. Red stains of blood where the demon’s claws dug into her flesh previously didn’t help matters.

  She wrapped the flaps of material around her body, ignoring the stinging wounds. “Aaron, please…don’t make assumptions about what you see. I promise it’s not what you think. Don’t let them hurt him.”

  He exchanged a glance with his mate before looking at her again. “He’s my responsibility. As is the safety of the witches in this coven, Selena. Go with Ava.”

  She shook her head. “I won’t. Not until you promise me you won’t harm him.”

  Mayda interrupted her thoughts when she entered the large kitchen, her gray hair in disarray and sleep still on her face. Selena turned to her. “High Priestess, please, help me.”

  Outside, a wolf howled and she looked to see what was the matter. Growling from the other wolves increased in volume as did their yips of excitement. The demon continued to keep a wary eye on them, but tracked movement inside the house with equal curiosity.

  “Are you watching, Aaron?” Vince sidled up to his alpha and pointed with his chin toward Devin. “Is it just me or is he paying attention to what’s going on in here?”

  “Her,” Aaron said. “He’s paying attention to her.”

  All eyes turned to Selena and another flush colored her skin.

  “What the hell is going on here? What’s this draw you have to him?” Aaron asked.

  She shrugged. How could give them an answer that she scarcely believed herself? Everything in her, gut instinct, women’s intuition, whatever it was called said she’d been waiting her entire life for Devin’s arrival. As if some part of her life was missing. As soon as she laid eyes on him, she recognized him as the missing piece. The solution to her puzzle.

  Standing inside the house, away from him, felt wrong. A jumble of emotions screamed for her to cross the threshold and join him. “What would happen if I went to him now, you think?”

  Mayda’s intake of breath was audible. “Absolutely not.”

  She glanced at Aaron and could see that the question had taken root in his mind. He didn’t appear as startled by her query as Mayda. In fact, the way he studied her, his brows drawn in made her wonder if he weighed the risks in his mind. Perhaps his curiosity was getting the better of him.

  “Aaron?” The decision was his to make. She would follow Mayda to the end of the earth, but when Devin and the other werewolves were involved, she had an obligation to look toward Aaron for guidance.

  Outside, the wolves were growing restless as they continued to circle Devin. A gray speckled wolf howled when the demon extended his arm, palm up, toward the open door. The invitation couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. He wanted her with him. For what purpose was anyone’s guess.

  “Goddess,” Ava whispered.

  Her astonished voice snapped Aaron out of his musings. “No. To attempt going to him is too dangerous.” He slanted his eyes towards Selena. “But I would love to know what he wants with you.”

  She took a tentative step toward the doorway. “I can help him.” She spoke in a whisper. Almost as if reminding herself more than anyone else in the room. She could help him if given the chance. As the hours passed, her confidence with the idea grew.

  “I can help him,” she said again. This time she spoke with determination. A declaration to everyone present of her status and skills.

  “I have to. It’s what I was meant to do.”

  Her chin tilted into the air and she moved into the doorway. That no one had stopped her up to now was a source of wonder. If they knew what she was thinking, what perhaps Devin himself wanted her to do, they would have.

  Selena turned and looked into Ava’s eyes. Her friend would understand.

  “He needs me,” she told her.

  With those words, wind gusted into the room at the same time the three wolves outside howled. In a flash, the demon stood in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

  Then they were both gone.

  Chapter Five

  Selena could do no more than lay doubled-over on the cold ground. Liana had told her what traveling to the demon realm had been like after she’d crossed over twice before, and Selena hadn’t believed her. Had no idea the burn wrapping itself around her would be so intense. Capable of stealing her breath away, really.

  His footsteps were muffled against the sand, but she heard his approach. He dropped down to one knee next to her. A glance verified his thick fingers curled into the soot, grasping on to the grains and soil beneath as if they kept him tethered to the world, such as it was. He took great, shuddering breaths, his sides heaving, his eyes closed. Muscles in his jaw flexed and loosened, his teeth audibly grinding. He fought some emotion that rolled off of him like heat.

  Pushing through the pain, she gasped out, “Devin?”

  Devin’s head snapped up, the movement lightning fast, as if she’d startled him. His world must have tilted on its axis as he staggered upright. He listed to the side before collapsing, the thunderous crash making Selena wince.

  On all fours, he scrambled away, his face twisted into an expression of horror and disbelief. Why did he look at her like that? Had something happened to his memory once they crossed into the demon realm? A quick check of her faculties assured everything was still in place, but Devin’s low, continuous growl, his knotted brows, and eyes full of worry didn’t give her the warm fuzzies. Not in the least.

  Raising an arm weighing a hundred pounds, she tried to touch him. “Devin?”

  “What have I done?” he moaned, writhing away from her touch. His thick, guttural voice brought the truth slamming home, gripping her lung
s and squeezing them until her breath caught.

  She was here. In the demon realm.

  Worse yet. With a demon.

  Whom she could easily fall in love with.

  “I shouldn’t have brought you here. You have to go back…you can’t stay here.” He pushed himself to standing, this time allowing his legs a chance to acclimate before trying to take a step forward. “You can’t be with me here.”

  The thickness of his voice, so different from his normal tone, took some getting used to, but through the roaring pain in her head, she translated his words. All she could do was nod in response, not quite certain what she was agreeing to. Where did this concern come from?

  “Why are we here?”

  He shifted his gaze away. “I come here because I don’t trust myself in this form. If I hurt someone…if I hurt you…it’s hard to think like the man I am when I’m like this. I can’t control myself.” A note of panic rose into his voice. “I have to get you back. You can’t be here!”

  “I won’t go back without you,” she replied, voice firm.

  His jaw tightened. “We’ll see about that.” Stiff, he bent down and wrapped his arms around her but effortlessly stood. Selena cradled herself against him, seeking and finding some comfort against him. “A stroke of luck—or misfortune, however you want to look at it—got you here safely. I don’t trust myself to transport you back, but I know someone who can. You will go, Selena.” This time his tone softened. “Please.”

  She couldn’t reply. She just didn’t know what to think right now. In fact, what must the others be thinking? She didn’t have time to warn or prepare them. She just knew with everything that was in her that she belonged with Devin. That their destinies were entwined and had been before they’d ever met. If she could have sought Jenna out to ask her what it all meant, she knew the coven’s diviner would have told her. That almost seemed like cheating, though.

  The Craft taught her an’ it harm none, do what thy will. But what would the others say if they could see her right now? Would they be able to see past the demon holding her?

  When Devin said he loved her, he meant it. No part of her doubted that. The demon he became more than bothered her, though. Despite what he said as a man, even she recognized the danger in trusting that the demon inside of him felt the same. Fortunately, the way he held her now eased some of that concern.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” She raised her head to look into his face. The burn had left her limbs and she felt capable of walking on her own now. But Devin didn’t seem to mind carrying her, nor seemed affected by doing so.

  He pointed with his chin. “There.”

  She twisted and looked toward where he indicated. In the distance, a clearing had been created, all evidence suggesting a man-made formation instead of nature’s handiwork. The circle was too perfect, its circumference marked by boulders. The middle had been cleared away, as if the area had a predetermined purpose. In direct contrast, outside of the circle was weathered. Dried and withered plants had been trampled beneath careless feet.

  “What is that?”

  He didn’t reply, so she looked at his face again. His red eyes remained focused on what lay ahead. Smooth, gray skin reflected the dim light. If she peered close enough, she could find some remnant of Devin in him, but the stark differences made that difficult. At first glance, all she saw was a demon.

  The hair on the back of her neck started to rise and every instinct screamed as if a jolt of electricity coursed through her. Devin’s grip tightened and the first hint of fear staked its claim on her.


  He continued walking toward the clearing. She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but while not hurting her, he made certain she couldn’t go anywhere. She turned again and a chill traveled down her spine. As they approached, the very distinct outline of several demons near the clearing’s edge came into focus.

  And Devin headed straight for them.

  “Devin, please!” No matter how hard she shoved against his chest, he kept a firm hold on her. She wouldn’t scream, wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing how deep her fear ran, but Goddess, she would not make this easy for them.

  Whispered words calmed her for a brief moment. “Trust me, Selena. No matter what happens, trust me.”

  Trust him? Although it seemed late now to question the unreserved dependence she placed in him, how could he expect complete faith, a willingness to follow him blindly, from her now? She felt gullible through and through. She’d made love to this man—this demon—under the guise he loved her. Under the pretense that something pure existed between them.

  She’d thrown Aaron’s warnings to the wind. Paid no attention to the common sense which told her people didn’t fall instantly in love. Everyone’s concerns that Devin was dangerous and could not be relied upon, even for an instant, seemed overly cautious. As a result, she walked blindly into his arms. He rewarded her devotion by bringing her to their enemies.


  His chest vibrated as he bellowed the name. If Selena thought she’d been afraid before, she became paralyzed by that name. He called for the witch who betrayed all of witchdom by joining with the demons. If she was here…

  Goddess above.

  “Devin. You’re back.” Dina’s sultry voice traveled over the dusty air. She walked out from the middle of the demon throng, at ease with herself and with them. Ava’s cousin seemed genuinely pleased to see him. The smile on her lips met her blue eyes and Selena realized something about her posture, the way she glided to where they stood which made her emotions flare.

  The witch was attracted to him.

  When Devin released her onto unsteady legs, Selena hesitated, torn on how to react. She should be running and screaming in the opposite direction. She simply did not possess the magical strength to face Dina head on.

  But if she ran, she left Devin in Dina’s clutches. The hungry look in her eyes, the come-hither pose of her slender body and the heat radiating from her in waves left little to the imagination as to what might happen under those circumstances.

  Almost subconsciously, Selena stepped back, pressing herself against him.

  Dina took in her movement and directed her attention to Selena for the first time. “Selena. It’s been a long time.”

  Only a month had passed since Dina betrayed them all, but the interval felt like years. Perhaps even decades since the witches began steeling themselves against Dina and her forces. Aligning themselves with the werewolves to stand against a foe which threatened all of them.

  “I see you’ve met my pet, my little creation,” Dina all but purred.

  Selena’s breath caught in her chest. Her pet?

  “I’ve done what you’ve asked. It’s your turn.” Devin sounded annoyed.

  More confused than ever, she turned to him. “Devin? What’s going on?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Dina rolled her eyes. “I remove the demon curse in exchange for a witch sacrifice.” She looked directly at Selena. “And look at what we have here…A witch.”

  Chapter Six

  Devin pushed Selena forward. “Let’s get this over with, but first, remove my curse.”

  She couldn’t breathe. Her lungs refused to fill up with air and provide her the oxygen she desperately needed. All she could do was listen to her mind echo Dina’s words over and over again.

  A witch sacrifice.

  To remove Devin’s curse.

  She was a fool.

  She believed every word he said. Every lie he uttered to her. The way he’d made love to her—his seduction—none of it meant anything to him. Her throat tightened with emotion, but she refused to allow a single tear into her eyes.

  Dina slid past Selena and ran her hand over his bare chest. “Why would you want to remove the curse, darling? You haven’t fully explored all of the possibilities yet.”

  He grasped her hand in his and withdrew from her touch. “I know everything I need to know. More than any per
son should ever know.” He sounded so wistful that, even in her anger, Selena felt a pang of regret for him.

  Dina tsked. “A demon-werewolf hybrid. The possibilities boggle the mind, Devin. You have the best of both worlds within you. Why would you throw that away?”

  “It’s called a curse for a reason, witch.”

  “It’s only a curse because you’ve yet to master everything entailed in what’s been given to you. Think, Devin. Think about how I could train you to harness the power of the wolf and the demon. The best attributes of either at your fingertips. Your wolf’s natural strength. The demon’s durability. Think!”

  Dina left something out of her logic. Something tickled Selena’s mind, but she couldn’t put her finger on it quite yet. Devin didn’t appear fully convinced, either, but he looked contemplative. After an eternity of silence, he shook his head. “You wanted a witch here and I brought you one. End my curse.”

  Dina’s eyes narrowed. “Fine,” she said between clenched teeth. “Bring her.”

  Her legs rooted themselves to the ground, but with a gentle shove to her back, Devin propelled her forward again. He whispered so softly she almost didn’t hear him. “I love you. Trust me.”

  Selena almost looked at him for confirmation, but there could be no mistaking words she hadn’t made up. At least, she hoped she hadn’t made them up. Between Devin’s callous behavior and the confrontation with Dina, her nerves were frayed to an unusable state. Her jumbled thoughts led her to question Devin’s intentions. To question her gut instinct by trusting in him. In trusting in herself.

  She wished she had a way to communicate back with Devin without alerting Dina or any of the other demons. How was she supposed to trust him? Everything in her whirled with confused emotions and self-doubt. Could she trust him, really? Should she?


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