Sassy Ever After: Sassy Switch (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sassy Switch (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 9

by Tina Donahue

  “It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

  Now that he did, he couldn’t believe Dimitri had gotten away with his monstrous behavior. “Why hasn’t anyone stopped him? Don’t you guys have an organization you belong to with rules and stuff?”

  “Sure. Same as mortals. When have their laws ever stopped them from murder, arson, rape, and everything else?”

  “Prisons do. If you guys don’t have them, shouldn’t you at least consider conjuring one to keep jerks like him off the street?”

  “I thought that’s what we were going to do tonight at the club.”

  If his plan worked. Shit, it had to, or he’d have to spend eternity helping her dodge Dimitri. “Right. I need to ask you something, and I’d like you to be honest. Please.”

  She kissed his cheeks, eyelashes, nose, and chin. “I adore you.”

  Grateful tears stung his eyes. He blinked them away. “I feel the same about you. But it’s not what I need to know.” He eased her away to see her face. “Are you scared about tonight?”

  She averted her gaze then slumped. “Yeah…I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m scared, too. Our fear will keep us alert. We have to remember what Cassie said about me not getting too cocky.”

  “You won’t. You’re too good to behave like a fool.”

  He wished he had her confidence in him. “No matter what happens, I’ll protect you.”

  “Uh-uh.” She hugged him. “We’ll protect each other. The power of two.”


  Never in her life had Wren experienced a longer afternoon. Roman kept suggesting they mess around and let sex take the edge off her increasing blood lust and his worry about tonight.

  She nixed the idea, afraid bed play would tax him too much. He needed to be hyper alert to everything Dimitri tried even before it happened. On her suggestion, they filled their time with cable movies. She wanted sci-fi. He preferred action-adventure. They compromised and watched zombie flicks.

  At last, the sun sank below the horizon, bathing the world in darkness.

  “Do you think it’s okay if I arrive like this?” He gestured to his naked chest. “Is there a rule at the club about no shirt, no shoes, no service?”

  There was. “Better conjure up a top for yourself.”

  “I hate to use the power.”

  “It won’t be much.”


  Not in the least. She still couldn’t recall anything concerning magic. “If Trish said you bringing us here only used a smidge, getting a T-shirt can’t be nearly as much. It weighs far less than you and I do, especially together.”

  “You’re right.” A black tee materialized.

  She liked how the fabric hugged his biceps, pecs, and chiseled abs. “You’re going to have to help me out.” She gestured to her nudity. “We broke my chains. And I tossed my panels to the patrons. As a rule, I simply conjure more before returning to the stage.”

  “Not a problem.”

  In a flash, the items clothed her. “Whoa.” She gave him her best smile. “You’re getting good.”

  “Tonight, I have to be great.”

  She rushed into his arms. He staggered back from her speed and force. “Sorry.” She righted him and held on. “I have no doubt you’ll be magnificent.”


  They held each other for the longest time, neither speaking, uncertainty pushing away everything else.

  The world outside her windows grew darker. Streetlights created yellow pools barely sufficient to fight the increasing gloom.

  Showtime had arrived in more ways than one.

  He laced his fingers through hers. “Ready?”

  Her stomach twisted from anxiety rather than hunger for blood. “Uh-huh.”

  “If anything goes wrong—”

  “It won’t. We won’t let it.”

  He squeezed her hand. “If it does, promise me you’ll run.”


  His sigh mingled with wind rustling the trees and bushes. He fingered her panels. “At least stay on point with what you’re supposed to do with these, okay?”

  “Of course. I know the plan and won’t deviate. I’ll follow your lead.”

  He looked sicker than she felt, but patted his pocket, Trish’s phone inside. “In case I forget, remind me to take pictures.”

  “I will.”

  He nodded. “Here we go.” He recited the incantation.

  Wren materialized center stage as they’d planned, in time for her performance. The DJ brightened at seeing her and waved. She nodded in greeting, heart racing.

  Roman stood at a nearby table, his stance alert, gaze sweeping the crowd.

  Dimitri wasn’t here yet.

  The mike squealed. Wearing a sheepish grin, the DJ tapped the thing. “I swear, I’ll get this thing right eventually. For now, prepare yourself for a treat!”

  The first strains from “Girl on Fire” filled the smoky room.

  Patrons faced the stage. The spotlight flashed on, illuminating Wren, her back to everyone.

  Whistling broke out. Suggestive comments followed. In times past, she would have considered nothing more than the dough she’d pull in tonight and how much she needed to give her troubled teens for tutoring and other stuff their parents couldn’t afford. With her and Roman’s future on the line, she found it hard to think.

  Allowing the music to take over, she swayed in time to the beat then spun around to face the crowd, face down.

  Cold air wafted close.


  She wanted to recoil but braced herself for the worst and looked up.

  He stood yards away, ignoring Roman’s glare and the smartphone in his hand to focus on her alone.

  Her skin went clammy.

  He smiled.

  There wasn’t anything scarier in the universe. More frightened for Roman than herself, she stuck to the script and strode across the stage, her steps matching the music. At the point where Alicia cut loose and made the tune burn with passion, Wren spun a tight circle, faster than she ever had.

  Her panels flew upward and elongated, morphing into ropes from Roman’s incantation, precisely as they’d decided.

  The cords snaked away from her.

  The audience let out a collective gasp. Applause thundered through the room. Alicia sang her heart out.

  One rope broke free, then another, and still another.

  Everyone fell silent, even Alicia’s song.

  At last, the final cord snapped free.

  Wren stopped.

  The ropes raced toward Dimitri.

  His mouth fell open. He lifted his hand.

  Fearing he’d stop them, she zipped from the stage and ran around him fast enough to blur.

  In his effort to follow and try to grab her, he forgot the ropes.

  She hadn’t and stepped back.

  Quicker than a blink, they encircled him and tightened.

  He bellowed.

  Roman rushed to her side, camera lifted to film this, and held her.

  Encased in ropes from head to toe, except for his eyes that he’d managed to keep free, Dimitri couldn’t move or speak. However, his power hadn’t been fully tamed. His irises turned silver.

  He blasted them with his dark magic.

  They held tight to each other, their love a barrier against evil. Cassie’s, Sabrina’s, and Trish’s power within Roman helped, too.

  Dimitri’s curse bounced off them, flipped, and did a U-turn, slamming into him.

  He flew off his feet and crashed into the wall.

  Before he dropped to the floor, Roman shot the scene and recited an incantation. The plaster liquefied, surrounded Dimitri, then hardened, encasing him below the “love note” he’d left them the other day.

  As before, his eyes were still uncovered and blazed. He sent another blast, which petered out before reaching them.

  Roman shouted, “Switch us back the way we were, or spend the rest of your existence in there.”

>   The wall shook from Dimitri’s gyrations, but he couldn’t break free.

  “Fine, have it your way.” Roman conjured numerous daggers then spoke to the servers. “Ladies, would you care to show this prick what you really think of him?”

  They grabbed their weapons.

  Shifters and other paras made bets on who’d make the best shot and jockeyed for the most advantageous position to watch the coming show.

  The servers let loose. Given their lousy aim, few daggers hit the wall, none his eyes.

  Roman lifted the smartphone in one hand to take his pictures and held up several more knives in the other, using them to taunt Dimitri. “Seems the ladies are too nice to give you what you deserve. I’m not. Remove the fucking curse you put on Wren and me, or I’ll take out your eyes. One by one.”

  Dimitri screeched something.

  Wren pressed against Roman. “What did he say?”

  “Not the reverse curse, that’s for sure. I feel the same as I have since he screwed us. How about you?”

  She nodded.

  Roman hollered at him, “Say bye-bye to your sight.” He threw.

  The dagger shot across the space then wobbled, Dimitri controlling it.

  Shit. Wren bit her lip.

  Roman threw the other one and dozens more.

  Dimitri wailed something and closed his eyes.

  Something whisked from Wren, leaving her empty. No. No. What in the fuck has he done this time?

  Wait. Another feeling arrived, comfort and confidence surging within. Her true self.

  She didn’t trust the change and gripped Roman’s wrist. “Conjure more daggers.”

  He glanced at the remaining one in his hand and stared at her. “I can’t recall how.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “Do you crave blood?”

  She didn’t, the persistent ache gone. “No. Do you?”

  He made a face. “Yeah.”

  Crap. “I’m going to fix everything now that I have my power back. As soon as I take care of him.” Without further ado, she sealed Dimitri in the wall, including his eyes this time, and used extra power to secure his prison so he couldn’t possibly get out.

  Roman’s eyebrows shot up, but he filmed the scene. “You’re going to trap him forever?”

  “I’d like to, but I figure after a couple of centuries, he will have learned his lesson and we can let him loose. For now, we’re free.” She threw her arms around him.

  The patrons decided who’d won the bet, paid off, and settled back in their chairs. The DJ selected a new tune.

  Roman hugged her gently. “I’m glad you’re free.”

  “You will be, too.” She cradled his face. “This is our start on the future, okay?”

  Doubt filled his eyes. “You’re sure you want to spend more time with me? I might always crave blood.”

  “I don’t care. Until I can find a spell to eliminate your hunger or we locate the idiot who did this to you and get her to turn it around, you’ll feed on me.” She poked his chest. “Try to do so with any other woman and I’ll have your ass.”

  He laughed and teared up some, too. The same as her. “You don’t mind being my blood slave?”

  “Serving you will be an honor and my pleasure.”


  Pacific Palisades—Los Angeles, California

  Roman directed the rented Mercedes to his parents’ mansion in the pricey enclave, parked out front, but didn’t kill the motor, his misgiving at an all-time high. He gripped the steering wheel.

  Wren stroked his knuckles. “Everything will be okay. You’ll see.”

  He lowered his face. “My dad has high blood pressure. When I tell him what I’ve become, anything can happen.”

  “I won’t let it.” She rubbed his shoulder. “I’ll work my magic on him. He’ll be all right. Your mother will, too. They miss you. You can’t hide from them forever.”

  He could try. Seven months had passed since he and Wren had made the switch back. During that time, she’d toiled nonstop on a spell and potion to make him human again. Didn’t work. Sabrina, Trish, and Cassie also tried separately and together to help.

  Wasted effort.

  The vamp who had turned him wasn’t anywhere in Vegas, that was for sure. He and Wren had even extended their search to surrounding cities.


  He was still doomed but didn’t crave blood as relentlessly as he had in the past, thanks to her spells and willingness to feed him whenever he hungered.

  Her offer did wonders in quelling his thirst. Knowing he had a ready blood supply allowed him to relax, wean himself from the stuff as best he could, and enjoy other things.

  They’d moved in together. Some nights she joined him at the casinos to watch him gamble and show off. When she was around, he couldn’t help himself, wanting to be the man. During the other evenings, he attended her performances at the club, knowing how much she liked to strip. He didn’t have to wonder why. Her curves and silky skin were unmatched. Even after existing an eternity, he’d never get enough when it came to her.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Can you put a spell on my folks to help them accept what I’ve told them and they won’t freak out or hate me?”

  “They won’t.” She kissed his ear. “I’ll zap them with an incantation to open their minds and hearts, their prejudices and fear gone.”

  “You can do that?”

  She nodded.

  “Shouldn’t you be using your skill to bring about world peace?”

  “I wish I could.” Her face grew sad. “The truth is it takes power that will never come back and would eventually destroy me.”

  “Are you serious?” He edged away, horrified. “I don’t want you hurting yourself so my folks still like me. I’ll earn their trust back the regular way. If I don’t, it’s okay.”

  She pressed his hand to her cheek. “No, it’s not. I can easily survive without the power I’ll lose today. Remember, I’m the one who doesn’t like being a witch and would prefer doing things the mortal way. Earning a living, helping others, making you happy.”

  “You’ve done more for me than you can know.”

  “I have a faint idea.” She matched his grin then scooted back and popped the locks. “Ready?”

  “No. But I’m doing this. Not for me. I can’t wait for them to meet you.”

  Sudden concern filled her face, her previous confidence taking a nosedive. “Did I dress all right?”

  She wore a modest white blouse, beige trousers, high-heel sandals, and underwear. As far as donning lingerie beneath her clothes was concerned, she’d told him this was a first for her, which she figured middle-aged, conservative mortals would appreciate.

  She searched his face. “If I don’t look okay, let me know. I can change in a sec.”

  He grabbed her hand before she could conjure anything. “You’re perfect. Ready?”

  She slapped on a smile. “Sure.”

  “Liar.” He chucked her chin. “Let’s face it, we’re a mess. The only solution I see other than fleeing—”

  “We’re not taking the coward’s way out.”

  “Then, for this suicide mission, I suggest we better help each other through it.”

  She glowed, her cheeks pinking up. “What else? Together is the only way to go.”

  “Agreed.” After they exited the car, he laced his fingers through hers.

  She winked.

  He fell in love even more.

  As one, they approached his parents’ front door. The first steps in what they’d chosen for their future and throughout eternity.

  Honesty between them. Caring for each other. Joy that enriched their days.

  Love without end.

  About the Author

  Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste—“heat with heart”—for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have prai
sed her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

  On a less serious note: She’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.

  Learn more about Tina and read her novels here:

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  Amazon author page:


  Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:

  Romance Books 4 US:

  Dirty Birdies:

  Other Books by Tina

  Coming in 2018 – 2019

  Seducing the Beast

  Book Six – Taming the Beast

  February 2019

  Disciplining the Beast

  Book Five – Taming the Beast


  Muzzling the Beast

  Book Four – Taming the Beast


  Thrust Into Danger

  The Phoenix Agency – Kindle Worlds


  Mastering the Beast

  Book Three – Taming the Beast


  Wicked Design

  Book Four – Wicked Brand


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