Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance Page 3

by Amos, Ashley

  “This is their new base. When I am given time to prepare, I can hold my own in a fight,”

  A smirk was thrown Drey’s way, but even to Krys the expression appeared half-hearted.

  “So I brought things to make my own weapons since all of my previous tools were taken or destroyed when I ‘died’. I’m planning to storm the place tonight while they are still recovering, destroy the blood magic relics and books, and then get out.”

  “You say that like I’m not helping you.”

  Drey looked down at the mage, silver eyebrow arched and hands on her hips. Trent narrowed his eyes;

  “It’s my mess, my problem. They’ve already attacked you twice, I’m not giving them another reason to try a third time, Drey.”

  “And who saved you both times? You need me whether you like it or not, Trent.”

  “Guys can I just-”

  Both Druid and Mage snapped simultaneously;

  “No.” “Shut up, Krys.”

  “This is going to be dangerous.”

  “All the more reason for me to go!”

  “I know their magic better-”

  “And it’s already been proven twice how unprepared they are for mine.”

  “Drey I refuse to allow-”

  “Let’s get one thing straight here.”

  The two were toe to toe now, Drey glaring up and jabbing the taller man in the chest;

  “You don’t ‘allow’ me to do anything. I will do whatever the hell I want and right now that is getting into a big fight with a bunch of idiot mages. Going at this alone would be a suicide mission and you have no right to do that to me this early on.”

  Anger had drained to surprise and now Trent just looked like he was unsure where to go with this, still unwilling to give in but also a little terrified of the pissed off little druid. He looked towards Krys as if expecting a lifeline to be thrown his way but he just held his hands up, shaking his head with a wry smile;

  “Don’t look at me man, I’m with the winning team. Just give up, we’re going with you.”

  “ ‘We’?”

  “We work together, dude. You can’t have a mystical connection with one twin and not deal with the other one.”

  Krys just grinned as Trent and Drey both reddened, the werewolf busying himself with a crystal while his sister spluttered indignantly and he winked;

  “So get whatever mage mumbo jumbo you need together and we’ll get this party started.”

  Chapter 7: In the Heat of Battle

  The three of them snuck up outside the house, Trent with a newly enchanted set of cards he swore were more than they appeared, and the twins clasped hands with a nod. They made their praise and offerings together, lacing their energies together before letting go.

  “Can I?”

  Drey pointed at the cards nestled in Trent’s leather satchel, waiting while he looked her over quizzically before nodding assent. She pulled out the Tarot deck, each card imbued with different symbols and essences. She clasped the entire deck between her hands, whispering until each card held a residual white glow before slipping them back into the bag. Krys turned away when Drey stepped closer to Trent, trying to ignore the connection he now had with his sister while she pulled the brunette down and whispered in his ear, some words of power and some just chastisements for foreseen recklessness. Trent was stunned, still so unused to the raw power Drey had and unable to do anything more than nod dumbly. When she pressed their lips together in a brief kiss he just let her control it, blown away that this sexy, powerful being cared about his wellbeing. Finally, Drey was forced to pull back when Krys tapped her shoulder and she exchanged a bashful grin with Trent before going with her brother to enter from the side. She glanced over her shoulder to catch one final look at her future, watching him pull a glamour over himself before striding through the front gates.

  Waiting was the worst part, having to hear the sounds of the battle but not being able to enter until the signal. Imagining the worst with every bang, grunt or yell. She appealed to her spirits, but they had nothing more to divulge, so she bit her lip and focused on the knowledge of their future together. This moment would pass. Krys tightened his grip briefly, sending comforting thoughts through their connection and giving her a sympathetic grimace. A flash of light burst out over the courtyard, blinding anyone inside not prepared for it and the twins nodded to each other before blowing the door off its hinges. A wind swept the courtyard as they stepped in side by side, eyes a pure blinding white as Drey was quick to knock the mages swarmed around Trent across the yard and Krys entangled the remaining ones in thick roots.

  Trent smiled crookedly as he watched them work, enraptured as they worked their craft. Drey saw the card fly through the air towards him before he did, crying out mentally out of reflex as she threw up a wall of ice in front of the mage;


  Somehow, Trent seemed to hear her, hiding behind the cover just as the card slapped into the ice with a zap and slid to the ground safely neutralized. She released the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, shooting a shard of ice through another card flung out of seemingly nowhere. That one had been directed at her and she searched with her magic enhanced vision, pinpointing the threat hidden within the house walls. She pointed, nodding at both men before moving carefully inside, leaving Krys to watch the hostages outside. Trent lead the way with Drey following closely as she looked behind each and every glamour upon the house to pinpoint the last two mages. Even with the prior knowledge it might be a possibility, it was still a surprise to be shoved through an open doorway and then to hear Trent’s pained cry. She quickly turned to her companion, finding the card searing flesh latched to his stomach making him writhe in agony. Drey erected a thick sheet of ice to keep the attacker out while she placed her hand on the card, wincing as it burned her palm, whispering words of power into the enchantment before it broke with a snap. She peeled the card from her palm, finding ‘wolf’ scarred in some forgotten language on her hand and a quick glance confirmed the same on Trent.

  The man was shaking and Drey started to search him for more cards when a snarl made her freeze. Oh, ‘wolf’. She backed away as Trent all but exploded in steam as fur sprouted at an alarming rate. Cracks and groans filled the room, making Drey wince as the mage’s body expanded and re-arranged itself to compensate the wolf. After what had to only be a minute or two but felt like hours, a wolf the same tawny color of Trent’s hair loomed over her a good three feet more than usual. It was growling as it sniffed her all over, black eyes reflecting her own white. She spoke in the old language, soothing words meant to reassure and remind him who she was through the spell still affecting his senses. Slowly, recognition returned to the wolf, gold taking over until familiar irises looked back at her. Trent whined, nuzzling her with his muzzle as his guilt ridden speech flooded her thoughts;

  ‘Oh god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t hurt you did I hurt you oh god-’

  Drey rolled her eyes, tapping his snout lightly;

  ‘Calm down I wouldn’t let you do that.’

  ‘Wait, you can hear me?’

  ‘Druid remember? You are part of nature now Trent.’

  ‘Ya but you aren't...scared? Weirded out?’

  ‘Why would I? You make things a bigger deal than they need to be you know.’

  He snuffed against her ear, making her shove him away even as she smiled indulgently;

  ‘So whoever did that to you is outside that ice. Are you ready to face him?’


  Drey inhaled to melt the barrier when the clack of claws on wood and a huff next to her ear made her pause. Trent held the satchel in his mouth, apparently having been thrown to the side beforehand because it was undamaged unlike the rest of Trent’s clothes.

  ‘Take my cards.’

  ‘Are you sure? I thought items like this held a part of the maker?’

  ‘I can’t use them like this and...I trust you, besides I have a feeling they
will listen to you just as well, if not better than me.’

  She gave the wolf a wry smile before slipping the satchel over her head, turning to the doorway and melting the only thing keeping them safe. Immediately cards came flying at them, only to be stopped by her ice shards. Damien walked into the room, seemingly surprised Drey was still standing or maybe it was the satchel around her neck that fed her Trent’s cards. Either way, she did not wait to clarify, flinging cards and ice at the mage as fast as she could. Damien waved them aside and dodged, all just as fast as she could send them his way. What he wasn’t watching, however, was the wolf, and it tackled him, sending them both through the window and back into the courtyard. Drey scanned the property before running after them; if there was another mage, he wasn’t here.

  She found Damien knocked out and pinned beneath the massive beast, its snarling maw hovering above the mage’s face. His cards had been burnt, Krys’s lazy salute as she walked over giving her an idea as to who had done it. She placed her hand on Trent’s neck, silencing the growls;

  ‘I have a better idea than that.’

  ‘You don’t- never mind future telling ghosts right’

  He backed up just enough she draw symbols over his chest, watching as it began to glow before she dove her hand inside, pulling out his second soul with a grimace. More words, this time words of restriction and binding before the soul was placed back inside and Damien was closed up. Trent cocked his head and huffed at her as she shivered with disgust;

  ‘He did to your old master what he had tried to do to you. Touching a soul that has devoured another is not pleasant. But now he can no longer connect to his magic. He is normal.’

  She smiled, standing and hugging the wolf tightly;

  ‘Let’s get you turned back, okay?’

  Chapter 8: The Song of Soul Continues…

  Drey had found coaxing Trent back into his normal body was a lot easier than she had anticipated. So when a naked mage had stood in their living room, Krys opted for another night out, leaving them alone with nothing to stop them from falling together once again. In her bed once more, Drey was on top of Trent, sliding with slow, measured movements along his shaft. Her hands were splayed on his chest until she encouraged him to cup her chest as she rode, then covering his larger hands with her own. She was determined to extend this as long as possible, moaning quietly as their combined magics swirled around them in tempo with their languid pace. It wasn’t long after that, however, for her plan to fall apart. She found herself underneath him, taking thrust after thrust and digging her nails into his shoulders as they raced towards completion. Once again they curled together as they tried to catch their breath, clutching each other like they were their sole tether to reality. It was then that Drey spoke, grinning despite herself;

  “So...are you ready to meet my parents?”

  The End of Book 1

  Book 2 - Soul Bonds is included as a Bonus with this book.

  Turn the page to read included Bonus Book 2 – Soul Bonds

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  soul bonds (book 2)

  Chapter 1: Meet the Parents

  “Stop fidgeting.”

  “But this collar is itchy and this tie is too tight and-”

  “Trent I swear if you do not keep that on I will dump you right now.”

  “Aw c’mon, you don’t mean that.”

  Drey rolled her eyes, adjusting her boyfriends tie and taming stubborn stray hairs back into place as she huffed;

  “My parents will be here any minute and god knows what Krys has been telling them. Can you please take this seriously?”

  “Drey, you’re the one constantly telling me how much they’d like me if they came up. What’s changed now that they are visiting?”

  The druid flushed, glancing away guiltily;

  “...they don’t know we’re dating.”

  “What?! But you said you told them!”

  “I know and I was going to but they were so excited to visit and kept talking about how proud they were I stuck to the old beliefs and I just couldn’t tell them that I was dating a-a-”

  Trent cocked an eyebrow;

  “A what?”

  “A mage! They already have a hard enough time with me leaving the commune to live here and even made Krys stick around to ‘keep an eye on me’. Now I have to introduce you to them and I just want this to go off well.”

  “Jesus Drey what were you-”

  The door opening cut him off and both turned to the doorway with an expectant smile plastered to their faces. A tall, thin man was first inside. His hair was a woody brown with grey peppered throughout and his hawkish face passed over Trent with clear disdain before landing on his daughter. Instantly that serious face broke out into a wide smile and Drey was dragged forward into a bear hug;

  “Andreya! I have missed you so much!”

  “Papa, you’re embarrassing me!”

  Even with her weak objections she made no move to stop hugging the man, grinning wide and giggling as she was lifted off her feet. Just then a lithe woman with fiery hair came inside carrying a giant suitcase that was immediately dropped as she rushed to join the hug. Krys shut the door, grimacing sympathetically at Trent before he picked up the forgotten bag and lugged it along with the rest of the luggage to the spare room. The mage shuffled awkwardly, waiting to be acknowledged and internally debating whether he should just leave when Drey grabbed his arm. He was pulled into the group, smiling nervously at the parents as the druid introduced him;

  “Mama, Papa this is boyfriend.”

  There was a heavy silence as Trent was picked apart under their gaze, doing his best not to show his nervousness as he offered a hand;

  “Sir, Ma’am it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  His nervousness must have bled through his carefully schooled expression, because Drey’s mother stepped forward, looking him over critically before gripping his chin and forcing him to look her in the eye;

  “You are a mage Trent?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “And you were turned recently, weren’t you?”

  Drey met the sharp look turned her way, shrugging and shaking her head in confusion as she looked between the two.


  “Do not look to her to save you. Were you or weren’t you?”

  “Y-yes ma’am, against my will but I have been learning to control it better.”

  “Well that’s your first problem.”


  “You cannot control nature, merely ask that she stays kind. My daughter has been teaching you this, has she not?”

  Trent’s face softened, stealing another glance towards the girl wringing her hands nervously;

  “She is ma’am.”

  “And you treat her well?”

  “I treat her how I’d want my own sister to be treated ma’am.”

  More scrutinizing until she finally released Trent’s face, a smile cracking the serious expression she had had up until now.

  “Good. I can see that you mean that, Trent. I am Isabelle and this,”

  She tugged forward the tall man who had been content to stay in the corner;

  “This is Dietrich. Greet the boy, Dietrich, don’t be rude.”

  Dietrich looked down at his wife, some unspoken conversation flowing between them before he resigned and offered his hand;

  “Trent, it is...something to meet you.”

  The strained smile was mirrored as Trent clasped the offered limb in what was more a competition on whose hand could take more without breaking than an actual handshake. Krys entering the room broke up the strong arm competition, his loud groan and growling stomach making everyone turn;

  “Enough of this alpha male BS, can we eat already? I’m starving!”

  Drey smil
ed at her twin gratefully and he winked back before grabbing his father’s arm and leading him towards the kitchen. The man immediately softened, listening to his son’s active chatter as he was pulled away, Isabelle close behind. Drey slipped her hand into Trent’s, disturbing his staring and standing on tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek;

  “Thank you.”

  “For what? Your dad hates me.”

  “He’s always like that with new people, but you are trying to steal his little girl away so he’s having an especially difficult time with you.”

  Trent snorted, disbelief written across his features;

  “Why don’t you cook tonight? Make that thing from the rat movie.”

  “Ratatouille? Shouldn’t I make something nicer for your parents?”

  “But you know it’s my favorite.”

  Drey fluttered her eyelashes, leaning into him as they followed the others;

  “Now that’s not fair, I can’t say no to that face.”


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