Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance Page 10

by Amos, Ashley

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Sarah’s heart was pounding wildly, she was sure that he could tell. She wasn’t exactly ready but ready as she ever would be and took a deep breath.

  “Yes. I’m ready.” She answered seriously.

  He pulled her to her feet and or a moment the both of them stood there naked in the center of the room bathed in the moonlight and the flickering light of the candles. Her tiny and dark frame next to his massive white body. She liked how they looked together, how perfectly they contrasted each other. He walked her over to the dresser which she realized was actually an altar.

  Now that she was closer to it she could see that not only were there three candles but there was also a dagger and some form of ornately decorate goblet. They stood in front of the altar for a moment in silence taking in the moment and the energy of the night.

  “First I’m going to have to pierce you and draw from you. I will have to draw from you until you feel as though you are steps away from your final heartbeat. You will be very weak and feel as though you are in a dream almost. But you must listen to me when you hear my voice. I am then going to give you my own blood which you must have enough energy to drink. You must then drink from me until you begin to feel a change. You will know when to stop. And do not be worried about what it does to me. I can’t die remember.” He said solemnly.

  Sarah, standing dark and naked in the moonlight, nodded her head and looked up at him ready for the pain. Only there was no pain. Marcus took her in his arms and pulled her close to his body once more. He kissed her gently on the lips and then pulled back. As he cocked her head gently to the side and swept her loose braids from off of her neck she could see his fangs begin to grow even more. Her heart was racing as he leaned towards her neck. She felt his lips on her neck and what felt like a small pinch and then only pleasure. Things began to go dark and she began to lose track of who she was, or where she was or what she was doing. All she could think and feel was pleasure and floating. Like floating in a dream or a sea of clouds or maybe….

  “Sarah, it’s time for you to drink,” Marcus said. Sarah could barely hear his faint voice as she floated amongst the clouds.

  “Sarah!! SARAH! SARAH you need to drink, NOW!” Marcus was yelling and holding his wrist to Sarah’s mouth. He had drained her of most of her blood and then ceremoniously slit himself with the dagger on the table and filled the chalice which had been on the altar with his own blood. Now he was holding it to Sarah’s mouth. This was the most dangerous part of the change. The dance with death and the transformation. Some humans never were able to get past it enough to come out of it and drink the blood. He feared he might be losing Sarah to this now.

  “DRINK!” Marcus yelled as he parted her lips and began to pour some of his blood from the chalice into her mouth.

  Sarah heard her name being called and tried to recall where she was. Then she felt a warm thick liquid entering her mouth. Slowly, as the blood filled her mouth, she began to remember what was going on and what she was doing. She took a swallow and began to feel a bit stronger.

  Her eyes opened to Marcus’s relief and she grabbed the Chalice greedily drinking down the warm red liquid as it filled her with an energy she had never felt before. She was beginning to feel stronger than she ever had. Soon the cup was dry and she was still thirsty. She looked to Marcus.

  “Are you ready to feed from me now?” Marcus asked as he held out his wrist. “Remember to stop when you feel me getting too weak.” He reminded her.

  Sarah took his wrist and placed her blood reds lips onto his pale skin and the place where he had sliced himself with the dagger. It was still bleeding, just a bit. She began to suck at the cut pulling blood out of him and feeling it as it coursed through her own veins. She could feel no heartbeat though as she sucked on him, minus that of her own, but she could feel his energy. The warm liquid which she was sucking down was making her feel stronger and something that she had never felt before. She continued to suck out Marcus’s blood… feeling stronger and stronger until she heard his voice in the background.

  “That’s enough my queen.” Marcus said gently as he ran his fingers through her hair. But she just wanted a little bit more. The taste, the thrill, the energy was like nothing she had ever felt before.

  “I said enough.” Marcus demanded as he pulled her off of his wrist by the hair forcefully as she did not stop on his command. Sarah looked at him a bit sheepishly.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she licked a drop of blood off that was running down her lip. Marcus smiled at his dark and naked, blood red lipped goddess he had created in front of him. Then he leaned forward and kissed her, gently kissing off the couple of blood spots she had smeared on her face in her vigor to feed on him.

  Sarah was drained and ecstatic all at the same time. Marcus seemed drained himself. He placed the dagger and the chalice which had been on the floor with them back onto the altar.

  “As per tradition we shall light the third candle together?” Marcus asked

  Sarah nodded and didn’t know how she knew, but nonetheless knew exactly what to do next. They both stood on opposite side of the altar. Sarah picked up the lit candle on her side while Marcus picked up the lit candle on his side. Together they used them to light the candle in the center at the same time and then returned the candles to their original positions.

  “It has been done” Marcus said with a solemn smile.

  “There’s so much to teach now young one,” Marcus began, “but for tonight my love and my queen, we need to rest up. The ceremony we just went through severely weakens the vampire physical system and its imperative we recuperate as quickly as possible. There’s much for you to learn still about this life and about myself and the current situation. My people will need me, us, to be back into our prime shape as soon as possible. But we will talk about that tomorrow.”

  “Mmmmm I just want more of you. And possibly a fresh feed?” Sarah suggested playfully.

  “Ha!” Marcus laughed out loud. “I forgot how much fun it was when I first became a vampire. Perhaps that is one of the side benefits of having a fresh face around me now. Regardless, if that is what you are wanting to do then you are definitely going to be needing some rest. Come now. Let us go to our sleeping quarters.

  Sarah smiled at him happily, she was ecstatic, sleepy, blood drunk, lust and in love all at the same time. What a crazy night she thought to herself as Marcus wrapped her up in a large fluffy robe and them himself. She followed him out of the ceremonial room they had been in and down the hall to their sleeping quarters. A million questions still and so much to learn but happy and comforted to know that she would always have Marcus. As long as she had him, she knew that everything would be more than okay and certainly better than average.

  End of Book 1

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  Dark Miracles (book 2: Ivory fangs in ebony flesh)

  Sarah is still coming into her own as a new vampire and learning the ways from Marcus when a miracle soon appears in their lives both unexpected and filled with lots more unknown than either of them would prefer. To make matters even worse tension is growing among the clan at the estate as Marcus and Sarah both greet the challenges of their new miracle head on armed with their love for one another despite the forces fighting against them. Will their miracle end with happiness?

  Chapter 1

  Sarah rolled over in the bed, the soft silk sheets shifting as she moved revealing a curvaceous and naked breast in the dark shadows of the room. To the normal eye it would have been almost impossible to see in the pitch black of the room but for the keen eyesight of a vampire such as Ma
rcus he could see it almost as clearly as if it were daylight. How he loved her so, he pulled back a lock of her thick black hair and kissed her gently on the forehead before he quietly crawled out of the bed so as not to disturb her.

  He walked into his walking closet and picked out a casual three piece suit and a pair of fine Italian leather business shoes and got dressed quietly. Thinking about the joys he had experienced with Sarah the past few weeks. He loved her so deeply and had watched her grow and change so much in those few precious weeks together. Both physical and mentally, and found himself growing more protective of her and their life together instead of his normal desire to lead and protect his clan. But he knew he had both duties to attend to though he was dreading dealing with the blow back he was about to face from the other members. He finished getting dressed and held his head high, squaring his shoulders as he walked out of the closet.

  He had been spending lots of time with her since their communion and vows to each other. More than he should have he knew. There was business he needed to attend to and he had been neglecting his head of council duties for about a week now. He knew there was tension in the air amongst the clan because of his decision to bring in Sarah without approval much less having the discussion with anyone. But there were a few other matters which would need to be addressed first.

  There was still the unresolved matter of the Dark Knight Clan to the north of them as well as one of their own, Bruce, whom had been dangerously unreserved lately in his methods of feeding. Enough to raise an eyebrow amongst the public because so many had gone missing. In fact the night before he had brought Sarah to the ball and joined with her, making her one with him, he had found one of Bruce's kills fresh and left hurriedly in an alley way where any mortal human could have found it. He had originally intended on stopping by Sarah's that night to give her warning and take her late night shopping to his clothier when he happened across the fresh kill and wound up spending the early dark hours of that evening disposing of the body so it wouldn't be found and reported to local authorities.

  He was afraid to find out now if Bruce had been up to it again during the past week. He had felt it important though to spend as much time as possible with Sarah during her first week of being a vampire. He remembered his first week and how he had been forced to survive and hunt and learn almost everything on his own. What he wouldn't have given for a kind and genuine mentor at that stage of his life. The last thing he wanted Sarah to feel was alone or even worse to regret her decision to spend eternity with him.

  So instead they had spent every waking moment together for the past month. Him teaching her everything he know and showing her the grounds and the finer things in his life. He wanted to leave the stresses of being a leader off of her shoulder for as long as he could. Fearful that they might cause her to become afraid and close up or even worse yet, run away from him. He now had to take time to meet with the main leaders of his clan to get caught up on what he had missed while he had been entertaining her and take care of much needed business.

  Walking silently over to her marbled nightstand he left a note for her ever so quietly. Then quietly slipped through spacious bedroom, giving one last glance at his beautiful new wife, her curves outlined in the shimmer of the silken sheets, and then pulled the large wooden door open and quietly slid out of the bedroom. He was the leader of this clan and the last thing he was scared of was any blowback from his tribe about the love of his life. Screw tradition there was some change needed around here and she was providing it.

  Chapter 2

  Sarah yawned and rolled over in the bed, her arm reaching for Marcus only to come up with empty silk sheets. She opened her eyes and slow scanned the room for him and she stretched her arms and legs out letting the smooth luxurious silk sheets slide effortlessly off of her body as she did so. The room was completely dark but she could still see everything amazingly well. It had been about a month now since their union together and her life had changed in ways that were beyond her wildest imagination. Many times she would secretly pinch herself just to make sure she really wasn't dreaming.

  She was still discovering new abilities and talents every day and as the weeks went on numerous added benefits to being a vampire than what she initially would have thought. Being able to see in the pitch black was one which had come almost immediately. Although she still enjoyed having a light on, even if it was only a candelabra or a dimly lit oil lamp. Something about it made her feel human still. So much of her still did feel human even though she knew that she no longer was there were still quite a few human comforts which she enjoyed and Marcus’s Estate certainly provided an endless number of incredibly lavish comforts. Ironic enough but ones which she had never been blessed enough to experience when she had been a human due to her upbringing and lack of money.

  After the ball and the guests and all left the night following their communion Marcus had taken her on a carriage ride through the grounds and finished it with a short round of night golf on his estates golf course. Two things Sarah had never done in her life. It was one of the most magical nights of her life being introduced to the wonders of Marcus's world. Wonders she had never even dreamed would be possible in her life were now every day normalcies. Though she wondered how long it would take for them to feel normal.

  It all still felt like a fairy tale dream still to her she thought as her eyes wandered over the luxurious bedroom. The vaulted ceiling with the ornate crown molding decorating the tops of the walls where they met the ceiling. The oversized vintage chandelier which was lit by what seemed to be a hundred candles. Marcus could light them all merely by looking at them. She let her eyes wander down the walls briefly studying each of the paintings on the walls and over the enormous, cherry wood, hand carved poster bed with its ornate headboard and footboard. Almost its own living piece of art with angels and demons carved throughout. Depicting various scenes of angels and demons fighting and falling and others which almost seemed to be making love.

  "Marcus?" Sarah called out quietly.

  Expecting him to maybe answer from the closet. Sometimes when she awoke he would be up already, in his closet resting in his dressing chair and reading from one of his thick leather bound books. Other times he would be out preparing her breakfast and arrive almost immediately after she roused with some form of delightful morning (evening) surprise for her.

  Upon hearing no answer she sat up and took and further glance around the room and noticed a small note standing upright on her table by the large bay window which opened up over the courtyard gardens below. She stretched once more and slowly got out of bed, stepping onto the high plush carpet feeling the softness on her bare feet. She walked to the large bay window drawing open the thick dark velvet theater curtains which kept out the sun during the day so that they could safely sleep. The moonlight poured in through the large window panes, the light bouncing softly off of her dark naked body. She pulled her thick robe off of her sitting chair next to the window and slid into it. The softness wrapping her body like a cloud. She sat down in the chair and picked up the note with one hand and began to read it.

  "My most beloved, please forgive me for not staying until you awoke this morning. I have some matters of business to which I must attend, most regrettably, without you. Please roam the grounds as you wish just be sure to avoid the meeting room as I'm afraid I cannot have you in there. I will meet up with you for dinner on the veranda at 3AM. All my love, Marcus." The note read.

  She placed the note back down on the, grey, white and black speckled marble table and eased back into the large chair looking out the window. What was she going to do today? Or tonight more like it. She was still getting used to the nighttime being her new daytime concept. This was the first time since her change that Marcus had left her alone to entertain herself for the night. Not that there was any shortage of entertainment on the estate. It was almost like its own self-sustaining high-end resort. She had been amazed and still was at all that Marcus had and was privilege to. And
she was so grateful that he had spent so much time with her.

  Chapter 3

  The first week after the transition had been rougher than she imagined physically, coupled with so many questions and even more to learn. In fact, she was still learning. She had a hard time sleeping during the days and was still getting used to the fact that she couldn't go out in the sun. The first week she had woken up early one evening and snuck out of the room so as not to wake Marcus, thinking that she would go for little evening walk. Not even thinking about the suns effect on her. She had been found crumpled in a ball on the floor by the main foyer door. Upon opening it just a crack, the rays from the evening sun had jolted her, and caused her such tremendous pain that all she remembered was waking up with Marcus and the Butler standing over her. The door had been shut and cool compresses had been wrapped around the hand and arm which had been exposed to the sun light when she opened the door. She had not made that mistake again. Other than that, things had been like almost like a fairytale. A dark one perhaps, but her fairytale and she loved every bit of it, Marcus the most.

  She rose up from her chair, note in hand and walked into her closet to the left of the fireplace. Smiling as she entered the grand room and setting the note down onto her vanity she looked at herself in the mirror. As she looked in the mirror she noticed that her breasts had become much fuller and perkier and her hips and rear had seemed be more plump and accentuated as well. Her reflection was changing as well and had become more of a hazy reflection than the clear image it used to be when she was human. She wondered how many more weeks it would be before her reflection disappeared completely. Perhaps she was just fooling herself. But she thought she looked much more voluptuous naked than she had the previous night.


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