Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance Page 12

by Amos, Ashley

  "So the body, your body, is still going to want to eat people food especially during the first few months as you get used to the habits and lifestyle. You do need blood of course as well but it isn't nearly what people make it out to be and there are more moral and less moral ways to go about that shall I say. I will teach you a bit of that while we are out tonight. As long as it seems you have the energy. Otherwise I will take care of the kill and you can just rest here and worry about feeding. We shall see how the night plays out. But for now go ahead and eat. Let me open the curtain so we can enjoy the view. "Marcus said.

  She watched him stand up and expected him to walk over to the large bronze rope which hung down from the long floor to ceiling curtains but instead he casually flicked his finger and the curtains drew themselves open slowly. The moon, full and bright in the night sky shone in on them highlighting and bouncing off of the marble floor and furniture and sparkling off of the silver tea set. He walked over and looked out the oversized bay window and she rose to join him, her eyes widening and she took in the sight before her.

  They were on the top level of the enormous southern plantation style home, dead center and overlooking the back end of the estate which she had not seen except from ground level the night of the ball. It was lit up very well under the light of the full moon and it seemed almost to her as if she could almost see more clearly now. It took a few moments to really take in the enormity of it all. Below them was the main courtyard and the rose gardens. To the left was a large sparkling swimming pool which crested with an infinity edge on one end over a clear babbling brook. A large hot tub sat on a hill just above the swimming pool and had been crafted to flow over into the swimming pool like a natural waterfall. Steam wafted up out of it lazily as the pool lights flickered a soft blue underneath the gently lapping water. One end of the pool looked as if it disappeared right underneath one of the building walls. But she couldn't tell from her angle.

  On the other side of the babbling brook from the swimming pool was another immense sprawling garden filled with a variety of giant sunflowers and dahlias with ornate pots filled with exotic species of Orchids and other tropical flowers. A clean path snaked through the garden opening up to the tennis courts.

  To the far right of the main courtyard was what looked like another expanse of garden of some sort and some form of building but it was hidden by a large hedge, followed by what looked like a giant row of trees? The driveway curved around this side of the house from the front to what looked to be a row of garage doors. She notice his regular ride sitting outside one of the doors. This must be where his regular spot is she thought to herself. There was no way that this could really be all one persons. How rich was Marcus?

  "This is all yours?" She asked Marcus. A bit stunned by the enormity and beauty of the grounds before her. Everything looked picture perfect and like a dream.

  "No.... It's all yours." He said softly.

  Not knowing what to say she leaned against him as he held her close.

  "The night is young. I’m going to get dressed and get the carriage ready. I want to show you the grounds and then go for a little ride or two. Later I can introduce you to the staff. I didn't want to overwhelm you with too much of them this morning though normally I see much more of them in the mornings... er I mean evenings for you still I suppose. We can talk about the basics and I'm sure you have a million questions... as I show you around the place what do you say?" He said as if reading her mind.

  She did have a million questions and had never been on a carriage ride before.

  "That sounds lovely," She said. "I won’t take long to get ready."

  "Eat, take your time and meet me in the foyer in 45 minutes." Marcus replied. He leaned down and placed his lips softly onto her plump, delicious brown ones and kissed her gently. He pulled away quickly so as not to get too carried away and hurried off to get ready, disappearing into a similar closet door on the opposite side of the fireplace from hers.

  Chapter 6

  As she slid into the form fitting leggings and slipped on the riding boots she noticed just how voluptuous she really looked and smiled seductively. She decided against the fancy lace undergarments that had been set out only at the last minute decided to change her mind and wear at least the bra underneath the top as it was white and she didn't want to happen upon staff and be having her bits showing through her blouse. She began to fix her hair in a bun on top of her head when she noticed it certainly had changed and was noticeably thicker, fully and longer now. Couldn't complain about that only it was a bit top heavy for the day and she decided on a long thick braid falling down the center of her back with a couple of locks hanging over her smooth dark forehead and framing her oval face and high cheek bones. She felt like a high society woman and was thoroughly excited for her night out with Marcus. She touched up her makeup and ran to meet him at the foyer. On her way through the large wandering halls she thought she heard far off arguing but the closer she got the foyer the small the sounds got and by the time she saw Marcus standing there she had forgotten about them completely.

  "You look even more fabulous in that outfit than I thought you would my love," Marcus said as he happily took in her classic beauty.

  She was everything he wanted her to be all without ever trying.

  "The change is already affecting your body. In a very good way. You will continue to see and notice more changes," he told her pulling her close for a quick hug and a kiss.

  "So my body is changing then. For a minute I was wondering if I was changing or just imagining things," Sarah told him honestly.

  "Yes, that is typical for women vampires. Well it depends on the woman but it tends to bring out the best in you physically. So long as you actually take care and nourish the body which you currently have. " Marcus continued on.

  "Are you ready to head on? I can talk while we walk and ride around, "Marcus said as he pulled on the handle to the large front door.

  Opening up and escorting her out the front door to where he had a massive carriage awaiting. The carriage was made of an ornate rod iron decorated and embellished with a gold seal of some sort. Come to think of it she had seen that symbol and seal repeated around the grounds in tapestry’s, rugs, furniture and a variety of places. She wondered if it meant anything to him personally but then thought the better of it. It was probably just some traditional old royal symbol like the fleur de lis that was printed all over everything these days. The carriage itself was pulled by 6 beautiful black draft horses, harnessed together with matching black and gold leather. On the front was mounted a driver in full matching regalia. When Marcus did something he sure went all out she thought. She headed towards the carriage.

  Hopping inside of the carriage was almost more magical than seeing it from the outside. The interior itself was even plusher that she imagine it was almost as if she had fallen into Cinderella’s carriage, only Cinderella went Goth. Marcus climbed in after her and open the little curtains to the carriage windows again with his magic.

  "I want to know how you do that." Sarah said.

  "That my dear comes with a bit of study and good time. And is far from what you need to learn at the moment. "Marcus. Then he proceeded to continued rambling on about the basics of what to do about the sun and what types blood were acceptable. Things which almost any amateur vampire enthusiast would already know and which at the moment were incredibly boring to Sarah.

  Sarah was hardly paying attention to him as she stared out the carriage window. They passed the house winding around the back of it and heading down the path which had been hidden from her view from the bedroom. Like an infinite tunnel of trees and bushes the path wove in and out... sometimes giving off glimpses of the giant sprawling mansion from between the tress. To the other side revealing a sparkling Crystal Lake and mountains in the distance it was almost like some other world. She never could see the mountain from her part of town. But then again she had lived in the worst part of town so there wasn't too much too see besi
de beggars, bums, crackheads and other brothers and sisters fighting the good fight. The carriage slowed and came to a stop at a large stone barn. Marcus got out first and helped Sarah out holding her hand with his.

  Sarah gasped when she saw the two beautiful thoroughbreds, perfectly groomed and ready for a beautiful moon lit night ride.

  Chapter 7

  "Is she going to be okay doctor?" Sarah heard Marcus say in a concerned voice.

  Sarah awoke, confused and looking upward as two faces and then 4 faces came into focus. First was Marcus and hovering close to that was the unfamiliar face of a kind looking elderly man who was looking at her in a very concerned way.

  It took her a minute to realize where she was for a moment, becoming aware of the room she was in and her surroundings. A second ago she had been getting ready for a ride and now, that’s when she realized that she had been having a dream. A dream so vivid that it felt as if it were real. It was real, it was just the past now and not what was actually happening now. She still felt woozy and light headed.

  "You’re sure that’s what it is?" He asked again, not giving the doctor a chance to answer the first question.

  "She’ll be fine," the doctor said reassuringly. "You need to make sure she is eating and feeding enough for two now though and getting plenty of rest. I think that probably the lack of enough feeding is ultimately what caused her to pass out. She’ll need the increased iron on a more regular basis while she is pregnant and while she is breastfeeding."

  "Say what? What’s happening?" Sarah started tried to form the words but they barely came out. She still felt incredibly weak and hungry.

  "Wow, okay so this is super really happening. This is great. Hey honey... baby girl... my queen are you coming back now. "Marcus asked her as she looked at him hazily and very confused as an awareness of the situation began to dawn on her.

  "What happened?" she asked. "Where am I? Are you talking about a baby? My baby? Our baby?" A mixture of confusion and happiness flooded through her.

  "Yes, Yes and Yes. I’ll tell you but first drink this", Marcus said as he offered her a dark goblet filled with a sweet red liquid

  Sarah took the goblet, its heaviness surprising her. She felt the ornate engravings along the bottom of the heavy cup as she put it to her lips. She gingerly took a sip and let the thick, red liquid pour into her mouth. The sweet, metallic taste of blood filled her and she began to gulp greedily, allowing the life giving fluid to fill her. She finished it all too quickly and looked at Marcus as she handed him the goblet back. A bit of blood trickled out of her mouth and she licked it up before it could travel too far. She was still ravenous for more.

  "I'm still starving. Can we go feeding tonight? Please?" Sarah asked Marcus. Desperate to quell the blood hunger which was raging through her.

  "Oh my queen. We cannot. But I can and I will being you home more than enough to keep you and our little one more than fed and happy. It is far too dangerous for you to go out feeding in this condition. So I'm afraid for the time being you are going to have to allow me to keep you fed with fresh blood that I bring you. We will keep some on hand here at all times. Especially now that you are pregnant. The last thing we can have is you going anemic on us. And you will still need to eat human food too. Vampire pregnancies are extremely rare and especially when you are still such a young vampire. In fact I don't think we have any history of a vampire getting pregnant so close to their change. Let us get you settled in the bedroom and the doctor can come talk to us both about our plans for the next few months and how best to take care of our new, um, development. "Marcus said a bit hesitantly, as if still unsure of what to think about the situation.

  She didn't want to rest though. She was starving and needed to eat and more so, was desperately, still craving fresh blood. She could feel her teeth beginning to throb. This was a new and very unwanted sensation.

  "But I'm starve," she quickly corrected herself not wanting to be misunderstood," I'm desperately thirsty." she said to Marcus.

  "Don't worry my love. I'll take care of that," he replied.

  He looked at her deeply and caringly, then reached out his hand to her.

  "Do you feel well enough to stand and walk to the bedroom?" he asked her.

  "I think I do," Sarah responded as she took his hand and he pulled her up to her feet and into his body. She wrapped an arm around him and they headed out of the library doors.

  Chapter 8

  Marcus pulled up the covers around Sarah and gently tucked them around her. As he gazed at her lovingly he bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. She felt an electric warmth run through her body and pulled him a bit closer. Marcus resisted though, and pulled back slowly, taking her hands into his.

  "Not now my darling. It's too much energy and you need to rest." he said.

  She smiled at him and leaned back, resting in the knowledge that he would take the best care of her. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach, winced and then heard her stomach growl. Marcus must have heard it as well because she watched the look in his eyes change to deep concern. He rolled up the cuff on the left sleeve of his shirt to just above his elbow and held out his wrist to her mouth. She was so thirsty that without a second thought she pressed her lips to his wrist and tried to drink. But nothing happened, only throbbing in her incisor teeth instead of fresh tasty blood. She looked up to Marcus half terror, half desperation in her eyes. Was this normal? What was wrong with her teeth?

  Then, like a tornado on a cloudless day a whirlwind of questions, doubts and fears began to hit her about her newly discovered condition. Just how many vampires did get pregnant? Had she been pregnant since before she became a vampire? What would this mean for the baby? Would it be a vampire or a human? And was she a vampire yet? And what was wrong with her teeth? Was the pregnancy going to mess up her transformation? What would that make her then? What exactly was she now? She felt a dryness in her throat and her stomach gurgled again.

  Without saying a word Marcus quickly put his wrist to his own lips and pulled it away revealing two rashly opened, wounds fresh and ready to quench her thirst. She pulled his wrist to her mouth and began to drink hastily. She felt the warmth run down her throat and fill her up but she wanted to drink more and began to suck harder. Marcus gently stopped her.

  "Just a little bit for now my love. I need to go and find you a fresh supply to keep on hand and talk to the doctor about what exactly we should do. I don't want you to tire yourself with such conversations so let me have some food sent in and another chalice. Take a nap and I will be back in a bit once the doctor and I have figured out a solid plan to make sure that you and our heir will be more than healthy and happy." he said as he rose from the bed and quickly left the room.

  Sarah laid back in the bed and rested her eyes. She could hear Marcus and the doctor just outside of the bedroom door and tried her best to decipher the conversation through the thick mahogany doors but could only grasp syllables and small words. Baby... safe... not enough to make out what was happening. Then all of a sudden she heard a new voice loud and clear and much louder than the rest of them.

  "PREGNANT!?!? You got your little play thing pregnant!? And you get on me. How exactly do you suppose you are going to take care of feeding that without causing a stir around town?" the voice yelled angrily, almost reverberating through the mahogany doors. Sarah could feel the hatred and malice seeping out of the creature or whoever it was. Although why he hated her so much she couldn't guess. She felt stung, for the first time realizing that she might be a point of resentment for some of the people, or vampires, around here. That had never occurred to her until now... with the exception of Tessa everyone she had been around had been more than cordial. Though it had been largely the house staff. Marcus had many business visitors and partners that lived on the grounds but she had never bothered to interact with them much as she had been so entranced with Marcus. Perhaps that had been a mistake.

  She heard a bit more muffled yelling and Marcus responding
although she couldn't say what. The muffled yelling stopped then she heard the frightening and angry voice shout, "You can't keep her and that little monster safe forever. Try me."

  And then silence.

  Sarah was shaken to her core and probably would have begun to cry had a house maid not come in with a tea cart filled with trays stacked high with bloody, rare slivers of a variety of red meats and another large chalice filled to the brim. Her stomach gurgled and she reached eagerly for both the chalice and a tray of meat. Listening to her body more than her mind she drank and ate even though all she really wanted to do was cry.

  She pondered over what Marcus had said and the fight which had occurred outside of the bedroom door as she chewed and drank until she was stuffed so full that all she wanted to do was sleep. She knew that Marcus would always take care of her and that it never really mattered what happened outside of their bedroom doors that he would always and forever keep her and their child safe. Feeling a bit better and much less thirsty, her stomach no longer making noises, she began to feel the exhaustion from the night’s events and closed her eyes to rest.

  Chapter 9

  Sarah woke up and rolled herself over in the large luxurious bed. The fine silk sheets falling off of her shoulders and exposing her engorged round breasts as she lay sleeping soundly. The sun was almost below the horizon as Marcus quietly crawled out of bed. Not that he could see it through the theater curtains which were drawn tightly over the windows so that no light could come in. But he knew it was still out there, a gut feeling every vampire had. It had been about 4 months since they had discovered Sarah pregnant in the library. She was even larger now, her ass a bit curvier, her stomach showing with a lovely baby bump and her breasts, full and bigger than ever. She loved her pregnant body and so did Marcus. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to his valet asking for Sarah's favorite carriage and horses to be brought about and ready for an early nighttime roll around the grounds. He was hoping that she would be up for that. They he went back the bed and slowly stroked her hair, running his fingers tenderly down her faces and neck. Sarah stirred and her eyes fluttered open as she looked at him.


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