Battle Queen: Red Ruler Series (Book 1)

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Battle Queen: Red Ruler Series (Book 1) Page 3

by Kahaula

  “He said,” the guard gulped and nervously continued, “He said that per his breeding contract he has the right to choose his prize. He said he chooses you.”

  “WHAT?!” I shot up from my seat, enraged at this asshole’s audacity. From my periphery I could hear Bibi whimper and cower away from me.

  “Tell him none of our breeding contracts have such an agreement,” snapped Hs’tar coldly.

  “Yes, sir. I explained that—“

  “Battle Queen of the Blood Sands! I choose you as my breeder prize!” The deep growl of the voice reverberated over the PA system through the stands. A collective gasp was followed by silence. Blood pounded in my ears as I felt rage overtake me. I had not been in the arena for two years. I had made sure that when we were free and the old slavers had been killed in our mutinous purge that I would not be like Spartacus, killed off in some forgotten field in a never ending fight for freedom. I would protect us by being smarter, by having contracts that ensured we could choose if and when our bodies would ever be used. Prohibition never worked. The contracts gave us the power and money to protect ourselves.

  This Rentok must have found some sort of loophole, or worse, I had given him one because I was the last check for every single contract. I had fucked up.


  “No,” Hs’tar’s voice was so quiet and coldly lethal that the guard took a giant step back.

  “I’m going to kill him,” it was a simple statement but it finally made him look at me. The beautiful burnt copper swirled with intensity. Whatever thoughts or emotions running through his mind flashed one after the other like a meteor shower. I had to salvage this. We were more secure than we were before but nowhere near where I would have liked. I would have to play this just right. “Hs’tar get me his contract, Mel work with the commentators and our contracts department for a special surprise match. If offworlders want to see it they’ll need to pay extra for the viewing rights.”

  “I’ll also get the betting re-opened with all the bookies and gambling houses,” she bobbed her head quickly and took out her personal holoscreen, whipping everything together. Hs’tar shoved his own holoscreen in front of me with a highlighted section of contract. He had already found the slightly altered clause in the standard breeding contract which stipulated that the match champion could request a different breeder if they/she/he did not want the ones who volunteered their services at the time of the contract’s agreement.

  “I’ve already told the contracts department to comb through all contracts since this one to look for any other subtle changes like this,” Hs’tar’s smooth voice was a balm to my senses, but his cold logic that was two steps ahead helped cool my rage. Now it was my turn for a bit of showmanship to take the reins back from this Rentok.

  “Your prize?” I laughed haughtily, feigning boredom, “I am the Battle Queen of the Blood Sands! Defeating another does not make you worthy of me.” The crowd roared in cackling laughter. Holoscreens showed my face rolling my eyes, Hs’tar sneering down at the arena next to me.

  “Then come down to your Blood Sands and I’ll defeat YOU!” The holoscreens changed and focused on the Rentok’s mocking face. I knew this is where I had wanted to lead him but I was unprepared for just how stunning he was. The Rentok I had killed four years ago had been handsome even covered in scars. This Rentok was nothing short of magnificent. His skull was similar to a human’s but with much sharper cheek bones. His pupil matched his skin as pitch black but the iris was like a nebula of shimmering blues and greens against the black of space. He only had ear holes on each side of his head unlike humans. He was also totally hairless, no eyebrows, just a slightly pronounced ridge but not overly much like a caveman. His luscious lips peeled back in an arrogant smile showing his sharp teeth.

  “Such a pretty Rentok,” the crowd jeered and laughed again, “Don’t worry, after I beat YOU, I’ll make sure to offer you a job at the Pleasure Palace!” I saw Mel nod her head. I had stalled long enough for her to get everything in order to maximise our profit from this match. I also knew that since Hs’tar had only shown me that one altered clause that meant the redundant precautionary clauses protecting bodily autonomy were still in tact. The Rentok could make his request, which I could have easily denied if not for him hijacking the PA system and calling me out.

  I could have still denied his request but it would have shown that he had successfully sneaked in a contract that had caught me off guard. Like blood in the water, it would have made others start to circle and think they could get away with other things bigger than just an altered clause in a contract. I had provoked him into challenging me. Now I had the opportunity to remind everyone that I’m still the feared warrior and leader of this former slave planet.

  “And after I beat you, I’ll make sure to offer a proper place in my bed!” A cacophony of sounds exploded in the arena as the many different species hooted, hissed, jeered, and laughed. Bibi jumped up behind me and quickly braided my hair back. Her deft fingers created a twisted crown of tight braids in mere moments. She slowly unwound the red wrappings around my torso and breasts, leaving them bare to the harsh night air. Bibi knew the importance of dramatic flair and what it takes to rile up a crowd, inspiring them to think with their sex organs and not their brains as they paid more, bet higher, and spent credits like water just so they could say they were here today or saw this match. Getting on her knees before me she lifted my favourite black sword, the same one I had taken off the dead Rentok I killed my first day in the old arena.

  I smiled sharply letting my fangs descend and my claws pierce my fingers as I gripped the hilt. I lazily rested the sword on my shoulder the same way I did the first time I used it to kill. Bibi’s hands gripped my hips and slid seductively down between them to unlatch the belt that held my black skirts up. I caressed her jaw and lips but pushed her softly away before she could undo the wrappings that ran from below my belly button to just above my knees. Every gladiator knows to fight in the nude as clothes are nothing but a liability. The only exception is if you can afford skin tight protective wrappings like the ones I always wore now. Letting Bibi undo the top half showed I had respect for the gladiatorial arts and that I wasn’t afraid of this challenger, while keeping on the lower half reminded everyone that I was the master now, not the naked slave.

  “Enough words! Let’s see how prettily you bleed, Rentok!”


  I slowly and deliberately placed one foot in front of the other. Many of those I walked past shuffled and pushed to get close enough to catch a glimpse of me as I made my way casually down to the blood sands. I was now nearly a full foot taller, at just under 7 foot, than when I had first been brought to this planet. Many, many alterations first physical then genetic had been done to me. As I weaved through the crowds I let loose my pheromones in calculated waves of enticing and tickling arousal. More than one spectator ran their hands along their body or fondled their genitals. Their lusts for sex and blood fuelled and stoked by me. Good, I smiled in my head, be captivated and yearn for what you can not touch.

  The previous opponent had already been removed from the arena floor. I stood on the rail looking down at the Rentok male a mere fifty yards from me. Without any build up, I sprung up high. Twirling and landing perfectly in a crouch, like a lithe cat before him. “Your pictures do not do you justice, Battle Queen,” he rumbled. His voice was like an orgasm personified, rich, deep, and saturating. I didn’t even bother holding back the onslaught of my receptive pheromones on him. A tsunami of lust saturated the air around me, enveloping him tightly. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back. A shiver passed over his body. His eyes opened, those swirling nebulas danced with mirth. His nostrils flared as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

  Shaking his head, he laughed softly. It sounded like water over tumbling gemstones. “I had heard that you had the ability to beguile opponents with your pheromones,” he smiled, “but again, the reality of how rich and lush you smell... so ready to be fucked? You outdo a
ll descriptions.” I tipped my head and gave him my fang filled grin. No one survived the level of lust I was pushing out from my pores. My golden and bronzed skin was even slick with it. If not for the wrappings on my lower half, my own cunt would betray me with its dripping hunger.

  “I have no descriptions of what a worthy Rentok would be,” I tilted my head again and licked my lips tasting my own desire. His eyes watched the motion of my tongue and his skin seemed to shimmer briefly. “I have, however, killed a nameless unworthy Rentok before. You look no different than he,” I gave a careless shrug to deliver a bald faced lie. The male’s eyes narrowed in indignation.

  “My name is—“

  “Don’t care,” I cut him off with a bored look, “Let’s get your defeat over with quickly, shall we? I have paperwork to get back to.” The edge of his mouth quirked up almost like he was trying to hide a commiserating smile of understanding.

  “We’ll see who—“


  My sword connected with his as he skidded back a few feet at my unannounced assault. I was done with the playful banter. This had started out as an exhausting and terrible day. Then it got progressively worse as my love life troubles were constantly thrown in my face. Add in a hefty dose of being underfucked and I was a ball of rage just waiting to be unleashed.

  As we fought and danced our way all over the arena the crowd went wild. They were impressed. They were in awe. No one survived a match with the Battle Queen as long as this Rentok had. Even when I was mostly human I had fought with such unrestrained ferocity that my matches never lasted long no matter how much damage my fragile human body took.

  While part of my mind was loving the exertion, and all the credits we’d be raking in for every extra second of the fight, I was beginning to lose my patience. Seeing my opportunity, I curled in close and swiped my claws against his hard chest. The Rentok roared, actually roared, and backhanded me halfway across the arena. I went face first into the sand and had to spit out the red grains before my head snapped back to his last position.

  He was sailing through the air much the same way I had sprung off the arena rail when I first walked in. One problem with that, you stupid fuck! I calculated where he was to land and sprinted right for it. Using all my momentum from the sprint I gut punched him before he could land. Now it was me who watched his body go sailing then tumbling across the sands. Jumping down only looks impressive, but once you’re up you can’t control how you come down. I sneered at his rookie move. He obviously had never had any gladiatorial or ground fighting experience. The legal matches were all about optics. But in the slave fed shit holes the galaxy called gladiatorial rings, it was only survive or die. Showboating almost always got you killed. For the best fighters you could tempt fate by being entertaining but you never made yourself vulnerable like he had.

  “Stop wasting my time, Rentok!” I sneered. “Just yield so I can go do more important things.”

  “Like properly reading through your contracts?” He laughed. A deep growl reverberated through my chest. Some days, like today, I barely even recognised the human woman I no longer really was. We ran towards each other and he slashed in practiced moves. I could feel my rage building. The shift in my pheromones was sudden and pronounced. It was pure and unadulterated bloodlust. My mind was shifting, falling into that dark deep and primordial place.

  I was going to kill him.

  His eyes widened a fraction as if he knew I was no longer fully in the driver’s seat. Our fight continued in earnest as we both slashed and punched in between the strikes of our swords. We were both breathing hard and... smiling? I was having fun, and so was he. I raised my sword and it crashed against his. However, this time our blades shattered. We both stood there for a beat, shock showing on both our faces. There was a collective gasp in the stands. My shock morphed to unfettered rage.

  “MY SWORD!” I screamed. That primordial call of the predator came roaring back and I let loose a sound I didn’t even know my throat was capable of making.

  Fury. Despair. Hate. Disbelief.

  I had survived horrors because of that sword. Four fucking years it had been by my side. My one constant reminder that if I kept fighting, kept surviving, that I could one day live free. I felt a strange sense of detachment as I watched my own fists pummel and connect with his body. He gave as good as he got, defending himself and attacking with the cold calm of a soldier. I was beyond all logical thought. As he tried to wrap me up in his arms in a punishing bear hug of a hold I bent my body back and brought my skull down on his face.

  His broken nose gushed down and his hold loosened for a fraction of a second. It was long enough for me to lift my foot and kick with all my strength against his hip. He bellowed in pain and stumbled back as I fell to the sands. I placed my palms against the shifting surface to push to my feet but fell forward. I looked down in confusion. I was used to fighting in the blood sands, never had I been off balance by its naturally shifting surface.

  Both of the bones in my forearms were shattered. The white shards protruded from each arm like hunks of yet uncooked meat down in the bazaars. The bastard had actually crushed me in his hold.

  “ENOUGH!” Hs’tar’s voice echoed through the colosseum. I had not even realised that the screams and cheering had stopped after my sword had broken. “Our Battle Queen would keep us here all night playing with this Rentok!” The crowd laughed hesitantly. I knew what he was doing. Hs’tar was giving me an out and I needed to take it. I was covered in black and red blood, my aches and pains starting to filter back into my consciousness as I pulled myself back to the here and now.

  “Who wouldn’t want me playing with them all night?” I laughed, nonchalantly snapping my forearm bones back into place. Compartmentalising the pain I gave a saucy wink that was captured over the screens. The Rentok as well stood casually across from me, even though I knew I must have shattered his hip. The crowds ate it up, their cheers louder and more jovial. “However, Commander Hs’tar is right! As much as you all love the fights, I know you probably would rather be fucking right now!” I laughed with the crowd as they jeered and bumped shoulders or talons with their friends or neighbours in the stands. I was standing on sheer will power alone, the pain like slow grinding glaciers along my nerve endings. “I will be generous, Rentok, and count this as a draw.”

  “It was a hard fight. I humbly concede that it was a draw,” the Rentok smiled as he wiped the remnants of black blood from under his nose. I knew Hs’tar had immediately shut down the PA system, because when the Rentok next spoke it was only between he and I. “Is a draw enough to get me a night in your bed, my Battle Queen?” He winked.

  Cheeky fucker.


  We walked silently side by side to the archway that led to the underground tunnels and support staff facility below the arena. From the corner of my eye I saw the slight limp in his step. I smirked. Ahead of us I could see Hs’tar and an accompaniment of his Sylean guards. His body was loose and his face calm, almost aloof. I sighed softly. I was going to catch hell later.

  “Battle Queen Welo, your med-suite is ready for you,” Hs’tar’s voice was so professionally cold I could have gotten frostbite. He turned slightly to the Rentok, “If you wish to purchase a med-suite for your injuries we can prepare one.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” the Rentok smiled mischievously, “Though perhaps I should share a med-suite with the Battle Queen and... soothe some of those deeper aches.” Hs’tar’s eyes narrowed and a sharp hiss escaped his lips before he stopped himself. I could only blink in shock, I’d never seen him behave so territorially before. We had an understanding, not a relationship. Hs’tar took a small step forward.

  “Your hand, please.” He held out his larger tablet and waited patiently. He had schooled his features once more into their cold professional mask. The Rentok’s own eyes narrowed in suspicion and irritation, almost as if he was perplexed and frustrated that Hs’tar hadn’t taken his bait. He placed his bloody hand on t
he screen until there was a melodic chime. Looking down at the screen Hs’tar quickly motioned to his men, who surrounded the Rentok male.

  I watched his muscles bunch and tense up as if ready for another fight, even in his heavily damaged state. I kept my face equally as blank as Hs’tar, watching his burnt copper eyes bounce across the screen before looking up.

  “Payment for your med-suite has been accepted. Enjoy your recovery, General L’Ryx.”

  “Thank you, Commander Hs’tar,” L’Ryx smiled sharply, “Please also put me in for an appointment with the Battle Queen so we can discuss how my contract can be filled, seeing as how things are as yet unresolved.”

  “Of course,” Hs’tar replied. I snorted and shook my head walking away from both. I kept my back ramrod straight. Such polite words after such a bloody fight. I heard the general’s steps as well as Hs’tar’s men receding before I turned the corner. As soon as I rounded the corner and saw no one in front of me I sagged against the wall.

  Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe out the pain. Breath out the pain.

  “I’ve got you, Welo.” I sagged back into Hs’tar’s arms. At least one of my legs were broken, multiple ribs, and I had no doubt there was also massive internal bleeding. Snapping my own forearm bones back into place looked badass and impressive, which of course is why I did it, but now they would need to be re-broken so they could set correctly. Optics had been more important at the end of that match than my pain and suffering.

  My breathing became laboured as I desperately tried to cling to consciousness. I had no doubt that in a real fight I would have beaten General L’Ryx but I had walked into that match blind. He had forced my hand by highjacking the PA system.

  “Hs’tar...,” I could hear the weakness in my wheezing voice. I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want him to see that I was holding back tears of pain and frustration. I hated that he always seemed to see me at my worst and had to care for me because of it.


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