Summer's Landing (A Loving Summer Standalone Novel Series): Loving Summer Spinoff (Loving Summer Series Book 9)

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Summer's Landing (A Loving Summer Standalone Novel Series): Loving Summer Spinoff (Loving Summer Series Book 9) Page 2

by Kailin Gow

  Then when Summer came to examine each and every burn scab I had, touching them gently with her soft fingers…fingers I had countlessly kissed or sucked on years before, I almost lost all of my cool. Man that woman. She still had that hold on me. She could take my breath away with just one glance from her.

  I was holding my breath trying not to pant when she leaned in to take a closer look at one over my pec. I was vaguely aware that Rachel was in the room so I had to control myself. I couldn’t let Rachel see me give in to my strong desire for Summer. I couldn’t let this happen although I very badly wanted it with all of me.

  But DAMN, I almost lost it when Summer’s warm breath brush hotly over my chest. I pictured her bending down towards my nipples and grabbing them with her teeth while extending her tongue out to lick them while keeping her big beautiful eyes on mine.

  I wanted to grab her long wavy copper hair, pull her closer while pushing her head down towards the rock hardest part of me so she can suck the life out of me. I pictured her naked, on top of me, in front of me, riding me, straddling me… Lord have mercy she looked up and realized she was practically kissing my nipples with her mouth so close to it as she watched how my scab healed itself in front of her.

  “Sorry,” she said, looking away. It was barely a mumble so soft that I thought at first I had imagined it.

  She was as flustered as I was turned on. I had to make a joke of it. Anything to ease the thick tension. After all, she was still with Drew, and…

  “Drew’s completely forgotten ever being with Summer. He thinks you and her are together instead, as in the time before you left for Afghanistan,” Rachel said.

  Drew’s completely forgotten ever being with Summer.

  Could that be possible? My mind tried to make sense of something so impossible. How could Drew forget Summer when she was everything to him? It had to be the side effects of the drug used on him to bring him out of the coma. It had to be. Otherwise, it would wreck Summer.

  Following our conversation about trying to locate the maker of the drug, I had to see Drew for myself. To what extent had he forgotten Summer, and was there anything else he had forgotten?

  I pulled on my clothes in front of Summer while Rachel walked out to the corridor. I was so used to living without women around and hanging with just my guys, I didn’t think twice about changing when I needed to or being modest. That was my life…the life I had before making my appearance back as Nat for Summer and Drew’s wedding rehearsal.

  Before things got fucked up with the Dragon showing up and ruining it for everyone, Summer’s kidnapping, and then Drew’s coma. Not to mention that explosion in one of my warehouses here at the compound I am still investigating. It came from within so now I have extra worries. Someone here at my compound had did it, had set it up so that I and many of my guys would have been killed. Luckily, it was mainly me who got the brunt of the explosion. Luckily we had this burn ointment in development which made it possible for me to walk and talk as normally as usual considering days before I was almost unrecognizable from burns.

  I walked past Summer and Rachel into the corridor and into Drew’s room where he was scrolling through a tablet.

  “Hey Drew,” I said. It was like old times. I walked up to him and gave him a fist bump. He fist-bumped me back.

  “You’re up, Bro,” Drew said grinning. “For a moment there, I thought you were the one in a coma. Yup, the staff here filled me in. I take no offense to you not visiting me earlier. Seemed like you were in pretty bad shape. But looks to me, that was greatly exaggerated.”

  “Not really,” I said. “I was bandaged like the Mummy for days until today. Whoever blew up my warehouse was out to take out as many men as possible, including me.”

  I saw Summer and Rachel flinch.

  Apparently while I was out, no one had informed them about the gravity of the situation. Good thing too or things would’ve gotten even more chaotic.

  “No need to be alarmed,” I turned to them. “Luis and Hector told me they combed the entire facility for more explosives, but found nothing more.”

  “Did they catch who did it?” Summer asked, her eyes filled with fury. “I mean you could’ve been killed.”

  “They’re working on it,” I said. “It definitely came from within so we have a Benedict Arnold. Which would require the utmost secrecy between us.”

  Summer, Rachel, and Drew fell silent as we were all thinking of how deep that betrayal would be to find out someone close to you whom you thought was a loyal and trustworthy friend was actually the one trying to kill you.

  I walked up to Summer, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me where I leaned in and kissed her long and passionately in front of Drew. When I pulled away, Summer’s face was flushed. She was clearly affected by my kiss, as I was. My heart was pounding hard, and I wanted more of Summer. “Thank you, Baby, for being so worried for me. You are my girl.”

  Summer looked ready to correct me, but I glanced over to Drew pointedly. Summer followed my lead by looking over at him. Drew didn’t bat an eye. He was back to looking at his tablet. He really has forgotten being with Summer. The old Drew would have jumped out of bed, walked right up to me and push me away from Summer, fighting for her like a caveman over his woman.

  Maybe he missed it. One way to test a man about how he felt about a girl was to kick them where it hurt. No man would want to see his fiancé manhandled by another man so…I grabbed Summer, whispered into her ear to play along, and pushed her against the wall where I wrapped her legs around my waist. I leaned into her and buried my face into the deep valley between her sumptuous breasts and kissed the top of them. “I’m starved for you, Summer,” I said. “You getting angry about the explosion for my sake only made me realize how much I missed these past couple of days without you. Tonight, you are sleeping with me in my bed. I’m going to make up for lost time by making love to you all night.”

  I knew I sounded corny, but to any man who hear another man talking about having sex with their fiancé, or even seeing another man grope his woman; it would push any man to act.

  “Now I’m worried,” I heard Rachel said, catching on to what Summer and I was doing.

  We all glanced over at Drew. He was smiling.

  “You two should get married already. You could barely keep your hands off each other. Go at it. I can’t wait to become an uncle, and I’m sure Mom and Dad wants grandkids right away. Why wait? You two aren’t getting any younger.”

  Rachel coughed and said, “You knucklehead, Drew. If you only knew. If you only knew.”

  “What?” Drew asked.

  Rachel just shook her head.

  Summer’s face fell as she left the room. She was very upset, which made my heart ache for her.

  As for my dumb brother with no clue, amnesia or not, I turned to him and said, “It’s time you see a professional for your memory loss.” I walked out the room, after Summer.

  She was fast and had already made it out the medical building, headed to my private quarters where she had her belongings. After rescuing her from The Dragon, we had her set up at my compound where we would be able to protect her.

  She reached the front door to my quarters, pressed some buttons, and ran into my quarters. I caught up to her in front of my bedroom and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in.

  “It’s for real,” she said, crying into my shoulder. “Drew is not pretending. He can’t remember.”

  “For now,” I said gently. “Just now.” I pulled away from her to look into her eyes. Big beautiful and expressive Summer eyes. “We’ll find who made the medicine Drew took, and we’ll find out how to bring Drew back.”

  “Good,” Summer said, closing her eyes briefly. “I’m beginning to think this is it. That Drew is letting me go, and I have to move on, especially if he doesn’t remember.” She looked up at me, and I had the sudden urge to kiss her hard. To kiss her so deeply she would forget what she had with Drew. To kiss her to her very soul so she would f
orget her pain and concentrate on the love I held for her.

  She was blushing, and I think she was remembering our passionate kiss in Drew’s room in front of Drew. We were both shaken after that. It was like reliving our first kiss.

  “Summer,” I said softly. “If Drew never regains his memory of you, I hope you can move on.”

  Summer looked at my lips and licked hers. She swallowed. “I have no choice then to move on, but if there is a chance of recovery, I have to try.”

  She leaned in close and kissed the tip of my nose before smiling gloriously. It was the Summer I knew and fell deeply in love with…the girl who could light up a room with just her smile. “Thank you Nat for helping me. You always come through. Always. That’s why I love…” she stopped, and I looked down at her.

  She had fallen asleep in my arms while leaning into me. Poor Summer. I had forgotten she had suffered a lot recently too, especially being kidnapped and rescued. And now her entire life had changed because of Drew.

  Chapter 3


  I woke up in my room at my beach house in Malibu. At least I thought I was. It wasn’t, since it was only a replica of my room.

  I stepped out of my room and saw corridors that led to Nat’s modern contemporary kitchen, the sunken and sleek living room, and Nat’s masculine but zen-like bedroom.

  I was still in his compound at his high-tech security corporation. The compound was where Nat lived with his top guys and most elite teams. I was in Nat’s private quarters, which he had lots of rooms, even rooms that were the replicas of the Malibu Pad, where he felt like home.

  I walked into Nat’s bedroom and looked around. Nat wasn’t in bed.

  His large California King bed was nicely tucked in. Soft silky sheets and fluffy pillows made it so inviting. For a second I wanted to jump into his bed to rub my face along the soft sheets and smell the clean linen smell. It was my guilty pleasure as sleep was a prime luxury for sleep-deprived-always-on-call doctors like myself.

  I couldn’t resist.

  With one leap, I was on Nat’s bed, snuggled up to the sheet, rubbing my cheeks against its softness while making a kind of snow angel pattern with my arms and legs, feeling how luxuriously soft the sheets were against them. I took a deep whiff of the pillows, which smelled like wildflowers. No, orange blossoms and lavender. And smiled happily as I closed my eyes in bliss.

  I heard a chuckle from a deep voice. It was like a sexy rumbling sound deep from the chest. My eyes sprung open, and I glance over to where it was coming from…the bathroom door had open.

  And Nat was standing at the edge of his bed dripping wet except for a towel hung low on his hips. His hair was darker with dampness, but his eyes were brilliantly blue in this light. He looked like a sexy Greek God caught in a rain storm. Who was bulging and hard as a stone.

  I swallowed. Why did he have that effect on me? Involuntary. Like I can’t help salivating when I see him shirtless, naked, or downright bulging hard.

  “I didn’t see you there,” I said, stating the obvious. I could have smack my head for that clever and unwitty statement.

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” he said with a mischievous smile. “I thoroughly enjoyed seeing you enjoying every aspect of my bed.”

  He plopped down next to me, and took a pillow to smell.

  “Orange blossom and lavender,” I said. “You scent your bed and pillows. I like that.”

  He took a whiff of the pillow and smiled. “Because I want them to smell like you.”

  I wasn’t prepared for that. “Really?”

  “Isn’t this your scent?” he asked leaning over to take a section of my hair and smelling it with his eyes closed, relishing it. “It does smell like you. My decorator got that right.”

  “Oh Nat,” I said, “That’s very sweet. I never knew you paid so much attention to my scent.”

  “I know you so well, Summer,” Nat said softly, looking at me intensely. “I know what you like to eat, how you sleep, your favorite music. How your skin is very responsive to touch. How you like being massaged, how you taste. How you loved feeling my tongue right along the tip of your…”

  “Nat,” I said, “I probably should…”

  “You should, Summer,” Nat said playfully. “But maybe I should get up and let you keep enjoying this bed.” He turned away from me and got up, only his towel slipped off of him, caught somehow by the tip of my toes.

  This was the next incidence where my jaws dropped open, but now I couldn’t help salivating a bit.

  Staring at me was the most perfect and large rounded dick I have seen in a while. Drew’s was impressive, but now seeing Nat’s again, even their dicks were marvelous rivals.

  Nat’s was tanned like the rest of his tight muscular buns. His body was so tight and smooth, going from large shoulders to washboard abs to the sexy V along his pelvic bone down to his thick and long manhood. He was very hard. Very turned on, and his eyes watched me take him in hungrily.

  “Nat,” I said. “You are beautiful.”

  Nat took a deep breath and said jaggedly, “So are you, Summer. You haven’t change all these years except to become more beautiful.”

  “I…I’m glad the years have been good to you, um, your body,” I said. “You’re perfect.” I gulped.

  Nat moved closer, getting back onto the bed to kneel before me. His abs leveled in front of my face, as he ran his fingers through my hair. “Such silky soft hair,” Nat said. “I’ve always loved playing with it, smelling it, and even wrapping it around me.”

  “Nat…” I was intoxicated with him. “Are you in pain from the burns? I mean it looks like they are healing on the outside. How about on the inside?”

  I reached out to touch one of his scabs that have harden into a scar. I couldn’t help but kiss it.

  Nat winced. He was in pain.

  “You’re not completely healed,” I said. “You look like it, but you’re not.” I made room for him on the bed, but he stayed on his knees in front of me. His fingers slowly massaged my head, and I was leaning towards him, moving closer to his pelvis. Oh my God, he smelled good. Right after his shower. He smelled like musk and a little bit of sweat.

  “I can’t deny it,” Nat said between clenched teeth. “I want you. Very badly.”

  “Nat…I…” He had his eyes closed, as in pain, and I felt so bad for bringing it upon him. For bringing him back into my world, risking his life to save mine when I was kidnapped. I was now up against his pelvic bone, my cheeks against his soft but hard skin. He smelled like a man aroused. The tip of his manhood touched my mouth and I opened it, letting my teeth graze the tip.

  Nat inhaled and groaned.

  My tongue licked the top tasting the saltiness of him.

  “Oh Summer,” Nat sighed.

  I wanted to take all of him into my salivating mouth, to make him forget the physical pain he was in. I could feel the heat of his burns through his skin. They were above body temperature.

  I licked the scar along his pelvic bone, and as my tongue came close to his rock hard manhood, it darted out to outline the ridge before taking him in.

  “Ah Summer,” Nat said. “We shouldn’t…”

  “I know,” I said. “But this isn’t sex, is it? Not according to one President.”

  Nat laughed. “Summer, I didn’t know you had a sarcastic side to you.”

  “So you don’t know everything about me still,” I said. I deep-throated Nat and heard him gulp before he started to groan.

  I knew I should feel guilty about this…but in a way I didn’t. Drew didn’t remember me except for being Nat’s girlfriend. He had always been jealous of Nat…for his accomplishments, for him being so responsible, for being the perfect son. He wanted to be like Nat, wanted everything Nat had, including the crush I had for Nat.

  He was jealous of the love I had for Nat since childhood.

  What if I brought that jealousy back? What if my fawning over Nat and the unbelievable sex Nat and I had made Drew so jeal
ous he would snap out of his memory loss and remember our relationship? It may be worth the try. As crazy as it sounded, it was just as crazy as going after and trying to find the reclusive maker of that coma drug. Maybe I was just that desperate to try both.

  Maybe I really couldn’t handle losing Drew so much that I’d risk everything to push him to remember me.

  As the idea began to sound more and more viable in my mind, I sucked Nat harder and more enthusiastically until he shuddered. “I’m…” he pulled out and exploded onto the sheets on his bed.

  “Summer” he kissed me and held me. “I don’t know what just happened, but I want more than anything to reciprocate.”

  I laid back and said, “I want you to, too.”

  He grinned before doving down to lick my stomach and then running his tongue along my clit.

  “Oh Nat,” I cried out. “This is…better than I remember us. Make love to me. If Drew is going to forget about me, then I’ll make him eat his heart out.”

  Nat looked up from between my legs and said, “What?”

  “Like your strategy before, Nat. You used me to make him jealous. So now. Let’s really make him jealous by going all the way, by being that lovey dovey hot for each other couple we were before he got together with me. He’s always wanted what you have, Nat. And now that you have me back, he’ll regain his memories again once his feelings and jealousy kicks in.”

  “I’m liking the idea,” Nat said taking my entire folds into his mouth and sucking hard on it, enough to have me climbing the walls. “I like that plan very much,” he said when he took his mouth off. “Very much indeed,” he growled before plunging his tongue deep into me.

  “Oh Mother of…” I grabbed onto Nat’s head as he went down on me again and again. “Best plan ever,” I said before losing all senses as Nat finally let go of all his self-control and unleashed his pent up desire for me.

  I’ve missed this. I’ve missed him all these years for so long. For a moment, I was back with him in Malibu, in my room for the weekends, making deep and passionate love with Nat while Drew and Rachel were back in San Francisco. It was one of the weekends Nat flew down to be with me. It was the last weekend before he told me he had to go to Afghanistan on some business trip to help his father. Had I known he would “die” or disappear from my life for years, I would have held onto him then. Never have let him go…


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