
Home > Romance > SevenSensuousDays > Page 14
SevenSensuousDays Page 14

by Tina Donahue

  They were the same shade as her unadorned lips, looking as innocent as she did.

  Never should she comb her hair. Logan liked it as it was now. Messy, natural, several tresses flowing past her shoulders, the ends just above her breasts.

  They trembled nicely with her throaty laugh at Buzz Lightyear wearing a dress at a tea party, the astronaut toy looking miserable as hell. Molly’s tail wagged, whapping the sofa. Jack continued to snooze. Tessa took a long sip of her beer, placing the bottle back on the end table.

  It was then that she noticed him.

  Logan’s world paused. Sounds and colors faded. All he could focus on was Tessa, the same as that moment when he’d first seen her at the auction. She parted her lips now as she had then. An invitation?

  He didn’t take it. Couldn’t. His legs didn’t want to work. He remained rooted to where he was simply staring at her as she did with him. The distance between them frustrating yet protective.

  If he’d been another man with a different past, he knew they would have been dating or living together, enjoying popcorn, beer, a movie with the pups. Ordinary stuff that was more precious than all the money he’d accumulated, the accolades he’d received, this place.

  An impressive house that was nothing more than a series of rooms to Logan, far too big for one man but thankfully isolated from the outside world. When he’d bought the estate that’s what he’d wanted. To be left fucking alone. No more reporters hounding him for online stories that would generate speculation and outrageous theories.

  People that Logan had never met had left comments on the earlier articles, demanding to know why he wasn’t home until after the fire had started. They’d speculated on what he was trying to hide…why he’d left his kids alone with an obviously disturbed woman. Some claimed they had evidence that he and the nanny were lovers and had driven Nicole to do what she had. Others said the nanny had set the fire at his request so Nicole couldn’t get her hands on his money when he left her. Many of those self-righteous citizens called for his immediate arrest. Others prayed he’d burn in hell.

  As if he hadn’t been there already.

  He was supposed to have protected his kids. That had been his most important job, and he had failed complete—

  Something crashed in the movie, which caused the characters to squeal. The sounds woke Jack. He scrambled off the sofa and fell to the floor. In seconds, the pup righted himself and bounded to Logan, whose memories had been thankfully interrupted by the noise…the fragile magic he’d experienced with Tessa also broken, taking away that brief connection they’d had.

  Just as well. It was dangerous territory. What he had to avoid.

  Logan told himself to leave. Somehow, he couldn’t. Holding Jack in one hand, he padded to the sofa. “Toy Story?”

  Tessa filled her mouth with popcorn and made him wait while she chewed and swallowed. Her lips shone with butter. Logan’s knees sagged a bit. Suddenly, he couldn’t think of anything but licking it off. Brash yearning pulsed through him.

  “Lame, huh?” She affected a contrite look and tone. “I wanted to put on Saw—the final chapter—but figured Molly and Jack shouldn’t see it. Not until they cringed through the first five installments.”

  Logan fought a smile at her sass. “Good thinking.” He moved the popcorn and sat next to her, putting the bowl on his lap. “Wouldn’t want them to miss out on any of the gore.”

  “Could stunt their growth.” She reached into the bowl, digging deep, her movements causing the container to press into his cock. “Besides,” she continued, “Toy Story is classic. The best freaking animated film in history.”

  He watched kernel after kernel disappear into her mouth. If anything, there was more butter on her lips now. Her fingers too. Molly was already taking care of that, licking them clean, exactly what Logan had pictured himself doing. He cleared his throat. “Rango’s better.”

  Tessa made a face. “No way. Not even as good as Tangled.”

  “Oh come on. You’re comparing apples with oranges. Guys like stuff like Rango. Isn’t that right?” he asked Jack.

  The pup continued to squirm and whine, wanting to be free. Logan put him on the floor. He bolted for his water bowl, hitting it, sending a spray of liquid across the room.

  “I’d say he’s more of a Shrek fan,” Tessa said.

  “Oh god, I’d forgotten about that. Now that’s the best cartoon of all time.” Logan gobbled a handful of popcorn, chewed quickly and swallowed fast. “That scene where the prince is interrogating Gingy was fucking hysterical. I never laughed so hard in my life. The gingerbread man can’t be beat.”

  “You didn’t like Puss-in-Boots? That Latin accent, those big, soulful eyes?” Tessa giggled. “I want a pet like that.”

  “You don’t have one?”

  She shook her head and offered her beer to Logan. “My apartment’s too small. Wouldn’t be fair to keep an animal cooped up there.”

  He finished his sip and handed the brew back. Their fingers touched, that small intimacy more electrifying than it should have been. Logan rested his hand on his thigh, his fingers cold from the chilled glass. “Speaking of which, have Molly and Jack been in here all day?”

  “Nope. Walked them a few hours ago.”

  By herself? Without him? Logan frowned before he knew he would. Troubled that she’d done something so generous…so friendly, and that she’d also left his side. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “After I made breakfast, I—”

  “You made breakfast?”

  She nodded, causing the ends of her hair to bob above her breasts. “Lunch too. I kept going upstairs to see if you were awake yet. You weren’t. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  Logan tried to remember the last time he’d slept more than three or four hours at a stretch and couldn’t, unless he drank himself into unconsciousness. For too long, genuine sleep had eluded him, the same as being at ease.

  “You want me to make you something now?” Tessa asked, scooting up.

  Molly whimpered and squirmed as her brother had, making her way from Tessa’s lap to the floor.

  Logan rested his hand on Tessa’s satiny thigh. “No, it’s okay.”

  She settled back against the cushion, stroking his fingers, outlining each. Might as well have been his cock, he was so quickly aroused.

  “I don’t mind,” she said.

  He knew she didn’t. And not because he’d paid her to see to his every need for the time they’d be together. Logan figured money wasn’t even in the equation for Tessa. She was simply being herself. A nice person. A surprisingly remarkable young woman. Even as mistaken as he’d been about Nicole, Logan didn’t think he was reading Tessa wrong. At least, he hoped he wasn’t.

  A flurry of emotions, some comforting, others far more troublesome battered him. He really didn’t want to get close, and Tessa kept coaxing him to do so…with her expressive gaze, the way she accepted him without judgment, how she teased. Somehow, he liked her joking around best of all.

  And had better get over it quickly. This wasn’t a date. Never would be.

  “I should walk them again,” he said. “They’re used to that before they turn in for the night.”

  “I’ll go with you.” She smiled. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take Molly. You can have Jack. I left their leashes on the chair over there.” She gestured to it.

  Logan couldn’t drag his attention away from her to look. Again, warning bells went off. “Don’t you want to watch the rest of the movie?”

  “I only put it on for Molly and Jack.” She shrugged. “Me, I would have been watching Dance Moms.”

  “Dance what?”

  Tessa waved her hand in dismissal. “It’s a reality show about stage moms and the psycho dance teacher who picks on their poor kids every week.”

  He made a face. “You like to watch that?”

  “Only because I worry about Chloe. She’s one of the kids. I keep rooting for her to win the competitions. Sometimes she d
oes.” Tessa smiled. “It’s really wonderful when that happens.”

  God, she was beyond nice. Logan put the bowl of popcorn to the side and stood. “Go ahead and stay here. Watch your show. I’ll take care of the pups.”

  “I’d rather go with you,” she said, direct as always.


  Something passed over her face, an emotion Logan couldn’t quite read.

  “Because I would,” she said at last. “You’re kind of fun to talk to.”

  He wasn’t certain whether to be alarmed, amused, pleased, or offended. She was twisting him into knots with seemingly little effort. “Kind of?”

  “Well, yeah. When you’re not talking about junk like Rango.”

  Was that right? Logan leaned down, his hands on the sofa’s back cushion on either side of her head. Tessa’s attention drifted from his mouth to his eyes.

  Again, the world seemed to stop as though waiting to see what he’d do. Like confessing how much he enjoyed being with her. How she’d brought him some measure of happiness and peace.

  And then?

  Pulling himself together, Logan muttered, “Better watch it, baby. I like Rango.”

  “I know. But don’t worry, you’ll grow out of it.”

  Logan laughed. Tessa smiled…a bit smugly. As though getting him to enjoy himself again had been her one goal.

  He sobered. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about cartoons when we’re out there.”

  “Whatever you want,” she promised.

  Sure. She said that now. However, Logan knew what she was doing. Being nice, getting close, burrowing deeper. All the things he didn’t want.

  Naked, except for their respective sandals and Tessa’s body jewelry, they strolled the moon-washed grounds of his estate, scented sweetly by nature and the refreshing night air. Molly and Jack tugged at their leashes, not impressed by a bit of it.

  Tessa searched for something to say, but wasn’t able to think of anything that wouldn’t sound forced. She couldn’t settle for that anymore, not with Logan. She’d seen how he lit up when he’d talked about Shrek and the other features he’d enjoyed. She loved the sound of his laugh, which he didn’t do often enough.

  He was trying so hard to remain distant that every time she was able to pierce his defenses, he’d seemed stunned, somewhat relieved, and then cautious all over again. Maybe she should assure him that this was nothing more than a good time for her too, even if that was a bald-faced lie. Already, Tessa was dreading the end of the week. Leaving.

  To him, it would probably be a welcomed reprieve. As much as he’d slept last night and almost all of today, Tessa figured he’d be even more beat once she was gone. Exhausted at fighting her so hard.

  He craved her sexually. Of that she had no doubt, even though it wasn’t because she was the most beautiful or desirable female he’d ever known. Tessa had seen the pictures of Nicole on the Net. Angelina Jolie had nothing on that woman. She’d been breathtaking. Leaving Logan so heartbroken and lonely that he couldn’t help but crave Tessa, until they actually talked, joked, teased, and nearly got close.

  She might have told him they didn’t have to go on being lovers—not even via the agency—being sort of friends would be nice, but figured he’d freak out if she brought up the subject. Despite that reality, the prospect of being able to speak with him freely, sharing his pain, bringing him joy, telling him about the things that worried or troubled her was a lure that kept tugging at Tessa.

  Foolish, she knew. Logan wanted to remain a client, while making certain she was nothing more than his temporary escort.

  She held back a sigh.

  Molly whimpered, pulling Tessa toward one of the trees closest to the spacious backyard. The pup lowered her snout and sniffed the trunk vigorously.

  “Now you’re in for it,” Logan said.

  He was closer than Tessa had realized, their bodies just about touching. Turning to him, she leaned against the tree, unmindful of the rough bark. “Why’s that?” she murmured.

  Logan studied her mouth in the pearly light. He eased closer, his knees skimming hers. “Molly has trouble making up her mind. I’ve known her to sniff trees for hours before she lets loose.”

  Tessa smiled, liking his rumbling voice, the scent of beer on his breath, his big hairy body. “Hours, huh?”

  “That’s right.”

  Moonlight skimmed the ends of his disheveled hair. How dangerous and hot he looked. Tessa could scarcely breathe. “Any idea what we should do while we wait?”


  His mouth had already been against hers as he answered, their lips brushing. “You taste good,” he murmured.

  He tasted far better. “Yeah?”


  He said no more, nor did Tessa. She worked her fingers through his hair, cupping the back of his head, keeping him to her as they kissed.

  Around their legs the pups played, yipping at each other or her and Logan. Tessa didn’t know. Her gentle moans betrayed her pleasure, the wonder of his tongue dancing with hers, the true intimacy of this kiss. At this moment, it wasn’t about simple lust but being close, a temporary end to loneliness.

  Tessa sensed Logan knew it too even if he was reluctant to admit it.

  She eased her mouth from his, wanting to check his expression, see what he was thinking.

  He never gave her the chance, kissing her throat, suckling her nipples, then pressing his face to her neck as he held her tightly.

  “You okay?” she whispered. Not the wisest question, but she had to know.

  His embrace loosened a bit, then became firm once more. “No. We need to go to bed. Wait. Not the bed, the pool.” His voice got even huskier. “We never fooled around in it or the Jacuzzi. We should.”

  “Yes,” she murmured, her cheek to his, knowing they both wanted and needed far more than that.

  Chapter Eleven

  Time used to move so slowly for Logan, he’d often thought no day would ever end. Now those same minutes and hours seemed to evaporate. Just as he was getting used to a new morning, it was already night, those previous moments with Tessa gone.

  Late Wednesday afternoon, he put one of the bedroom’s overstuffed chairs and the matching ottoman in front of the master bath’s mirrored walls, then sat Tessa between his legs, her back to him. The room still smelled of their late shower, his pine-scented soap, Tessa’s aloe shampoo and her heavenly perfume. As usual, it was all she wore except for her body jewelry. She was as natural as a woman could be…except for her waxed cunt.

  Logan had a perfect view of it once she’d put her feet on the ottoman, her legs parted brazenly with his command. Deliberately, he’d placed the furniture beneath one of the room’s many overhead lights, the illumination pouring down on them, revealing everything. The puffiness of her vaginal lips, the faint gleam of moisture already on her slit.

  Slipping his hand to her inner thigh, he rested his fingers there, holding her leg open and her to him. No way would he let her get away from this, because he knew she didn’t want to.

  God, that was so nice.

  He ran his free hand over her belly, pausing a moment to lift her dainty jewelry on his middle finger. Smiling at it and the pleased sounds she made, Logan continued to her pussy. His fingertips glanced over her cleft, and then concentrated on her clit. One stroke. Two. Three.

  Tessa kept straightening against him, her body pushed into his, their weight causing the chair’s leather to squeak.

  Logan rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered, “Watch.”

  It was a moment before she lowered her face. With hooded eyes she regarded him in the mirror, her expression not one of simple lust as he’d expected, but unguarded longing.

  The way a woman looks at a man when she truly wants him. When she no longer notices any flaws, only possibilities. A future. Promise. Hope.

  All that had been stolen from him.

  The room began to spin, Logan’s heart racing out of control. He told himself to lo
ok away, act nonchalant, just get on with it.

  He couldn’t.

  As though it had a mind of its own, his hand caressed her closer, his embrace telling Tessa that to him she was special, precious, needed.


  He wasn’t going to need anyone ever again, only to risk losing them to whatever else life had planned for him. His days of hoping for the best were long gone, taken away with Samantha and Connor. Two little kids who deserved so much better than what they got.

  Reining in his emotions, he spoke as firmly as he could despite the hurt and turmoil in his heart, “Don’t watch me. Focus on you. Watch yourself as I do when you come.”

  She held his gaze. “I’d rather concentrate on you.”

  Logan fought a growl and a smile. He settled on a sigh.

  “Okay, okay,” Tessa capitulated. “We’ll do it your way, like always.”

  Yeah, right. Earlier, he’d tried to lead her to the pool for a leisurely skinny dip, after which he’d planned on them making more bubbles in the Jacuzzi as they crawled all over each other.

  They got as far as the sunroom that faced the pool. With her hand dipping into the furrow between his butt cheeks, Tessa had coaxed him down to the Berber carpeting. They never made it out of the house.

  But she was going to obey his every command now?

  Dutifully, and with what looked to be reluctance, Tessa studied her reflection, her attention slipping quickly from her finger-combed hair, to her face, to her cunt—so beautifully exhibited—and then back to him.

  No matter how many times Logan warned her to do what he wanted and Tessa acquiesced verbally, she continued to study him while he played with her nub. The tiny kernel was as rigid as could be, her cunt slippery with her desire, her petals fleshy, prepared to hug a man’s cock.


  But first, her pleasure. He observed Tessa’s growing arousal, the way her nipples peaked and her skin grew even moister. When he chanced a look at her face, she was still regarding him, her lips parted, her expression rapturous, as though he’d touched more than her body—he’d stroked her soul, or she’d seen a glimpse of his and liked what was inside.


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