The Complete Secrets Series

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The Complete Secrets Series Page 10

by LK Shaw

  I thought about the time I’d spent with Penny. I cared about her a lot and she was the perfect submissive. Pliant and malleable. I’ve been able to help mold her into her role. She was everything I was looking for in a submissive. She was smart, funny, loving, kind, and loyal. Did I love her? I wasn’t sure if it was love, yet. I had a pretty good idea that it could turn to love without much effort on my part though. The scales were tipping dangerously close in that direction.

  “Let’s say I wouldn’t discount it. I’m more concerned about Evan right now. He’s made a few threatening gestures, and I don’t want her in the middle of this disaster. I’m doing everything I can to protect you and Hailey. I can’t add another person to the mix. You know what Evan is capable of. You were lucky the last time. He almost killed you. I can’t take any chances with anyone I care about.”

  Grace reached out to hug me and I basked in the reminiscence of what used to be. Our former relationship was over and never happening again and we both knew it, even if Grace hadn’t admitted it to herself. We were better off as friends than lovers. We would always share our daughter, but our intimate relationship had been over for a long time now. I hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek.

  “You know I’ll always love you, Grace. I’m going to push harder to get Evan out of your life forever. It’s going to take some time. I’m sorry, but I need to get going. Kiss our Hailey girl for me, and tell her I love her always.”


  I drove back to town barely paying attention to my surroundings. I didn’t want to analyze my feelings for Penny. I knew I was avoiding them, but I was too exhausted having to deal with Evan and his threats. Suddenly, though, there was no place I’d rather be than with Penny. I took a different exit off the freeway and headed to her house rather than mine. Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into her driveway. I sat for a couple of minutes, scoping out the surroundings. When I didn’t spy anything suspicious, I jogged up the walk and rapped on the door. When she opened the door, I drank her in from top to bottom. She stood there in pajamas, free of makeup, with her hair knotted on top of her head, and she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. A woman surprised to see me this late at night, since I’d always given advance warning of my arrival

  “Marcus, Sir, what are you doing here? Not that you aren’t welcome, I’m just surprised to see you.” She opened the door wider to let me pass. Her nose wrinkled and puzzlement dashed across her face when I walked by.

  I suddenly began questioning my decision to be here. Vulnerability was not a virtue I associated with myself, and I found myself uncomfortable with my reasons for needing to see her. Shaking my head, I started back toward the door. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come over so late. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  She stayed me with a touch. “Stop. Please. Don’t go. Talk to me, tell me what’s bothering you.” She moved closer to me and then froze. With an expression on her face I’d never seen before, she backed up.

  “Why do you smell like another woman?” She spoke low, the hurt in her voice evident. “I thought I caught a whiff of it when you walked in, but I wasn’t sure until I stepped close. Now I am. Please explain to me, Marcus, why you smell like another woman?”

  I remembered that Grace had hugged me before I left. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I also couldn’t afford to tell her the truth. “It’s not what you think.” The line sounded patronizing even to my own ears.

  “It’s not what I think? You walk into my house smelling like another woman, and you expect me to believe that load of bullshit?” Her voice rose with each word she spoke. “I understand we never spoke of exclusivity. Perhaps that was my mistake. Exclusive or not, I already had one man cheat on me. I’ll be damned if I’m going to put up with another one cheating on me. I don’t ever want to see you again. Now, get the hell out of my house,” she ended on a yell. During her speech, she had opened up the door and with her final command pointed outside.

  Without thought, I slammed the door shut and grabbed her in a tight hug, as she struggled in my arms. One of her arms came loose, and I grunted in pain when she punched me in the face. Luckily, she didn’t have great leverage or she might have broken my nose. When I looked at her, tears rolled down her face.

  I grabbed her hands, holding tight so she didn’t clock me again. “God damn it, listen to me. It’s not what you think.” Now I yelled, trying to get through to her.

  She broke away from me and stepped into her kitchen, her arms wrapped tightly around her. “So if it’s not what I think, then explain it to me.” She sat at her table, betrayal across her face.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t.” When she started to speak, I stopped her. “I’m trying to protect you, Penny, and I swear on everything I hold dear, I am not cheating on you. Have I ever given you any reason to think I would lie to you?” Not waiting on a response, I cautiously walked over to where she sat and sank to my knees in front of her. Gingerly, I reached out for her hands, waiting for her to slap mine away. When she didn’t, I took her hands in mine and waited until she focused on me. I brushed the hair that had fallen out of her knot away from her face. When I knew she was listening, I said again, “I swear I’m not cheating on you. Please believe me.”

  I waited with bated breath as she sat studying me. Finally, she answered. “I believe you.” Relief rushed through me, and I pulled her up into a hug. She returned my embrace, but she was still apprehensive. I wish she trusted me. I knew that until Evan was caught I’d have to remain secretive. The less she knew the better. I’d do everything in my power to protect her. Even make her hate me if need be.


  “Come on, woman. You’re on vacation. You need to get out of this house and enjoy yourself. Which means, we’re going shopping. You need more sexy clothes,” Bridget groaned as she rifled through my closet.

  I barely paid her any attention. Instead, I sat on my bed, one leg hanging off as I bounced in agitation. I thought about the night at the restaurant and Marcus’ reaction when I mentioned the car that looked similar to the one I was sure followed me. I kept seeing the expression on his face and his barrage of questions. It was one I’d never seen before. I remembered his frustration when I didn’t have the answers. Even though he’d pleasured me at the restaurant, the rest of the night had been filled with an undecipherable tension, which continued to puzzle me. I couldn’t let it go. Especially after last night. I had a hunch though, that the person in the silver car and this mystery woman that Marcus smelled like were connected. But I didn’t know how.

  “Hello, Earth to Penny.”

  Shaking off my wayward thoughts, I focused back on what Bridget was saying. “Sorry, I was thinking of something else. Why do I need more sexy clothes? Marcus doesn’t care what I wear. In fact, if it were up to him I’d show up to Eden naked. I hate shopping anyway, so spending a well earned day off going from store to store is not exactly what I would describe as “fun”. I can never find anything that fits right. So, excuse me if I’m not as excited about the prospect as you are.”

  “Well, I love shopping, so I’ll be excited enough for both of us. Now, come on. Humor me. We’re going to find you some sexy ass outfits that you’ll thank me for later.”

  I groaned in displeasure, but let Bridget drag me off to wherever it was she was taking me.

  Three hours later, I swore to God that I would never let Bridget talk me into shopping with her again. I would rather be bound and tortured, and not in the sexy and fun way, before I ever put myself through this again. It was fucking exhausting. I had never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life. I swear I had tried on every piece of lingerie four different stores sold. I didn’t even know there were that many lingerie stores in town. She cooed and squealed at every other outfit I tried on. She even tried to take pictures to send to Marcus, but I put my foot down at that. As I trudged behind her from the last store toward her car with her chattering like a magpie, I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings. Not even when I h
eard the squeal of tires. “Penny!” reverberated in the air as Bridget screamed. I looked up as a flash of silver headed straight toward me. By the miracle of all miracles, I barely had time to jump out of the way before the front bumper of the car skimmed against my hip, knocking me to the ground.

  I lay there for a minute, breathless, hearing Bridget scream my name. I was so intent on catching air, I only gasped as she dropped to her knees next to me, looking around for help.

  “Holy fuck, Penny, talk to me. Are you hurt? Oh my God, someone help us.”

  Finally, air entered my lungs, and I rolled to my side, gasping and coughing. I waved her off as well as the couple who had run over after Bridget’s call for help. I gingerly made my way to my feet, limping slightly at the discomfort in my hip and still trying to take in a full breath of oxygen.

  “I’m fine,” I choked out. “A little shook up is all. What the hell was that?”

  Bridget glared in the opposite direction. “That fucking car about ran you down is what. I wish I’d seen the license plate number, because if I found out who owned that car, I’d kick his ass. What the fuck is wrong with people? Are you sure you’re ok? I’m calling the police. You need to call Master Marcus.”

  Still slightly shaken up, it took me a minute to get my bearings. I watched Bridget dial what I assumed was 9-1-1. I spotted my purse on the ground near where I’d landed and slowly bent down to pick it up. I dug through it looking for my phone. Once I found it, I dialed Marcus. I paced, limping slightly, while I waited for him to answer.

  His voice came over the line after the first ring as if he anticipated my call. “Hello, Sweetness. How was your shopping expedition with the fair Bridget?”

  For a brief heartbeat, I didn’t know where to start. “It was miserable, and I hated every second of it. It didn’t get any better after someone just tried to mow me down with their car.”

  Silence reigned on the other end long enough for me to think the call had dropped.

  “Marcus, are you still there?”

  It was then I heard a laundry list of swear words, including some I’d never even heard before, and the loud crash of breaking glass.

  “Sir, talk to me. What’s happening?” My nerves were already shot, and he wasn’t helping any.

  “Nothing, sorry, I dropped my glass. Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you? I should have asked right away.” He sounded calm now. Eerily calm.

  “I’m fine, Sir. Shaken up a little, and my hip is aching where the car grazed me. Other than that, I’m okay. More scared than anything. Bridget called the police, and they’re on their way. After they get here, I’m going to have her take me home so I can rest for a bit. Maybe soak in a hot bath to ease the ache in my leg. Will I see you later?”

  Sensing a slight hesitation in his response, he finally answered, “Yes, I’ll see you later tonight.”


  I contacted Connor and filled him in on what happened today. I was tired of fucking around. I needed Connor and his team to do the job I’d hired them for and track Evan down. Because I now had evidence that Evan had come out of hiding, and that didn’t bode well for anyone. Ever since I’d left Grace and Hailey last night, this sickness in my stomach had refused to dissipate. My gut told me Evan had something to do with Penny’s accident today. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something irrevocable was about to happen. Something that would change our lives forever.


  “Hello, Philip,” I greeted the bouncer at Eden as Penny and I entered the same doors we’d entered not so long ago. Penny still remained flustered by everything behind them.

  He nodded his head at me, his hair bouncing around his shoulders. “Good evening, Mr. Allen, Ms. Stephens.”

  I held Penny’s hand and guided her down the hallway toward the public playroom. For one night, I wanted to forget about Evan. I wanted to do nothing but lose myself in Penny’s body. When I picked her up tonight, I checked her over to make sure she wasn’t injured more than she’d mentioned to me. She seemed a little shaken up still, but waved me off when I saw the bruise on her hip. She assured me that her hot bath had eased the ache and she was anxious to play to take her mind off the accident.

  She was dressed in a corset of royal blue with black lace accents that accentuated her hourglass figure and barely covered her nipples. She completed the outfit with a black leather miniskirt, black fishnet thigh highs with matching garter belt hidden under her skirt, and black peep toe, sling back pumps. I loved seeing her in those colors. It reminded me of the first time I’d tied her to my bed. I also loved how she’d begun to embrace her body. Before tonight, she never would have worn something like this in public.

  Once we reached the public playroom, we headed over to the bar. Signaling the bartender, we waited only briefly before I was handed my usual whiskey and Penny her gin and tonic. I wanted her slightly relaxed for what was about to take place. I knew she wouldn’t be against it even if at first she hesitated, but the less inhibited she was, the more enjoyment she’d have. As we sat and sipped our drinks, more than one person gave Penny a lingering glance. She still didn’t realize how truly beautiful she was. One day she’d get there though, and I would do everything in my power to help her see it. “I have a surprise for you,” I threw out in an off-hand remark. Immediately, I felt her stiffen in trepidation. “What, you don’t like surprises?”

  She laughed slightly and shook her head causing her curls to bounce around her. “Not particularly. I was always the kid who snuck through her Christmas presents trying to guess what they were. If asked if I ever secretly opened and then taped them shut again, I’d have to plead the fifth.”

  She shrugged and gave me an unabashed smile as I threw my head back, laughing loud enough to draw the attention of several people around us. “Why, Penny Stephens, I’m shocked by this. I never would have pictured you being such a sneaky little minx. I can see you as one of those little girls who always did what she was told. One who went to bed on time and never would have done something so daring as sneaking around looking at your presents. What a pleasant surprise to know you have a little bit of a wild side. I think you’ll enjoy your little surprise tonight immensely then.”

  As she took the last sip of her drink, I quickly downed the rest of my Johnnie Walker before taking her empty glass from her hand and placing it on top of the bar. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I helped her off the bar stool. “Come with me.” I spoke in her ear, keeping close contact with her, as I led her toward the back of the common area, in the direction of the private play rooms. We’d only utilized the private rooms once. Tonight was special though. We passed several security personnel who roamed the club making sure that everyone stayed safe and played within the bounds of consent. I nodded to those I knew as I led Penny to the second to last room on the right. I escorted her in while she took in our surroundings, and then I closed the door behind us.

  Unlike some of the other themed private play rooms, this particular room was the most subdued. There was nothing garish or flamboyant about it. It was almost demure, in fact. Candles had been placed randomly around the room, creating a balanced harmony between soft light and deep shadows. A king-size bed with its burgundy plush velveteen coverlet graced the far wall of the room. Two additional pillar candles burned on either side of the wrought iron headboard. A light, aromatic mist scented the room with a hint of lavender and vanilla. It was a room designed for seduction.

  Penny occupied the middle of the room, her back to me. I stepped quickly toward her and swept the hair off her back and over her shoulder, placing soft kisses along her ear and across her neck, nuzzling the sweet spot I knew drove her wild. She tilted her head to give me better access. I deeply inhaled her soft scent. As I continued to rain kisses down her shoulder, I began unlacing the ribbons of her corset. I plucked at each strand, finally loosening it enough to slide it over her head. I dropped it to the floor at almost the same time I turned her toward me and crushed my mouth to hers, biting at h
er lips. Without hesitation, she opened to me and our tongues began a familiar dance. Without breaking our kiss, I maneuvered us until her knees hit the bed, and we fell backwards onto it.

  Reluctantly I moved my mouth from hers, both of us breathing harshly. “You’re not hurting are you?”

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. I’m fine. I promise, if something starts to hurt, I’ll let you know.”

  Taking her at her word, I nodded before issuing my command. “Scoot up to the top and take off your skirt.” With a sexy smile she scooted backward with her forearms before lifting her butt and shimmying out of her skirt as I moved to stand next to the bed. She began to unhook the garter belt, when I stopped her. “I didn’t give you permission to remove anything except your skirt. Leave it. Now, touch yourself.”

  I sensed her hesitation at my command. I didn’t say anything else as I patiently waited to see if she’d follow my instructions. As if in slow motion, she finally moved her hands up to cup her breasts. It was a start. She cupped and squeezed her breasts, and my arousal kicked in higher when she closed her eyes and bit her lip as she tweaked and plucked at her nipples. A slight moan escaped her lips. As I watched her, I quickly undressed eager to join in her pleasure. As I was about to join her on the bed, she skimmed one of her hands down the length of her body and suddenly rubbed her clit with her fingertip. Her back arched in pleasure. Her eyes opened to slits as she made eye contact with me, her blue eyes almost black with passion.

  With a cheeky grin, she crooked her finger at me. Not wasting another minute, I slid in next to her at the same time she moved her finger from her clit to barely dip into her pussy. I grabbed her hand in mine and pushed her finger deeper, wetness coating our hands. Helping her finger fuck herself, I added my finger alongside hers. Her pussy pulsed around our fingers as she clenched her muscles and tried to pull them in further. She was on the precipice of an orgasm when I wrenched our fingers out to prolong her pleasure.


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