First Steps (Founding of the Federation)

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First Steps (Founding of the Federation) Page 1

by Hechtl, Chris

  First Steps

  Founding of the Federation

  Book 1

  By Chris “Jekyll” Hechtl

  First Steps, book 1 of the Founding of the Federation Series.

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters (with a few notable exceptions) and events portrayed in this book are fictional. The exceptions are Dr. Zubrin, Dr. Newman, Dr. Mackenzie, and Dr. Bowyer who each graciously gave permission to use them and their work in this book. Any resemblance to other people is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book and or portions thereof in any form.

  Copyright 2010 by Chris Hechtl

  Cover art Copyright 2009 by Chris Hechtl


  To the pioneers of tomorrow, Dr. Zubrin, Dr. Newman, Dr Mackenzie, and Dr. Bowyer. Also special thanks to Anne McCaffrey, David Weber, John Ringo, Christopher Stasheff, and Mrs. Phillips my high school English teacher.

  Thanks for the inspiration folks.

  Keep reaching for the stars.

  Author's Note:

  This book was originally written in December of 2008 and thus reflects a great deal of that time period. I have recently re-edited the book, mainly to clean up the proof reading mistakes. I apologize for the lack of foundation. I guess you could say I was pretty excited and dived right into the book when I wrote it. :)

  This book is a bit of backstory, explaining both the founding of the Irons family tree and its place in history (see Wandering Engineer) and the founding of the Federation John Irons served.

  Table of Contents:

  ... Chapter 1

  ... Chapter 2

  ... Chapter 3

  ... Chapter 4

  ... Chapter 5

  ... Chapter 6

  ... Chapter 7

  ... Chapter 8

  ... Chapter 9

  ... Chapter 10

  ... Chapter 11

  ... Chapter 12

  ... Chapter 13

  ... Chapter 14

  ... Chapter 15

  ... Chapter 16

  ... Chapter 17

  ... Chapter 18

  ... Chapter 19

  ... Appendixes and references:

  ·Chapter 1

  Recruiting drive:

  The ball swished into the basket, rebounded off the angled three ring binder under the basket and back to Luigi. He dribbled it a few times, and then tossed it for another perfect shot. "Will you stop? That's getting on my nerves." Mario's familiar complaint was as usual ignored. Wanda shushed him. She was resting her head in his lap, legs up so she could prop her sketch pad up. He played with her hair as she worked on drawing Luigi.

  "How come I'm not the one getting his portrait?" he teased.

  She smiled. "He's the handsome one remember?" Mario chuckled.

  "Point, set match Mario," Luigi replied, not even looking over to them as he got another shot in the basket.

  "Wrong game genius," Mario teased. Luigi shrugged.

  "So are you going to the space initiative group meeting?" Wanda asked, adding the finishing touches.

  Mario leaned over to get a better view. "Oh, good touch, I like the horns and tail. Pitchfork needs work though," he commented.

  Luigi looked up affronted. "Hey!" He missed his next shot. "Awe, now you see, you broke my streak!" He got up and came over. "Let me see that!" A play fight ensued since Wanda was reluctant to show off her latest masterpiece. The brothers managed to restrain her long enough for Luigi to capture the sketch pad. Of course Mario's contribution ended up with kissing her, a nice distraction from the tickling fingers. "Oh not bad," Luigi said, pursing his lips. He turned it back and forth. "I think you caught my good side. Nice use of reflections..." He hummed as he studied it.

  "So are we going?" Wanda asked trying to capture her pad once more.

  "Going to what? Oh the Zubrin thing? Yeah sure why not, I could use a good laugh," Luigi chuckled.

  "Luigi no way am I going to be some NASA ninny. Dressing up in a suit and tie, playing kiss ass with politicians. I want to get my hands dirty," Mario grumped.

  Luigi chuckled. "Let’s just hear what the man has to say." He got up and tossed Wanda the pad.

  "Gee thanks. Hey! You took it!" He smiled as he pinned it up on his bulletin board.

  "I wasn't finished!" she complained.

  "You are now, if we're going we better get going, you know how traffic is across campus." Luigi headed for the door.

  "I'm coming..." Wanda groaned. "I didn't even get to do my hair!" She ran her hands through her hair then grabbed a brush from the desk and brushed it quickly.

  "Come on you lazy canuke, we have to go see the comedian!" Mario teased. She tossed the brush at Mario who ducked laughing.

  He grabbed her hand and yanked her to her feet. He played with her for a few seconds, wrestling and tickling and then ended it in a kiss. She came up for air eyes twinkling. "Sure you don't want to blow this off and stay here? Got the room to ourselves...." Mario suggested with a grin.

  "Come on, I don't want to miss it." She pulled him out but looked over her shoulder giving him a lingering mischievous look. "Later, if you’re up for it we can play," she teased with a coy smile. He chuckled and allowed himself to be led.


  "So what's the big deal? NASA tried to cancel the space station in favor of revisiting Apollo and that fell flat, now this?" Mario grumbled.

  "Sit your butt down Mario.”

  ”Not fair that he is bigger than me, I'm the older brother," Mario grumped. At five foot three and a half inches, he was the shortest in his family. His mom was five foot nine. Luigi was six foot one. Mario was built squat like a football player, with a massive torso. He loved football, but his small stature left him on the bench during high school so he went back into his first love, tinkering.

  "Yeah, I could have told them taking ten years and a one hundred billion plus to build the thing, and then throw it away after five years would've gone over like a fart in church," Casey a classmate grumbled.

  "For what? Apollo on steroids? The Russians have had a heavy lifter for thirty years, why reinvent the wheel now? Billions wasted. NASA is a shit hole run by idiots," another classmate grumped. "Come on this is bogus." He got up and led a few others out.

  "No love lost there," Luigi replied as he took their seat. He waved to Mario and Wanda to take the empties. "Yeah NASA has a focus problem. They can't multi task worth shit, and they can't get away from the stuck in the past idiots," he sighed.

  "Constellation is interesting, but going back to the moon? They are throwing away the station and all of Zubrin's best ideas to revisit the moon," Mario agreed. Mario sat next to Wanda.

  "So you know this guy?" Luigi asked.

  Mario grunted. "Yeah, I know of him. Remember that red book you tossed at me the other day? The Case for Mars?" Mario asked.

  Luigi paused. "Yeah, I seem to recall something to that effect," Luigi smiled.

  "Snot," Mario punched his arm.

  "Bully," Luigi rejoined.

  "Boys boys! Honestly, I can't take you anywhere," Wanda complained. Several of the girls around them giggled. "Now am I going to have to separate you two?" Mario looked at his brother and smiled. Wanda caught the look and held up her hands. "Whoa mebucko, I said later!" The giggles turned to laughter.

  Mario sighed defeated. "Two shillings he wears a tie," someone in the back called.

  "No bet." Luigi nodded out the window. A procession of professors and a man wearing a cap were coming up the walk. All were wearing ties.

  "Great. I hate ties," Mari
o grumped.

  "Just because you got one caught up in a set of gears once..." Luigi teased.

  Wanda looked over eyes wide. "So that is why I can never get him to dress up!"

  Mario grimaced. "Thanks a lot snot." He shrugged. "Yeah, can't stand the useless things."

  Wanda gave him a lurking smile. "But you'll wear one for me right?" she asked. He sighed. The door opened and the procession entered.

  "Show time," Luigi muttered sitting up.


  "As most of you here know, NASA has undergone another change in its program directive. In October of 2009 we changed focus radically. During the previous administration a plan to retire the Shuttle fleet by 2010, and use Apollo style launch vehicles that were conceived. I admit I had a small hand in the program, I was peripherally responsible for the Ares concept." Doctor Zubrin walked back and forth across the stage.

  "When the program directives of Constellation became public it entertained a great deal of interest, but little enthusiasm for the project or its costs. Four hundred million dollars for a single test flight is ridiculous. Scrapping the station after thirty years of design and development to revisit Apollo did not sit well with many, including me." He held his hand over his chest. "The current administration decided to perform a review, and then retool NASA. In the past NASA had three goals. The space program, Science program, and the aircraft science and testing. That's the whole National Air and Space Administration."

  He looked around and smiled. "Well, I was brought in to take over. I've known the NASA crew for years, I know where some of the skeletons are buried, and I know NASA is terminally rotten. The only way to get it out of its backward look is to shake the tree till all the dead wood falls, then take a chain saw to the rest and start over," he smiled.

  He surveyed his audience. “That ladies and gentlemen is where you come in. I need young fresh people. People who grew up with computers and are willing to use civilian grade hardware if it gets the job done, and if it costs less." He frowned. "NASA still has a not made here mentality, one that will have to change. We can't afford to repeat things just because it doesn't have the NASA stamp of approval and manufacture."

  He sat back on the edge of the desk. "One of the first things I have put on hold is the Ares heavy lift vehicle." Several people gasped at that. "Yes it is my baby. But the Russians have Energia, they've had it for over twenty years, and with a judicious amount of American ingenuity to upgrade it, we can use it at a fraction of the cost of the Ares platform."

  Several in the group nodded. "Most of you may know me. I bet you know where I want NASA to go. The trick is getting John Queue public and the politicians to listen and help," he smiled.

  “So, do you want to change the world?” Doctor Zubrin asked the class. Mario smiled. He knew he couldn't, but his genius younger brother might. At twenty Luigi had just completed his third Doctorate. His little brother was quite the feather in the family's cap of accomplishments, and he was just getting started. “We are taking applications for the space program now,” Doctor Zubrin continued his lecture. Wanda stepped on his foot then nodded meaningfully to pay attention. He smiled softly.

  “Doctor Zubrin, if I may, the space program doesn't pay half as well as corporate or private enterprise, and cannot begin to compete with the resources or budget of DARPA. Why should we work for you?” Luigi asked, getting up from his seat. Mario blushed as his brother got straight to the point. He was right; they weren't planning on going beyond lunar orbit for decades.

  “Well, Luigi right?” Luigi nodded. “Well Luigi, we need folks like you to make that jump. The new administration has tasked us with building a Mars mission platform in less than four years using as much off the shelf hardware as possible.” Doctor Zubrin suddenly had Mario's full attention. The balding man adjusted his cap then sat down. “I bet a few of you in here have heard of me, you know how Mars mad I am.” The group chuckled at this.

  “This isn't a pie in the sky paper study? You’re really planning this?” Luigi asked, totally sober now.

  Doctor Zubrin nodded. “With everything we can. We need to hit the ground running if it has a hope of ever flying. If and I do stress IF we can get a clean plan before congress, we might get funding. Politics are a major factor as many of you know.” Luigi nodded, retaking his seat.

  “What are the chances of some of us walking on Mars?” someone in the back asked. Doctor Zubrin seemed to relax a little; he was now on more familiar ground he had trodden before. “Well, the first missions will need scientists and engineers. If you have a background in geology, biogeochemistry, mechanics, aerospace engineering, and sideline subjects like medicine, piloting, and command experience you are half way there. Does anyone here qualify for any of those?”

  Mario and Luigi shared a look. Wanda poked Mario, and then leaned over and poked Luigi. “I take it you three qualify? In what, mechanical engineering?” Doctor Zubrin asked focusing on them.

  “Oh no, well, I have my masters in Geology, but Mario is the mechanic and engineer. Luigi is the genius, Doctorates in Geology, Aerospace engineering, and Physics. He even has a masters in computer programming,” Wanda answered proudly as the Mario brothers squirmed.

  Doctor Zubrin's eyes were wide as he crossed his arms. “Really. You don't say.” He looked the young man over.

  “The Mario brothers are quite a team. Did you see their aerospace engineering thesis project? A plasma drive. They blew out the university power grid the first time they tested it,” Wanda smiled, thoroughly enjoying tormenting the two of them.

  Mario squirmed. “That's enough Wanda. Besides, it was just one building, not the entire University,” he sighed.

  “You’re not helping...” Luigi grumbled blushing.

  “They did, it had a bit more power than anyone expected. Blew off the test stand too,” the professor said when Doctor Zubrin turned to him. The professor smiled at the young men. “I know both are interested in space careers, but then again I know DARPA, Lockheed, Boeing, and Space X are also chasing them.” The professor smiled at the two men.

  Doctor Zubrin nodded and turned back to the trio. “Boys, come work for me and you can write your own ticket.”

  The brothers looked at each other. Wanda's eyes were wide. “First to Mars?” Luigi asked as he stood, then sat on the edge of his brother's desk.

  Doctor Zubrin nodded. “As long as you pass the physicals.”

  Luigi nodded. “We're in.” He nudged Mario. “Right big brother?” Mario looked up at him.

  “What, like you had something better planned? Sit in an office wearing a tie?” Luigi demanded when Mario didn't say anything. Mario scowled. He knew his brother was pushing his buttons, Luigi knew he hated to dress up. He loved getting his hands dirty. “I'm in!” Wanda raised her hand then looked at Mario. He sighed. That tore it.

  “I am in on one condition. NO TIE!” he said firmly. Doctor Zubrin chuckled then shrugged. “Looks like I don't have much of a choice. Gotta keep the trio together,” Mario shook his head.

  “Come on,” Luigi said. Mario looked up to see Luigi with his fist raised. He chuckled as they fist bumped. It was their trademark thing, something they'd done forever.

  “One of you will be the first on Mars, the other will be on another crew, I can't put you both on one team, the politician's will have a fit,” Zubrin cautioned. He wasn't sure at all he could keep that promise but he intended to try if they were half as good as he'd heard.

  Wanda nodded as she hugged Mario. “As long as I go with Mario, I'm good.” He patted her arm as she kissed his cheek. “Thanks Mario.”

  “Guess we're getting married huh princess?” he teased.

  She smiled. “Eventually.”

  Luigi chuckled. “If the lady is willing to put up with your tinkering, she is worth her weight in gold big bro, better latch onto her tight,” Luigi responded. Mario smiled.

  “Yeah, but now he is going to have to wear a tie, at least for our wedding,” Wanda te
ased once more. Mario groaned dropping his head into his hands. The class chuckled.

  Doctor Zubrin smiled. “Glad that's settled. Those three can be a handful, but they are brilliant when they get their feet under them,” the professor leaned over and spoke softly to Doctor Zubrin.

  “Good, we need the best,” Zubrin replied.


  "Hurry up and wait. Never changes," Mario grumped as he sat in the waiting room. "God I hate sitting and waiting." He got up and paced. He'd been through it through the entire vetting process. Security checks, everything down to checking his underwear size... which was one of the things they would probably mark down now. In triplicate of course, he thought with a grimace.

  "Mario Irons?"

  He looked over to the nurse. "Yes?"

  She pointed to the seat. "Have a seat; we'll be with you in a moment," she told him firmly. He sighed and flopped down.

  "God damn bureaucrats are everywhere." Frustrated he picked up a nearby magazine. "Air and 1999. Figures." He tossed it away. "Women's health. What the hell is this?" he sighed. "God damn this is so annoying." He looked over to the nurse trying to stifle a smile.

  "Yeah yeah, yuck it up," he muttered. The far door opened.

  "Mr. Irons? Um Doctor Irons?"

  He waved. "I have three masters, not a Doctorate," he said as he stood.

  She shrugged. "Okay, the nurse will see you now."

  He followed her in. "General check up? Why not get my records?" he asked.

  "Oh no, this is a bit more comprehensive than that. You'll be here all day." His stomach groaned. "Good, I take it you fasted like we told you too?" she asked.

  He sighed. "Yes, Wanda made sure I did."

  She checked it off. "Okay, let's go check your weight and get your vitals, then we can start the testing."

  He groaned. "This is going to be a long day," he sighed.

  "Oh, you don't know the half of it. But if you have patience you'll survive," the nurse replied.


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