Strength In Release (The Charistown Series Book 5)

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Strength In Release (The Charistown Series Book 5) Page 21

by Lisa N. Paul

  Fucking tears. “You love me.” It wasn’t a question, because she believed in every fiber of her being that he did.

  “Yes. I don’t need your words to know—”

  “I love you too. I mean completely crazy been trying to fight it since that Thursday night when you got in my car in love with you.”

  His dimples winked as he nodded. “I know, sweetheart.”

  “You do? How? I didn’t even realize it myself.” She inched closer until her body was surrounded by his warmth.

  “You may be stubborn as hell, but you lie for shit. Your truths are in your eyes. And let’s face it, you can’t keep your hands off me,” he joked.


  “Seriously, sweetheart, we’ve worked too damn hard to get to where we are. You’re mine, I’m yours, and that will never change.”

  “I love where we are,” she cooed. “They have the best French fries here.” Sebastian’s eyes narrowed, and she giggled. “I love you, Sebastian. Thank you for everything.”


  RAYS OF LIGHT poured through the wall of windows, the sunset’s beauty displayed for Lyla’s enjoyment. Even in the midst of winter, with the ground blanketed in snow and the trees bare of leaves, purple and orange streaks slashed through the sky and glimmered off the ground. As stunning as the scenery, it didn’t hold a candle to the reflection she saw approaching her from behind. God, that man was gorgeous. And after nearly a year of living together, her desire for him seemed to grow with each passing day.

  “You cold, sweetheart?” Sebastian’s naked chest pressed against Lyla’s back as his work-roughened hands rubbed down her bare arms. “‘Cause I know just the way to warm you up.”

  An excited shiver ran through her body, sending heat directly between her thighs. “Mmm, you sure do.” She wiggled her ass against his boxer-brief-covered erection. The husky groan she felt vibrating in his chest made her smile. She wasn’t the only one still vexed by a simple touch. Standing in their bedroom, wrapped in his warmth, Lyla’s gaze moved back to the sunset. “It’s so beautiful. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this view.”

  “You’re right, it is beautiful,” Sebastian whispered in her ear before turning her head until their eyes met. As always, his blue eyes penetrated her. “I know I’ll never get tired of the view.”

  “God, I love you,” Lyla murmured as she turned and tucked herself into Sebastian’s body.

  “I know.” Sebastian kissed her head. “I’m a hard guy not to love.”

  Lyla snorted as she tickled his sides. Yep, even a Neanderthal had a weakness, and Sebastian’s was being ticklish.

  “You’re lucky I find your cockiness sexy,” she said as she continued her tickle torture until they were both sprawled on the bed, laughing.

  The serenity in Sebastian’s face was a gift Lyla didn’t take for granted. Less than two weeks after their “tequila” shots with Florence, she lost her battle with cancer. Her death had devastated Sebastian, but not as much as his mother’s attendance at the funeral. While he refused to admit it, Lyla swore the reason Sebastian had asked her to move in with him as quickly as he did was because Lyla called the police to the funeral and had Carla escorted out in handcuffs for violating the restraining order. Even through his red-rimmed eyes, she’d seen his gratitude. While it would have been more fun to have run the crazy witch over, having her arrested was the next best thing. Either way, no one hurt the people Lyla loved. No one.

  As the months passed, Sebastian healed. And in helping him heal, she did so as well. Her father was…

  “Hey, where’d you go just now?” Sebastian asked, pulling her beneath his body.

  “I was just thinking about how lucky I am. I didn’t just find you, but you waited for me.” Strong tattooed arms and a broad chest loomed over her, caging her to the bed. In the past, she would have never allowed such a position. Now, she couldn’t imagine any place safer.

  “I will always be yours, sweetheart. Now, how ‘bout you let me get lucky?”

  “As if you need to ask. But it needs to be a quickie, because everyone will be here in an hour for dinner.”

  “Challenge accepted.”


  SHE MADE HIS house a home. Their home. While he had always had the love of his grandparents, it was Lyla who truly gave him a family.

  When Lyla had received the call from her attorney last month, informing her that her father had been killed in a prison brawl, Sebastian hadn’t known how to interpret her tears. Was she grieving what could have been?

  Personally, he was fucking thrilled, as were Danny, Max, Kyle, and Ryan when they found out. The bastard had gotten exactly what he deserved. Yet his heart broke for her pain. He held her while she cried, cradled her while she slept, and listened when she spoke.

  “I’m free. Finally free. I don’t even know what to do with this feeling,” she said when the tears finally stopped.

  Sebastian held her tight. “It’s time, Lyla. You can live without fear.”

  As if steel weights had been lifted from her shoulders, a different Lyla emerged. Still sassy and sarcastic, but her eyes no longer held sadness.

  Sebastian once saw her as beautiful. Now she was radiant. He was a lucky man.


  SEBASTIAN OPENED THE door to welcome the group of people coming for the celebration, and Lyla felt blessed. Danny and Julie, Ryan and Ashley, Kyle and Cate, and even Elliot poured into his house, ready for a night of love and joy. The last to arrive were Max and Janie.

  As they walked through the door, the group yelled, “Happy anniversary!”

  It had been one year since her best friend got married. What a difference a year made.

  “Aww, thanks, guys.” Janie blushed before Max dipped his wife and planted a Cinemax-worthy kiss on her lips.

  The group went silent before bursting into catcalls and whistles.

  “Get a room,” Ryan teased as he pulled Ashley closer before planting a kiss to her neck.

  Cate giggled. “Ryan, I seem to remember you not minding public face-sucking when you were the center of attention.”

  Ryan shrugged unabashedly. “That was our wedding day. Besides, I’ve been kissing this woman most of my life. I never plan to stop.”

  Ashley twisted a lock of purple-tipped hair around her finger as she looked lovingly at her husband. “You’d better not.”

  Looking around the family room, Lyla couldn’t help but smile. There stood her family—whole and happy. Kyle plopped down on the ottoman and tugged Cate onto his lap. Her engagement ring gleamed next to the flames in the fireplace. Danny and Julie snuggled on the sofa, watching over the group like proud parents.

  LYLA WAS IN her bedroom, grabbing the present for Janie and Max, when Janie came in. “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” She looked beautiful as always, glowing even, but something was clearly on her mind.

  “Uhh, sure, what’s up? You okay?”

  “This view—even at night with the lights outside—it’s breathtaking. I can see why you and Gage decided to live here. The backyard is incredible.”

  “Yeah, it is. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else with anyone else. Now, stop pussyfooting around and talk to me.”

  Janie pulled in a deep breath. “Do you know what that backyard could use?”

  Lyla scoffed. “No, what could it use?” As the words left her mouth, she noticed Janie’s hands move to her stomach.

  “It would look great with a swing set. You know, for when Auntie Lyla wants to babysit.” Janie’s turquoise eyes filled with tears as the words hung in the air.

  “Holy shit! Shut the fuck up! You’re preggo? You’re pregnant. There’s a bun in your oven?” Lyla grabbed Janie’s hands and jumped up and down. “Oh my God, a baby?”

  A burst of giggles left Janie’s mouth. “You can say it a hundred different ways, but the answer to all of them is yes. Max and I are having a baby. I wanted to tell you before we tell everyone else.”

  There wasn’t
a word strong enough in Lyla’s vocabulary that could describe the euphoria she felt. “Jane, I am so fucking happy for you. I want to be there every step of the way. I can’t wait to spoil my little niece.”

  Janie’s head cocked to the side. “How do you know it’s going to be a girl?”

  “Are you kidding?” Lyla’s lips quirked up. “Both Max and Sebastian were dogs before they met us. There is no way they aren’t getting daughters. It’s karma.”

  Janie laughed and hugged Lyla before they rejoined the party so Max and Janie could share their news with the rest of the group.

  GLASSES OF CHAMPAGNE (and ginger ale for Janie) were passed around before Lyla stood in the center of the room.

  “Obviously we’re here to celebrate Max and Janie’s one-year anniversary, and of course, they couldn’t be happy with just that,” she teased. “They had to one-up themselves and get all kinds of pregnant for this occasion. So first things first—here’s to Max and Janie. May you celebrate many years of love, health, happiness, and babies.”

  Everyone lifted their glass and cheered. Lyla then handed out shot glasses to each person, filling them all with tequila. Janie got a shot full of ginger ale.

  “Hey,” Ashley said as Lyla poured, “I thought you didn’t drink tequila.”

  Lyla turned to Sebastian and winked. “This one time is dedicated to Sebastian’s gram.”

  His dimpled smile turned her insides to mush. She looked at each of the people sitting in the room and inhaled deeply.

  “Here’s to us—lost souls searching for a port to call home. And while we were hurt, fractured, and damn near broken, we were smart enough to see the magic this town had to offer. We found each other, and I refuse to believe it was by coincidence. Something bigger played a part, and for that, I am eternally grateful.” Lyla lifted her glass. “To the neighborhood bar that gave us our beginning. To people who refused to let one another down. To friends who are now family—hell, even better than family. To love. We will never again face a day without it. Here’s to home where we all belong.”

  The group lifted their glasses. “To home.”


  AN AURA OF excitement lingered in the air even though their guests had long since left and the house was back in order. A baby. His best friend was finally starting a family with the woman of his dreams. Sebastian smiled. It still amazed him how two small women could bring such huge quantities of love to the town he had spent his life in. Lyla and Janie could thank everyone in town for accepting them, but the truth was, they were the ones who’d brought the magic.

  Lyla with her petite frame and sparkling eyes—she was his fantasy woman, his erotic dream, the answer to his wishes, and the love of his life.

  “Lyla, sweetheart, where are you?” he asked upon entering their bedroom.

  Without answering she stalked out of the bathroom in nothing but a red lacy tank top and matching thong. He swallowed. The woman was sexy as fuck. She made breathing, let alone speaking, a chore instead of an instinct.

  She quirked her lips in amusement as she studied him. “You like what you see.”

  It was a statement. Clearly she’d noticed the bulge in his jeans.

  “Always love what I see. The lingerie is just the cherry on top. Come here, sweetheart.” He moved to the bed and sat on the edge.

  Confusion danced across her face, but she did as he asked.

  Sebastian turned to face her, lifting one jean-clad knee onto the bed. “You were my mystery. You stole my breath the first time I saw you. I watched you laugh, saw you smile, and knew I had to have you. You were my obsession. You stole my desire to be with anyone else the first time I kissed you. You were my friend. You stole my heart the first time you let me into yours. You were my lover. You grabbed hold of my soul the first time you let me into your body.” Sebastian’s heart raced as he took Lyla’s left hand and lowered to the floor on bended knee. “You are my world. I’ll spend my life making you happy if you agree to spend your life with me. Lyla Paige Dalton, will you marry me?”

  Lyla’s hand trembled in his as she sank down onto the floor next to him. Tears slipped down her cheeks. “Yes. Yes, Sebastian. There’s nothing in this world I would love more than to be your wife. This is the best happily ever after ever.”

  As far as Sebastian was concerned… it was.

  The End

  A Note from the Author

  HERE’S A LITTLE back story about what you just read:

  Lyla’s history—the abuse she suffered—I had written that back when I wrote Thursday Nights.

  (Yes, it’s been sitting in a file waiting to be told since mid-2012.) The problem was, she wasn’t ready to heal at that time. She refused to talk to me. (Those of you who are writers or who follow writers know what I’m talking about.) We can’t write if the characters refuse to talk and that woman refused to let me in.

  About six months ago, that changed and once she began to open up, I knew just how to help guide her through her pain and lead her to her HEA… a man like Sebastian Gage sure didn’t hurt either <3.

  Sadly, Lyla’s story is NOT an isolated incident. According to American Society for the Positive Care of Children (American SPCC), 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old.

  If you or someone you know needs help,

  please contact—

  National Sexual Assault Hotline,


  800.656.HOPE (4673)

  Thank you,

  Lisa N. Paul


  WOW, I CAN’T believe I’m writing acknowledgements for this book. It feels like just yesterday I finished Thursday Nights and thought to myself, Hmm, if I plan it right, I should be done the final book in about a year and a half. Here we are four years later… OOOPS, clearly that time line was rookie mistake on my part ;). That said, I can’t say I would have done things differently because this story needed to marinate, mature, and grow in my mine until it formed into something I was truly proud of.

  As always, no book is a solo project. There are so many people that help to turn my words into the story you hold in your hands. Please bear with me while I thank them.

  Sommer Stein of Perfect Pear Creations – This cover makes my heart melt every time I look at it. It was an inspiration and a visual treat. I appreciate your creativity.

  Cassie Cox of Joy Editing – Woman, you are so kind and sweet and patient with me. Your ability to dislike something without telling me I suck is a gift ;). I look forward to working with you again in the future. XO!

  Julie Titus – Formatter Extraordinaire – Seven books together! I can’t believe what we have accomplished and I can’t imagine being here without you. You’ve been consistent, loyal and loving since the very beginning. Thank you for being you. I couldn’t ask for more.

  Ilsa Madden-Mills – Seriously, where the hell would I be without you? The sound of your sweet Southern voice in my ear each morning brightens my day. I love you more than cheesy grits!! <3 <3

  Carrie Baxter – Thank you for being my jumper cables. Your not-so-gentle nudge is always what I need to keep me going. Thank you, friend, for being the reality I needed during this sensitive project.

  Joanne Schwehm – You said, “Gage wouldn’t do that!” And you were right. That advice helped to set my entire story on the right path. Thank you for keeping my hero real.

  To my Beta readers – Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Without you, who knows what kind of mess would be brewing in my book. Each of you bring something different to my attention and without even one of you, my story would be lacking. So again, THANK YOU!

  My FTN sisters – I say it often, but it never hurts to say it again. You ladies ROCK! Thanks for the never-ending support, understanding and laughs. I’m lucky to have you.

  Readers and Bloggers – Thank you for your constant support and THANK YOU for wanting and waiting for Lyla and Gage’s story. Your desire to see what was behind Lyla’s curtain is the re
ason why her story was told. I appreciate you.

  To my Husband – Thank you for accepting my brand of crazy and still loving me. Thank you for standing by my side and giving me the strength to release my fears and reach for my goals. I love you.

  To my Boys – You are the light of my life. There may be times when you drive me batty, but I wouldn’t trade one moment of that time if it meant not having you in my world. I will always be your mommy, but you will always be my heroes. <3

  About the Author

  LISA N. PAUL is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, reader, writer, blogger, and self-proclaimed comedian—just not always in that order. Ever since she was a little girl, she has devoured books. Falling in love with the Sweet Valley High series at a young age drew Lisa to series books and inspired her to write her own. Thursday Nights, Storm Front and Breaking to Breath are the first three books in her Charistown series. Blocked is a standalone novel.

  When not writing, Lisa can be found eating French fries and Godiva raspberry truffles, or hanging out with her husband and two sons.

  Visit her website at

  Other Titles by Lisa N. Paul


  Thursday Nights (Book One)

  Storm Front (Book Two)

  Breaking to Breathe (Book Three)

  Danny’s Main (Book Four)



  Lucky Ball




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