Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1) Page 20

by E. P. Wyck

  “And when we get to the other side?”

  “Then you know well enough how to hail, Commander.”

  “Indeed I do, but I will need to focus on a lot more than making a call,” Aleksandra said.

  “I know you can handle a little bit of an extra burden. But, I don’t think that crew will be very good off. An extra set of hands will go a long way for them. They’ll actually be talking over coms for a lot of their work, and they don’t have a communications operator,” Nova said.

  “That does make sense, but I believe you are needed here more.”

  “Why, Commander?”

  “You’re too important to spare.”

  “Communications isn’t that imperative to ship operations. You know that, Commander,” Nova said. “What is the real reason?”

  “I need you. You’re a fighter. We have a ship full of people who want to kill us. If they get a revolt underway, I need every person who can fight on our side ready and able,” Aleksandra said.

  “I see. I think if you keep them locked up and make it appear we have the numbers on them, they won’t fight. They’re scared. They don’t want to die. They may say they believe in their cause and all, but I believe if you show them you’re in charge they will not question it.”

  “I know. However, as Commander, I have to be ready for any scenario. I am sorry Novalie, but you can’t go. I need you, and your crewmates need you too much.”

  “Understood, Commander,” Nova said with a formal tone before returning to her station.

  “Going subluminal in 30 seconds, Commander.”

  “Understood, prepare to go subluminal. Shields, how do we look?” Aleksandra said.

  “Good, Commander, we should be at full upon arrival.”

  “Gunnery, I want you ready to fire at anything that may be the area,” Aleksandra ordered.

  “Understood, Commander.”

  “Communications, open a line to the cargo ship as soon as we’re in range.”

  “Yes, Commander,” Nova said

  “Going subluminal,” Helm announced. The ship decelerated and arrived in the vicinity of the cargo hauler.

  “I believe they’re supposed to be behind that,” Navigation said, pointing at a giant gaseous planet.

  “Helm, take us over,” Aleksandra said.

  “Yes, Commander,” they said, changing course to go around the planet. After a few minutes, they approached, and sensors picked up the ship. “I have them on sensors, Commander.”

  “Hail them,” Aleksandra said.

  “Yes, Commander,” Nova said. After a moment she added, “They’re on for you, Commander.”

  “This is Commander Aleksandra of the Dawnbreaker. Please prepare to dock with us.”

  “Where is Commander Kali?” the cargo ship commander asked.

  “She is no longer commander. She is preparing the research team to board your vessel. Is that a problem?”

  “No, Commander. We just wanted to thank her for getting us out of there. We will be ready.”

  “Dawnbreaker out,” Commander Aleksandra said. Without instruction Nova cut the call. “Did something seem wrong to you, Nova?”

  “I picked up a little tension, but I am not sure it was wrong so much as unexpected. I mean to be fair we left them in the middle a firefight. I don’t think they knew exactly what to expect,” Nova said.

  “Fair enough,” Aleksandra said.

  “We’re approaching the hauler, Commander,” the helmsman announced.

  “Bring us in and line us up,” Aleksandra said.

  “Copy, Commander. We should be docked momentarily.”

  “Good work. I am going to head down to the airlock and see the research crew off. Hold us here,” Aleksandra said as she got up from her chair and exited the bridge.

  Chapter 38

  Ryn and his crew waited by the airlock, waiting for the docking procedure to finish. They had gathered their things. Kali watched through a window as the cargo ship grew larger.

  “I am going to miss this ship,” Kali said.

  “I am not,” Ryn said.

  “That’s understandable. I can see why you’d say that, but for me, this is the first ship I’ve commanded. I’ll always remember the Dawnbreaker,” Kali said.

  “Must be nice,” Nikon said.

  “What’s that?” Kali asked.

  “To have positive memories of this place. I just want to get off of it and have a safe place to work,” Nikon said.

  “Why do you say that?” Ryn asked.

  “I mean it isn’t like they ever caught whoever sabotaged the stasis system. I could have died. I could still die. Then we take on untold numbers of gendercide fanatics. No thanks. I’ll be the first one off of this ship,” Nikon said.

  “Be my guest,” Ryn said.

  “I am in no hurry. I want to see Nova before I leave. I don’t know if I’ll get to,” Kali said.

  “Look at you, Kali. Making friends, being sentimental. I love it,” Ryn said.

  “You pushed me to change all the way back on Trinity. I don’t think I would have changed without your help,” Kali said, looking away from the approaching hauler and at Ryn.

  “I am happy to help. Looks like the Commander has come to see us off,” Ryn said, nodding his head towards Aleksandra who walked their way.

  “Commander, thanks for coming,” Kali said, a hint of disappointment finished her sentence when she didn’t see Novalie with her.

  “Of course. I had to see the little bird fly the coop,” Aleksandra said.

  “I suppose it will never get old,” Kali said.

  “Nope, not at all,” Aleksandra said.

  “Thank you for having us, Commander. I am sorry for the loss of your crew, and I wish you a safe return to Trinity,” Ryn said.

  “Thank you. You have truly honored us Ryn. I wish you all the best with your research, and hopefully, you’re able to find what you’re looking for,” Aleksandra said.

  “I hope so,” Ryn said.

  “Kali, I hope you continue to mature. I can’t imagine a task you won’t be able to accomplish once you’ve set your mind to it. Remember there is always a time for temperance,” Aleksandra said.

  “Of course. Thank you for believing in me and letting me grow on such a wonderful ship. I will always remember the Dawnbreaker,” Kali said.

  “The light is green. Is that my cue?” Nikon said.

  “Yes, you may disembark,” Aleksandra said.

  “I am out of here!” Nikon said as he opened the airlock, “You guys coming?”

  “Go ahead, we will be right over,” Ryn said.

  “Suit yourselves.” Nikon closed the airlock behind him and waited for it pressurize.

  “Thanks again, Commander. If you ever need anything, in a few hundred years look me up,” Ryn said.

  “Oh, that’s right you’re going to be working in some kind of time distortion,” Aleksandra said.

  “Time shift, see what happens is…”

  Kali cut him off, “She doesn’t care Ryn. Yes, we’ll be here a few years and see you in a few hundred. I hope you have a good time back on the ground, Commander.”

  “Thanks. I will certainly await your return,” Aleksandra said.

  Ryn reached up without looking and tapped the button to open the airlock. “Till next time, Commander.” He turned to watch Nikon slide off of the blade of a Seraphim woman.

  “NO!” Ryn shouted. He rushed in the airlock and smashed the button to close it. He stared into the cold eyes of the woman who killed Nikon. The seconds to pressurize felt like eons.

  The door opened, and Ryn sprinted forth. She lunged at him, and he spun to the right, missing the blade aimed at him. He jumped over a cargo box and kicked it toward her. She stumbled past it.

  Another slash of her blade and he dodged out of the way. He picked up a metal box full of tools and tossed it at her. She put her arms up, and the box smashed off them. The blade fell out of her hand and slid across the deck out of reach.

/>   Ryn speared her in the abdomen, wrapping his hands around her waist. They crashed to the floor. He smashed the woman’s head on the floor. He grabbed her by the throat and squeezed.

  He pushed with all of his strength. He looked into the woman’s eyes and watched as worry to turned to fear and then to panic. She struck at him. Her blows did nothing to deter him. She bucked underneath him. He pressed harder.

  Her efforts slowed and he watched the worry fade from her eyes as she stilled. He continued to squeeze and press on her neck.

  “Ryn!” Kali shouted. “Ryn! You can let go now. Are you in there, Ryn?”

  The sound of her voice snapped Ryn out of his rage. He startled back, seeing the lifeless Seraphim. “What have I done?” Ryn said with tears in his eyes.

  “You did what you had to. We know this ship isn’t safe. We have to get off of here,” Aleksandra said.

  “But, Nikon. He’s. Dead!” Ryn said.

  “I know. We’ll avenge him, but now we need to get off of this ship for our own safety,” Kali said.

  They entered the airlock and sealed it, preventing passage to the Dawnbreaker. “So now what?” Aleksandra asked.

  “I was hoping you’d know. I was really looking forward to working and not fighting for a change,” Kali said.

  “I think we are going to have to go room to room, hall to hall and clear that ship,” Aleksandra said.

  “I am afraid so,” Kali said.

  _ _ _

  Kali and Aleksandra walked on the bridge. “Open a ship-wide channel, Nova,” Aleksandra ordered.

  “Yes, Commander,” Nova said.

  “This is Commander Aleksandra. The cargo hauler is compromised. They’ve killed a member of the research crew. I want all available incursion personnel suited up and ready in five minutes at the airlock. That is an order, Aleksandra out!” She motioned to Nova to cut the channel.

  “Nova, you’re coming with us,” Kali said.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Nova said.

  “We’re going to suit up and take that ship room by room,” Aleksandra said.

  “I am beyond ready. Let’s do this.” Nova said.

  The three of them left the bridge and headed to the security office. They entered and waded through all the personnel getting gear and weapons.

  “Commander, we’ve set your gear aside,” Bruce said.

  “Thank you, Bruce. Come on, Kali, I have something you may like,” Aleksandra said.

  Kali followed her through the crowded hallways into an empty room that had several sets of gear. “Oh, I think you’re right, Commander,” Kali said.

  “Suit up. We’re going through that airlock hot,” Aleksandra said.

  Nova, Kali, Aleksandra stripped down and slipped into the skintight body armor. The first layer wicked moisture from their bodies, the second layer provided protection from blades and the third layer was ballistic protection.

  Upon suiting up, they stashed their ammunition and grenades into the integrated ammo pouches. They secured a few combat blades each. Kali took the weapon Aleksandra motioned to when they walked in, and the trio left.

  When they came out of the room, the hall had cleared, and everyone had moved to the airlock. “Guess we’re late to the party,” Kali said.

  “Better hurry,” Aleksandra said. They jogged out of the office and ran to the airlock. When they arrived, they slowed to a walk and moved through the group to get to the doors.

  “OK, everybody. Listen up. We’re going to take this ship. They have had months to harden it against incursion. We must be prepared for everything. I can’t caution you enough to use prudence when clearing halls and rooms,” Aleksandra said.

  She continued. “We’re going to split up and send two teams opposite ways. I’ll take one team forward, and Kali will take another team to the aft. We are assuming all aboard are hostile. Any questions?”

  “NO, COMMANDER,” they yelled like thunder.

  “Good. Count off by twos. Ones with me, twos with Kali,” Aleksandra said.

  The crew began counting off and lining up behind their leader. They finished counting off, and Aleksandra took as many of the ‘Ones’ with her into the airlock as would fit. They entered the other ship and waited for the remainder of their party.

  After Kali watched them get through she initiated the airlock to move her crew over. They packed in and waited for the pressurization sequence to complete. They entered the other ship and were careful to step around the blood left from Nikon’s murder.

  Kali motioned to the rest of her crew to get over here with her. They loaded in the airlock and finally made their way toward the rear of the ship.

  “See you on the flip side, Commander,” Kali said.

  “Stay vicious out there, little bird,” Aleksandra said.

  “You have no idea,” Kali said. She entered the first hallway and motioned for a column of support to her left. “I go right, you go left.”

  “Copy,” they said.

  She counted off with her fingers holding up one, then two, then three, and they rushed in. Kali scanned the room for any signs of life or traps. The room looked barren and sterile as though they expected them to enter it.

  “They must be expecting us. Don’t take too long,” Kali ordered.

  The large empty room would make them easy targets. Knowing this she rushed to move across the room as quickly as possible. When they arrived at the other end, she wanted to move into the next corridor as fast as possible, but she knew she needed to get the rest of her team there.

  “We have to wait for them,” Kali said. She motioned for another group to the move into the room. Group by group they filled the room. She couldn’t stand the uneasy feeling of having her group potentially exposed.

  Finally, they all staged in the room. “We’re easy targets here. We need to move,” Kali said. “I want explosive sweeps done before each bound.”

  The crew with scanners moved up and scanned down the next hall. “Clear.”

  “Clear,” a second sensor operator said.

  “I read clear too,” said a third.

  “Ok, let's go. Stay behind cover if you can. I don’t need you exposed like we are here.”

  Kali darted into the room and looked for hostiles. She saw someone rush out of the other side of the room.

  She pointed to the exit on the other side, and they nodded that they saw as well. “Sensors, check the exit!” Kali ordered.

  “Clear!” one of them shouted.

  Kali moved toward the exit and peaked around the corner. A long hallway with several rooms to one side lay ahead. She could have darted into in any of those rooms, Kali thought to herself.

  “Next hallway has several rooms. I want to take the length of the hallway then scan the rooms and clear them,” Kali said.

  “I can’t scan and keep myself safe at the same time,” one of the scanner operators said.

  “Teams of four, one scanner and three gunners,” Kali ordered.

  “Copy.” Several people responded. They teamed up as directed. Another team watched the way behind them, and the rest entered the hallway. They pushed three rooms down and waited.

  Each of the scanner operators scanned the rooms and nodded that they were clear of explosives. Kali nodded for them to proceed. They repeated the process twice more.

  With nine rooms cleared, they lined up to clear each room at the same time. Kali motioned the order to enter the rooms. They kicked the doors in quick succession and filed in.

  After several minutes, they all came back out and said, “Clear.”

  “We’re getting pretty far into the ship. I can’t imagine there is much left. What is going on here?” Kali said.

  “I am not sure but I know I saw someone head this way. Do you think it is a trap?”

  “I am not sure, but it feels like that. Let’s be careful and move up,” Kali said.

  “Wait!” someone said.

  “What is it?” Kali said.

  “We need to sec
ure these doors.”

  “They’re right.”

  “Explain,” Kali said.

  “We attach this to center of the door. Four sensors are pulled out and attached to the wall or door frame. If the door is opened it blows. This way we know if somebody disturbed it.”

  “Good idea. Let's get that done and move on. Hurry up!” Kali instructed.

  They secured the doors and prepared to move on. After gathering at the end of the hallway, the sensors teams moved up. After scanning, one of them said, “This room is gigantic. Must be the main hold. We’re going to have to take this room slowly. We can’t scan the whole room.”

  “Ok, so we know at least one person is in there,” Kali said. “I want to split up and follow the outside edge of the hold. We may have to maneuver through the cargo though. So, scan every five meters.”

  They moved forward and scanned. Took cover behind cargo as they could. Scanned again. Moved ahead more. Soon they had bound through half of the cargo hold. No explosives and no sign of anybody.

  Kali motioned her half of the crew to bound again. She’d lost sight of the other part of her team, and it started to worry her. She moved around the corner of a large container hoping to get a glimpse of them.

  When she came around the corner, she saw something move further into the cargo hold. “I think I saw her again,” Kali said over her shoulder.


  “End of the cargo hold,” she whispered. “How do we look on the scanner?”

  The scanner operator scanned the room again. “Still clear.”

  “Ok, let's see how far we can go. I want to get whoever this is. I am tired of waiting for this trap to be sprung,” Kali said.

  They nodded and she took off past several containers before stopping. “Scan!” she said.

  A few seconds later she heard, “Clear.”

  Kali darted out from cover and pushed further into the hold. She didn’t stop after a few containers, and instead kept going. Soon she didn’t hear footsteps behind her. Her crew stopped following. She took cover and called back, “Scan!”

  Several seconds elapsed and she didn’t hear anything. ‘What is going on with them?’ She wondered to herself. “Scan!” Kali yelled again.


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