Trying To Live With The Dead

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Trying To Live With The Dead Page 17

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Zeke knows about my back, but did anyone else see?” I asked, it seemed stupid right now, but I wanted to know.

  “If they did, I’m sure questions would have been asked.” Rory reassured me. I nodded, licking my lips.

  “What time is it?” I asked, running a hand down my arm wiping salt off my skin. Rory checked his watch.


  “Where’s Tara?” I sighed wearily.

  “I told her to sleep at her Mom’s tonight.” Rory's voice was understanding. “She still doesn’t know about this and I’d like to keep it that way as long as possible.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I agreed, especially if Tara was what I suspected. Rory pulled me into a hug; I rested my head on his chest as he held me.

  “We almost lost you kid.” His voice shook; I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed back. That feeling of being loved washed over me again. Oh, this feeling was going to take some getting used to.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I whispered back. I hoped I wasn’t lying. “I’m too stubborn.” I felt him snort.

  “I brought you some clothes from your room, they’re on the dresser.” Rory told me as he let me go. He brushed my hair off my face again. “Let’s get you out there before those boys decide to break down the door.” I huffed at that. Then thought about it. Yeah, that sounded like something Zeke might do. Rory got up and held out his hand. I took a deep breath for courage and took Rory’s hand. Rory helped pull me to my feet. My whole body throbbed with the sudden movement, and then a bone deep ache settled in. Even my fucking feet hated me. Rory held on as I walked slowly towards the dresser. Once he knew I wasn’t going to fall, he walked out the door, closing it behind him. I bit back a groan as I took my clothes off, every movement making me hurt more. I pulled on the black underwear, loose white t-shirt and black sweatpants. I took a second to look in the mirror; I wasn’t surprised to see I looked like shit. My hair was a tangled mess and had chunks of salt here and there. My face was even paler than usual, my eyes were red from crying and I had bags under my eyes. Screw it. I almost died. I can look like shit. I slowly walked to the bedroom door and opened it. Asher and Zeke were waiting a few feet from the door. At the sight of them, I started crying again. They really were here.

  “I told you to stop crying Lexie.” Zeke growled his face hard. I huffed at him as I wiped my cheek.

  “Happy crying this time.” I bit my bottom lip and looked up at them. “You guys are still here.” Asher looked at me like something hurt as he stepped forward and gently pulled me against him. One of his arms wrapped around my back, the other cradling the back of my head pressing my cheek to the middle of his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist. It was an amazing hug, full of warmth and caring. Tears kept falling as I breathed in his cinnamon and vanilla scent.

  “Did you really think you could get rid of us that easy?” Asher asked his voice thick. He leaned down, putting his face in my hair. “You’re stuck with us Ally.” He whispered to me. I sniffed and nodded against his chest. I think I was starting to believe it. Asher held me long enough that Zeke tapped his shoulder. “No, you held her the longest in the shower. Now it’s my turn.” he snapped before pushing his face further into my hair. “Text the other guys. It’ll help with the wait.” Asher mumbled at Zeke. I vaguely heard Rory in the kitchen doing something. Asher was still holding on.

  “Lexie, look over here for a second.” Zeke asked, in his usual it’s not really a request voice. I opened my eyes. He was holding his phone up; there was the distinct sound of a picture being taken. The shit head.

  “Zeke, I look like shit.” I groaned, wiping more tears away. The corner of his mouth twitched as he focused on doing something with his phone.

  “The guys wanted proof you were alive and awake.” He looked up his eyes meeting mine. “I put ‘Getting suffocated by Asher’ in the text just so you know.” I snorted as I began rubbing Asher’s lower back.

  “Ally girl, you scared the hell out of me.” Asher whispered into my hair.

  “I didn’t mean to.” Asher grunted before giving me a small squeeze and letting go. He stepped back and Zeke stepped forward immediately. His hard eyes softened as they ran over my face. He bent down to pick me up, one arm under my butt the other lightly across my back. My arms moved around his neck, my face finding a spot between his neck and shoulder. I took a deep breath of leather and engine grease. I had never had a hug like it in my life.

  “You didn’t leave.” I whispered as my tears fell against his skin.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” He whispered back, his gravelly voice rough. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Never stop breathing on me again.” He whispered against my ear as he rested his cheek against mine. I smiled into his neck.” You hear me?”

  “I hear you.” I whispered back, it was muffled, but I was sure he heard me because his arms tightened around me.

  “I hate to interrupt, but she needs to eat, or she’s going to crash.” Rory announced from the dining room. I thought Zeke would put me down, but instead he walked into the dining area, carrying me; holding onto me as long as he could. He gave me one last squeeze before setting me down in a chair. I turned in my chair, wiping my tears off my face. Then I saw to see the huge plate of food Rory had set out. A big thick steak with a pile of potatoes and a small amount of green beans. My stomach growled. I started digging into the food, my body craving it.

  “Ally usually eats a quarter of that; can she really finish it all?” Asher asked sounding genuinely curious. I didn’t bother answering. I needed to get the food down or I’d be in real big trouble.

  “Just watch, during after burn you use a lot of energy, especially stored fat. I bet you she’s a couple pounds lighter than she was this morning.” Rory explained. Feeling a little stronger, I stopped eating long enough to be a smart ass.

  “Yeah, it’s the best diet in the world.” I told them with fake enthusiasm before taking another bite of potatoes. My joke fell flat; Rory glared at me.

  “It would be if not for the threat of becoming a vegetable, or oh yeah, death.” He said sarcastically though his voice was hard. He really didn’t like my joke. The boys watched in stunned silence as I finished off the plate of food, it didn’t take long. I pushed the plate away and leaned back, my stomach very full.

  “That was so good.”

  “Asher cooked, I only bought the groceries.” Rory admitted gesturing to Asher. I turned to Asher whose cheeks were turning a tinge pink.

  “Really?” He nodded, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. I turned to Rory. “Can we keep him? Please?” I asked sounding entirely serious. Which I was, that was the best meal I’d had in years. Rory rolled his eyes at me. There was a knock at the front door. Frowning Rory got to his feet and answered.

  “Where is she?” I turned a little in my chair to see Isaac darting past Rory and towards me. I balled up and covered my head with my arms.

  “Gently, gently, gently.” I whimpered painfully, almost squeaking. When I wasn’t pounced on, I peeked out of my arms to see Asher had intercepted Isaac; Zeke was halfway out of his chair as if Asher had just been faster.

  “Easy, she’s sore.” Asher’s voice was soft but firm. Isaac eyes were running over me, his pale face serious as he nodded. He knocked Asher’s hand away as he came toward me again. He knelt down on the floor and wrapped his arms around me, knees and all. It was a couple minutes before he shifted, lifting me and putting me in his lap on the floor. My head against his chest, my legs draped over one of his. Tears were falling again as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “You came back.” I whispered, not quite realizing I spoke out loud. He squeezed me tighter.

  “No shit.” His whispered his voice thick. He just held me against him, as if he could keep all the bad things away as long as I was with him. It felt really fucking good. It was a while before he spoke to me again.

  “You scared the shit out of me Red.” Isaac growled agains
t my hair. “You ever do that again and I’m going to smack you silly.” One hand cupped my face, his thumb caressing my cheekbone. It was comforting.

  “Sorry, Cookie Monster.”

  “Shh, I’m still mad at you.” Isaac was still holding me when there was another knock on the door. Isaac turned me in his arms as Rory opened the door. Ethan’s eyes went straight to me as he strode through the great room. Isaac intervened this time.

  “Soft hands brother, soft hands.” Ethan nodded that he understood without stopping. Ethan held out a hand, I took it. He pulled me to my feet, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. One arm running up my spine, his hand around the back of my neck. My nose bumped his collarbone; I lifted my chin to his shoulder for comfort. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders holding him. Tears were falling again.

  “Should I even bother closing the door this time?” Rory asked the room.

  “Probably not, I bet Miles is on the way over here.” Isaac offered his voice strained.

  “You really came back.” I whispered starting to believe that they weren’t leaving me.

  Ethan dropped his forehead to my shoulder and took slow deep breaths.

  “Always.” He whispered back his voice shaking. His spicy cologne filled my nose as he actually shook in my arms. I felt tears fall on my skin that weren’t mine. I held his shoulders tighter, and pressed my body completely against his, from chest to knee. His hand kept flexing against me, as if he wanted to squeeze tighter but was stopping himself. I moved one hand around the back of his neck and stroked it trying to comfort him.

  “I’m okay, I’m here. I’m fine.” I kept whispering. My heart ached. Ethan and Isaac’s reactions were intense. Like they were in a terrifying nightmare, but now they were awake and trying to reassure themselves it was all a dream. I didn’t understand how to make it better. So I just held him against me. I spotted Rory out of the corner of my eye standing at the table; he was watching Ethan hold me with a hard look on his face. Asher leaned toward him and said something I couldn’t hear. Rory’s face softened, then quickly his face was full of understanding.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Ethan asked his voice not like himself. I swallowed hard.

  “I didn’t want you to think I was a freak.” I whispered honestly.

  “That was dumb Beautiful, very dumb.” I smiled into his hair; he was starting to sound like himself again.

  “How was band practice?” He barked a laugh once against my shoulder.

  “Shitty, beyond shitty. They wanted to kick me out I was so bad.” He took a steady breath. “I told them to fuck off.” I wiped my tears from my cheek. There was another knock on the door.

  “Can I come in?” Miles' voice asked. Rory must have left the door open this time.

  “Will you just get in here?” Isaac groaned at him. Ethan pulled back from me wiping at his face before joining the others at the table. I turned around to find Miles standing behind me. For once, he didn’t hesitate. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him, his other hand cupping my neck his thumb resting in front of my ear. He held my cheek against his collarbone, my forehead against his neck. I took a deep breath of his wintergreen scent and let it out. His body was relaxed against mine.

  “You’re really here.” I couldn’t seem to stop saying that to them.

  “As long as you want me.” He whispered back to me, his voice had that silky note to it. I was crying again. “Is this why you expect people to leave you?” I bit my lip before answering.

  “After they find out, they leave.” My voice was a bit steadier, but still shaky.

  “Not anymore.” I smiled into his shirt, soaking it with my tears. “You know I thought you had a brain tumor?” He sounded so relieved that I snorted into his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.” I swallowed hard before trying to make it easier on him. “And you thought you were weird.” He snorted and held me a little tighter.

  “Unique Lexie, unique remember?” He whispered back to me. I gave a small nod my face rubbing against his hoodie. I was vaguely aware of the others in the room.

  “How’d you get out of the house?” Ethan asked behind me.

  “Snuck out.” Isaac answered.

  “I thought I saw Mom’s car out there. She’s going to be pissed.”

  “Miles probably snuck out too.” Isaac pointed out.

  “But he didn’t steal his Mom’s car.” Ethan replied.

  “Are you sure you're okay?” Miles asked his voice concerned. “Do you taste anything strange? Are you numb anywhere? Has your vision changed?” I smiled into his chest. He’d been looking up the symptoms of a brain bleed.

  “I’m okay Miles, just hurting and tired.” I whispered to him.

  “Do you need anything? I can have a doctor here in fifteen minutes.” I squeezed him a little tighter. That was Miles, always looking to make things better.

  “Hey, why didn’t you warn Miles to go easy?” Isaac accused someone.

  “It’s Miles.” Several voices answered at once. I smiled against Miles' hoodie again. It wasn’t much longer before Miles started to get tense against me. I let him go then and stepped back. His ears were pink as he adjusted his glasses, looking everywhere but at me. That only lasted a moment before his eyes were running over me assessing.

  “So, can you please explain what’s going on?” Miles asked politely. I nodded and walked back to the table. I sat down between Asher and Isaac. I looked around the table, still amazed that they were there. I was tired, wrung out. But they were there, so I started talking.

  “I’ve been seeing the dead since I was a kid. I remember seeing my first ghost at 5 years old.” I kept my eyes on the table as I laid it out for them. “It’s usually not like this. A ghost will find me, or run into me. Some need someone to listen, they tell their story to me. Others just need to be convinced that they don’t belong here anymore. And some just don’t realize they're dead.” I looked up and met Rory’s eyes. “And then there are the kind that want to watch the world burn. They’re angry. They want to cause as much pain and damage as possible.” My voice cracked, I swallowed hard. Rory got up and walked into the kitchen then brought me out a bottle of water. I smiled my thanks. I tried to open it but my hands were shaking again. Asher took the bottle from me, opened it then handed it back. I thanked him and took a deep drink before continuing. “All ghosts will interact with their surroundings, the sound of footsteps when no one is there. An empty chair rocking. But the other kind...” I was looking down at the table again. “They are the ones that scratch, bite, and try to jump into your body and take it over. They’re the ones they make horror movies about.” I looked around the group feeling naked. I’ve never had to tell anyone outside the family about this, they never stuck around long enough. This was going to be harder than I thought.

  “Is that what happened today? You got jumped?” Ethan asked, his face turning dark. I met his eyes and nodded, then explained, my gaze on the middle of the table again.

  “On my first day I saw a dead girl at the school, judging from her clothes I’d say she was from the 60s. She is so angry that she’s dead that she wants to tear into everyone around her. Make them suffer like she is.” I shook my head as I remembered her. “When they get like that, I just stay the hell away.” I looked around at the guys again, then settled my eyes on Rory. “I don’t know if there is a way to help them, to stop them or even how to get rid of them.” I finally admitted to Rory how little I actually knew. My lungs were tight as my eyes fill with tears again. A storm of emotions raced through me. I was ashamed that I didn’t know the answer that I knew I should. I was embarrassed that it’s taken me this long to admit it. But connecting all of that was this deep feeling of helplessness. I didn’t know what I was doing. I’d been winging it for so long that I’ve never had the chance to figure it out. I bit my bottom lip, using the pain to chase back the tears. I really needed to stop fucking crying. It worked. I took a shaky breath and let it out slow.r />
  “If you saw her that day, why didn’t she jump you then?” Asher asked his face neutral.

  She tried a little, she reached out, and I told her no.” I explained my voice stronger now that I was back on a topic I knew something about. “You can keep them out, by putting your energy into saying no. By simply meaning it. But if they have more juice, they can keep trying.” I took a drink of water before continuing. “The first day she used everything she had and only managed to give me a nosebleed.” Asher frowned at me.

  “That’s why you’ve been getting nosebleeds at school? This ghost is attacking you? Everyday?” Isaac asked looking disturbed by the news. I nodded and then tried to explain

  “In this case yes, though a ghost doesn’t have to be attacking me. I usually get a small one just by being near a ghost for awhile, it happens all the time.” I tried to explain.

  “Hold it.” Zeke growled his eyes on my face. “The library?”

  “Yeah, there was a dead woman in the stacks. Two ghosts in one day and the physical side effects get worse.”


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