Trying To Live With The Dead

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Trying To Live With The Dead Page 30

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “What?” I asked as he strode up to me and stopped. He towered over me.

  “Why the fuck did you hang up?” He snapped his eyes running over my face looking for something.

  “Because you were being ridiculous.” I snapped back. His brow drew down; his mouth becoming a hard line. “Walking on that path every day and demanding that you listen is ridiculous.” Zeke looked around us; he noted the other people around and stepped closer. He leaned down so only I could hear him.

  “You almost died in front of us two days ago.” He whispered in my ear, his voice hard. “You kept a secret that almost got you killed.” I swallowed as I heard the anger in his voice. “That is ridiculous.” I jerked my head back ready to defend myself but I didn’t get the chance. His hands went around my arms holding me in place, his grip firm but gentle. Not hurting me, just holding me in place. He moved his head so that he was whispering in my ear again. “Talking to me on the phone for three fucking minutes so I know you're okay. That isn’t much to fucking ask considering the situation we’re in.” He pulled back from my ear and looked at me. His furious gaze meeting mine. That’s when I saw it. It was small, nothing more than a brief flicker. But it was there. Fear. I had scared him by hanging up the phone, by not letting him hear that I was fine. This whole situation scared him, and he was trying to handle it the only way he could. By worrying and trying to keep me safe, the best way he knew how. That feeling of being cared for washed over me. Was I ever going to get used to feeling this? Would I have hung up the phone on him if I had known this was how he was feeling? Shit. I knew the answer. I would have talked to him all he needed if I had known. I was wrong, but I wasn’t the only one in the wrong here. I crooked my finger at him. He bent down so I could whisper in his ear.

  “If you need me to help you deal with something, tell me.” I whispered my voice firm. “If you need me to hear me while I walk past Bitch Ghost so you don’t freak out, fine. But you need to tell me why otherwise you come off like an overprotective asshole.” I leaned back and met his eyes as he straightened to his full height. “You hear me?” I used his words to make him understand I was serious. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I hear you.” His gravely voice filled my ears. He gave my arms a small squeeze before letting me go. “I’ll see you after class, Asher I’ll pick you up after practice.” Zeke headed back in the direction he came from. I turned to see Asher looking from me to Zeke’s retreating back. His eyebrows went up.

  “I expected a much bigger fight than that.” He admitted.

  “It was apparently a miscommunication.” I hedged; Asher didn’t need to know that Zeke had freaked out. Asher shrugged, and we headed into class. During our drawing time, I went to the sink and pulled the beads off my arm. All along my arm in the shape of my beads were red burns but luckily no blistering. I turned the water on and ran it over my skin, it felt really good. How good it felt told me it would be a couple days before the burns disappeared. Where the hell is Bitch Ghost getting her energy? How long did I have til she shatters my beads with heat? I didn’t have any answers. I needed to get that link to the veil working soon. I didn’t know how much time I had left. I put my bracelets back on and went back to the table. I said nothing about it to Asher. After class, I met the everyone at Zeke’s Jeep. The boys gave me the front seat. We were headed back to Miles' house when I decided to just close my eyes for a bit.

  Chapter 16

  I woke up in a dark bedroom. It took me a few seconds to recognize the master bedroom at Miles house. I rubbed the grit out of my eyes and tried to remember how I got here. I remember buckling up, listening to the boys talk about the weekend, and pulling out of the student parking lot. Then nothing. Someone must have carried me into the house and put me in the bedroom. I smiled at that feeling that warm feeling in my chest again. It wasn’t so odd this time.

  I sat up and checked the clock. It was six o’clock, and I still had homework. I groaned as I got out of bed. When I felt wood floor under my feet I jerked. Apparently, someone had taken my shoes off too. I pulled my jacket off and tucked my cell phone into my back pocket. I opened the door and headed down the hall, still wiping the sleep from my face. I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I went in. Asher was putting fried rice into a big serving bowl, Isaac was standing at the breakfast bar with Miles next to him.

  “There she is.” Miles greeted me. I smiled and ran my hand back through my hair.

  “What happened?” I asked, still a bit drowsy. Miles and Isaac smiled.

  “We got one block from school and you were out like a light.” Miles explained coming around the counter. He headed for the dishes cupboard and opened it.

  “Huh.” I walked around the counter and sat down at the breakfast bar. “Who carried me into the house?”

  “What makes you think you were carried?” Isaac asked chuckling. “You were out, gone. We could have dragged you into the house and you still wouldn’t have woken up.” Miles brought a stack of plates over the counter and set them down.

  “Isaac did.” Miles answered over his shoulder as he headed for the silverware drawer. I looked over to Isaac. He was eyeing the big bowl of fried rice.

  “Thanks for bringing me in Cookie Monster.” Isaac glanced back at me and winked before grabbing a plate.

  “No problem Red, you’re light.”

  “He didn’t bang my head on anything on the way in did he?” Asher laughed. Miles looked concerned.

  “Not that I know of, do you have a headache?” Miles asked adjusting his glasses. I smiled and shook my head no.

  “Good, cause dinner's ready.” Asher announced. All of us dished up and headed for the dining room. When I walked in, I saw everyone's books out on the table. Shit I still had that essay due tomorrow.

  “Foods ready.” I told Zeke and Ethan. They both popped up and headed down the hall. I saw my book bag and brought it to the table. I was still pulling out my books when the guys came back in with their dinner.

  “Don’t bother Red; we did your homework for you.” Isaac announced. My eyebrows went up.

  “Seriously?” They all nodded. “You guys are awesome. Thank you so much.” I was about to get up to get my laptop when I noticed it over by Miles. “Miles did you finish my essay?” His ears tinged pink.


  “You’re an angel.” I told him sweetly. He sent a smile down the table. “So, all I have left tonight is to try and fail at meditating.” I grumbled taking a bite of chicken.

  “Actually, I think I’ve got something that will help.” Ethan said. “I’ll show you after dinner.”

  “Anything is worth a shot right now.” I mumbled my mind on the burns on my arm. I was going over possibilities when my phone vibrated in back pocket. I pulled it out and saw I got a text.

  Unknown: Hey, it’s Dylan from last Saturday. What have you been up to?

  I bit my lip trying not to smile. Almost a week and he finally texts me. I decided to make him wait a little. I looked down the table to see Asher had finished eating.

  “Looks like I can’t guilt you anymore Asher.” I said. Asher looked across the table at me. “Dylan just texted me.” Asher scowled.

  “Oh, come on man.” Asher uttered. He tilted his chin at my phone. “Have you texted him back yet?” I shook my head smiling.

  “I’m making him sweat for a couple minutes.” I admitted. The other guys groaned. I looked around the table at them with an eyebrow raised.

  “I hate that.” Isaac complained.

  “That’s cruel Beautiful.” Ethan chimed in.

  “You do know that guy is just sitting there waiting for you to text back right?” Miles said pointing at my phone. I smiled at Miles.

  “He got my number Sunday morning, and he waited till Thursday night to text me.” I said being very clear.

  “Oooh. Yeah, let him sweat a couple minutes.” Zeke agreed before going back to his Physics homework.

  “When you do text him back tell him I
said ‘weak game.’” Asher grinned mischievously. I sent him one back. After a couple minutes passed, I picked up my phone.

  Alexis: The usual stuff, school, sleep. I’m having dinner with the guys right now. Asher says ‘weak game.’

  I giggled as I hit send.

  “She’s giggling, that can’t be good.” Isaac commented.

  “No, I’m giggling at the weak game thing.” I admitted. I put down my phone to take a bite of food. My phone vibrated on the table.

  “Yeah, he better text you back.” Asher mumbled. I snickered as I picked up my phone.

  “What Asher? Not liking the way your friend is texting me?” I taunted him a bit. Asher gave me a half grin.

  “When I gave him your number, I told him no stupid dating games.” Asher shrugged as he went back to his work. I snickered and checked the text.

  Dylan: LOL. I deserved that. I would have texted earlier this week but my Dad got sick and I had to take more shifts at the store.

  By the time I read that, he had sent another text.

  Dylan: With homework and everything by the time I’d think of texting you, it was always near midnight. Seemed kind of creepy to text someone for the first time that late.

  I smiled at my phone. That I could understand.

  Alexis: Yeah, that would have been really creepy. I guess I can’t give you a hard time over it.

  Dylan: Thank you merciful one. So tell me how's your week been?

  Oh, you know, almost died. Found out I was a Necromancer. You know the usual stuff. I lost my smile. How could I tell him the truth? Simple, I couldn’t, so I hedged.

  Alexis: A bit hectic, but nothing I can’t handle. Sounds like you had the same.

  Dylan: Pretty much, but since I worked all week, I get the next three weekends off. Totally worth it.

  Alexis: 48 hour rule?

  Dylan: .... so not worth it.

  I snickered as I texted back.

  Alexis: Lol, sorry couldn’t resist that one.

  I picked up my fork and took a bite of food.

  “You’re killing us Red.” Isaac groaned. I looked up and found Isaac and Ethan watching me. Asher kept taking quick looks once in a while. “What excuse did he have for not texting?”

  I shook my head smiling at Isaac’s suffering voice.

  “He said his Dad got sick, and he had to pick up more shifts at a store. He admitted he didn’t want to text me in the middle of the night, he thought it would be creepy.” My phone vibrate.

  “Yeah, that sounds more like Dylan than just not calling.” Asher admitted going back to his work as the others started to pick up their dishes. I went back to texting Dylan.

  Dylan: No, that was a good one. You make me laugh.

  Alexis: I try; you should hear the bad ones. The guys all groan and roll their eyes.

  Dylan: Lol.

  Dylan: Asher told me you had all guy friends. You don’t see that very often.

  I groaned and put my head back on my chair.

  “What?” Asher asked. I looked back to realize that the others were gone.

  “He’s subtly asking why I only have guy friends. Do you know how often I get that question? This is the second time today.” I complained. Asher grinned.

  “Tell him that.”

  “Really?” Asher nodded.

  “Yeah, he doesn’t want to irritate you.” Asher started packing up his bags.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked getting up and picking up my dish.

  “Family room, are you coming?” Asher stretched. I nodded.

  “Just got to put away my dish, dinner was delicious by the way.” I called over my shoulder as I headed down the long hallway.

  “Thank you, Ally.” I went into the kitchen and put my dish in the sink, and texted Dylan back.

  Alexis: You are the second guy to ask me that today. I didn’t think it was that strange.

  I headed down the hallway and walked into the family room. Zeke and Isaac had the couch to the left, Ethan and Miles were with their backs to the door. My phone vibrated as I climbed over the back and plopped between the boys. Asher laid out on his back on the floor groaning. I was looking down at my cell phone when Ethan nudged my shoulder. I smiled and nudged back. The guys talked about the movie while I read Dylan’s text.

  Dylan: It’s not strange just different. Don’t you like hanging out with other girls?

  I rolled my eyes and turned the tables on him.

  Alexis: Do you like hanging out with a bunch of girls?

  “Nice one Beautiful.” Ethan grabbed my attention. I looked up to see him reading over my shoulder.

  “Really?” I asked a bit irked. I elbowed him in the side for spying on me. My phone vibrated.

  “Yeah, you don’t want your phone to end up in the pool.” Miles warned him. I smirked as the guys chuckled. I read Dylan’s text.

  Dylan: Well, no, but I’m a guy.

  I snorted.

  Alexis: I don’t have a lot of great girls as friends experiences. Guys are easy; if they’re mad you know.

  Dylan: But don’t you miss having girls as friends sometimes?

  I thought about that for a second before I was texting him back.

  Alexis: When I’m not sure if an outfit works or if a color is right for me, otherwise no.

  I smirked and added.

  Alexis: Besides, guys gossip just as much as girls do. Ethan’s sitting here trying to read over my shoulder.

  “Thanks for that Beautiful.” Ethan grumbled.

  “You deserved it.”

  “If he wanted to talk to you this long, he should have just called.” Ethan pointed out still looking over my shoulder. “Texts are for short talks or flirts.”

  “He’s being a chicken shit.” Zeke announced still watching the movie.

  “He waited too long to call, so he’s feeling her out.” Miles chimed in. The guys agreed. I looked around at them.

  “Okay, I know you guys don’t sit around talking about who Ethan is texting.” I pointed out to them. They all grinned.

  “If we did, we’d be stuck talking all day.” Isaac countered, we burst out laughing. Ethan just grinned. My phone rang.

  “That’a boy, have a pair.” Asher said proudly. I was laughing as I answered.


  “Thought calling might make it harder for Ethan to snoop.” Dylan's husky voice filled my ear. Damn it, I had forgot about his voice.

  “I don’t know; he’s practically in my lap now trying to listen.” I elbowed Ethan in the gut hard. He grunted. “There we go, nothing an elbow to the gut doesn’t fix.” Dylan chuckled. I looked around, the movie was paused. The boys were all watching me. I dropped the phone from my mouth but kept it to my ear. “You guys actually paused the movie to listen in?” Dylan was laughing now. I put the phone back to my cheek. “I told you, they’re just as bad as girls.” The guys laughed at me as I got up and headed around the couch. “I’m just going to go somewhere with less ears.” I walked into the long hall and down to the living room. I took the couch facing the doorway so the guys couldn’t sneak up on me. “Okay, it’s clear. Hi.”

  “Hi, do they do that a lot?”

  “What, be nosey?” I couldn’t seem to stop grinning. His voice just rolled through my ears. It was a damn good voice.

  “Yeah, do they do that when all the guys call?” I snorted.

  “I’ve been here just over a week; you’re the only guy to call. Well, that wasn’t one of them.” I admitted.



  “When did the guys at that school get so stupid? I met you once and asked for your number.” His voice was warm, sending butterflies through my stomach.

  “Oh, and you go in for the hard flirt. Interesting choice.” I teased, totally loving it. Dylan chuckled in my ear.

  “Yeah, I kinda have to make up for lost time here.” He admitted. “I only got one dance with you before all that went down.”

  “Yeah, but it was a damn go
od dance.” I flirted back. I felt a little rusty.

  “Well, it was a memorable night after all.” I chuckled quietly. “And then Zeke beat that guy into the ground.” I shifted, crossing my legs under me.

  “Yeah, but I can’t really blame him.” And I kind of didn’t want Dylan blaming him either.

  “Asher told me the guy had it coming, but didn’t go into detail. Will you tell me?” I sighed and explained all at once. I didn’t want to keep talking about it.

  “Basically a guy groped me and tried to pin my back against the bar so I pushed him off me. He got pissed and pushed me back. My back hit the bar, I hit the floor. Then Zeke hit him, a lot.” I waited heart pounding, wondering if he was going to get scared off by Zeke. He was quiet for a couple beats.

  “He hurt you?” Dylan’s voice changed turning harder. It sent the butterflies fluttering again.

  “It only hurt for a few minutes. The air was knocked out of me, and since my spine hit the bar my hands shook for a while.” I gave him a half lie. There was no way I was telling him about my bruises.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I felt like I needed to explain Zeke’s reaction. “Zeke just really hates guys who hurt girls.”

  “Remind me to thank him next time I see you.” His voice was back to his normal husky. I smiled a big girly smile.

  “You’re going to see me again, huh?” I heard him let out a breath before answering.

  “Well, it’s going to be hard dating you if I don’t get to see you again.” His voice was full of confidence that I’m pretty sure was fake.

  “You don’t know me well enough to want to date me; I could be some crazy girl.” I pointed out still smiling. He chuckled.

  “Well, I’m trying to get to know you, but I’m running behind here. Especially if I want to see you this weekend.” My stomach did that hard flip. I winced.

  “This weekend?” I asked my voice pained. I rested my head back on the sofa.

  “I take it you can’t this weekend?” His voice was full of disappointment, he wasn’t the only one.

  “If I really make some progress on this project and work it all day Saturday. Then I should be able to swing Saturday night for a few hours.” If I can connect to the Veil by then I could take care of Bitch Ghost on Sunday or later Saturday night. If I could figure it out. Then I got an idea. “Wait, I am going to Asher’s football game with everyone tomorrow night. Can you come to that?” He sighed deeply.


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