Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico

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Convict's Captive Book 4: Welcome to Mexico Page 20

by Paul Blades

  Once the pickup had disappeared around the corner, the old woman gave Carly’s leash another yank and said, “Vamonos.” Carly followed as they walked about 30’ down the dirt pathway where the old woman pulled her onto the grass. When they stopped, Carly was in the process of spreading her legs so that she could pee when the woman gave her leash a hard yank and she gave her face a vicious slap. Carly cried out in surprise. The slap stung and her head was rocked. A pit of despair opened in her belly. What had she done wrong? Why were these people so cruel?

  The woman waited a moment, staring Carly down. Then she said curtly, “¡Presentate!” When Carly had adopted the position, the woman smiled. “¡No meas hasta darte permiso, putita!” she said sternly. She paused a moment, as if for emphasis and then ordered almost sweetly, “¡Ahora, meas como una buena perrita!”

  Now, piss like a good little doggie. That was what the woman had said. Even pissing was something she could do only on command! An urge to break down into a mass of tears passed through her, but, instead, obediently, she spread her thighs as wide as they would go and released her water. As her wastewater splashed on the grass, her mind churned on the all too clear truth that she was to be a totally controlled animal. Not even one tiny aspect of her existence was going to be left to her discretion. She was to be worse even than a dog, which had, at least, the right to piss when ready and not only on command. A dog could pass away the day mostly unmolested, wander, more or less where it pleased. And, in most households, that is, be relatively free of the threat of immediate, harsh punishment every minute of its day.

  She could see why the other fuck doggies didn’t last that long. And she could see why they would be good for little else once Lorenzo had had his fill of them. After months and months and months of this, there could hardly be any of her personality left to salvage. She would probably welcome death as the only relief she could obtain from life souring shame and humiliation. She could never be a normal woman again after going through this for very long. She realized, as the last drops of urine fell to the grass, that she was a fuck dog now and it was the last thing she would ever be.

  When she was done, the woman came behind her and wiped her pussy with a napkin. Then she pulled on her leash sharply and ordered her, “¡Manos y radillos!”

  Carly fell to her hands and knees and let herself be led back into the house.

  When they got to her cage, the woman reconnected the chain from inside and removed the leash. She hung the leash on the appropriate nail and then picked up Carly’s big steel water dish and brought it over to the sink while Carly waited on hands and knees, afraid to change position without permission. The woman filled the dish with cool water and brought it back, setting it on the little rug outside of Carly’s cage. “Bebida,” she said less harshly than before. Carly leaned over, placed her paws on the floor on either side of the dish and began to lap the water up.

  It was actually refreshing. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until that moment. She heard the woman moving about the kitchen and the door to the walk in freezer opening and shutting, but she paid no attention to the sounds. The woman had ordered her to drink and going by everything else that had happened that day, Carly assumed she meant it literally, that she should drink all of it.

  She was just about finished when to woman came over to her again. She gave Carly a nudge with her foot. Carly looked up and backed away from her bowl. The woman put another bowl down in front of her. It was a large bowl, full of vanilla ice cream. It looked delicious. She looked up at the woman. She hadn’t given permission to eat it yet. Carly waited anxiously. Her whole body had developed an intense, instant craving for the coolness and creaminess and sweetness it represented.

  The woman smiled. “No quiero ser cruel pero debes aprender a obedecer, Zorrita,” she said. “I no cruel. Doggie need learn obey. Pobre perrita. Poor little doggie. Aquí hay algo lindo para ti. Here is something nice. Come y disfruta. Eat and enjoy.”

  Carly leapt instantly at the ice cream. It was cold and sweet and delicious. She had a hard time eating it without smearing it all over her face, but she didn’t care. After the first few mouthfuls she slowed down and began licking at it, savoring its flavor. Every part of her body seemed to trill as if suffused through her. Some tiny part of her thought that going through everything else she had experienced was worth earning this delicious repast. Every lick seemed to wash away a degree of the torment she had suffered.

  She licked the whole bowl clean. When she was done, the cook washed her face and ordered her back into the cage.

  While Carly lay as comfortably as she could in her cage, the woman sat at the kitchen table whiling away the time awaiting something to do. It was eerie being there in the dim light awaiting who knew what ordeals were ahead of her. There was a clock on the wall and the second hand kept clicking away in the silence. After about an hour, one of the maids came in and said something to the cook. The cook got up from her chair and went over to the walk-in box and brought out some premade empanadas and put them in the stove to warm up. When she had done that, the girl pointed at Carly and said something to the cook. Carly heard her new name, Zorrita. The cook just waived her hand and nodded her head as if acceding to the girl’s request.

  The girl, dressed in a red and black dress that opened to a wide skirt and went down to her ankles, was tall and had a wide face. Her breasts were not large, but plumpish. The bodice to the dress seemed to have been buttoned hastily since one of the buttons had been skipped. Like the other girls, her black hair was pulled into a ponytail. She stepped over to the cage and took the leash from the wall. A knot formed in Carly’s stomach. The request for snacks told her that Lorenzo and his men were having some kind of a party. Something had reminded him that he had a new fuck dog to show off and he had sent the maid to fetch her.

  When the girl opened the cage, she said something that sounded apologetic and waived Carly out. For a second, Carly had the urge to refuse to go. She knew that this little twist of a girl wouldn’t be able to force her. But then what? Vincenzo would come, or Lorenzo himself and she would be dragged to wherever they wanted her to go and she would be beaten for her disobedience. And then they would do whatever they were going to do her in the first place anyway.

  Her arms were trembling as she crawled her way out of the cage. The girl released her chain and attached the leash. She gave it a little yank and said, “Vamonos.”

  Carly followed her from the kitchen. They went through the same swinging doors that Carly had gone through earlier with Angelika. They passed the dining room on the right. When they got to the end of the hallway, instead of going the way Angelika took her, they went right. The corridor opened to the cavernous, garish foyer to the dwelling. It was the first time Carly had seen it and it bespoke the wealth, if not the taste, of her owner.

  She didn’t have much time to take it in because the girl dragged her quickly through it. They went past the grand, winding marble staircase and down a hallway on the other side. As soon as they made the turn, Carly heard the loud voices of rough men enjoying themselves. There was laughter and someone shouted out something. The other men laughed again. As they went down the hall, the voices got louder and louder. Carly heard what sounded like a television turned way up loud.

  They came to a doorway and the girl turned to pull Carly in. Carly drew back for a moment. She knew that she was about to enter the lion’s den and every inch of her being wanted to avoid it. The girl pulled on the leash harder and turned to Carly and said something plaintive. Carly realized that if the girl did not deliver the new fuck doggie expeditiously, she would suffer. She relented her resistance and let the girl guide her into the rom.

  As soon as she crossed the threshold, there was a great shout among the men. The room was dark and sunken and Carly had to negotiate three carpeted steps to get down to the floor. It was smoky and smelled of booze. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall to her right, giving the room most of its light. Some movie was on. It
looked like some kind of cop show because the men all had guns and they were chasing some other people. Gunshots rang out smothering the noise of the men for a second and then there was loud dramatic sounding music.

  There were long, built in tan, leather couches along the walls. In front of the couches was a large coffee table filled with glasses and bottles and overpouring ashtrays. Carly didn’t get much of a chance to look around. The shout had been to celebrate her arrival. There were five scrofulous looking men, dressed in fancy shirts and jeans, all of them with several days’ growth of beard on their faces as if it were some kind of uniform. Two of the men, one of them Lorenzo, sat on the couch to Carly’s left, immediately in front of the TV and two more were sitting on the couch straight ahead of her to the left of it.

  The fourth man was standing to her right. One of the maids, the one who had disappeared during dinner, was kneeling at his feet, naked and she had his cock in her mouth. The man had halted his blow job, the one the other men were celebrating when Carly heard their voices down the hall, and he was holding her head still with a firm grip on her ponytail. The cock had been sunk deep into the girl’s mouth and she was whining and struggling for air. Her hands were tied behind her back with a leather thong.

  “Zorrita!” Lorenzo shouted. News of her new name had spread to him already. He announced something to his men and they all made appreciative sounding remarks to him. The maid brought Carly over to him and handed him her leash. A pit had opened in Carly’s stomach and she felt nauseous. Lorenzo, a drunken smile on his face, took hold of her chin and turned her face this way and that, admiring Angelika’s handiwork. “¡Muy bueno!” he shouted. “You look like a real doggie, Zorrita!” He turned to his men, holding firmly onto Carly’s chin and presenting her face to them and asked them something. They all laughed and answered affirmatively.

  The squealing of the maid had become quite loud and the man holding her head relented and let her slide back and gasp for air. The other maid was just standing there as if waiting for orders. Lorenzo looked at her and said something angry. Her face paled and she turned and ran out of the room, undoubtedly to bring back the treats they had ordered from the kitchen.

  He looked back at Carly. “Have you been enjoying yourself today, Zorrita?” he asked her snidely. “Now that you’ve become a doggy, there’s so many things to learn. But Lorenzo and Angelika have said so many nice things about you. Lorenzo told me that you hesitated when he ordered you to stroke your pretty little pussy. There will certainly be a punishment for that later. I’m sure that he’ll think of something appropriate.”

  Carly’s stomach quailed at the thought of another punishment from Lorenzo. Her tongue was still sore from the treatment he had given it earlier that day. Her eyes welled up with tears at the thought. Lorenzo noticed it.

  “Now, now, Zorrita, no crying or I’ll have to get the whip out myself. Now come up here and sit on my lap like a good little doggie. I want to play with your pussy for a while.”

  He gave the leash a harsh tug. Carly came closer to him. He kept pulling her towards him. She put her paws on the couch and climbed up onto it, not without some difficulty. She was practically shivering with fright to be so close to the man who held her destiny in his palm. And the sense of being an owned piece of property came rushing back to her.

  During the day, when the others had been tormenting her, she had thought of herself as a victim of horrible circumstance that those people should have so much power over her. But their power over her was circumscribed by the fact that they too served her master, although in much less obsequious form, and could only go so far in harming her. But Lorenzo, he could do anything to her that he wished. He could beat her until she was a bloody pulp. He could cut out her eyes and tear her flesh from her body. He could mount her on a fire and roast her, his infamous Monterrey barbeque. She was his property to do anything in the world that came to his cruel and sadistic mind.

  When she had mounted the couch, Lorenzo pulled her over to him. He grabbed her arm and drew her onto his lap. Her back was to him and his thigh was between her legs. He circled her waist with one hand and took hold of a breast in the other. He said something to his men while squeezing the breast harshly as if demonstrating his mastery over it. The men laughed at whatever joke he had made. He said something to one of the men and he obediently grabbed one of the glasses, a large, thick crystal tumbler, and he poured golden colored tequila into it. Lorenzo released her breast as he handed the glass to him. He held it up to Carly’s mouth.

  “You’ve got to catch up, Zorrita,” he said. He placed it at her lips. She opened her mouth without having to be told and he began to slowly pour the hot liquor in.

  As her mouth filled, Carly had no choice but to swallow. There had to be three ounces of tequila in the glass. Lorenzo just kept pouring and pouring and pouring. She had to strain herself not to choke and cough.

  “Drink up mi pequeña perrita,” he told her tauntingly. “We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight and you’ve got to be nice and loose,”

  A sickening rush passed through her as she absorbed the fiery liquid. Lorenzo was holding her firm up against him, her bare back against his soft, silken shirt. She could feel the heat of his body. His right arm circled her waist possessively. Her pussy was jammed up against his thigh and she couldn’t help but think of its availability to him 6” or so below his tattooed arm.

  Lorenzo held out the empty glass to his buddy. “¡Dame otro!” he ordered. The man poured what looked like another 2 ounces of the golden liquid into the glass. He handed it to Lorenzo.

  “Here, Zorrita, have another one!” he said as he lifted it to her mouth. Carly was still recovering from the first dose she had been given and was tempted sorely to keep her lips closed, to bar entry to the liquor, but the thought of what punishments Lorenzo could inflict if she disappointed him quickly dispelled the notion. Sadly, she opened her lips and he began to pour the liquor into her mouth. She drank it as quickly as it entered, but she had to stop halfway through because of the burn as it went down. Her mouth filled up as Lorenzo kept pouring and she was forced to swallow what felt like a whole ounce all at once.

  “That’s better, perrita,” Lorenzo laughed as he handed the glass again to his friend while she coughed and choked. “¡Y una para mí!” he told the man. He poured in the liquor until it was more than half full and handed it off to his boss. Lorenzo grabbed it and downed it in one gulp. He tossed the glass back to the man. His free hand reseized her left breast and gave it a heavy squeeze. His hand was hot and strong. He brought his thumb and forefinger down to the nipple and pinched it harshly. Carly moaned and shifted on his thigh. Her hands, with the black leather pads on the ends, were free, but she didn’t dare use them to protect herself. The pinch went on and on, becoming stronger and harder. She squealed and bent over, putting her two little puppy hands together.

  “¡Tienes buenas tetas mi dulce perrita!” he told her. “Great tits!” He released her nipple, to her relief, and slid his hand down over her thigh, at first along the top and then, from the knee up, on the inside. He didn’t stop until he reached her pudenda. His fingers found her pussy lips and gave them too a mighty squeeze. “And if I remember right, un coño muy bueno!”

  Carly squealed and squirmed while he clamped her pussy lips tightly together. All of her wanted to jump up and run away from him as fast as she could, but her fear and his arm around her waist kept her in place.

  The movie with the almost larger than life figures in it continued its hot action. One of the men gave out a cry of delight as one of the heroes gave a bad guy a knuckle sandwich and a huge fight ensued. Lorenzo laughed and loosened his grip on her quim. He shouted out something to his friends and they all laughed. One of the men lit a huge, overstuffed joint and started to pass it around. The man who had been receiving the blow job had allowed the unhappy maid some respite by drawing her head back from his cock, but now he shouted at her to, “¡Abre tu puta boca, coño!” while shaking
her head.

  The girl gave out an unhappy whine and opened her mouth. The man plunged his still rampant cock right into it.

  The joint was passed to Lorenzo. He put it to Carly’s mouth and told her to take a big hit. She did as she was told. “Maybe oblivion will help,” she thought as she contemplated the deeds that the callous man would undoubtedly perform on her very soon. The tequila had gone right to her head and the pot gave her another not unwelcome rush.

  Lorenzo took a toke himself and passed the joint on. His hand crept along the inside of her thigh again, but this time, rather than pinch her labia, it started a soft caress of the delicate, hairless skin. Carly squirmed and bit her teeth down at the contact. His fingers interceded themselves between her lips and began to idly stroke up and down. Part of her pussy was pressed down against his thigh and he scooted her down more towards his knee, making her lean back at a greater angle so he could get access to the whole thing.

  Her arms were waving around. She didn’t know what to do with them. Lorenzo, perhaps sensing the problem, raised both of his arms and brought hers to her sides so they would be out of the way. His left hand slid along her left thigh again, down and then up, and set itself down again on her coosh. The right hand slid up her belly and took hold of her left breast, squeezing it tightly.

  The movie went on. The man to her left erupted into a series of wild grunts, jamming the girl’s head down on his loins and then he was finished. One of the other men called her over, calling her, “mi putita bella.” He fished his prick out of his pants and the girl went directly to work on it.

  Carly’s head was swimming. And the hand in her coosh was starting to draw out from her an unwelcome passion. Her pussy was loose and dilated and Lorenzo kept thrusting two thick fingers into it, plunging in and out every little while, and then spreading her juices over her clit and rubbing it lightly in a circular motion. She knew that a moan was working its way up from inside her, but she kept fighting it off as best she could. The hand on her breast was massaging it gently, every once in a while toying with and pulling on her nipple. The heat of his arm was across her belly and she could feel his strong muscles against her back.


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