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Uncharted Page 4

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Oh, that would be really nice!” Elaina exclaimed. “Um…” She looked up at Terex uncertainly. “Only, uh…”

  “It’s all right,” he growled. “You can go with the other females if you like. Just be back at the Mother Ship and meet me at the Docking Bay after First Meal tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay, sure.” Elaina’s face echoed the relief Terex felt. Though he knew he shouldn’t disobey a direct order from a priestess, he couldn’t help himself—he needed to get away from Elaina and her maddening scent. The longer he could put off being cooped up in a small, intimate space with her the better.

  “Come on.” Olivia looped her arm through Elaina’s “We’ll take you to Earth, drop you where you need to be, and give you a ride back up too, if you want.”

  “That’s so sweet of you.” Elaina smiled at them gratefully. “All right, if you’re sure you really don’t mind—”

  “Not at all,” Olivia smiled. “Come on.”

  Terex was relieved when the group of females began to move away but then one—the tiny one with red hair who had been standing quietly through the entire exchange—spoke up.

  “Wait!” There was a quiet authority in her voice that caused them all to stop in their tracks.

  “What is it, Kate?” Frankie looked at her questioningly. “Are the babies kicking you?”

  Terex had heard through the usual channels of gossip aboard the Mother Ship that the human female was thrice expectant by her Wulven Kindred mate. Although how she’d managed to mate with his Beast without being injured or killed was beyond him. She really was tiny.

  “The babies aren’t kicking but my conscience is.” Kate strode up to Terex. “I have to do this,” she said and stuck out her hand.

  Terex wasn’t sure what to think but he knew by all human conventions that refusing to take the slim, outstretched hand would be considered unspeakably rude.

  He wanted to refuse it anyway. Something told him that he wouldn’t want to hear whatever it was that Kate had to say. Rumor was that she had a sixth sense she called “The Knowing” which gave her some of the same precognitive abilities as the priestesses in the Sacred Grove.

  Finally, he took her tiny hand in his and waited as Kate look up at him, her big eyes green almost luminescent in darkness.

  “Ah…” Kate’s eyelids fluttered and she frowned. “Okay, I see the problem—you think Elaina’s going to slow you down. But she won’t, big guy—honestly, don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you,” Terex said stiffly, withdrawing his hand. “That’s very comforting. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do to get ready for this trip.”

  “Sure. Um, see you later,” Elaina said.

  But Terex had already turned and was striding away from her. He knew it was rude but he couldn’t bear to be near the Earth female any longer. As he walked away, he took a deep breath of fresh air, glad to be away from her sweet scent. Gods, how would he manage this mission with her along?

  He had no fucking idea.

  * * * * *

  “What was that all about?” Liv raised an eyebrow at Elaina.

  “I know—you could have cut the tension with a knife!” Sophia exclaimed. “Why was he so upset?”

  “Were the two of you fighting right before we walked up and interrupted you?” Frankie asked shrewdly.

  “I don’t know what it’s about or why he’s so mad at me.” Elaina shrugged her shoulders helplessly. “I thought he was just upset that I was butting in on his mission when he wanted to go alone. But then, just before you guys came up, he, uh, grabbed me. And I thought for a minute he was going to…going to…”

  “Going to bite you?” Kate finished for her, quietly.

  “Yes, exactly!” Elaina exclaimed. “I mean, I know he’s a Blood Kindred but I thought they only bit their mates.”

  “That’s true,” Sophia said, frowning. “It’s weird that he would act that way—Commander Terex has never been anything but perfectly polite before.”

  “Except when the demon was inhabiting him,” Olivia pointed out.

  “Yes, he was pretty rude and awful then but that wasn’t him,” Sophia acknowledged.

  “Wait a minute—wait a minute.” Elaina held up her hand to stop them. “What are you guys talking about? What demon?”

  “Commander Terex was sort of…possessed for a little while,” Liv said reluctantly. “By a demon named Ur from the Black Planet. But he’s all better now.”

  “He doesn’t seem all better,” Elaina said. “In fact, he seems completely different from the last time I saw him up here. I mean, he’s even changed his hair and grown a beard.”

  “I wondered about that—the new color really suits him—makes him look all dark and brooding. But you don’t have to worry about being with him—the demon Ur was killed or banished or whatever you call it,” Sophia said earnestly. “And as for Commander Terex changing, well, he has been through a lot. I mean, after what Two did to him—”

  “What did he do? I thought he was the one Commander Terex was going to hunt,” Elaina interrupted.

  “He’s actually hunting Two’s scion—his clone, for want of a better word,” Liv said.

  “See, the other Two was killed—but not before he grew a clone of himself in the flesh vats on the Scourge Father Ship—which means it’s going to be huge and mean and nasty,” Sophie said. “Oh, dear, maybe I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “What? That the man I’m going to be traveling into dangerous, uncharted territory with used to be possessed by a demon or that the thing he’s hunting is a giant psychopathic clone?” Elaina asked faintly. “Oh, God…” She put a hand to her head. “I don’t know if I can do this. But I have to—it’s the only chance I have to save my sister.”

  “Is she that sick?” Frankie asked softly.

  Elaina nodded and felt tears sting her eyes.

  “She…she’s dying. It’s a rare form of cancer the Kindred don’t have a cure for. But the priestess told me I might be able to find something to help her if I went with Commander Terex into this scary Blind place where apparently nobody who goes in ever comes out. But he doesn’t want me to go with him and now I’m wondering if it’s even safe to be around him—”

  “It’s safe.” Kate stepped forward and took her hands. “Listen to me, Elaina—I have a gift—kind of a sixth sense called The Knowing—which basically just means I know things about people when I touch them. And I promise you, though Commander Terex will inflict physical pain on you, he will not hurt you.”

  “What?” Feeling shocked, Elaina drew her hands way from the other woman’s. “What are you talking about? How can he not hurt me if he’s going to inflict pain on me?”

  Kate frowned, her brow wrinkling. “I’m so sorry—that came out…strangely. Since I’ve been pregnant my sixth sense has gone kind of haywire.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure why I said…what I said. But I’m sure you aren’t in danger from him. The reason he’s so angry that you’re going along is that he’s not sure he can control his sexual urges around you.”

  “What?” Elaina said again. “Look, I know you’re trying to reassure me but this really isn’t helping any. What makes you think he’s having sexual urges for me?”

  “Well, the fact that he almost bit you could be a big clue,” Sophia said thoughtfully. “In my experience, Blood Kindred don’t want to bite a woman unless they find them sexually desirable.”

  “That’s what I saw when I took his hand,” Kate said. “That he thinks you’ll be a distraction to him on his mission because he’s incredibly attracted to you.”

  “Attracted to me?” Elaina gave an incredulous laugh. “When there are so many pretty young things running around here dying for a Kindred husband?”

  “Why not?” Frankie asked. “You’re very pretty—I thought so the first time I saw you.”

  “I’m not as young as I once was,” Elaina protested.

  “Who is?” Liv shrugged. “We’re all getting older every day
. And Commander Terex is no spring chicken either.”

  Sophie smiled. “Yes, he’s definitely got that ‘older man’ appeal thing going on, especially since he changed his hair. That silver at his temples is really sexy.” She looked at Elaina. “Maybe he doesn’t want some young thing. Maybe he wants a beautiful, mature woman who’s not afraid to speak her mind or go after what she wants.”

  “He doesn’t want me—he can’t!” Elaina exclaimed. She looked at Kate. “I’m sorry, but you must be wrong. I think he’s just angry that the priestess is forcing him to take me wherever it is we’re going—into the Blind.”

  “Into the Blind, you say?” A large male Kindred walked up to them.

  “Hi, honey.” Liv stood on tiptoes to kiss him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Came to find out what was takin’ so long,” Baird growled. “You girls were supposed to meet me at the Docking Bay fifteen minutes ago. But who’s going into the Blind?”

  “I am, with Commander Terex. Tomorrow,” Elaina added. “And before you say anything, I already know it’s supposed to be this really scary, uncharted part of the universe where nobody who goes in ever comes back out again.”

  “Yes, but that’s not saying they can’t get out—just that maybe they don’t want to.” Baird sounded thoughtful. “There’s been a lot of speculation that there are habitable planets there. It’s what the Lost Kindred went hoping to find.”

  “Lost Kindred? Who are they? I’ve never heard of them before,” Sophia asked.

  “Group of Kindred that traded with a people called the Nix who had some, uh, strange ideas about bonding and mating.” Baird cleared his throat, sounding embarrassed.

  “Strange? Strange how?” Sophie wanted to know.

  “Their sexual practices were considered by many to be wrong and perverse.” Baird sounded even more uncomfortable and in the darkness, Elaina could see his large form shifting from foot to foot.

  “They were into perverted sex? How?” Sophia sounded absolutely fascinated.

  “Excuse me, kin of my mate, but it’s not really something I feel comfortable discussing with you or any female other than my mate,” Baird rumbled. “If you really want to know, you could ask Sylvan.”

  “Now you’ve got to tell us,” Frankie exclaimed. “You can’t just say something so mysterious and leave us hanging.”

  “What kind of strange, perverted things did they do?” Liv asked. “Frankie’s right—now I’m dying to know.”

  “I’ll tell you later,” Baird said darkly. “Let’s just say that a lot of people compared them to the Scourge and leave it at that.”

  Elaina would have liked to know more but she knew she had to get back to Earth in time to say goodbye to her sister.

  “Guys,” she said apologetically. “Do you think we could maybe get going? I’m really sorry but visiting hours are probably almost over at the hospital.”

  “Oh, of course! I’m so sorry—we get talking and forget all about the time,” Liv exclaimed. “Baird,” she said, turning to her huge mate. “You don’t mind if we drop Elaina off at the hospital before we do anything else, do you?”

  He spread his hands obligingly.

  “I’m only here to serve as your driver. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go—excluding one of those male stripping clubs, of course.”

  Sophia giggled. “Don’t worry—we don’t want to go see anything like that. After all, once you’ve got a Kindred hubby, anything you’d see watching a human guy strip would be kind of anticlimactic.”

  Thinking of the rippling muscles under Commander Terex’s pale blue uniform shirt, Elaina couldn’t help but agree. For a moment she allowed herself to wonder what he might look like with that shirt off…then she mentally kicked herself.

  Stop it, Elaina—he doesn’t want you. No matter what that Kate girl said, he’s not into you. He’s just pissed off that you’re horning in on his mission. So leave it alone.

  Still, even as they made their way from the parkland in the center of the Kindred Mother Ship to the Docking Bay where Baird’s ship was waiting to fly them to Earth, she couldn’t help wondering what she was getting herself into.

  Chapter Five

  “You disobeyed my orders, Warrior.” Priestess Nirobe frowned at Terex disapprovingly. “You spend your time in meaningless physical preparation for your journey when you should have been preparing your soul instead. Why did you not take Elaina to see her kin as I instructed?”

  “I fail to see how taking Ms. Benet to Earth and bringing her back again could help me prepare my soul for our upcoming mission,” Terex answered icily.

  He was waiting impatiently for Elaina in the Docking Bay, standing outside his small but well equipped ship, ready to start the mission at once. With him were Commander Sylvan, his brother Baird, and their mates, Olivia and Sophia. Terex hadn’t expected or wanted such a send-off and the fact that the priestess had also arrived to scold him put him in an even worse mood.

  “For what you have done, your pain will be trebled when it comes,” Nirobe said ominously.

  “Thank you,” Terex replied with icy civility. “I will keep your words in mind during my mission. Is that warning the only reason you sought me out this morning?”

  “No—I have one more Seeing for you—not that you deserve it.” The priestess frowned at him. “But for the sake of the female who accompanies you, I must give you all the help I can. The Goddess commands it.”

  “Hi, I’m sorry I’m late.” Elaina rushed up, panting apologetically.

  She was dressed in a brown, long sleeved sweater and a pair of the blue trousers Earth people called “jeans.” Despite the fact that her skin was completely covered, Terex couldn’t help noticing the full curves of her breasts beneath the soft-looking sweater or the way the blue material of her trousers—he thought it was called "penim"—clung to her round hips and lush ass.

  Stop it! Stop noticing her like that, he berated himself and forced himself to look elsewhere at once.

  “You’re not late—we all just got here.” Olivia and Sophia both came forward to hug her. Terex watched them embrace and wondered what it would feel like to enfold Elaina in his arms. She was so fragile—like all Earth females. Yet so devastatingly beautiful. And it had been such a long, lonely time since he had held a female…

  She wouldn’t want to be held by you—not after the way you acted. And who could blame her?

  He looked away again, biting the inside of his cheek. His suddenly-sharp fangs drew blood but he welcomed the pain. Maybe it would force his unruly shaft, which was rising in his flight leathers, to go back down again.

  If only he could focus on anything but Elaina—but his stubborn libido didn’t want to let him. Unwillingly, he found himself watching her again as she spoke to the priestess.

  * * * * *

  “Elaina, child…” Nirobe came forward and hugged her, looking at Elaina with genuine affection. “How was your kin when you went to visit her?”

  “Not…not very good.” Elaina eyes were suddenly stinging with unshed tears. She blinked rapidly and made a determined effort to lighten her mood. “But the doctors think she can…can hold on a little bit longer. If she’s lucky. And she promised to try, for me.”

  “I perceive that the bond between you is very strong.” Nirobe cupped her cheek. “Very strong indeed. You feel responsible for her.”

  “She’s my little sister,” Elaina said simply. “And our mom died young. After she passed, I kind of raised Gina. So, yeah—I guess I feel responsible.”

  “Your love will not go unrewarded,” the priestess told her. “Listen, you two,” she said, including Terex in her remarks now. “I have a second Seeing for you, although this one does not come in the form of a prophesy. But it may help you to find what you need.”

  “All right,” Terex said gruffly. “We’re listening.”

  “Good—here is what the Goddess revealed to me: when you enter the Blind, go straight ahead to the first habitable planet o
f the first solar system of the first galaxy you find there.”

  “Well, that narrows it down some. Thank you.” Terex nodded.

  “Peace, Warrior—I am not finished yet.” Nirobe’s eyes flashed. “The people on this planet will be both known and unknown to you. They will welcome you but not as yourself.”

  “I don’t understand.” Elaina frowned. “How can they welcome us but not as ourselves?”

  Nirobe held up a hand for silence. “Listen to me for this is the important part—you must reveal your true identity, no matter how tempted you are to conceal it. If you do not, you will be in grave danger.”

  “Um, okay.” Elaina still felt confused and from the look on Terex’s face, he was in the dark too.

  “Can you explain any further, priestess?” he asked Nirobe.

  She shook her head. “This is all the instruction I am permitted to give you. But to you—” She looked at Terex. “I have one last word. In the place you are going, you will encounter an old perversion—that which is anathema to you. Hear me well, Warrior—you must embrace it.”

  Terex’s whole body went suddenly stiff.

  “What do you mean by that?” he demanded. “What perversion? I will not embrace that which is forbidden!”

  “You will if you want to live,” the priestess said obliquely. She made a gesture of dismissal. “Now, my children—may the Goddess go with you and grant you healing through pain.”

  That sounded ominous to Elaina, even more than the weird “perversion” part she’d told Terex.

  “Healing through pain? I don’t—”

  “Understand?” Liv finished for her. “Don’t worry, hon—nobody understands Kindred prophesies right away. You won’t get it until later when it’s actually coming true.”

  “That’s kind of what I’m afraid of,” Elaina murmured. This was the second time someone had mentioned physical pain to her in association with the mission she was about to embark on. She wondered what it meant and exactly what she would have to go through in order to get what she needed for her sister.

  It doesn’t matter, she told herself, lifting her chin. Whatever the price is, I’ll pay it. Anything to help Gina. Anything at all.


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