
Home > Romance > Uncharted > Page 11
Uncharted Page 11

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I’m sorry about that,” Terex murmured. “But I’m afraid you have to wear this.” Tilting her chin, just as he had when he was examining her eye earlier, he studied her face. “Elaina,” he murmured. “I need you to do this for me—to wear this for me.”

  “I…I don’t know if I can,” she whispered.

  He looked at her sternly but compassionately.

  “I’m your Master—I could make you do this…but I won’t. You can go back to the ship and wait for me if it’s too much.”

  “No!” Her eyes flew up to his and she stared at him defiantly. “No, I…I won’t do that. I won’t give up and leave you.”

  “Then you have to wear this.” He held up the golden collar which glinted in the glows of the elaborate light fixtures hanging from the vaulted ceiling.

  Elaina took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. This was the only way to go to the palace—the only way to stay in the game and find something to save her sister’s life.

  I can do this. I know I can. I have to do this.

  “All right,” she said at last. “Put it on me.”

  Gently but firmly, Terex fastened the thick golden collar around her neck. Elaina noticed he tried to make it as loose as possible but she could still feel it like a cruel hand gripping the column of her throat, making it hard to breathe. She couldn’t help it—one hand crept up, her fingers aching to rip the awful collar from around her throat.

  Terex seemed to read her mind. He caught her hand and held it in his much larger one.

  “Elaina, look at me—it’s not that tight,” he murmured. “It’s all right. You’re going to be all right. Just breathe.”

  She forced herself to take one deep breath…and then another. Slowly she began to calm down and the panic receded. He was right—she could breathe. It was going to be okay.

  “Better now?” the big Kindred murmured.

  Looking up at him, Elaina nodded.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I…I think so.”

  “Good girl,” he rumbled. And then he leaned down and brushed her lips lightly with his own.

  Elaina let out a little gasp as the soft kiss sent shockwaves through her body, making her feel shaky and weak all of a sudden. God, what was wrong with her? She looked up at Terex with wide eyes. Why had he done that? Why had he kissed her?

  His fangs were out again and she couldn’t help wondering if he had wanted to bite her rather than kiss her. And then she wondered what it would feel like if he did bite her…

  “If you’re quite finished coddling your slave, it’s past time we were going.” The Ambassador’s annoyed voice broke the spell that seemed to have fallen over both of them.

  Elaina bit her lip when she realized that the whole intimate scene had been witnessed by the fussy little man and his wife/slave. She felt her cheeks get hot with embarrassment and she wanted to pull away but the big Kindred wouldn’t let her.

  Terex stroked her cheek and gave her one last searching look before releasing her and turning to the impatient Ambassador.

  “I’m ready. Are we going to ride the jendels again?”

  “Most certainly not! When going to the palace, one must drive in style. Come, Master Valdor—the carriage is ready and waiting.”

  He swept out and Terex followed him, leaving Elaina and Jessa to trail at a respectful distance behind.

  Elaina still felt slightly dazed. Why had he kissed her? And how had he calmed her down about wearing the collar? Somehow she’d managed to get past her fear and it wasn’t just because she wanted to stay for her sister’s sake instead of going back to the ship.

  I didn’t just want to wear it for Gina’s sake…I wanted to do it for him. To please him. To make him proud of me. Her fingers crept up to the golden collar with its large, square cut emerald. Why?

  She had no answer and no time to think of one. It was time to go to the palace—their little fiction was about to become a reality.

  Elaina just hoped she could play her part convincingly enough not to get them both found out and killed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Why did I kiss her? Why did I speak that way to her? Terex couldn’t answer either question. Inside his head, a soft voice from his memory whispered, “A master must be stern but loving. Sometimes you may have to punish your submissive but that’s all right as long as you do it out of love…”

  No! He shoved the memory aside and concentrated on the road outside the luxurious but boxy carriage they were riding in. It was pulled by a creature that resembled a cross between a rhino from Earth and a Gorgian Yak. It had a single horn in the center of its long snout, four thick legs, and a surprisingly lush coat of long, silky, pink hair that trailed on the ground as it trundled along, pulling the carriage.

  “We’re not far from the palace at all,” Ambassador Waygu told him proudly. “As I told you before, his Supreme Exaltedness, Krumf the Fourth, likes to keep me close to offer him council. If we’re lucky, he might even extend an invitation to stay with him at the palace for a day or two. That’s a mark of royal favor.”

  “Tell me—is Krumf the Fourth a direct descendant of the first Krumf?” Terex asked.

  “Yes, he is. In fact, it’s said to be uncanny how much he resembles his predecessor and his ancestors all the way back to the original Supreme Leader, Krumf the First.” Waygu shifted uncomfortably on the padded carriage seat. “Now look, Master Valdor, I know that you were an opponent of the first Supreme Leader but much has changed since your time. And I hope—”

  “Don’t worry,” Terex said shortly. “I am not here to disrupt your social order. I merely want to see how things have progressed during my absence.”

  “Well, they’ve changed a great deal, but all for the better, I assure you.” The Ambassador smiled broadly. “Oh look—we’re coming to the palace grounds now.”

  Looking out the small window of the boxy carriage, Terex thought Waygu hardly had to announce it. After all, there was nothing else that the immense structure they were coming to could be but a palace. Like the other private mansions he’d seen so far on this planet, it had marble columns in front. Unlike the private dwellings, its columns were four times as high and gilded so that they shone with an aggressive golden glow in the sunlight. Terraced gardens encircled the massive structure, filled with brightly colored flowers. A massive curling golden gate surrounded everything like a gleaming wall.

  “It’s very…grand,” he murmured, looking at the gold and marble monstrosity.

  “Yes—we’re very proud of our ruler’s dwelling.” The Ambassador nodded proudly. “It was commissioned by the first Supreme Leader and every Krumf after him has lived in it. Just wait until you see the inside—it’s even more lavish!”

  More lavish than golden marble columns? Terex raised an eyebrow and saw that Elaina, who was sitting across from him, was giving the palace skeptical looks as well. He wished he could ask her opinion or that they could talk at all, but even if they’d been able to, he didn’t really know what to say.

  At least she had her arms and legs crossed, making it impossible to see her breasts and sex clearly through the see-through gown she wore. He was grateful for that, although he still found her devastatingly attractive with her long, silky brown hair falling over her shoulders. And her scent—Gods, he could still smell her sweetness, even sitting across from him in the carriage. She—

  “Ah—here we are!” Waygu announced, cutting off his line of thought as two guards opened the curling, golden gate which surrounded the palace. The beast pulling the carriage—Terex still didn’t know its name—came to a stop at the grand front entrance as though it had been this way many times before.

  “My lord Ambassador,” one of the guards on duty said gruffly, opening the door of the carriage. “Please come in—his Supreme Exaltedness wishes for your council and to see the guest you have found.”

  “It isn’t so much that I have found him,” Waygu said. “But that he has found us again after so many cycles.”

>   “Indeed.” The guard bowed low as Terex stepped down. He reached out to help Elaina from the carriage and she took his hand, keeping her eyes modestly lowered.

  She’s really good at this, Terex realized, feeling a surge of admiration for her. With the exception of her moment of panic about wearing the collar, she had taken on the appearance and mannerisms of a well-bred subservient slave surprisingly quickly. Did she have some experience acting? He wondered for the first time what she had done before she worked at the HKR building back in Tampa on Earth.

  Well, he would have to ask her later. The guard was leading them into the vast double doors, glittering with more gold, and Elaina was following behind him at a respectful distance. He felt a stab of apprehension—he would have preferred to have her at his side. Not just because he wanted to treat her as an equal but because he would be better able to protect and defend her. But clearly, females were supposed to walk submissively behind their masters here, so he had to content himself with simply remaining alert.

  The interior of the palace had a high, vaulted ceiling decorated in elaborate mosaics that appeared to be made of semi-precious stones. They glittered in the light of rich gold and crystal light fixtures which also illuminated the plush purple carpet they were standing on.

  “This way, if you please,” the guard said formally. Turning, he led them along the carpet until they came to another set of double doors, even grander than the first at the front of the palace. These had gold but were also inlaid with gems in elaborate curling designs.

  What kind of a male needs to live in such luxury to feel his own self worth? Terex wondered as they stopped at the doors. The guard leading them knocked three times and waited. The massive golden panels were opened by another pair of guards on the other side and spread wide, revealing a room so opulent it sparkled like a gaudy gem.

  Every surface appeared to be covered in gold or made of gold or decorated with gold and most of them were also studded with rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones. There was a lush tiggla skin rug of bright pink and black spotted fur on the floor and a chandelier of multicolored gem-crystals hanging from the vaulted ceiling, casting rainbow spotted shadows and generally adding to the gleaming, overdone richness of everything. A little golden pot sitting on a gold table to one side of their room was spouting a steady stream of pink smoke that scented the air with spice and musk.

  Terex heard Elaina take a deep breath as they stood at the threshold of the room and he didn’t blame her—the throne room, if that was what it was—was overwhelming.

  “Ambassador Waygu and the recently returned Master Valdor to see his Supreme Exaltedness, Krumf the Fourth,” bellowed the first guard who had met them at the door.

  “Ah yes—come in, come in.” Sitting on a golden throne at the end of the richly appointed room was a single male who appeared to be extremely old. He had the same pale skin as the rest of the Nixians and was dressed in tight golden trousers and a deep purple fitted jacket embroidered with golden thread. On his head was a tall golden hat with a perfectly circular diamond, as big as a closed fist, fixed to the front of it.

  “Your Supreme Exaltedness.”

  Ambassador Waygu genuflected deeply, his own tall hat nearly brushing the ground. Terex copied his actions, although not bowing perhaps quite so deeply. He looked up at the throne, taking the measure of the male sitting there. Wondering if he would be able to find what he was looking for here and how difficult it would be to get it.

  “Enough, enough—do get up and speak to me. Tell me everything!” Krumf’s small, bright eyes, couched in pouches of wrinkles, flicked over all of them as they rose from their prone positions. “Ambassador, how have you been and is it true you’ve brought me Master Valdor, come home again after all these years?”

  “Indeed, your Exaltedness.” Waygu bowed again. “I’m very pleased to present him to you now.”

  Krumf stared at Terex sharply.

  “It’s been a long time, friend of my ancestor,” he murmured. “When you left, the first Supreme Leader had yet to ascend the throne.”

  “He had yet to create the throne, I believe,” Terex answered. “Before he did weren’t the Nixian people a democracy?”

  “A very unhappy democracy.” Krumf laughed. “I think you’ll find everyone is much more contented with the present arrangement. Especially our females—right Ambassador?”

  “Oh yes, your Supreme Exaltedness,” Waygu hastened to agree. “We’re all much happier with a Supreme Leader to guide us and our females are happier with a firm male hand to guide them.”

  “And of course the Senate provides some checks and balances to my power.” Krumf laughed again and Terex thought grimly that he doubted any in the Nixian Senate dared to oppose this male. He seemed like the type who would get his way no matter how many people he had to hurt to get it.

  “Yes, of course, your Supreme Exaltedness,” he murmured.

  “You’ve been on quite a long journey.” Krumf remarked, giving him an intense look. “You must have learned much in your travels.”

  “I did,” Terex said. “If your Majesty wishes, I can tell you of what I learned.” Of course, he had no idea what the real Valdor had learned from his trip to visit the Letites or if he had ever even gotten to them at all, but he was prepared to make something up.

  But Krumf’s attention had already turned to other areas.

  “Who is this enchanting creature attempting to hide in your shadow, Master Valdor?” he asked, looking at Elaina.

  “This is my…my slave, Elaina.” The words still stuck in Terex’s throat. “I found her on a small planet in a far distant galaxy.”

  “Come…come closer, my dear.” Krumf motioned for Elaina to come forward.

  Terex couldn’t stop the stab of apprehension he felt when she approached the golden throne, her eyes modestly cast down. When she got to the steps of the throne, she prostrated herself completely, lying face down on the fluffy pink and black carpet. At first Terex wondered what she was doing, then he looked around and saw that Jessa was doing the same thing. Plainly Elaina was just copying the way a good slave girl acted in the presence of the Nixian ruler.

  But Krumf didn’t seem to want her down on the floor.

  “No, no, my dear,” he exclaimed, clapping his hands together sharply. “I want to see you. Stand up.”

  Elaina stood but kept her eyes down, not looking at him.

  “Lovely,” Krumf murmured, his tiny eyes roving over her hungrily. “You know, the presence of the Blind or, as we sometimes call it, Night’s Window, so close to our lovely planet means we have no extraterrestrial neighbors. It’s so refreshing after so many years to see a new face—and such a lovely, exotic one too.”

  “Thank you, your Supreme Exaltedness,” Elaina murmured. “You’re too kind.”

  “Not at all…not at all…” Krumf hunched forward on his throne, staring at her greedily. “Raise your arms and twirl for me, my dear—I wish to see a little more of you.”

  Terex felt a possessive growl rising in his throat. He knew exactly how much more of Elaina the old bastard on the throne wanted to see. If she raised her arms, the tiny, bright, strategically placed gemstones would be pulled up and out of place, baring her breasts and pussy for the lecherous eyes of the Nixian dictator.

  Elaina did as she was asked without comment, though he saw her eyes flash with disgust at the order. As she lifted her arms over her head, her round breasts and deep pink nipples were revealed, as well as the smooth lips of her pussy. Slowly, she twirled before the throne, keeping her composure remarkably well as she did. Much better, in fact, than Terex was keeping his.

  The growl in his throat was trying to rise to a roar and he could feel his fangs lengthening as the urge to kill the male who was eyeing his female grew.

  Wait—what am I thinking? Elaina doesn’t belong to me—she’s not mine! he tried to tell himself. But still the possessive rage boiled inside him. His hands clenched into fists at his sides and every mu
scle in his body was tense with fury as Elaina slowly turned, showing herself off for the ancient male on the throne.

  “Lovely…just lovely.” Krumf’s voice was thick with lust. “Now raise your dress and come here. I want to get a better look at those plump little nipples of yours, my dear.”

  Something broke inside Terex and he lunged forward, putting himself between Elaina and the lecherous bastard on the throne. He bared his fangs at Krumf and growled one word.


  “My, my—Blood Kindred, is it? Those are some interesting fangs you’ve got there.” Krumf raised his bushy eyebrows, a look of mild surprise on his face.

  Terex groaned inwardly—what in the Seven Hells was wrong with him? Now he’d given the game away and all because he somehow couldn’t control his irrational feelings for a female in his care.

  Then Ambassador Waygu stepped forward, talking quickly.

  “Well, it is recorded in the annuls of history that Master Valdor had some Kindred blood in his lineage, your Supreme Exaltedness. And while I know they have, er, disappeared from our population, that was before Master Valdor left on his historic mission.”

  “Indeed, that’s true.” Krumf was studying him closely. “Don’t fear, Master Valdor—you are an honored guest here in the palace. And the only reason I asked to examine your slave’s luscious nipples was to ascertain something. You see, they’re a very dark pink—have you heard of a sickness called The Need, which affects only females and is very contagious?”

  “Yes—I have heard of the Need.” Terex tried to make his voice less of a growl but only succeeded marginally. Though he told himself it was ridiculous, he couldn’t overcome the feeling of possessiveness he felt for Elaina.

  “Then you’ll know that the first sign of this insidious disease is a darkening of the nipples and the outer lips of a female’s sex,” Krumf remarked. “If we find such a female within the palace she has to be quarantined. I, er, have a special area for such females and I thought—”


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