
Home > Romance > Uncharted > Page 19
Uncharted Page 19

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Look, I’m willing to overlook this for now,” Terex told him. “As long as you don’t bother me again. But if I’m interrupted even one more time…” He held up a finger. “I’ll have to go to his Supreme Excellency.”

  “No—don’t do that! I mean—it’s not necessary.” The young guard looked pale now. “You won’t be bothered again on my watch—I swear it.”

  “Thank you.” Terex nodded briefly. “Now, good night. I need to go back to tasting my female.”

  He shut the door in the guard’s face before turning to Elaina, who was breathing hard. God, the way he’d described the pleasures of going down on a woman had her all hot and bothered, even though the look in his eyes made her nervous as hell.

  “What…” he growled, frowning at her, “Was that all about? Why were you touching yourself?”

  “I wasn’t,” Elaina said quickly. She could feel her face getting hotter and hotter as she tried to explain. “I mean, not exactly. I was rubbing against, uh…”

  “Rubbing what?” Terex demanded.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. The point is, I wasn’t actually touching myself. I mean, not with my hands.”

  He gave a low growl of frustration. “No, the point is, the more attention we attract to ourselves, the more chance we have of being found out!” Raking a hand through his hair distractedly, he paced back and forth. “Damn it, Elaina—if I really was your Master I’d punish you for this!”

  “Punish me?” she exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. “And how exactly would you do that, Master?”

  “I told you, don’t call me that!” he snarled. “And as for your punishment—I’d put you over my knee and give you a good, hard spanking to teach you a lesson.”

  “The Hell you would!” Elaina snapped. But for some reason his words and the picture they formed in her head sent a shiver of pure desire straight through her. She tried to ignore it. She was mad at him, damn it! Even if he was sexy as hell when he was being stern.

  “Yes, I would,” Terex said shortly. “You knew touching yourself would sound an alarm. Why would you take such a risk?”

  “Because all that damn silver syrup I licked off you is an aphrodisiac, all right?” she exploded, hands clenched into fists at her sides. “You got to come tonight—hell, you can come any damn time you want because you’re a male. I’m not allowed to even touch myself because I’m nothing but a lowly female.”

  Terex looked stricken. “Elaina, are you saying…”

  “What I’m saying is, between you pinching my nipples and sucking and licking and biting them, I’ve been horny out of my mind for what feels like hours now and I can’t do a damn thing about it!” She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. “God, I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t come! And I don’t just mean a few little nipple orgasms from you tugging on my breasts. I need to really come.”

  Part of her couldn’t believe she was speaking so frankly and openly about her sexual desires. But why shouldn’t she, she argued to herself. She was a grown woman, not some scared little virgin. She knew what felt good to her and how to get there and it was damn frustrating that she couldn’t rub one out in privacy without a freaking masturbation alarm sounding every time she got anywhere near finding relief!

  “I’m sorry,” Terex said in a low voice.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Elaina took a deep breath, trying to shrug it off. “Rant over. I’m just…going a little nuts right now, that’s all. And anyway, you didn’t know the syrup was an aphrodisiac.” She laughed ruefully. “Neither did I or I wouldn’t have taken so damn much of it.”

  “No, Elaina…” He took her by the shoulders and looked down into her eyes. “I’m serious—please allow me to apologize. I shouldn’t have put my own sexual satisfaction before yours—that is not the Kindred way. And I shouldn’t have threatened to put you over my knee and spank you either—that was…wrong of me. Very wrong. I think…” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I think this place is getting to me. I never would have said such a thing otherwise.”

  Elaina thought about telling him that she didn’t really mind the spanking talk. In fact, it kind of got her motor revving. But the look on his face let her know he truly felt pain over his comment and was honestly sorry for it. She decided just to accept his apology.

  “It’s all right,” she said. “I just…I wish we could go somewhere I could, uh, get some relief. But I guess that’s out of the question.”

  “I don’t think we’d be allowed to leave the palace,” Terex admitted. He frowned. “You just need to find a way to reach release without touching yourself.”

  “And without touching any inanimate objects either,” Elaina said dryly. “Guess there’s no use in wishing for a vibrator. The minute I started to use it, the damn alarm would sound.”

  Terex frowned. “The guard did say we wouldn’t be bothered any more on his watch. Maybe you could, uh touch yourself without fear of interference.”

  Elaina shook her head. “He didn’t say he was disarming the alarm system, though. My guess is he can’t—he’s not high enough on the food chain to turn it off completely.” She gave a broken laugh. “God, I can’t believe I’m discussing this with you! Standing here talking about how to get off on Hands-Off Planet.”

  “Why should you not discuss it?” Terex asked reasonably. “You’re under my protection which makes me responsible for your well-being. And don’t start saying you can take care of yourself, Elaina,” he said, frowning at her before she could protest. “In this matter, you literally cannot do it alone. So we need to find a way to help you.”

  “Well, thanks for being willing to give me a hand. You…” Elaina paused and laughed ruefully at her own words. “Give me a hand—get it? God, if only you could! I mean, if I could touch myself with your hands, I bet it wouldn’t set off the alarm.”

  A thoughtful look came into the big Kindred’s eyes.

  “Why can’t you?” he asked quietly.

  “Why can’t I what?” She frowned.

  “Why can’t you use my hands to touch yourself?”

  “What? That was a joke. I mean I was saying if we could, uh, switch hands or something like that. Look, it was silly—I’m not even making sense anymore.”

  “Because you’re sexually frustrated,” Terex said reasonably. “It’s an incredibly strong drive that must be dealt with.”

  “And how…” Elaina bit her lip. “How do you propose we, uh, I mean I deal with it?”

  “No, it will have to be ‘we’ for this to work.” He looked at her sternly. “You’ll have to let me help you.”

  “Help me…how exactly?” But she thought she already knew. Her heart was drumming in her chest and her whole body felt flushed all over.

  “Come to the bed Elaina. But take off your skirt first—it will only get in the way.”

  As he spoke, Terex went over and settled himself on the plush golden bedspread. He sat with his back against the headboard and patted between his thighs. It was clear he meant for her to get naked and sit with him.

  “Um…” Elaina felt shy all over again but she knew she couldn’t help herself. The needy desire was growing so strong she thought she might go crazy if she didn’t get taken care of soon. She shifted from foot to foot, pressing her thighs together indecisively as her pussy cried out for release.

  “Elaina, come here.” Terex patted the spot between his thighs more forcefully and frowned. “Don’t make me come get you,” he murmured.

  God, he made her crazy when he talked like that! He might not want her to call him Master, but when he acted like one it seemed to do all kinds of hot things to Elaina’s insides.

  “Yes, M—” She stopped herself just in time from saying the word but Terex still shook his head.

  He sighed. “You really want to say it, don’t you?”

  “I…I’m just trying to stay in character,” Elaina protested but that was a half truth at best and she knew it. She was willing to bet Terex
knew it too. “Why don’t you want me to say it?” she asked curiously. “You said it reminded you of something…”

  “Later.” He frowned at her. “I want you to come here and sit between my legs. Now.”

  “Coming.” Slipping off her long-fringed skirt and sandals, Elaina climbed on the bed and got as comfortable as she could, sitting between his thighs.

  “No, lean on me. Relax.” Putting a muscular arm around her waist, the big Kindred pulled her back against him until her naked back was flush against his bare chest. She’d been feeling chilly most of the evening—how could she help it dressed (or rather undressed) as she had been? But now she felt the heat of his big body lap over her like warm waves at the beach and for the first time she began to relax.

  “Mmm…” She cuddled back against him, breathing in that rich, spicy scent of his that made her want to turn around and kiss him senseless. Somehow she stayed eyes-front, though. She had a feeling things were about to get interesting…and embarrassing. “Now what?” she asked softly.

  “Now this.” Terex put his large right hand on her bare thigh. But he wasn’t caressing or stroking her, he put his hand palm up, as though offering it to her.

  “Um… what do you expect me to do?” Elaina was still confused.

  “Use me…use my hand,” Terex told her in a low voice. “Pleasure yourself with it as though it was your own.”

  “I…” Elaina started to say how it couldn’t possibly work…and then wondered, well—why wouldn’t it? “I guess I can try,” she said at last, her heart beating even faster. “You…you don’t mind?”

  “Anything you need, I am ready to give to you. All that I am is at your disposal,” Terex rumbled.

  Elaina turned her head and looked at the big Kindred wonderingly.

  “That’s beautiful. Is it…some kind of a vow?”

  “Of a sort.” He squeezed her thigh gently to get her attention and then offered his hand again. “Elaina, I can smell how hot you are—how much you need this. Please, make use of me.”

  “All right.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she lifted his hand in hers and pressed it between her thighs. The moment his long fingers touched her mound, she felt a shock of pleasure run through her.

  Yes! This is what I need! she thought, half deliriously. What I’ve been needing all night—the touch of my Master’s hand.

  Terex wasn’t trying to use his fingers, wasn’t trying to stroke her or touch her on his own—he was simply holding still, waiting for her, letting her do what she wanted. What she needed.

  “God,” Elaina half whispered, half moaned as she pressed his hand down and bucked her hips up to get more sensation. One long finger slipped between the wet, swollen lips of her pussy and she gasped as she felt him slide along the side of her aching clit.

  “Gods, Elaina…” Terex’s deep voice was hoarse in her ear. “You’re so wet.”

  “Can’t…can’t help it,” she gasped, rolling her hips to work her clit against his invading finger. “It’s that…that damn syrup. Made me…crazy.”

  “And you’re sure it’s only the effects of the syrup?” Terex sounded worried. “Because your nipples certainly seem to be a darker pink than they were before.” He cupped her left breast in his other hand and plucked gently at her tender peak, as though to illustrate his point.

  The gentle touch sent another bolt of pleasure through Elaina and she writhed in his arms.

  “God, yes!” she moaned. “Do…do that again!”

  “This?” Terex twisted her nipple again, this time a little harder.

  “Yes!” She was starting to feel much closer to the edge now—closer to a real orgasm, not just the little “nipple orgasms” as she had begun calling the short, intense peaks of pleasure that sent a rush of moisture to her pussy when the big Kindred played with her breasts.

  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?” he murmured in her ear. “Tell me what to do—tell me what you need. I want to help you come.”

  “God,” Elaina moaned again. She loved the way he was talking to her, the sound of his deep voice in her ear as his big body surrounded and cradled hers, giving her pleasure. “Here, I need…”

  “Show me what you need,” he growled softly. “Use me however you want to, lavana.”

  “You…called me that before,” Elaina whispered, her throat tight with pleasure. “What…does it mean? Some kind of a pet name?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Show me what you need.”

  “Like this…” She moved his hand so that two of his fingers were spreading her folds. Positioning them so that they were bracketing her clit, one on either side of the tender nub, she began to grind her hips, pressing up to get the sweet stimulation of his big, warm hand against her hot pussy.

  “Gods, Elaina! So hot and wet and slippery,” Terex groaned softly as he let her use him however she wanted. “Your soft little pussy feels so good in my hand!”

  “Your hand feels amazing on my pussy,” Elaina admitted, still grinding against him. Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this, couldn’t believe she was thrusting up against him and letting his thick fingers spread her pussy lips and stroke her clit so blatantly. But part of her—the bigger part—just wanted more. “Touch me,” she begged Terex. “I know you’re trying not to take advantage and just let me use…use your hand like it was mine but I don’t want to. I want you to touch me.”

  “You don’t know what it does to me to hear you ask me that,” he growled in her ear.

  “I can guess, though.” She gave a breathless little laugh and pressed her ass back against the crotch of his trousers, almost like she was giving him a lap dance. Something hot and hard and long was pressing against her bare behind—his shaft. Elaina couldn’t help remembering how big it was.

  He would really fill me up—in fact, I’m not even sure I could take him, she thought, remembering how difficult it had been to fit much of him in her mouth. Then she pushed the thought away. They couldn’t do that—couldn’t’ go that far. They were still just basically co-workers and Terex was only helping her out because there was no other way to satisfy the syrup-induced cravings.

  In that case, let him help even more.

  Up until now she’d been guiding his big hand with her own, rubbing herself against his fingers while Terex held still for her. Now she put both hands on his big, muscular thighs and squeezed.

  “Touch me,” she begged. “Please, M—I mean, Terex. I want you to.”

  “It’s all right,” he growled in her ear. “If you want to call me that so badly, I’ll allow it.”

  “Thank you, Master!” Elaina couldn’t say why it was such a relief and a turn-on to finally let herself call him by that title, but there was no denying the surge of pleasure that went through her body or the fresh wetness that slipped from her pussy when she did so.

  “That’s right, I am your Master—at least here,” Terex growled. “So I want you to hold still for a moment, Elaina. Hold still and let me touch you.”

  With difficulty, she stopped rotating her pelvis and thrusting her hips. She’d needed the friction before, because the big Kindred had just been holding his hand still, letting her move against it without making any movements himself.

  Now all that changed. Wrapping one arm firmly around her waist, Terex restrained her, pulling her back against him so that she could feel the long, hard ridge of his shaft pressing right between her bare ass cheeks. She soon found that wasn’t why he was pulling her back, though—he just wanted to have more complete control of her body before he started touching her.

  And when he finally did touch her it was with light but masterful strokes, caressing in gentle but firm circles around the swollen button of her clit, bringing her pleasure until she thought she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “That’s right, lavana,” he growled softly. “Just hold still and let your Master touch you. Hold still and let me pet your little pussy until you come for me…come all over my fingers.”

e dirty talk was almost as good as the masterful way he was touching her and for some reason she found herself reacting to his deep, stern tone so strongly she could barely breathe.

  Deep down a part of her insisted that she shouldn’t like this—after all the atrocities she’d witnessed already on this horrible planet, she shouldn’t want to call any man “Master.” But she couldn’t help herself or stop the way she felt. At last, she stopped even trying.

  “Master,” she moaned, writhing against him. “Master, please…please make me come!”

  “Gods, it’s so hot to hear you beg for it like that.” His long fingers sped up, circling her aching bud with more force, more intensity.

  Oh God! OhGodohGod! Elaina moaned to herself. It felt so good to have her Master touching her—so much better than when she’d just been using his hand to touch herself. The wave of pleasure built inside her until she thought she was going to explode.

  “Such a soft, sweet little pussy,” he growled, still stroking her. “So wet and slippery with need. I can feel how hot it is—how hot you are, sweetheart. I can feel how badly you need to come.”

  “Yes, Master!” she moaned. “Yes, oh yes.”

  And then the pleasure overwhelmed her and finally she was coming. Not a short, fast come like the nipple orgasms he’d given her earlier that night. This was a deep, satisfying sensation that started deep in her pussy and filled her whole body with pleasure. In fact, there was only one thing that could make it better.

  “Master,” she begged. “Inside me! Please, I need you inside me!”

  The big Kindred didn’t hesitate. Two long, strong fingers slid deep in her channel and thrust hard and deep, filling her up.

  “Ahh!” Elaina bucked against him wildly, unable to hold still anymore. All she could think of was how good it felt to have him fill her, how right it felt to submit completely and come all over her Master’s thick fingers.

  “That’s right,” she heard Terex growling in her ear. “That’s right, come for me sweetheart. Come hard on your Master’s fingers while I fuck your sweet little pussy. Come all over my hand.”

  The deep penetration coupled with his hot words sent a second wave of pleasure washing over her and Elaina found herself coming again, her inner pussy gripping his fingers hard, spasming around the invading digits until she thought she might pass out from the intensity.


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